Vector3 GetPlayerSpawnPos() { IntVector2 posXZ = VArtifactUtil.GetSpawnPos(); Vector3 pos = new Vector3(posXZ.x, VFDataRTGen.GetPosTop(posXZ), posXZ.y); return(pos); }
//method 2. public void GenTestEntrance(int level = -1) { int x = Mathf.RoundToInt(PeCreature.Instance.mainPlayer.position.x); int z = Mathf.RoundToInt(PeCreature.Instance.mainPlayer.position.z + 15); int y = VFDataRTGen.GetPosHeight(x, z); Vector3 genPos = new Vector3(x, y, z); InstantiateEntrance(genPos, level); }
/* * MaskTileTypeDic maskTileDic = new MaskTileTypeDic(); * * public byte GetType(int pos_x , int pos_z) * { * maskTileDic.Reset(); * for(int x = pos_x - 60 ; x < pos_x + 60; x += 20 ) * { * for(int z = pos_z - 60 ; z < pos_z + 60; z += 20 ) * { * if ( VFDataRTGen.IsSea(x,z) ) * maskTileDic.CountType(MaskTileType.Sea); * else * { * RandomMapType type = VFDataRTGen.GetXZMapType(pos_x,pos_z); * maskTileDic.CountType( (MaskTileType) type); * } * } * } * return (byte)maskTileDic.GetMostType(); * } */ public byte GetType(int pos_x, int pos_z) { if (VFDataRTGen.IsSea(pos_x, pos_z)) { return((byte)MaskTileType.Sea); } else { return((byte)VFDataRTGen.GetXZMapType(pos_x, pos_z)); } }
public static Vector3 GetStartPos() { if (PeGameMgr.IsSingleAdventure) { return(VArtifactTownManager.Instance.playerStartPos); } IntVector2 posXZ = GetSpawnPos(); Vector3 pos = new Vector3(posXZ.x, VFDataRTGen.GetPosTop(posXZ), posXZ.y); return(pos); }
public void Fill(int cntNpc, int cntMonster) { Vector3 center = RectIdxToCenterPos(_idx); bool bAvailable = false; SceneEntityPosAgent agent; System.Random rand = new System.Random(); for (int i = 0; i < cntNpc; i++) { Vector3 point = !PeGameMgr.randomMap ? GetEntityPoint(center, out bAvailable) : GetNpcPointInRndTer(center, out bAvailable); if (bAvailable) { if (VFDataRTGen.IsTownConnectionType(Mathf.RoundToInt(point.x), Mathf.RoundToInt(point.z))) { agent = NpcEntityCreator.CreateAgent(point); agent.spInfo = _rndNpcAgentInfo; _posRndNpcAgents.Add(agent); // npc entity would not be destroyed by scene } else { if (rand.NextDouble() < 0.25) { agent = NpcEntityCreator.CreateAgent(point); agent.spInfo = _rndNpcAgentInfo; _posRndNpcAgents.Add(agent); // npc entity would not be destroyed by scene } } } } for (int i = 0; i < cntMonster; i++) { Vector3 point = GetEntityPoint(center, out bAvailable); if (bAvailable && null == AIErodeMap.IsInErodeArea2D(point)) { _posRndMonsterAgents.Add(MonsterEntityCreator.CreateAgent(point)); } } SceneMan.AddSceneObjs(_posRndNpcAgents); SceneMan.AddSceneObjs(_posRndMonsterAgents); if (PeGameMgr.IsStory) { _posFixedMonsterIds = AISpawnPoint.Find(center.x - EntityCreationRadius, center.z - EntityCreationRadius, center.x + EntityCreationRadius, center.z + EntityCreationRadius); if (_posFixedMonsterIds.Count > 0) { SceneEntityCreatorArchiver.Instance.AddFixedSpawnPointToScene(_posFixedMonsterIds); } } else if (PeGameMgr.IsSingleAdventure) { SceneEntityPosRect.AddProcedualBossSpawnPointToScene(_idx); } }
protected override int GetCurrentBgMusicID() { Vector3 camPos = PETools.PEUtil.MainCamTransform.position; if (AiUtil.CheckPositionInCave(camPos, 128.0f, AiUtil.groundedLayer)) { return(836); } int x = (int)camPos.x; int z = (int)camPos.z; if (x <= Int32.MinValue) { Debug.LogError("x value too small!"); x = Int32.MinValue + 1; } if (z <= Int32.MinValue) { Debug.LogError("z value too small!"); z = Int32.MinValue + 1; } if (VFDataRTGen.IsSea(x, z)) { return(AISpawnDataStory.GetBackGroundMusic(new Color(255.0f / 255.0f, 100.0f / 255.0f, 150.0f / 255.0f, 255 / 255.0f))); } else { RandomMapType mapType = VFDataRTGen.GetXZMapType(x, z); switch (mapType) { case RandomMapType.GrassLand: return(AISpawnDataStory.GetBackGroundMusic(new Color(30.0f / 255.0f, 50.0f / 255.0f, 50.0f / 255.0f, 255 / 255.0f))); case RandomMapType.Forest: return(AISpawnDataStory.GetBackGroundMusic(new Color(70.0f / 255.0f, 70.0f / 255.0f, 70.0f / 255.0f, 255 / 255.0f))); case RandomMapType.Desert: return(AISpawnDataStory.GetBackGroundMusic(new Color(140.0f / 255.0f, 