public ActionResult MainContainer()
            // Set First Time Dashboard Session
            VMAttendanceDashboard vm = new VMAttendanceDashboard();

            vm = Session["VMATDashboard"] as VMAttendanceDashboard;
        public async Task <ActionResult> LoadEmployeeAttendance(int?id)
            return(await Task.Run <ActionResult>(() =>
                List <VAT_DailyAttendance> AttList = new List <VAT_DailyAttendance>();
                VMAttendanceDashboard vmDashboard = Session["VMATDashboard"] as VMAttendanceDashboard;
                dateS = vmDashboard.StartDate;
                dateE = vmDashboard.EndDate;
                Expression <Func <VAT_DailyAttendance, bool> > SpecificEntries = c => c.AttDate >= dateS && c.AttDate <= dateE && c.EmpID == id;
                AttList = VATDailyAttendanceService.GetIndexSpecific(SpecificEntries);
                string HeaderLeft = "";
                string HeaderRight = AttList.First().EmployeeName + " (" + AttList.First().DesignationName + ")";
                string HeaderDescription = "Organization Unit: " + AttList.First().OUName;
                switch (vmDashboard.GraphType)
                case "LateIn":
                    HeaderLeft = "Late In Details";
                    AttList = AttList.Where(aa => aa.LateIn > 0).ToList();

                case "LateOut":
                    HeaderLeft = "Late Out Details";
                    AttList = AttList.Where(aa => aa.LateOut > 0).ToList();

                case "EarlyIn":
                    HeaderLeft = "Early In Details";
                    AttList = AttList.Where(aa => aa.EarlyIn > 0).ToList();

                case "EarlyOut":
                    HeaderLeft = "Early Out Details";
                    AttList = AttList.Where(aa => aa.EarlyOut > 0).ToList();

                case "Absent":
                    HeaderLeft = "Absent Details";
                    AttList = AttList.Where(aa => aa.AbDays > 0).ToList();

                case "Leave":
                    HeaderLeft = "Leaves Details";
                    AttList = AttList.Where(aa => aa.LeaveDays > 0).ToList();

                case "OfficialDuty":
                    HeaderLeft = "Official Duty Details";
                    AttList = AttList.Where(aa => aa.TimeIn == null && aa.TimeOut == null && aa.Remarks != null && aa.Remarks.Contains("JC:")).ToList();
                ViewBag.HeaderLeft = HeaderLeft;
                ViewBag.HeaderRight = HeaderRight;
                ViewBag.HeaderDescription = HeaderDescription;
                return View("EmployeeDetail", AttList);
Exemple #3
        // Gnereate Bar Chart based upon values stored in session
        public ActionResult LoadPieChart()
            VMAttendanceDashboard vmDashboard = Session["VMATDashboard"] as VMAttendanceDashboard;

            dateS = vmDashboard.StartDate;
            dateE = vmDashboard.EndDate;
            DMPieChartParentModel      vm           = new DMPieChartParentModel();
            VMLoggedUser               LoggedInUser = Session["LoggedInUser"] as VMLoggedUser;
            List <VAT_DailyAttendance> AttList      = new List <VAT_DailyAttendance>();

            // Apply User Access Role
            if (LoggedInUser.UserAccessTypeID == 1) // Normal
                List <VHR_EmployeeProfile> emps = EmployeeLM.GetReportingEmployees(VHREmployeeProfileService.GetIndex(), LoggedInUser);
                string query = QueryBuilder.GetReportQueryForLoggedUser(LoggedInUser, emps);
                if (query != "")
                    query = " and " + query;
                DataTable dataTable = QueryBuilder.GetValuesfromDB("select * from VAT_DailyAttendance  where (AttDate >= " + "'" + vmDashboard.StartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'" + " and AttDate <= " + "'" + vmDashboard.EndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'" + " ) " + query);
                AttList = dataTable.ToList <VAT_DailyAttendance>();
            else if (LoggedInUser.UserAccessTypeID == 2) // Location Access
                foreach (var item in LoggedInUser.UserLoctions)
                    Expression <Func <VAT_DailyAttendance, bool> > SpecificEntries = c => c.AttDate >= dateS && c.AttDate <= dateE && c.LocationID == item.LocationID;
            else if (LoggedInUser.UserAccessTypeID == 3) // All
                Expression <Func <VAT_DailyAttendance, bool> > SpecificEntries = c => c.AttDate >= dateS && c.AttDate <= dateE;
                AttList = VATDailyAttendanceService.GetIndexSpecific(SpecificEntries);
            else if (LoggedInUser.UserAccessTypeID == 4) // Department
                foreach (var item in LoggedInUser.UserDepartments)
                    Expression <Func <VAT_DailyAttendance, bool> > SpecificEntries = c => c.AttDate >= dateS && c.AttDate <= dateE && c.OUCommonID == item.DepartmentID;
            //Filter based on Graph Type
            vm = DashboardManager.ApplyGraphTypeItems(vm, AttList, vmDashboard.GraphType);
            // Filter based on Graph For
            vm = DashboardManager.ApplyGraphForItems(vm, vmDashboard.UserGraphType, vmDashboard);
            if (vm.ChildList != null && vm.ChildList.Count() > 0)
                return(PartialView("RenderPieChart", vm));
                return(Json("OK", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        // save buttons values in session
        public ActionResult SaveBtnEventsInSession(string GraphType)
            VMAttendanceDashboard vmDashboard = Session["VMATDashboard"] as VMAttendanceDashboard;

