protected override Type GetExpectedOutputTypeOfOperation(IEnumerable <Type> inputTypes) { var outputComponentCount = inputTypes.Select(o => { var type = VFXValueType.None; if (o == typeof(Position) || o == typeof(DirectionType) || o == typeof(Vector)) { type = VFXValueType.Float3; } else { type = VFXExpression.GetVFXValueTypeFromType(o); } if (type == VFXValueType.None) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to compute value type from " + o); } return(VFXExpression.TypeToSize(type)); }).Sum(); outputComponentCount = Mathf.Min(Mathf.Max(outputComponentCount, 1), 4); switch (outputComponentCount) { case 2: return(typeof(Vector2)); case 3: return(typeof(Vector3)); case 4: return(typeof(Vector4)); default: return(typeof(float)); } }
private static Dictionary <Type, Type[]> ComputeHeuristcalAffinity() { /* Heuristical function which is a bit expensive but expects the same result as kTypeAffinity */ var inputType = new[] { typeof(Matrix4x4), typeof(Vector4), typeof(Color), typeof(Vector3), typeof(Position), typeof(DirectionType), typeof(Vector), typeof(Vector2), typeof(float), typeof(int), typeof(uint), }; var inputTypeHeurisicalDict = inputType.Select(o => { var baseValueType = VFXSlot.Create(new VFXProperty(o, "temp1"), VFXSlot.Direction.kOutput).DefaultExpr.valueType; var baseChannelCount = VFXExpression.TypeToSize(baseValueType); var baseIsKindOfInteger = o == typeof(uint) || o == typeof(int); var compatibleSlotMetaData = inputType .Where(s => s != o && IsSlotCompatible(o, s)) .Select(s => { var otherValueType = VFXSlot.Create(new VFXProperty(s, "temp2"), VFXSlot.Direction.kOutput).DefaultExpr.valueType; var otherChannelCount = VFXExpression.TypeToSize(otherValueType); var otherIsKindOfInteger = s == typeof(uint) || s == typeof(int); return(new { type = s, diffType = otherValueType == baseValueType ? 0 : 1, diffChannelCount = Mathf.Abs(baseChannelCount - otherChannelCount), diffPreferInteger = baseIsKindOfInteger == otherIsKindOfInteger ? 0 : 1 }); }).OrderBy(s => s.diffType) .ThenBy(s => s.diffChannelCount) .ThenBy(s => s.diffPreferInteger) .ToArray(); return(new KeyValuePair <Type, Type[]> ( o, compatibleSlotMetaData.Select(s => s.type).ToArray() )); }).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value); return(inputTypeHeurisicalDict); }
protected override Type GetExpectedOutputTypeOfOperation(IEnumerable <Type> inputTypes) { var outputComponentCount = inputTypes.Select(o => VFXExpression.TypeToSize(VFXExpression.GetVFXValueTypeFromType(o))).Sum(); outputComponentCount = Mathf.Min(Mathf.Max(outputComponentCount, 1), 4); switch (outputComponentCount) { case 2: return(typeof(Vector2)); case 3: return(typeof(Vector3)); case 4: return(typeof(Vector4)); default: return(typeof(float)); } }
private void OnEnable() { Action <ReorderableList, SerializedProperty> fnAssetDropDown = delegate(ReorderableList list, SerializedProperty property) { var existingAttribute = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < property.arraySize; ++i) { existingAttribute.Add(property.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i).FindPropertyRelative("attribute.m_Name").stringValue); } var menu = new GenericMenu(); foreach (var attributeName in VFXAttribute.AllIncludingVariadicReadWritable.Except(existingAttribute).OrderBy(o => o)) { var attribute = VFXAttribute.Find(attributeName); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(, false, () => { serializedObject.Update(); property.arraySize++; var newElement = property.GetArrayElementAtIndex(property.arraySize - 1); newElement.FindPropertyRelative("attribute.m_Name").stringValue =; newElement.FindPropertyRelative("type").intValue = (int)attribute.type; var size = VFXExpression.TypeToSize(attribute.type); var values = newElement.FindPropertyRelative("values"); values.arraySize = size; var initialValues = new float[size]; if (attribute.type == VFXValueType.Float) { initialValues[0] = attribute.value.Get <float>(); } else if (attribute.type == VFXValueType.Float2) { var v = attribute.value.Get <Vector2>(); initialValues[0] = v.x; initialValues[1] = v.y; } else if (attribute.type == VFXValueType.Float3) { var v = attribute.value.Get <Vector3>(); initialValues[0] = v.x; initialValues[1] = v.y; initialValues[2] = v.z; } else if (attribute.type == VFXValueType.Float4) { var v = attribute.value.Get <Vector4>(); initialValues[0] = v.x; initialValues[1] = v.y; initialValues[2] = v.z; initialValues[3] = v.w; } else if (attribute.type == VFXValueType.Int32) { initialValues[0] = attribute.value.Get <int>(); } else if (attribute.type == VFXValueType.Uint32) { initialValues[0] = attribute.value.Get <uint>(); } else if (attribute.type == VFXValueType.Boolean) { initialValues[0] = attribute.value.Get <bool>() ? 