100.0f / 255.0f, 50.0f / 255.0f, 255 / 255.0f))); case RandomMapType.Redstone: return(AISpawnDataStory.GetBackGroundMusic(new Color(170.0f / 255.0f, 70.0f / 255.0f, 50.0f / 255.0f, 255 / 255.0f))); case RandomMapType.Rainforest: return(AISpawnDataStory.GetBackGroundMusic(new Color(90.0f / 255.0f, 90.0f / 255.0f, 90.0f / 255.0f, 255 / 255.0f))); case RandomMapType.Mountain: return(AISpawnDataStory.GetBackGroundMusic(new Color(170.0f / 255.0f, 70.0f / 255.0f, 150.0f / 255.0f, 255 / 255.0f))); case RandomMapType.Swamp: return(AISpawnDataStory.GetBackGroundMusic(new Color(100.0f / 255.0f, 50.0f / 255.0f, 50.0f / 255.0f, 255 / 255.0f))); case RandomMapType.Crater: return(AISpawnDataStory.GetBackGroundMusic(new Color(180.0f / 255.0f, 180.0f / 255.0f, 180.0f / 255.0f, 255 / 255.0f))); default: return(0); } } }
Vector3 GetNpcPointInRndTer(Vector3 cpos, out bool bSuc) // Special process to get creation pos for NPC. { Vector2 v2 = UnityEngine.Random.insideUnitCircle.normalized; v2 = v2 * UnityEngine.Random.Range(-SceneEntityPosRect.EntityCreationRadius, SceneEntityPosRect.EntityCreationRadius); IntVector2 iv = new IntVector2((int)(cpos.x + v2.x), (int)(cpos.z + v2.y)); float fy = VFDataRTGen.GetPosTop(iv, out bSuc); if (!bSuc) { return(; } return(new Vector3(iv.x, fy + 1, iv.y)); }
public float GetTerrainHeight(Vector3 pos) { if (Pathea.PeGameMgr.IsStory) { if (null == mHeightMap) { return(100f); } return(mHeightMap.GetHeight(new Vector2(pos.x, pos.z), mWorldSize)); } if (Pathea.PeGameMgr.IsCustom) { return(100f); } return(VFDataRTGen.GetBaseTerHeight(new IntVector2(Mathf.RoundToInt(pos.x), Mathf.RoundToInt(pos.z)))); }
void PeLauncher.ILaunchable.Launch() { if (null == BaseNetwork.MainPlayer) { return; } Vector3 pos = BaseNetwork.MainPlayer._pos; if (BaseNetwork.MainPlayer.UseNewPos) { IntVector2 posXZ = VArtifactUtil.GetSpawnPos(); pos = new Vector3(posXZ.x, VFDataRTGen.GetPosTop(posXZ), posXZ.y); } Pathea.PlayerSpawnPosProvider.Instance.SetPos(pos); }
void RPC_S2C_CreateFollowPos(uLink.BitStream stream, uLink.NetworkMessageInfo info) { float x, y; int targetid, missionId; stream.TryRead <float> (out x); stream.TryRead <float> (out y); stream.TryRead <int> (out targetid); stream.TryRead <int>(out missionId); Vector3 pos = new Vector3(x, VFDataRTGen.GetPosTop(new IntVector2((int)x, (int)y)), y); if (null != PlayerNetwork.mainPlayer) { PlayerNetwork.mainPlayer.RPCServer(EPacketType.PT_InGame_MissionFollowPos, pos, targetid); } TypeFollowData data = MissionManager.GetTypeFollowData(targetid); if (data == null) { return; } data.m_DistPos = pos; data.m_DistRadius = data.m_AdDistPos.radius2; if (data.m_AdNpcRadius.num > 0) { data.m_LookNameID = StroyManager.Instance.CreateMissionRandomNpc(data.m_DistPos, data.m_AdNpcRadius.num); } if (IsOwner) { if (data.m_AdDistPos.refertoType == ReferToType.Transcript) { RandomDungenMgr.Instance.GenTaskEntrance(new IntVector2((int)data.m_DistPos.x, (int)data.m_DistPos.z), data.m_AdDistPos.referToID); } for (int i = 0; i < data.m_CreateNpcList.Count; i++) { Vector3 createpos = StroyManager.Instance.GetPatrolPoint(data.m_DistPos, 3, 8, false); EntityCreateMgr.Instance.CreateRandomNpc(data.m_CreateNpcList[i], createpos); } MissionManager.Instance.m_PlayerMission.ProcessFollowMission(missionId, targetid); } UpdateMissionMapLabelPos(missionId, targetid, pos); }
public bool IsTerrainAvailableForFeces(IntVector2 GenPos, out Vector3 pos) { pos =; if (AIErodeMap.IsInErodeArea2D(new Vector3(GenPos.x, 0, GenPos.y)) != null) { return(false); } if (PeGameMgr.IsStory) { Vector3 checkPos = new Vector3(GenPos.x, s_maxHeight, GenPos.y); RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(checkPos, Vector3.down, out hit, s_maxHeight, 1 << Pathea.Layer.VFVoxelTerrain)) { pos = hit.point + new Vector3(0, 1, 0); if (!VFVoxelWater.self.IsInWater(pos)) { if (!mRandomItemsDic.ContainsKey(pos)) { return(true); } } } return(false); } else if (PeGameMgr.IsAdventure) { int height = VFDataRTGen.GetPosHeight(GenPos.x, GenPos.y, true); pos = new Vector3(GenPos.x, height, GenPos.y); bool inWater = VFDataRTGen.IsSea(height); if (!inWater) { RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(pos + new Vector3(0, 2, 0), Vector3.down, out hit, a_maxHeight, 1 << Pathea.Layer.VFVoxelTerrain)) { pos = hit.point; } pos.y += 1; if (!mRandomItemsDic.ContainsKey(pos)) { return(true); } } } return(false); }
