public static VFixedPoint acos(VFixedPoint a) { int num = (int)a.ValueBar * AcosLookupTable.HALF_COUNT / (1 << VFixedPoint.SHIFT_AMOUNT) + AcosLookupTable.HALF_COUNT; num = Math.Min(Math.Max(num, 0), AcosLookupTable.COUNT); return(VFixedPoint.Create(AcosLookupTable.table[num]) / VFixedPoint.Create(0x2710L)); }
public VIntQuaternion(Quaternion q) { this.x = VFixedPoint.Create(q.x); this.y = VFixedPoint.Create(q.y); this.z = VFixedPoint.Create(q.z); this.w = VFixedPoint.Create(q.w); }
static bool coarseCullingTri(VInt3 center, VInt3 dir, VFixedPoint t, VFixedPoint radius, VInt3[] triVerts) { VInt3 triCenter = (triVerts[0] + triVerts[1] + triVerts[2]) / VFixedPoint.Create(3); // PT: distance between the triangle center and the swept path (an LSS) VFixedPoint d = FMath.Sqrt(squareDistance(center, dir, t, triCenter)) - radius - Globals.EPS; if (d < VFixedPoint.Zero) { return(true); } d *= d; if (d <= (triCenter - triVerts[0]).sqrMagnitude) { return(true); } if (d <= (triCenter - triVerts[1]).sqrMagnitude) { return(true); } if (d <= (triCenter - triVerts[2]).sqrMagnitude) { return(true); } return(false); }
static VFixedPoint eee(VFixedPoint a) { if (a > VFixedPoint.Create(0.01f)) { VFixedPoint ee = eee(a / VFixedPoint.Create(2)); return(ee * ee); } return(VFixedPoint.One + a + a * a / VFixedPoint.Create(2) + Pow(a, 3) / VFixedPoint.Create(6)); }
protected void stepForwardAndStrafe(CollisionWorld collisionWorld, VInt3 walkMove) { VIntTransform start = VIntTransform.Identity, end = VIntTransform.Identity; targetPosition = currentPosition + walkMove; VFixedPoint fraction = VFixedPoint.One; int maxIter = 10; while (fraction > VFixedPoint.Create(0.01f) && maxIter-- > 0) { start.position = currentPosition; end.position = targetPosition; List <CastResult> results = new List <CastResult>(); me.setWorldTransform(start); collisionWorld.SweepTest(me, end.position, results); if (results.Count > 0) { VFixedPoint closestHitFraction = results[0].fraction; VInt3 hitNormalWorld = results[0].normal; for (int i = 1; i < results.Count; i++) { VFixedPoint afraction = results[i].fraction; if (afraction <= closestHitFraction) { closestHitFraction = afraction; hitNormalWorld = results[i].normal; } } fraction -= closestHitFraction; updateTargetPositionBasedOnCollision(hitNormalWorld); VInt3 currentDir = targetPosition - currentPosition; VFixedPoint distance2 = currentDir.sqrMagnitude; if (distance2 > Globals.EPS2) { currentDir = currentDir.Normalize(); if (VInt3.Dot(currentDir, normalizedDirection) <= VFixedPoint.Zero) { break; } } else { break; } } else { currentPosition = targetPosition; } } }
public KinematicCharacterController(CollisionObject me, VFixedPoint stepHeight, int upAxis) { this.upAxis = upAxis; this.addedMargin = VFixedPoint.Two / VFixedPoint.Create(100); = me; this.stepHeight = stepHeight; this.gravity = VFixedPoint.Create(10); // 1G acceleration this.fallSpeed = VFixedPoint.Create(55); // Terminal velocity of a sky diver in m/s. this.jumpSpeed = VFixedPoint.Create(10); this.wasOnGround = false; VFixedPoint maxSlopeRadians = VFixedPoint.Create(45) / FMath.Trig.Rag2Deg; maxSlopeCosine = FMath.Trig.Cos(maxSlopeRadians); }
public static VFixedPoint Exp(VFixedPoint a) { if (a < VFixedPoint.Zero) { return(VFixedPoint.One / Exp(-a)); } int n = (int)a.ToInt; a -= VFixedPoint.Create(n); VFixedPoint e1 = Pow(e, n); VFixedPoint e2 = eee(a); return(e1 * e2); }
public override bool process(BroadphaseProxy proxy) { ///terminate further ray tests, once the closestHitFraction reached zero if (aabbMin == aabbMax) { return(false); } CollisionObject collisionObject = proxy.clientObject; SweepAlgorithm algorithm = dispatcher.findSweepAlgorithm(collisionObject, this.collisionObject); algorithm(this.collisionObject, end, collisionObject, results, VFixedPoint.Create(0.01f)); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 一个自定的ASin函数,对应Excel中针对Sin的计算公式 /// </summary> /// <param name="a"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static VFixedPoint AsinSelfDefine(VFixedPoint a) { if (a >= VFixedPoint.Create(2)) { return(Pi); } else if (a > VFixedPoint.One) { return(Pi + asin(a - VFixedPoint.Create(2))); } else if (a > VFixedPoint.Zero) { return(asin(a)); } else { return(VFixedPoint.Zero); } }
/// <summary> /// 一个自定义的Sin函数,对应Excel中针对Sin的计算公式 /// </summary> /// <param name="a"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static VFixedPoint SinSelfDefine(VFixedPoint a) { if (a >= Pi) { return(VFixedPoint.Create(2)); } else if (a > Pi * VFixedPoint.Half) { return(VFixedPoint.Create(2) + Sin(a + Pi)); } else if (a > VFixedPoint.Zero) { return(Sin(a)); } else { return(VFixedPoint.Zero); } }
public static VFixedPoint atan2(VFixedPoint y, VFixedPoint x) { int num; int num2; if (x < VFixedPoint.Zero) { if (y < VFixedPoint.Zero) { x = -x; y = -y; num2 = 1; } else { x = -x; num2 = -1; } num = -31416; } else { if (y < VFixedPoint.Zero) { y = -y; num2 = -1; } else { num2 = 1; } num = 0; } int dIM = Atan2LookupTable.DIM; long num4 = dIM - 1; long b = (x >= y) ? x.ValueBar : y.ValueBar; int num6 = (int)(x.ValueBar * num4 / b); int num7 = (int)(y.ValueBar * num4 / b); int num8 = Atan2LookupTable.table[(num7 * dIM) + num6]; return(VFixedPoint.Create((num8 + num) * num2) / VFixedPoint.Create(0x2710L)); }
VInt3(int _x, int _y, int _z) { this.x = VFixedPoint.Create(_x); this.y = VFixedPoint.Create(_y); this.z = VFixedPoint.Create(_z); }
public VInt3(Vector3 vec3) { x = VFixedPoint.Create(vec3.x); y = VFixedPoint.Create(vec3.y); z = VFixedPoint.Create(vec3.z); }
public static VFixedPoint Sin(VFixedPoint theta) { int index = SinCosLookupTable.getIndex(theta.ValueBar, 1 << VFixedPoint.SHIFT_AMOUNT); return(VFixedPoint.Create(SinCosLookupTable.sin_table[index]) / VFixedPoint.Create(SinCosLookupTable.FACTOR)); }
public static VFixedPoint getContactBreakingThreshold() { return(VFixedPoint.Create(4) / VFixedPoint.Create(100)); }