            if (GraphType != "")
                vmDashboard.GraphType = GraphType;
            Session["VMATDashboard"] = vmDashboard;
            return(Json("OK", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        //Save Attendance
        public ActionResult SaveSelectedDateInSession(string dateStart, string dateEnd)
            VMAttendanceDashboard vmDashboard = Session["VMATDashboard"] as VMAttendanceDashboard;

            if (vmDashboard == null)
                vmDashboard = new VMAttendanceDashboard();
            vmDashboard.StartDate    = Convert.ToDateTime(dateStart);
            vmDashboard.EndDate      = Convert.ToDateTime(dateEnd);
            Session["VMATDashboard"] = vmDashboard;
            return(Json("OK", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        private void BootstrapDashboardSession()

            VMAttendanceDashboard vmATDashboard = new VMAttendanceDashboard();
            VMLoggedUser          LoggedInUser  = Session["LoggedInUser"] as VMLoggedUser;

            vmATDashboard.StartDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-7);
            vmATDashboard.EndDate   = DateTime.Today;
            vmATDashboard.EmpID     = (int)LoggedInUser.UserEmpID;
            if (LoggedInUser.UserAccessTypeID == Convert.ToInt32(UserAccessType.Normal))
                List <VHR_EmployeeProfile> emps = EmployeeLM.GetReportingEmployees(VHREmployeeProfileService.GetIndex(), LoggedInUser);
                var dss = emps.Select(aa => aa.OUID).Distinct();
                if (emps.Count == 1)
                    vmATDashboard.UserGraphType = UserGraphType.Single;
                else if (emps.Select(aa => aa.OUID).Distinct().Count() == 1)
                    vmATDashboard.UserGraphType = UserGraphType.SimpleLM;
                else if (emps.Select(aa => aa.OUID).Distinct().Count() > 1)
                    vmATDashboard.UserGraphType = UserGraphType.HasMultipleOU;
                else if (emps.Select(aa => aa.OUID).Distinct().Count() == 1)
                    vmATDashboard.UserGraphType = UserGraphType.HasMultipleOU;
                else if (emps.Select(aa => aa.OUID).Distinct().Count() > 1)
                    vmATDashboard.UserGraphType = UserGraphType.HasMultipleCommonOU;
                    vmATDashboard.UserGraphType = UserGraphType.SimpleLM;
                vmATDashboard.UserGraphType = UserGraphType.HasMultipleCommonOU;
            vmATDashboard.GraphType  = "LateIn";
            Session["VMATDashboard"] = vmATDashboard;
        public ActionResult SaveLabelEventsInSession(int?id)
            VMAttendanceDashboard vmDashboard = Session["VMATDashboard"] as VMAttendanceDashboard;