bool IsInWaterSurfaceSea(Vector3 position) { if (inWaterSurface) { if (PeGameMgr.sceneMode == PeGameMgr.ESceneMode.Adventure) { return(VFDataRTGen.IsSea((int)position.x, (int)position.z)); } else if (PeGameMgr.sceneMode == PeGameMgr.ESceneMode.Story) { Vector2 pos = new Vector2(position.x, position.z); int mapid = PeMappingMgr.Instance.GetAiSpawnMapId(pos); return(mapid == 25 || mapid == 26 || mapid == 22); } } return(false); }
internal override int GetMapID(Vector3 position) { RandomMapType map = VFDataRTGen.GetXZMapType((int)position.x, (int)position.z); switch (map) { case RandomMapType.GrassLand: return(2); case RandomMapType.Forest: return(8); case RandomMapType.Desert: return(13); case RandomMapType.Redstone: return(18); case RandomMapType.Rainforest: return(10); default: return(0); } }
public bool IsTerrainAvailable(IntVector2 GenPos, out Vector3 pos) { if (!VFDataRTGen.IsDungeonEntranceAvailable(GenPos)) { pos =; return(false); } // int y = VFDataRTGen.GetPosHeight(GenPos,true); // // pos = new Vector3(GenPos.x,y+4,GenPos.y); // RaycastHit hit; // if (Physics.Raycast(pos, Vector3.down, out hit, 512, 1 << Pathea.Layer.VFVoxelTerrain)) // { // pos.y = hit.point.y; // }else{ // return false; // } bool result = RandomDunGenUtil.GetAreaLowestPos(GenPos, 10, out pos); return(result); }
void RPC_S2C_CreateDiscoveryPos(uLink.BitStream stream, uLink.NetworkMessageInfo info) { float x = stream.Read <float>(); float y = stream.Read <float>(); int targetid = stream.Read <int>(); int missionId = stream.Read <int>(); TypeSearchData data = MissionManager.GetTypeSearchData(targetid); if (data == null) { return; } data.m_DistPos = new Vector3(x, VFDataRTGen.GetPosHeight(x, y), y); data.m_DistRadius = data.m_mr.radius2; if (IsOwner) { if (data.m_mr.refertoType == ReferToType.Transcript) { RandomDungenMgr.Instance.GenTaskEntrance(new IntVector2((int)data.m_DistPos.x, (int)data.m_DistPos.z), data.m_mr.referToID); } if (MissionManager.Instance.m_bHadInitMission) { for (int i = 0; i < data.m_CreateNpcList.Count; i++) { Vector3 createpos = StroyManager.Instance.GetPatrolPoint(data.m_DistPos, 3, 8, false); EntityCreateMgr.Instance.CreateRandomNpc(data.m_CreateNpcList[i], createpos); } } if (null != PlayerNetwork.mainPlayer) { PlayerNetwork.mainPlayer.RPCServer(EPacketType.PT_InGame_MissionDiscoveryPos, data.m_DistPos, targetid); } } UpdateMissionMapLabelPos(missionId, targetid, data.m_DistPos); }
public static Vector3 GetPosOnGround(IntVector2 GenPos) { int y = VFDataRTGen.GetPosHeight(GenPos, true); Vector3 pos = new Vector3(GenPos.x, y + 4, GenPos.y); RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(pos, Vector3.down, out hit, 512, 1 << Pathea.Layer.VFVoxelTerrain)) { if (hit.point.y > 0) { pos.y = hit.point.y; } else { pos.y = y; } } else { pos.y = y; } return(pos); }
public static void Update() { if (Nova != null) { if (Pathea.SingleGameStory.curType == Pathea.SingleGameStory.StoryScene.PajaShip) { Nova.LocalTime = 0; } else { Nova.LocalTime = GameTime.Timer.Second; } if (Pathea.PeGameMgr.IsMulti) { if (PlayerNetwork.mainPlayer != null && PlayerNetwork.mainPlayer._curSceneId == (int)Pathea.SingleGameStory.StoryScene.PajaShip) { Nova.LocalTime = 0; } } Nova.Settings.TimeElapseSpeed = GameTime.Timer.ElapseSpeed; Nova.Settings.SoundVolume = SystemSettingData.Instance.SoundVolume * SystemSettingData.Instance.EffectVolume; Nova.WetCoef = (float)System.Math.Pow(System.Math.Max((s_envNoise.Noise(Nova.LocalDay * 1.2) + s_envNoise.Noise(Nova.LocalDay * 2.4) * 0.5 + s_envNoise.Noise(Nova.LocalDay * 4.8) * 0.25 + s_envNoise.Noise(Nova.LocalDay * 9.6) * 0.125) * 0.38 + 0.45, 0), 3); // 小雨多一点.. if (Nova.WetCoef > 0.55f) { Nova.WetCoef -= 0.55f; Nova.WetCoef *= 2.2f; Nova.WetCoef = (float)System.Math.Pow(Nova.WetCoef, 2f); Nova.WetCoef /= 2.2f; Nova.WetCoef += 0.55f; } Nova.WetCoef = (Mathf.Clamp01(Nova.WetCoef) * ControlRain + BaseRain) * rainSwitch; Debug.DrawLine(new Vector3((float)Nova.LocalDay, (float)Nova.WetCoef, 0), new Vector3((float)Nova.LocalDay + 0.01f, (float)Nova.WetCoef, 0), Color.white, 1000); bool water_opt1 = SystemSettingData.Instance.WaterDepth; bool water_opt2 = SystemSettingData.Instance.WaterRefraction; int water_opt_ = 0; if (water_opt1 && water_opt2) { water_opt_ = 3; } else if (water_opt1 || water_opt2) { water_opt_ = 2; } else { water_opt_ = 1; } if (water_opt != water_opt_) { Material water_mat = null; switch (water_opt_) { case 3: water_mat = Resources.Load <Material>("PEWater_High"); break; case 2: water_mat = Resources.Load <Material>("PEWater_Medium"); break; case 1: water_mat = Resources.Load <Material>("PEWater_Low"); break; default: break; } if (VFVoxelWater.self != null && PEWaveSystem.Self != null) { Material new_water_mat = Material.Instantiate(water_mat) as Material; VFVoxelWater.self.WaterMat = new_water_mat; NovaSettings.WaterMaterial = new_water_mat; water_opt = water_opt_; } } RenderSettings.fog = !VCEditor.s_Ready; if (Pathea.PeGameMgr.sceneMode == Pathea.PeGameMgr.ESceneMode.Story) { if (PeMappingMgr.inited) { switch (PeMappingMgr.Instance.Biome) { case GraphMapping.EBiome.Sea: Nova.BiomoIndex = 0; break; case GraphMapping.EBiome.Marsh: Nova.BiomoIndex = 4; break; case GraphMapping.EBiome.Jungle: Nova.BiomoIndex = 2; break; case GraphMapping.EBiome.Forest: Nova.BiomoIndex = 1; break; case GraphMapping.EBiome.Desert: Nova.BiomoIndex = 0; break; case GraphMapping.EBiome.Canyon: Nova.BiomoIndex = 0; break; case GraphMapping.EBiome.Volcano: Nova.BiomoIndex = 6; break; case GraphMapping.EBiome.Grassland: Nova.BiomoIndex = 0; break; case GraphMapping.EBiome.Mountainous: Nova.BiomoIndex = 3; break; default: Nova.BiomoIndex = 0; break; } float mul_target = 1f; float ofs_target = 0f; switch (PeMappingMgr.Instance.Biome) { case GraphMapping.EBiome.Desert: mul_target = 0.3f; ofs_target = 0.0f; break; case GraphMapping.EBiome.Volcano: mul_target = 0.3f; ofs_target = 0.45f; break; default: mul_target = 1f; ofs_target = 0f; break; } wetcoef_multiplier = Mathf.Lerp(wetcoef_multiplier, mul_target, 0.01f); wetcoef_offset = Mathf.Lerp(wetcoef_offset, ofs_target, 0.01f); Nova.WetCoef *= wetcoef_multiplier; Nova.WetCoef += wetcoef_offset; } else { Nova.BiomoIndex = 0; } } else { Nova.BiomoIndex = 0; } if (RandomDungenMgrData.InDungeon) { Nova.BiomoIndex = 5; } else { if (Pathea.PeGameMgr.IsAdventure || Pathea.PeGameMgr.IsBuild) { if (Pathea.PeCreature.Instance.mainPlayer != null) { RandomMapType rmt = VFDataRTGen.GetXZMapType(Mathf.RoundToInt(Pathea.PeCreature.Instance.mainPlayer.position.x), Mathf.RoundToInt(Pathea.PeCreature.Instance.mainPlayer.position.z)); switch (rmt) { case RandomMapType.Swamp: Nova.BiomoIndex = 4; break; case RandomMapType.Rainforest: Nova.BiomoIndex = 2; break; case RandomMapType.Forest: Nova.BiomoIndex = 1; break; case RandomMapType.Desert: Nova.BiomoIndex = 0; break; case RandomMapType.Redstone: Nova.BiomoIndex = 0; break; case RandomMapType.Crater: Nova.BiomoIndex = 6; break; case RandomMapType.GrassLand: Nova.BiomoIndex = 0; break; case RandomMapType.Mountain: Nova.BiomoIndex = 3; break; default: Nova.BiomoIndex = 0; break; } } } } if (Pathea.PeGameMgr.sceneMode == Pathea.PeGameMgr.ESceneMode.Story || Pathea.PeGameMgr.sceneMode == Pathea.PeGameMgr.ESceneMode.Custom) { switch (SystemSettingData.Instance.TerrainLevel) { //lz-2016.06.17 由(0=128M,1=256M,2=512M,3=1KM)改为(0=256M,1=512M,2=1KM),因此这里改为这样 case 0: Nova.Settings.MaxFogEndDistance = 200; break; case 1: Nova.Settings.MaxFogEndDistance = 340; break; case 2: Nova.Settings.MaxFogEndDistance = 700; break; case 3: Nova.Settings.MaxFogEndDistance = 1300; break; } } else { Nova.Settings.MaxFogEndDistance = 550; } // 靠近海洋才打开水的反射效果,远离海洋则关闭, //if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.I)){ AlterNearSea(false); } //if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.O)){ AlterNearSea(true); } AlterNearSea(WaterReflection.ReqRefl()); if (Mathf.Abs(_nearSeaTarget - _nearSeaCurrent) > 0.0001f) { _nearSeaCurrent = Mathf.Lerp(_nearSeaCurrent, _nearSeaTarget, 0.04f); // About 3s } if (_nearSeaCurrent < 0.001f) { WaterReflection.DisableRefl(); } else { WaterReflection.EnableRefl(); } Nova.WaterReflectionMasterBlend = _nearSeaCurrent; } // End Nova != null }
