public VGMQuery() { InitializeComponent(); OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); ofd.Filter = FileExtensions.VgmFilter; ofd.Multiselect = false; DialogResult dr = ofd.ShowDialog(); if (dr != DialogResult.OK) { Close(); } VGM vgm = new VGM(ofd.FileName, 44100); label4.Text = vgm.LoopStart + ""; label5.Text = (vgm.Length - vgm.LoopStart) + ""; label6.Text = vgm.Length + ""; name.Text = Path.GetFileName(ofd.FileName); }
static int Main(String[] args) { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); if (!Directory.Exists(Shared.TMP_DIR)) { if (File.Exists(Shared.TMP_DIR)) { Shared.errorDialog("There is a file named \"tmp\". Please move this file so the program can create a \"tmp\" directory."); return(1); } else { Directory.CreateDirectory(Shared.TMP_DIR); } } // If there are certain files that don't exist, tell the user about them. List <String> errors = new List <String>(); if (!File.Exists(Shared.VGMSTREAM_DIR + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "test.exe")) { errors.Add("test.exe is not present in the \"" + Shared.VGMSTREAM_DIR + "\" folder.\nYou can get test.exe from:\n"); } if (!File.Exists(Shared.SOX_DIR + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "sox.exe")) { errors.Add("sox.exe is not present in the \"" + Shared.SOX_DIR + "\" folder.\nYou can download SoX from:\n(Get the .zip file, not the installer.)"); } // Continue only if there are no errors. if (errors.Count > 0) { String errorString; if (errors.Count < 3) { errorString = errors[0]; for (int i = 1; i < errors.Count; i++) { errorString += "\n" + errors[i]; } } else { errorString = "There are more than 3 file-not-found errors.\nMake sure that the Rate Converter JAR file is in the right directory (with the \"tools\" and \"sox\" folders.)"; } Shared.errorDialog(errorString); return(1); } if (!File.Exists(Shared.SOX_DIR + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "libmad.dll")) { MessageBox.Show("libmad.dll is not present in the \"" + Shared.SOX_DIR + "\" folder.\nYou will not be able to decode MP3 files without it."); } string[] inputFiles = null; // for files that exist bool cmdLineOptions = false; // for arguments that aren't filenames OptionSet opts = new OptionSet(); // will be replaced if the user uses the option dialog // This section is for parsing command-line arguments if (args.Length > 0) { List <string> foundFiles = new List <string>(); List <string> notFoundFiles = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i][0] == '-') { cmdLineOptions = true; // Set to true so the options dialog doesn't appear char first = args[i][1]; // Arguments defined here if ((first == 'm') && (args[i].Count() == 2)) { opts.convertToMono = true; } else if ((first == 'd') && (args[i].Count() == 2)) { i++; // Skip to next argument - it should be a number try { int num = Int32.Parse(args[i]); opts.defaultRate = num; } catch (FormatException) { Console.Error.WriteLine(args[i] + " is not a number."); } } else if ((first == 'r') && (args[i].Count() == 2)) { i++; // Skip to next argument - it should be a number try { double num = Double.Parse(args[i]); if (num % 1 != 0.0) // If the number is not an integer { opts.convertRate = (OptionSet.RATE_RELATIVE); opts.rateFactor = (num); } else // If it is an integer { opts.convertRate = (OptionSet.RATE_ABSOLUTE); opts.defaultRate = ((int)num); } } catch (FormatException) { Console.Error.WriteLine(args[i] + " is not a number."); } } else if ((first == 'a') && (args[i].Count() == 2)) { i++; // Skip to next argument - it should be a number try { double num = Double.Parse(args[i]); opts.ampAmount = (num); // Will not be set if Double.parseDouble throws an exception } catch (FormatException) { Console.Error.WriteLine(args[i] + " is not a number."); } } else if (args[i] == ("min")) { i++; // Skip to next argument - it should be a number try { int num = Int32.Parse(args[i]); opts.minimumRate = (num); // Will not be set if Integer.parseInt throws an exception } catch (FormatException) { Console.Error.WriteLine(args[i] + " is not a number."); } } else if (args[i] == ("-loop")) { opts.loopWav = 0; } else if (args[i] == ("-noloop")) { opts.loopWav = -1; } else if (args[i] == ("-ask")) { opts.loopWav = -2; } else if ((first == 'l') && (args[i].Count() == 2)) { i++; // Next argument - it should be a filename if (File.Exists(args[i])) { opts.loopTxt = (args[i]); } else { Console.Error.WriteLine(args[i] + " does not exist."); } } else