Exemple #1
        public static string GetInitialStates(IVMFactory vmFactory, ref string path, Type entryVMType)
            string result = null;

                using (var vmController = new VMController((arg1, arg2, arg3) => Task.CompletedTask, vmFactory))
                    // Traverse the routing path to get initial states of all the view models involved.
                    var vmStates = new List <string>();
                    if (!Path.HasExtension(path))
                        var viewData = new RoutingViewData(path, null, entryVMType);
                        RoutableExtension.Route(ref viewData, out object vm);
                        while (vm != null)
                            object vmArgs = null;
                            if (vm is IRoutable routable)
                                // If at the end of the path and the view model has a default route template (blank url pattern),
                                // append a slash to the path to ensure it's correctly routed.
                                if (path.Trim('/').Length > 0 && string.Compare(viewData.UrlPath, viewData.Root, true) == 0 && routable.RoutingState.Templates.Any(i => i.UrlPattern == ""))
                                    path += "/";

                                // Determine the "RoutingState.Origin" property value and pass it as argument to the view model
                                // associated with the current path to set its initial state correctly.
                                string args  = routable.InitArgs(viewData);
                                Match  match = Regex.Match(args, "'RoutingState.Origin':\\s*'(.*?)'");
                                if (match.Success)
                                    vmArgs = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject($"{{{match.Value}}}");

                            string vmName = vm.GetType().Name;
                            vmStates.Add($"\"{vmName}\":{vmController.GetInitialState(vmName, vmArgs)}");

                            // Traverse the next path.
                            RoutableExtension.Route(ref viewData, out vm);
                        result = $"{{{string.Join(",", vmStates)}}}";
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.LogError($"Failed to get SSR initial states: {ex.Message}");
        public static string GetInitialStates(ref string path, Type entryVMType)
                // Traverse the routing path to get initial states of all the view models involved.
                var vmStates = new List <string>();
                if (path.Trim('/').Length > 0)
                    var viewData = new RoutingViewData(path, null, entryVMType);
                    RoutableExtension.Route(ref viewData, out IRoutable vm);
                    while (vm != null)
                        // If at the end of the path and the view model has a default route template (blank url pattern),
                        // append a slash to the path to ensure it's correctly routed.
                        if (string.Compare(viewData.UrlPath, viewData.Root, true) == 0 && vm.RoutingState.Templates.Any(i => i.UrlPattern == ""))
                            path += "/";

                        // Determine the "RoutingState.Origin" property value and pass it as argument to the view model
                        // associated with the current path to set its initial state correctly.
                        object vmArgs = null;
                        var    args   = vm.InitArgs(viewData);
                        var    match  = Regex.Match(args, "'RoutingState.Origin':\\s*'(.*?)'");
                        if (match.Success)
                            vmArgs = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject($"{{{match.Value}}}");

                        var vmName = vm.GetType().Name;
                        vmStates.Add($"\"{vmName}\":{VMController.GetInitialState(vmName, vmArgs)}");

                        // Traverse the next path.
                        RoutableExtension.Route(ref viewData, out vm);

                return($"{{{string.Join(",", vmStates)}}}");
            catch (Exception ex)
 private string BuildStateString(string vm) => $"window.vmStates = window.vmStates || {{}}; window.vmStates['{vm}'] = {VMController.GetInitialState(vm) ?? "{}"};";
Exemple #4
 private string GetInitialState(string vm) => vm == null ? null : $@"
  window.vmStates = window.vmStates || {{}}; 
  window.vmStates['{vm}'] = {VMController.GetInitialState(vm) ?? "{}"};";