            if (id != 0)
                vmDashboard.ID = (int)id;
            if (vmDashboard.UserGraphType == UserGraphType.HasMultipleCommonOU)
                vmDashboard.UserGraphType = UserGraphType.HasMultipleOU;
            else if (vmDashboard.UserGraphType == UserGraphType.HasMultipleOU)
                vmDashboard.UserGraphType = UserGraphType.SimpleLM;
            else if (vmDashboard.UserGraphType == UserGraphType.SimpleLM)
                vmDashboard.UserGraphType = UserGraphType.Single;
            Session["VMATDashboard"] = vmDashboard;
            return(Json(vmDashboard.GraphType.ToString(), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
 public async Task <ActionResult> TimeOfficeDashboard()
     return(await Task.Run <ActionResult>(() =>
         VMTimeOfficeDashboard vmTimeOfficeDashboard = new VMTimeOfficeDashboard();
         VMAttendanceDashboard vmDashboard = Session["VMATDashboard"] as VMAttendanceDashboard;
         if (vmDashboard == null)
             vmTimeOfficeDashboard.StartDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-6);
             vmTimeOfficeDashboard.EndDate = DateTime.Today;
             vmTimeOfficeDashboard.StartDate = vmDashboard.StartDate;
             vmTimeOfficeDashboard.EndDate = vmDashboard.EndDate;
         List <VMPVTMDashboard> vmList = new List <VMPVTMDashboard>();
         DateTime dt = vmTimeOfficeDashboard.StartDate;
         while (dt <= vmTimeOfficeDashboard.EndDate)
             if (dt <= DateTime.Today)
                 VMPVTMDashboard vm = new VMPVTMDashboard();
                 vm.Date = dt.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy");
                 vm.DateValue = dt;
                 VMLoggedUser LoggedInUser = Session["LoggedInUser"] as VMLoggedUser;
                 List <VAT_DailyAttendance> dbVDailyAttendance = GetSpecificEmployeeService.GetSpecificAttendance(LoggedInUser, dt);
                 int TotalEmps = dbVDailyAttendance.Count();
                 if (TotalEmps > 0)
                     bool IsNotZero = false;
                     int Percentage = 0;
                     // Get Absent Details
                     int Absent = dbVDailyAttendance.Where(aa => aa.AbDays > 0).Count();
                     if (Absent > 0)
                         IsNotZero = true;
                     Percentage = (Absent * 100) / TotalEmps;
                     vm.AbsentsPercentWidth = Percentage.ToString() + "%";
                     vm.AbsentsPercentLabel = Percentage.ToString() + "%";
                     vm.AbsentsPercentDesc = Percentage.ToString() + "% Absentism";
                     vm.AbsentsLink = "";
                     // Get Missing Details
                     int Missing = dbVDailyAttendance.Where(aa => (aa.TimeIn != null && aa.TimeOut == null) || (aa.TimeIn == null && aa.TimeOut != null)).Count();
                     if (Missing > 0)
                         IsNotZero = true;
                     Percentage = (Missing * 100) / TotalEmps;
                     vm.MissingPercentWidth = Percentage.ToString() + "%";
                     vm.MissingPercentLabel = Percentage.ToString() + "%";
                     vm.MissingPercentDesc = Percentage.ToString() + "% Missing";
                     // Get Late IN 240 Details
                     int LateIn = dbVDailyAttendance.Where(aa => aa.LateIn > 240).Count();
                     if (LateIn > 0)
                         IsNotZero = true;
                     Percentage = (LateIn * 100) / TotalEmps;
                     vm.ShiftLateInPercentWidth = Percentage.ToString() + "%";
                     vm.ShiftLateInPercentLabel = Percentage.ToString() + "%";
                     vm.ShiftLateInPercentDesc = Percentage.ToString() + "% Missing";
                     // Get EarlyOut 240 Details
                     int EarlyOut = dbVDailyAttendance.Where(aa => aa.EarlyOut > 240).Count();
                     if (EarlyOut > 0)
                         IsNotZero = true;
                     Percentage = (EarlyOut * 100) / TotalEmps;
                     vm.ShiftEarlyOutPercentWidth = Percentage.ToString() + "%";
                     vm.ShiftEarlyOutPercentLabel = Percentage.ToString() + "%";
                     vm.ShiftEarlyOutPercentDesc = Percentage.ToString() + "% Missing";
                     if (IsNotZero == true)
             dt = dt.AddDays(1);
         vmTimeOfficeDashboard.VMPVTMDashboard = vmList.OrderByDescending(aa => aa.DateValue).ToList();
         return View(vmTimeOfficeDashboard);
        internal static DMPieChartParentModel ApplyGraphForItems(DMPieChartParentModel vm, UserGraphType userGraphType, VMAttendanceDashboard vmAttendanceDashboard)
            switch (userGraphType)
            case UserGraphType.HasMultipleCommonOU:
                vm.HeaderRight   = "Common Organizational Units";
                vm.TBLHeaderID   = "OUCommonID";
                vm.TBLHeaderName = "Common Organization Units";
                if (vm.TBLHeaderCount == null)
                    vm.TBLHeaderCount = "No. Of Employees";
                if (vmAttendanceDashboard.ID == 0)
                    vm = GetDataForPieChartCommonOU(vm.AttData, vm);
                    vm = GetDataForPieChartCommonOU(vm.AttData.Where(aa => aa.OUCommonID == vmAttendanceDashboard.ID).ToList(), vm);

            case UserGraphType.HasMultipleOU:
                vm.HeaderRight   = "Organizational Units";
                vm.TBLHeaderID   = "OUID";
                vm.TBLHeaderName = "Organization Units";
                if (vm.TBLHeaderCount == null)
                    vm.TBLHeaderCount = "No. Of Employees";
                if (vmAttendanceDashboard.ID == 0)
                    vm = GetDataForPieChartOU(vm.AttData, vm);
                    vm = GetDataForPieChartOU(vm.AttData.Where(aa => aa.OUCommonID == vmAttendanceDashboard.ID).ToList(), vm);

            case UserGraphType.SimpleLM:
                vm.HeaderRight    = "Employee";
                vm.TBLHeaderID    = "EmpID";
                vm.TBLHeaderName  = "Employee Name";
                vm.TBLHeaderCount = "No. Of Days";
                if (vmAttendanceDashboard.ID == 0)
                    vm = GetDataForPieChartEmployee(vm.AttData, vm);
                    vm = GetDataForPieChartEmployee(vm.AttData.Where(aa => aa.OUID == vmAttendanceDashboard.ID).ToList(), vm);