1.0f : 0.0f; } for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { values.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i).floatValue = initialValues[i]; } serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); }); } menu.ShowAsContext(); }; Action <Rect, SerializedProperty, int> fnDrawElement = delegate(Rect r, SerializedProperty property, int index) { var element = property.GetArrayElementAtIndex(index); var label = element.FindPropertyRelative("attribute.m_Name").stringValue; var labelWidth = 110;// GUIContent(label)); //Should be maximized among all existing property, for now, angularVelocity is considered as maximum EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(r.x, r.y, labelWidth, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight), label); var valueType = (VFXValueType)element.FindPropertyRelative("type").intValue; var valueSize = VFXExpression.TypeToSize(valueType); var fieldWidth = (r.width - labelWidth) / valueSize; var emptyGUIContent = new GUIContent(string.Empty); var valuesProperty = element.FindPropertyRelative("values"); if (valueType == VFXValueType.Float || valueType == VFXValueType.Float2 || valueType == VFXValueType.Float3 || valueType == VFXValueType.Float4) { if (label.Contains("color") && valueType == VFXValueType.Float3) { var oldColor = new Color(valuesProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(0).floatValue, valuesProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(1).floatValue, valuesProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(2).floatValue); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); var newColor = EditorGUI.ColorField(new Rect(r.x + labelWidth, r.y, fieldWidth * 3, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight), oldColor); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { valuesProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(0).floatValue = newColor.r; valuesProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(1).floatValue = newColor.g; valuesProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(2).floatValue = newColor.b; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < valueSize; ++i) { EditorGUI.PropertyField(new Rect(r.x + labelWidth + fieldWidth * i, r.y, fieldWidth, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight), valuesProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i), emptyGUIContent); } } } else if (valueType == VFXValueType.Int32 || valueType == VFXValueType.Uint32 || valueType == VFXValueType.Boolean) { var oldValue = valuesProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(0).floatValue; float newValue; var currentRect = new Rect(r.x + labelWidth, r.y, fieldWidth, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); if (valueType == VFXValueType.Boolean) { newValue = EditorGUI.Toggle(currentRect, emptyGUIContent, oldValue != 0.0f) ? 1.0f : 0.0f; } else { newValue = (float)EditorGUI.LongField(currentRect, emptyGUIContent, (long)oldValue); newValue = newValue < 0.0f ? 0.0f : newValue; } if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { valuesProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(0).floatValue = newValue; serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } } }; onClipEnterProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty("activationBehavior.onClipEnter.m_Name"); onClipExitProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty("activationBehavior.onClipExit.m_Name"); var clipEnterAttributesProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty("activationBehavior.clipEnterEventAttributes"); var clipExitAttributesProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty("activationBehavior.clipExitEventAttributes"); clipEnterAttributesPropertyList = new ReorderableList(serializedObject, clipEnterAttributesProperty, true, true, true, true); clipExitAttributesPropertyList = new ReorderableList(serializedObject, clipExitAttributesProperty, true, true, true, true); clipEnterAttributesPropertyList.drawHeaderCallback = (Rect r) => { EditorGUI.LabelField(r, "Enter Event Attributes"); }; clipExitAttributesPropertyList.drawHeaderCallback = (Rect r) => { EditorGUI.LabelField(r, "Exit Event Attributes"); }; clipEnterAttributesPropertyList.onAddDropdownCallback += (Rect buttonRect, ReorderableList list) => fnAssetDropDown(list, clipEnterAttributesProperty); clipExitAttributesPropertyList.onAddDropdownCallback += (Rect buttonRect, ReorderableList list) => fnAssetDropDown(list, clipExitAttributesProperty); clipEnterAttributesPropertyList.drawElementCallback = (Rect r, int index, bool active, bool focused) => fnDrawElement(r, clipEnterAttributesProperty, index); clipExitAttributesPropertyList.drawElementCallback = (Rect r, int index, bool active, bool focused) => fnDrawElement(r, clipExitAttributesProperty, index); }