public bool IsTerrainAvailable(IntVector2 GenPos, out Vector3 pos, out int boxId) { //--to do: 1.random the data int height = VFDataRTGen.GetPosHeight(GenPos.x, GenPos.y, true); bool inWater = VFDataRTGen.IsSea(height); bool inCave = false; pos = new Vector3(GenPos.x, height - 2, GenPos.y); RaycastHit hitTest; if (Physics.Raycast(pos, Vector3.down, out hitTest, 512, 1 << Pathea.Layer.VFVoxelTerrain)) { inCave = true; } RandomMapType type = VFDataRTGen.GetXZMapType(GenPos.x, GenPos.x); IntVector2 tileIndex = new IntVector2(GenPos.x >> VoxelTerrainConstants._shift, GenPos.y >> VoxelTerrainConstants._shift); VArtifactTown vaTown = null; if (VArtifactTownManager.Instance != null) { for (int i = -4; i < 5; i++) { for (int j = -4; j < 5; j++) { vaTown = VArtifactTownManager.Instance.GetTileTown(new IntVector2(tileIndex.x + i, tileIndex.y + j)); if (vaTown != null) { break; } } if (vaTown != null) { break; } } } List <int> genCondition = new List <int>(); if (vaTown != null) { if (vaTown.type == VArtifactType.NpcTown) { genCondition.Add(BoxMapTypeInt.NEAR_TOWN); } else { genCondition.Add(BoxMapTypeInt.NEAR_CAMP); } } switch (type) { case RandomMapType.Desert: genCondition.Add(BoxMapTypeInt.DESERT); break; case RandomMapType.Redstone: genCondition.Add(BoxMapTypeInt.REDSTONE); break; default: genCondition.Add(BoxMapTypeInt.GRASSLAND); break; } if (inWater) { genCondition.Add(BoxMapTypeInt.IN_WATER); } if (inCave) { genCondition.Add(BoxMapTypeInt.IN_CAVE); } boxId = -1; List <RandomItemBoxInfo> boxInfoList = RandomItemDataMgr.GetBoxIdByCondition(genCondition, height); if (boxInfoList == null || boxInfoList.Count == 0) { return(false); } List <RandomItemBoxInfo> boxInfoAvailable = new List <RandomItemBoxInfo> (); foreach (RandomItemBoxInfo rib in boxInfoList) { if (IsBoxNumAvailable(rib.boxId, rib.boxAmount)) { boxInfoAvailable.Add(rib); } } if (boxInfoAvailable.Count == 0) { return(false); } RandomItemBoxInfo boxInfo = boxInfoAvailable[new System.Random((int)System.DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks).Next(boxInfoAvailable.Count)]; boxId = boxInfo.boxId; float deep = boxInfo.boxDepth; //2.check with boxId if (deep <= 0) { deep = -3; } else if (deep < 2) { deep = 2; } pos = new Vector3(GenPos.x, height - deep, GenPos.y); if (pos.y < 0) { pos.y = 0; } else { RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(pos, Vector3.down, out hit, 512, 1 << Pathea.Layer.VFVoxelTerrain)) { pos.y = hit.point.y - boxInfo.boxDepth; } } if (pos.y < 0) { return(false); } return(true); }
void BtnClick_OnCancel() { if (currentState == ReivieState.Reivie_Servant || currentEntity == null) { Hide(); return; } if (!PeGameMgr.IsMulti) { ReviveLabel label = new ReviveLabel(); label.pos = currentEntity.position; ReviveLabel.Mgr.Instance.Add(label); if (RandomDungenMgrData.InDungeon) { bool reviveSuc = DoRevive(true); if (reviveSuc) { currentEntity.position = RandomDungenMgrData.revivePos; Hide(); } return; } //lz-2016.08.03 空对象 if (null != MissionManager.Instance) { MissionManager.Instance.RemoveFollowTowerMission(); } DoRevive(true); Vector3 revivePos; if (SingleGameStory.curType == SingleGameStory.StoryScene.DienShip0) { revivePos = new Vector3(14798.09f, 20.98818f, 8246.396f); } else if (SingleGameStory.curType == SingleGameStory.StoryScene.L1Ship) { revivePos = new Vector3(9649.354f, 90.488f, 12744.77f); } else if (SingleGameStory.curType == SingleGameStory.StoryScene.PajaShip) { revivePos = new Vector3(1593.53f, 148.635f, 8022.03f); } else { revivePos = GetNearFastTrvalPos(currentEntity.position); } Pathea.FastTravelMgr.Instance.TravelTo(revivePos); } else { Vector3 warpPos =; if (RandomDungenMgrData.InDungeon) { warpPos = RandomDungenMgrData.revivePos; } else if (PeGameMgr.IsMultiCoop) { warpPos = GetNearFastTrvalPos(currentEntity.position); } else { if (PeGameMgr.IsCustom) { warpPos = PlayerNetwork.mainPlayer.GetCustomModePos(); } else { IntVector2 posXZ = VArtifactUtil.GetSpawnPos(); warpPos = new Vector3(posXZ.x, VFDataRTGen.GetPosTop(posXZ), posXZ.y); } } PlayerNetwork.mainPlayer.RPCServer(EPacketType.PT_InGame_PlayerReset, warpPos); PlayerNetwork.mainPlayer.RequestChangeScene(0); } Hide(); }
public void PlantVegetation(VFTile terTile, double[][] tileNoiseBuf, float[][] tileHeightBuf, float[][] tileGradTanBuf, List <TreeInfo> outlstTreeInfo, List <VoxelGrassInstance> outlstGrassInst, RandomMapType[][] tileMapType, int szCell) { int startX = terTile.tileX << VoxelTerrainConstants._shift; int startZ = terTile.tileZ << VoxelTerrainConstants._shift; int iScl = 1 << terTile.tileL; for (int iz = 0; iz < VoxelTerrainConstants._numVoxelsPerAxis; iz += szCell) { int idxZ = iz + VoxelTerrainConstants._numVoxelsPrefix; double[] xNoiseBuf = tileNoiseBuf[idxZ]; float[] xHeightBuf = tileHeightBuf[idxZ]; float[] xGradTanBuf = tileGradTanBuf[idxZ]; byte[][] xyVoxels = terTile.terraVoxels[idxZ]; for (int ix = 0; ix < VoxelTerrainConstants._numVoxelsPerAxis; ix += szCell) { int idxX = ix + VoxelTerrainConstants._numVoxelsPrefix; float fy = xHeightBuf[idxX]; byte[] yVoxels = xyVoxels[idxX]; byte vType = yVoxels[((int)fy) * VFVoxel.c_VTSize + 1]; if (VFDataRTGen.IsNoPlantType(vType)) { continue; } curRegion = prms.RegionDescArrayValues[MapTypeToRegionId(tileMapType[iz][ix])]; VoxelPaintXML.PlantDescArrayCLS veges0 = curRegion.trees; VoxelPaintXML.PlantDescArrayCLS veges1 = curRegion.grasses; VoxelPaintXML.PlantDescArrayCLS veges2 = curRegion.newgrasses; VoxelPaintXML.PlantHeightDesc treeHeight = null; VoxelPaintXML.PlantHeightDesc grassHeight = null; VoxelPaintXML.PlantHeightDesc newGrassHeight = null; VoxelPaintXML.PlantGradientDesc treeGradient = null; VoxelPaintXML.PlantGradientDesc grassGradient = null; VoxelPaintXML.PlantGradientDesc newGrassGradient = null; double noise256 = (xNoiseBuf[idxX] + 1) * 128; float gradTan = xGradTanBuf[idxX]; //坡度大于60度草树皆不刷 if (gradTan >= noVegeTan1) { continue; } if (gradTan < noVegeTan0) { if (veges0 != null) { //树的空间单位 if (0 == ix % veges0.cellSize && 0 == iz % veges0.cellSize) { bool bTree = false; if (noise256 >= veges0.start || (noise256 > veges0.startFadeIn && myRand.NextDouble() <= (noise256 - veges0.startFadeIn) / (veges0.start - veges0.startFadeIn))) { bTree = true; } if (bTree) { for (int i = 0; i < veges0.PlantHeightDescValues.Length; i++) { VoxelPaintXML.PlantHeightDesc heightDesc = veges0.PlantHeightDescValues [i]; if (heightDesc.start <= fy && heightDesc.end > fy) { treeHeight = heightDesc; } } if (treeHeight != null) { for (int i = 0; i < treeHeight.PlantGradientDescValues.Length; i++) { VoxelPaintXML.PlantGradientDesc GradientDesc = treeHeight.PlantGradientDescValues [i]; if (GradientDesc.start <= gradTan && GradientDesc.end > gradTan) { treeGradient = GradientDesc; } } PlantAVegetation(startX, startZ, ix, iz, iScl, treeGradient.PlantDescArrayValues, tileHeightBuf, 5.0f, outlstTreeInfo); } } } } } //坡度大于45度不刷草药 //if (gradTan >= noVegeTan0) continue; if (gradTan < noVegeTan3) { if (veges1 != null) { //旧草的空间单位 if (0 == ix % veges1.cellSize && 0 == iz % veges1.cellSize) { if (noise256 >= veges1.start || (noise256 > veges1.startFadeIn && myRand.NextDouble() <= (noise256 - veges1.startFadeIn) / (veges1.start - veges1.startFadeIn))) { foreach (VoxelPaintXML.PlantHeightDesc heightDesc in veges1.PlantHeightDescValues) { if (heightDesc.start <= fy && heightDesc.end > fy) { grassHeight = heightDesc; } } if (grassHeight != null) { foreach (VoxelPaintXML.PlantGradientDesc GradientDesc in grassHeight.PlantGradientDescValues) { if (GradientDesc.start <= gradTan && GradientDesc.end > gradTan) { grassGradient = GradientDesc; } } if (grassGradient != null) { PlantAVegetation(startX, startZ, ix, iz, iScl, grassGradient.PlantDescArrayValues, tileHeightBuf, 1.7f, outlstTreeInfo); } } } } } } // legacy grass // new grass // greed>30 no new grass if (gradTan >= noVegeTan2) { continue; } if (veges2 != null) { //新草的空间单位 if (0 == ix % veges2.cellSize && 0 == iz % veges2.cellSize) { if (noise256 >= veges2.start || (noise256 > veges2.startFadeIn && myRand.NextDouble() <= (noise256 - veges2.startFadeIn) / (veges2.start - veges2.startFadeIn))) { foreach (VoxelPaintXML.PlantHeightDesc heightDesc in veges2.PlantHeightDescValues) { if (heightDesc.start <= fy && heightDesc.end > fy) { newGrassHeight = heightDesc; } } if (newGrassHeight != null) { foreach (VoxelPaintXML.PlantGradientDesc GradientDesc in newGrassHeight.PlantGradientDescValues) { if (GradientDesc.start <= gradTan && GradientDesc.end > gradTan) { newGrassGradient = GradientDesc; } } if (newGrassGradient != null) { float fDensity = ((float)noise256 - veges2.startFadeIn) / (veges0.start - veges0.startFadeIn); if (fDensity > 1.0f) { fDensity = 1.0f; } PlantANewGrass(startX, startZ, ix, iz, fDensity, newGrassGradient.PlantDescArrayValues, tileHeightBuf, outlstGrassInst); } } } } } } } }
public void PlantGrass(VFTile terTile, double[][] tileNoiseBuf, float[][] tileHeightBuf, float[][] tileGradTanBuf, List <VoxelGrassInstance> outlstGrassInst, RandomMapType[][] tileMapType, int szCell) { int startX = terTile.tileX << VoxelTerrainConstants._shift; int startZ = terTile.tileZ << VoxelTerrainConstants._shift; //int iScl = 1 << terTile.tileL; for (int iz = 0; iz < VoxelTerrainConstants._numVoxelsPerAxis; iz += szCell) { int idxZ = iz + VoxelTerrainConstants._numVoxelsPrefix; double[] xNoiseBuf = tileNoiseBuf[idxZ]; float[] xHeightBuf = tileHeightBuf[idxZ]; float[] xGradTanBuf = tileGradTanBuf[idxZ]; byte[][] xyVoxels = terTile.terraVoxels[idxZ]; for (int ix = 0; ix < VoxelTerrainConstants._numVoxelsPerAxis; ix += szCell) { int idxX = ix + VoxelTerrainConstants._numVoxelsPrefix; float fy = xHeightBuf[idxX]; byte[] yVoxels = xyVoxels[idxX]; byte vType = yVoxels[((int)fy) * VFVoxel.c_VTSize + 1]; if (VFDataRTGen.IsNoPlantType(vType)) { continue; } float gradTan = xGradTanBuf[idxX]; //坡度大于60度草树皆不刷 if (gradTan >= noVegeTan1) { continue; } // greed>30 no new grass if (gradTan >= noVegeTan2) { continue; } curRegion = prms.RegionDescArrayValues[MapTypeToRegionId(tileMapType[iz][ix])]; VoxelPaintXML.PlantDescArrayCLS veges2 = curRegion.newgrasses; if (veges2 != null) { //新草的空间单位 if (0 == ix % veges2.cellSize && 0 == iz % veges2.cellSize) { double noise256 = (xNoiseBuf[idxX] + 1) * 128; if (noise256 >= veges2.start || (noise256 > veges2.startFadeIn && myRand.NextDouble() <= (noise256 - veges2.startFadeIn) / (veges2.start - veges2.startFadeIn))) { VoxelPaintXML.PlantHeightDesc newGrassHeight = null; VoxelPaintXML.PlantGradientDesc newGrassGradient = null; foreach (VoxelPaintXML.PlantHeightDesc heightDesc in veges2.PlantHeightDescValues) { if (heightDesc.start <= fy && heightDesc.end > fy) { newGrassHeight = heightDesc; } } if (newGrassHeight != null) { foreach (VoxelPaintXML.PlantGradientDesc GradientDesc in newGrassHeight.PlantGradientDescValues) { if (GradientDesc.start <= gradTan && GradientDesc.end > gradTan) { newGrassGradient = GradientDesc; } } if (newGrassGradient != null) { float fDensity = ((float)noise256 - veges2.startFadeIn) / (veges2.start - veges2.startFadeIn); /// old : veges0 if (fDensity > 1.0f) { fDensity = 1.0f; } PlantANewGrass(startX, startZ, ix, iz, fDensity, newGrassGradient.PlantDescArrayValues, tileHeightBuf, outlstGrassInst); } } } } } } } }
