private void RunInvalidJumpDestinationProgram(OpCode aOp,
                                                      JumpType aType)
            const Registers r1 = Registers.R1;

            // Calculate the value required value to ensure
            // that the jump condition is or isn't taken.
            var value = aType switch
                JumpType.EQ => 1,
                JumpType.NEQ => 0,
                JumpType.LT => 1,
                JumpType.GT => - 1,
                JumpType.LTE => 2,
                JumpType.GTE => - 2,
                _ => 0

            var program = new List <CompilerIns>();

            object arg;
            var    argTypes = _instructionCache[aOp].ArgumentTypes;

            if (argTypes[0] == typeof(Registers))
                // Set the register to the required value.
                    new CompilerIns(OpCode.MOV_LIT_REG,
                                    new object[] { value, r1 })

                // This will become the jump instruction
                // condition argument below.
                arg = r1;
                // This will become the jump instruction
                // condition argument below.
                arg = value;

            program.Add(new CompilerIns(aOp,
                                        new [] { arg, -2 }));


        private void RunInvalidLabelBindProgram(OpCode aOp)
            const Registers r1 = Registers.R1;

            var program = new[]
                new CompilerIns(aOp,
                                new object[] { r1, 0 },
                                new AsmLabel("A", 0)),
                new CompilerIns(OpCode.LABEL, new object[] { "A" }),

        private void RunInvalidLabelProgram(OpCode aOp)
            var argTypes = _instructionCache[aOp].ArgumentTypes;

            object arg;

            if (argTypes[0] == typeof(Registers))
                arg = Registers.R1;
                arg = 0;

            var program = new[]
                new CompilerIns(aOp,
                                new [] { arg, 0 },
                                new AsmLabel("A", 1)),

        private void RunJumpTestProgram(OpCode aOp,
                                        JumpType aType,
                                        bool aInvert,
                                        bool aUseLabel)
            const Registers ac = Registers.AC;
            const Registers r1 = Registers.R1;
            const Registers r2 = Registers.R2;

            var expected = aInvert ? 0x321 : 0x123;

            var program = new List <CompilerIns>
                // Set the accumulator to be zero.
                // This isn't strictly required as it
                // will default to zero, but just to be
                // safe.
                new CompilerIns(OpCode.MOV_LIT_REG,
                                new object[] { 0, ac })

            // Calculate the value required value to ensure
            // that the jump condition is or isn't taken.
            var value = aType switch
                JumpType.EQ => aInvert ? 1 : 0,
                JumpType.NEQ => aInvert ? 0 : 1,
                JumpType.LT => aInvert ? 1 : -1,
                JumpType.GT => aInvert ? -1 : 1,
                JumpType.LTE => aInvert  ? 2 : -2,
                JumpType.GTE => aInvert ? -2 : 2,
                _ => 0

            object arg;
            var    argTypes = _instructionCache[aOp].ArgumentTypes;

            if (argTypes[0] == typeof(Registers))
                // Set the register to the required value.
                    new CompilerIns(OpCode.MOV_LIT_REG,
                                    new object[] { value, r1 })

                // This will become the jump instruction
                // condition argument below.
                arg = r1;
                // This will become the jump instruction
                // condition argument below.
                arg = value;

            var labels = new AsmLabel[2];

            if (aUseLabel)
                labels[1] = new AsmLabel("GOOD", 1);

            // If we are not using labels then we will go back and
            // update the jump position below.
            // Insert a placeholder value here for the time being.
                new CompilerIns(aOp,
                                new [] { arg, 0 },

            // In the jump not taken (inverted) case
            // this should execute.
                new CompilerIns(OpCode.MOV_LIT_REG,
                                new object[] { 0x321, r2 })

            // Add a halt instruction to block execution
            // of the success instruction.
            program.Add(new CompilerIns(OpCode.HLT));

            if (aUseLabel)
                    new CompilerIns(OpCode.LABEL,
                                    new object[] { "GOOD" })
                // Calculate the address of the current instruction.
                // This effectively acts as a label.
                var jumpAddress =

                // Go back and update the jump address in the instruction
                // from which the jump should or shouldn't occur.
                foreach (var entry in program)
                    if (entry.Op != aOp)

                    entry.Args[1] = jumpAddress;

            // In the jump is taken (normal) case this should execute.
                new CompilerIns(OpCode.MOV_LIT_REG,
                                new object[] { 0x123, r2 })

            // Run the test program.

            // Check the result.
                Vm.Cpu.Registers[r2] == expected,
                $"Test OpCode '{aOp}'. " +
                $"Inverted = {aInvert}, Use Label = {aUseLabel} failed " +
                "to yield the correct result."