Exemple #1
        public static List <VEROUT> generateVerificationOutputs(List <VERIN> verins)
            List <VEROUT> outl = new List <VEROUT>();

            int   size = verins.Count;
            VERIN v    = null;
            TLE   tle  = null;
            int   id   = 0;
            List <VEROUTEntry> entries = null;
            VEROUT             vo      = null;
            VEROUTEntry        ve      = null;

            double [][] rv = null;

            double mins     = 0;
            double startmin = 0;
            double stopmin  = 0;
            double minstep  = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                v          = verins[i];
                tle        = new TLE(v.line1, v.line2);
                vo         = new VEROUT();
                id         = tle.getObjectNum();
                vo.id      = id;
                entries    = new List <VEROUTEntry>();
                vo.entries = entries;

                mins = 0;

                rv = tle.getRV(mins);

                startmin = v.startMin;
                stopmin  = v.stopMin;
                minstep  = v.stepMin;

                mins = startmin;

                // always do zero
                if (startmin != 0)
                    rv   = tle.getRV(0);
                    ve   = new VEROUTEntry();
                    ve.r = rv[0];
                    ve.v = rv[1];
                    ve.minutesSinceEpoch = 0;
                    ve.error             = tle.getSgp4Error();

                while (mins <= stopmin)
                    rv   = tle.getRV(mins);
                    ve   = new VEROUTEntry();
                    ve.r = rv[0];
                    ve.v = rv[1];
                    ve.minutesSinceEpoch = mins;
                    ve.error             = tle.getSgp4Error();

                    mins += minstep;

                if ((mins - minstep) != stopmin)
                    mins = stopmin;
                    rv   = tle.getRV(mins);
                    ve   = new VEROUTEntry();
                    ve.r = rv[0];
                    ve.v = rv[1];
                    ve.minutesSinceEpoch = mins;
                    ve.error             = tle.getSgp4Error();
Exemple #2
        public static void verify()
            List <VERIN>  verins = readVerificationInputs();
            List <VEROUT> lorig  = readVerificationOutputs();
            List <VEROUT> lgen   = generateVerificationOutputs(verins);

            List <VEROUTEntry> lv1 = null;
            List <VEROUTEntry> lv2 = null;

            int         size  = lorig.Count;
            double      rdist = 0;
            double      vdist = 0;
            int         nv    = 0;
            VEROUT      v1    = null;
            VEROUT      v2    = null;
            VEROUTEntry ve1   = null;
            VEROUTEntry ve2   = null;

            double [] lastr = null;
            double [] lastv = null;

            double rerr = 0;
            double verr = 0;
            int    cnt  = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                v1 = lorig[i];
                v2 = lgen[i];

                lv1 = v1.getEntries();
                lv2 = v2.getEntries();

                nv = lv1.Count;
                for (int j = 0; j < nv; j++)
                    ve1 = lv1[j];
                    ve2 = lv2[j];

                    if (ve2.error == 0)
                        rdist = ve1.calcRDist(ve2.r);
                        vdist = ve1.calcVDist(ve2.v);
                        rdist = ve1.calcRDist(lastr);
                        vdist = ve1.calcVDist(lastv);

                    verr += vdist;
                    rerr += rdist;
                    if (rdist > 1e-7 || vdist > 1e-8)
                        Console.WriteLine(v1.id + "\t" + ve1.minutesSinceEpoch + "\t" + rdist + "\t" + vdist + "\t" + ve2.error);

                    // the original code didn't reset the r and v vectors on a propagate error
                    // so if we have an error, we need to carry forward the previous vectors to match
                    // the validation output.  strange.
                    lastr = ve2.r;
                    lastv = ve2.v;

            rerr /= (double)cnt;
            verr /= (double)cnt;
            Console.WriteLine("Typical errors\tr=" + (1e6 * rerr) + " mm\tv=" + (1e6 * verr) + " mm/s");
Exemple #3
        public static List <VEROUT> readVerificationOutputs()
            List <VEROUT> outl = new List <VEROUT>();

            String file = null;

            file = "../../data/tcppver.out";

            System.IO.StreamReader fr = null;
                fr = new System.IO.StreamReader(file);

                String line = null;

                List <VEROUTEntry> entries = null;
                VEROUT             v       = null;
                VEROUTEntry        ve      = null;

                int       id = 0;
                String [] sa = null;
                double    x  = 0;
                double    y  = 0;
                double    z  = 0;

                line = fr.ReadLine();
                while (line != null)
                    line = line.Trim();
                    if (line.Contains("xx"))
                        sa        = line.Split(" ");
                        id        = (int)Double.Parse(sa[0]);
                        v         = new VEROUT();
                        v.id      = id;
                        entries   = new List <VEROUTEntry>();
                        v.entries = entries;
                        while (line.Contains("  "))
                            line = line.Replace("  ", " ");

                        // add it
                        ve = new VEROUTEntry();
                        sa = line.Split(" ");
                        ve.minutesSinceEpoch = Double.Parse(sa[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        x    = Double.Parse(sa[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        y    = Double.Parse(sa[2], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        z    = Double.Parse(sa[3], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        ve.r = new double[] { x, y, z };
                        x    = Double.Parse(sa[4], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        y    = Double.Parse(sa[5], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        z    = Double.Parse(sa[6], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        ve.v = new double[] { x, y, z };
                    line = fr.ReadLine();
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (fr != null)
                    try{ fr.Close(); }catch (Exception ex) {}