public void SetMapParam() { WeatherConfig.SetClimateType(ScenceClimate, vegetationId); SetTerrainHeight(terrainHeight, ScenceClimate); VFDataRTGen.SetRiverDensity(riverDensity); VFDataRTGen.SetRiverWidth(riverWidth); System.Random randTool = new System.Random(RandSeed); VFDataRTGen.SetPlainThickness(plainHeight); // VFDataRTGen.SetPlainMin((float)randTool.NextDouble()); // VFDataRTGen.SetPlainMax((float)randTool.NextDouble()); VFDataRTGen.SetFlatness(flatness); VFDataRTGen.SetFlatMin((float)randTool.NextDouble()); VFDataRTGen.SetFlatMax((float)randTool.NextDouble()); VFDataRTGen.SetBridgeMaxHeight(bridgeMaxHeight); //Debug.LogError(Mathf.Atan(1)*4); switch (mapSize) { case 0: //boundary SetBoundary(-20000, 20000, -20000, 20000, 200); //VFDataRTGen mineral VFDataRTGen.MetalReduceSwitch = false; VFDataRTGen.MetalReduceArea = 4000; //VFDataRTGen.MineFrequency0 = 0.5; //VFDataRTGen.MineFrequency1 = 2; VFDataRTGen.SetMapTypeFrequency(1f); //VArtifactTownManager town level campDistance detectarea //SetTownBoundary(-19200, 19200, -19200, 19200); //VArtifactTownManager.Instance.LevelRadius = 4000; //SetTownDistance(1, 1); //VArtifactTownManager.Instance.DetectedChunkNum = 32; //allyCount=8; break; case 1: //boundary SetBoundary(-10000, 10000, -10000, 10000, 100); //VFDataRTGen mineral VFDataRTGen.MetalReduceSwitch = false; VFDataRTGen.MetalReduceArea = 2000; //VFDataRTGen.MineFrequency0 = 0.5; //VFDataRTGen.MineFrequency1 = 2; VFDataRTGen.SetMapTypeFrequency(1f); //VArtifactTownManager town level //SetTownBoundary(-9600, 9600, -9600, 9600); //VArtifactTownManager.Instance.LevelRadius = 2000; //SetTownDistance(1, 1); //VArtifactTownManager.Instance.DetectedChunkNum = 32; //allyCount=8; break; case 2: //boundary SetBoundary(-4000, 4000, -4000, 4000, 40); //VFDataRTGen mineral VFDataRTGen.MetalReduceSwitch = false; //VFDataRTGen.MineFrequency0 = 0.25; //VFDataRTGen.MineFrequency1 = 0.25; //maptype VFDataRTGen.SetMapTypeFrequency(1.5f); //VFDataRTGen.SetTerrainFrequency(1.5f); //VArtifactTownManager town level campDistance detectarea //SetTownBoundary(-3860, 3860, -3860, 3860); //VArtifactTownManager.Instance.LevelRadius = 800; //SetTownDistance(0.5f, 0.8f); //VArtifactTownManager.Instance.DetectedChunkNum = 16; //allyCount=8; break; case 3: //boundary SetBoundary(-2000, 2000, -2000, 2000, 20); //VFDataRTGen mineral VFDataRTGen.MetalReduceSwitch = false; //VFDataRTGen.MineFrequency0 = 1; //VFDataRTGen.MineFrequency1 = 2; VFDataRTGen.SetMapTypeFrequency(3f); //VFDataRTGen.SetTerrainFrequency(3f); //VArtifactTownManager town level campDistance detectarea //SetTownBoundary(-1920, 1920, -1920, 1920); //VArtifactTownManager.Instance.LevelRadius = 400; //SetTownDistance(0.5f, 0.8f); //VArtifactTownManager.Instance.DetectedChunkNum = 12; //allyCount=4; break; case 4: //boundary SetBoundary(-1000, 1000, -1000, 1000, 10); //VFDataRTGen mineral VFDataRTGen.MetalReduceSwitch = false; //VFDataRTGen.MineFrequency0 = 1; //VFDataRTGen.MineFrequency1 = 2; VFDataRTGen.SetMapTypeFrequency(3f); //VFDataRTGen.SetTerrainFrequency(3f); //VArtifactTownManager town level campDistance detectarea //SetTownBoundary(-960, 960, -960, 960); //VArtifactTownManager.Instance.LevelRadius = 200; //SetTownDistance(0.25f, 0.8f); //VArtifactTownManager.Instance.DetectedChunkNum = 6; //allyCount=4; break; } //VFDataRTGen.TestMapBound(); Debug.Log("<color=red>SeedString:" + SeedString + "terrainHeight:" + terrainHeight + "mapsize: " + mapSize + ", riverdensity: " + riverDensity + ", riverwidth: " + riverWidth + "plainHeight:" + plainHeight + "flatness:" + flatness + "bridgemaxheight:" + bridgeMaxHeight + "allyCount" + allyCount + "</color>"); VFVoxelWater.c_fWaterLvl = VFDataRTGen.WaterHeightBase; if (ScenceClimate == ClimateType.CT_Wet) { System.Random waterseed = new System.Random(RandSeed); int waterplus = waterseed.Next(VFDataRTGen.WET_WATER_PLUS_MIN, VFDataRTGen.WET_WATER_PLUS_MAX); VFVoxelWater.c_fWaterLvl += waterplus; } else if (ScenceClimate == ClimateType.CT_Temperate) { System.Random waterseed = new System.Random(RandSeed); int waterplus = waterseed.Next(VFDataRTGen.TEMP_WATER_PLUS_MIN, VFDataRTGen.TEMP_WATER_PLUS_MAX); VFVoxelWater.c_fWaterLvl += waterplus; } VFDataRTGen.sceneClimate = ScenceClimate; VFDataRTGen.waterHeight = VFVoxelWater.c_fWaterLvl; VFDataRTGen.InitStaticParam(RandSeed); SetGlobalFogHeight(VFDataRTGen.waterHeight); }