Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles "Batch move on selection" command from code context menu.
        /// </summary>
        private void BatchMoveSelectionCodeClick(object sender, EventArgs args)
            try {
                if (OperationInProgress)
                    throw new Exception("Cannot start operation 'Batch move to resources', because another operation is in progress.");
                OperationInProgress = true;

                BatchMoveToResourcesToolWindow win = ShowToolWindow <BatchMoveToResourcesToolWindow>();
                if (win != null)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to display tool window.");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                if (OperationInProgress)
                VLDocumentViewsManager.CloseInvisibleWindows(typeof(BatchMoveCommand), false);
                OperationInProgress = false;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles "Batch inline" command from Solution Explorer's context menu.
        /// </summary>
        private void BatchInlineSolExpClick(object sender, EventArgs args)
            try {
                if (OperationInProgress)
                    throw new Exception("Cannot start operation 'Batch inline', because another operation is in progress.");
                OperationInProgress = true;

                batchInlineCommand.Process((Array)VisualLocalizerPackage.Instance.UIHierarchy.SelectedItems, true);
                BatchInlineToolWindow win = ShowToolWindow <BatchInlineToolWindow>();
                if (win != null)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to display tool window.");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                if (OperationInProgress)
                VLDocumentViewsManager.CloseInvisibleWindows(typeof(BatchInlineCommand), false);
                OperationInProgress = false;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Generic test method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="files">List of files whose references should be renamed</param>
        public void InternalTest(string[] files)
            // backup the files
            var backups = CreateBackupsOf(files);

            try {
                // get the result items
                List <CodeReferenceResultItem> list = BatchInlineLookup(files);
                VLDocumentViewsManager.CloseInvisibleWindows(typeof(BatchInlineCommand), false);
                int originalCount = list.Count;
                Assert.IsTrue(list.Count > 0);

                // rename each item by adding "XX". These resources must be present in the ResX files.
                list.ForEach((item) => {
                    item.Key            = item.FullReferenceText.Substring(item.FullReferenceText.LastIndexOf('.') + 1);
                    item.KeyAfterRename = item.Key + "XX";

                // run the replacer
                int errors = 0;
                BatchReferenceReplacer replacer = new BatchReferenceReplacer();
                replacer.Inline(list, true, ref errors);
                VLDocumentViewsManager.CloseInvisibleWindows(typeof(BatchInlineCommand), false);

                Assert.AreEqual(0, errors);

                // run the inline command again - the number of result items should be equal to the one before renaming
                int newCount = BatchInlineLookup(files).Count((item) => { return(item.OriginalReferenceText.EndsWith("XX")); });
                VLDocumentViewsManager.CloseInvisibleWindows(typeof(BatchInlineCommand), false);
                Assert.AreEqual(originalCount, newCount);
            } finally {
 /// <summary>
 /// When window is closed
 /// </summary>        
 protected override void OnWindowHidden(object sender, EventArgs e) {
     if (panel.SetDataFinished) {
         VLDocumentViewsManager.ReleaseLocks(); // unlock all previously locked documents
         MenuManager.OperationInProgress = false; // enable other operations to run
         VLDocumentViewsManager.CloseInvisibleWindows(typeof(BatchInlineCommand), false);
Exemple #5
 /// <summary>
 /// When the toolwindow is closed
 /// </summary>
 protected override void OnWindowHidden(object sender, EventArgs e)
     try {
         if (panel.ToolGrid.SetDataFinished)
             VLDocumentViewsManager.ReleaseLocks();   // unlocks all locked files
             panel.ToolGrid.UnloadResXItems();        // release all ResX files loaded in the grid
             MenuManager.OperationInProgress = false; // permits other operations
             VLDocumentViewsManager.CloseInvisibleWindows(typeof(BatchMoveCommand), false);
     } catch (Exception ex) {
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Generic test method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="openFiles">True if the files should be opened first</param>
        /// <param name="fullName">True if the "Use full names" policy should be applied</param>
        /// <param name="mark">True if the "Mark with VL_NO_LOC policy should be applied"</param>
        /// <param name="testFiles">Files to test</param>
        /// <param name="targetFiles">ResX files where resources can be moved</param>
        private void InternalFileMoveTest(bool openFiles, bool fullName, bool mark, string[] testFiles, string[] targetFiles)
            // backup the files
            Dictionary <string, string> backups = CreateBackupsOf(testFiles);

            // run the "batch move" command to get result items
            List <CodeStringResultItem> items = BatchMoveLookup(testFiles);

            // open the necessary files
            SetFilesOpened(testFiles, openFiles);

            // initialize ResX destination files
            Dictionary <string, ResXProjectItem> resxItems = InitResxItems(targetFiles, Agent.GetDTE().Solution.FindProjectItem(testFiles[0]).ContainingProject);

            // initialize the "batch move" tool window and grid
            Dictionary <ResXProjectItem, int> resxCounts;
            Dictionary <ProjectItem, int>     sourceItemCounts;
            int expectedToBeMarked;
            BatchMoveToResourcesToolWindow_Accessor window = InitBatchToolWindow(resxItems.Values.ToList(), items, fullName, mark, out resxCounts, out sourceItemCounts, out expectedToBeMarked);

            try {
                // execute
                window.RunClick(null, null);
                VLDocumentViewsManager.CloseInvisibleWindows(typeof(BatchMoveCommand), false);