if (args[i] == ("-noopts")) { // Do nothing except set cmdLineOptions to true (which is done above) so the options dialog doesn't show up } else if (args[i] == ("--help")) { Console.WriteLine(Shared.HELPMESSAGE); return(0); } else { Console.Error.WriteLine("Unrecognized argument: " + args[i] + "\n\n" + Shared.HELPMESSAGE); return(1); } } else { // For arguments that are input filenames if (File.Exists(args[i])) { foundFiles.Add(args[i]); } else { notFoundFiles.Add(args[i]); } } } if (notFoundFiles.Count() > 0) { System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Not found: " + notFoundFiles); } if (foundFiles.Count() > 0) { inputFiles = foundFiles.ToArray(); } } if (!cmdLineOptions) { OptionDialog f = new OptionDialog(); f.ShowDialog(); if (f.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { try { opts = f.getOptionSet(); } catch (FormatException e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message); return(1); } } else { return(1); } } // LOOP_ASK (-2) only works with BrstmOutputFormat if (opts.loopWav == OptionSet.LOOP_ASK && !(opts.outputFormat is BrstmOutputFormat)) { opts.loopWav = OptionSet.LOOP; } if ((inputFiles == null) || (inputFiles.Count() == 0)) { OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); ofd.Filter = FileExtensions.AllFilter + "|" + FileExtensions.SoXFilter + "|" + FileExtensions.VgmstreamFilter + "|" + FileExtensions.VgmFilter + "|" + "All files (*.*)|*.*"; ofd.Multiselect = true; DialogResult dr = ofd.ShowDialog(); if (dr != DialogResult.OK) { return(0); } inputFiles = ofd.FileNames; } if (!Directory.Exists(Shared.OUTPUT_DIR)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Shared.OUTPUT_DIR); } LoopTxtReader loopReader; try { loopReader = new LoopTxtReader(opts.loopTxt); } catch (Exception) { loopReader = new LoopTxtReader(); // Make an empty LoopTxtReader that returns the defaults for all songs } // This array will be used for input files Music[] inputMusics = new Music[inputFiles.Count()]; // A list of files that could not be converted List <string> couldNotConvert = new List <string>(); // The current file string file = null; for (int i = 0; i < inputMusics.Count(); i++) { file = inputFiles[i]; String ext = file.Substring(file.LastIndexOf('.') + 1).ToLower(); if (FileExtensions.SOX.Contains(ext)) { SoX w = new SoX(inputFiles[i]); loopReader.setLoops(w, opts.loopWav); // Will run setLoop as appropriate inputMusics[i] = w; } else if (FileExtensions.VGM.Contains(ext)) { inputMusics[i] = new VGM(inputFiles[i], opts.defaultRate); } else { // handled by vgmstream inputMusics[i] = new Vgmstream(inputFiles[i]); } } List <string> filesMade = new List <string>(); // A list of files converted // not sure if this section is needed or not anymore int readableBrstms = inputMusics.Count(); /*Music[] newInputArray = new Music[readableBrstms]; * int count = 0; // newInputArray counter * for (int j = 0; j < inputMusics.Count(); j++) { * if (inputMusics[j] != null) { // Don't copy null elements * newInputArray[count] = inputMusics[j]; * count++; * } * } * inputMusics = newInputArray;*/ string[] outputFiles = new string[readableBrstms]; TwoLineStatusBox mainWindow = new TwoLineStatusBox(); mainWindow.changeStatus("Loading..."); mainWindow.changeMessage("Loading..."); mainWindow.Show(); mainWindow.Activate(); bool cont = true; for (int i = 0; (i < inputMusics.Count()) && (cont); i++) { if (inputMusics[i] != null) { Music input = inputMusics[i]; outputFiles[i] = Shared.OUTPUT_DIR + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + input.getOutputName(opts.outputFormat.ext); if (input.create(mainWindow, opts, outputFiles[i])) { filesMade.Add(outputFiles[i]); } else { couldNotConvert.Add(input.getOutputName()); } if (mainWindow.ShouldClose) { cont = false; } } } string filesMadeString = "Files made:\n"; int filesMadeSize = filesMade.Count(); for (int j = 0; j < filesMadeSize; j++) { filesMadeString += (filesMade[j]); if (j < filesMadeSize - 1) { filesMadeString += (", "); } else { filesMadeString += ("\n"); } } String cannotConvert; if (couldNotConvert.Count() > 0) { cannotConvert = "Files NOT made:\n"; cannotConvert += (couldNotConvert[0]); for (int j = 1; j < couldNotConvert.Count(); j++) { cannotConvert += (", "); cannotConvert += (couldNotConvert[j]); } cannotConvert += ("\n"); } else { cannotConvert = ""; } mainWindow.changeTitle("Complete!"); MessageBox.Show(mainWindow, filesMadeString + cannotConvert); return(0); }