                // verify every ResX file contains the correct number of resources
                foreach (ResXProjectItem target in resxItems.Values)
                    Assert.AreEqual(resxCounts.ContainsKey(target) ? resxCounts[target] : 0, GetResourcesCountIn(target));

                // run the "inline" command to verify all references are valid
                int checkedCount = resxCounts.Sum((pair) => { return(pair.Value); });
                List <CodeReferenceResultItem> inlineResults = BatchInlineLookup(testFiles);
                VLDocumentViewsManager.CloseInvisibleWindows(typeof(BatchInlineCommand), false);
                Assert.AreEqual(checkedCount, inlineResults.Count);

                // test if every unchecked string result item was marked
                if (mark)
                    int markedAfter = BatchMoveLookup(testFiles).Count((item) => { return(item.IsMarkedWithUnlocalizableComment); });
                    VLDocumentViewsManager.CloseInvisibleWindows(typeof(BatchMoveCommand), false);
                    Assert.AreEqual(expectedToBeMarked, markedAfter, "mark");

                // test if qualified name was really used
                if (fullName)
                    foreach (var result in inlineResults)
                        AspNetCodeReferenceResultItem citem = result as AspNetCodeReferenceResultItem;
                        if (citem == null || !citem.ComesFromWebSiteResourceReference)
                            Assert.AreEqual(result.OriginalReferenceText, result.FullReferenceText);

                // check if no import statement has been added twice
                foreach (string path in testFiles)

                if (openFiles)
                    // use undo manager to revert the changes
                    foreach (string file in testFiles)
                        var         win   = VsShellUtilities.GetWindowObject(VLDocumentViewsManager.GetWindowFrameForFile(file, false));
                        ProjectItem pitem = Agent.GetDTE().Solution.FindProjectItem(file);
                        int         count = sourceItemCounts.ContainsKey(pitem) ? sourceItemCounts[pitem] : 0;

                        IOleUndoManager manager;
                        VLDocumentViewsManager.GetTextLinesForFile(file, false).GetUndoManager(out manager);
                        List <IOleUndoUnit> list = manager.RemoveTopFromUndoStack(count);
                        foreach (AbstractUndoUnit unit in list)

                        Assert.AreEqual(File.ReadAllText(backups[file]), File.ReadAllText(file));

                    // check that all changes were fully reverted
                    int sum = resxItems.Values.Sum((item) => { return(GetResourcesCountIn(item)); });
                    Assert.AreEqual(0, sum);
            } finally {
                // close the files
                SetFilesOpened(testFiles, false);

                // restore the backups

                // clear ResX files
                foreach (ResXProjectItem target in resxItems.Values)
                VLDocumentViewsManager.CloseInvisibleWindows(typeof(BatchMoveCommand), false);
        /// <summary>
        /// Generic testing method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileOpened">True if files should be opened</param>
        /// <param name="referenceFiles">Files to test</param>
        /// <param name="correction">Number of string literals reported by the "batch move" command in the files</param>
        private void InternalFileTest(bool fileOpened, string[] referenceFiles, int correction)
            // backup the files
            Dictionary <string, string> backups = CreateBackupsOf(referenceFiles);

            // open/close the files
            SetFilesOpened(referenceFiles, fileOpened);

            // run inline command in order to obtain result items
            List <CodeReferenceResultItem> inlineList = BatchInlineLookup(referenceFiles);

            // init the tool window and the grid
            int checkedCount;
            Dictionary <ProjectItem, int>  sourceItemsCounts;
            BatchInlineToolWindow_Accessor window = InitBatchWindow(inlineList, out sourceItemsCounts, out checkedCount);

            try {
                // run the command
                window.RunClick(null, null);
                VLDocumentViewsManager.CloseInvisibleWindows(typeof(BatchInlineCommand), false);

                // run "batch move" command
                List <CodeStringResultItem> moveList = BatchMoveLookup(referenceFiles);
                VLDocumentViewsManager.CloseInvisibleWindows(typeof(BatchMoveCommand), false);

                // the number of string literals found by the "batch move" command, minus the string literals that were
                // already there should be equal to the number of inlined result items
                Assert.AreEqual(checkedCount, moveList.Count - correction);

                // check correct value was inlined
                int i = 0, j = 0;
                for (; i < checkedCount;)
                    while (!inlineList[i].MoveThisItem)
                    while (moveList[j].Value != inlineList[i].Value)

                    Assert.AreEqual(inlineList[i].Value, moveList[j].Value);

                // use the undo manager to revert the changes
                if (fileOpened)
                    foreach (string file in referenceFiles)
                        IOleUndoManager undoManager;
                        VLDocumentViewsManager.GetTextLinesForFile(file, false).GetUndoManager(out undoManager);

                        foreach (AbstractUndoUnit unit in undoManager.RemoveTopFromUndoStack(sourceItemsCounts[Agent.GetDTE().Solution.FindProjectItem(file)]))

                        Assert.AreEqual(File.ReadAllText(backups[file]), File.ReadAllText(file));
            } finally {
                // close the files
                SetFilesOpened(referenceFiles, false);
                VLDocumentViewsManager.CloseInvisibleWindows(typeof(BatchInlineCommand), false);

                // restore backups