public bool LaunchAndDoInject() { IVsOutputWindowPane output = (IVsOutputWindowPane)Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(SVsGeneralOutputWindowPane)); String exepath = ""; String workdir = ""; String environment = ""; String addindir = ""; Solution sln = _applicationObject.Solution; String startup = (String)((Array)sln.SolutionBuild.StartupProjects).GetValue(0); foreach (EnvDTE.Project project in sln.Projects) { if (project.UniqueName == startup) { VCProject vcproj = (VCProject)project.Object; if (vcproj == null) { // this is not a visual c++ project continue; } IVCCollection cfgs = vcproj.Configurations; VCConfiguration cfg = cfgs.Item(1); exepath = cfg.Evaluate("$(LocalDebuggerCommand)"); workdir = cfg.Evaluate("$(LocalDebuggerWorkingDirectory)"); environment = cfg.Evaluate("$(LocalDebuggerEnvironment)"); addindir = cfg.Evaluate("$(USERPROFILE)\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2012\\Addins"); output.OutputString(exepath); } } uint pid = dpVSHelper.ExecuteSuspended(exepath, addindir, environment); if (pid != 0) { VsDebugTargetProcessInfo[] res = new VsDebugTargetProcessInfo[1]; VsDebugTargetInfo4[] info = new VsDebugTargetInfo4[1]; info[0].bstrExe = exepath; info[0].dlo = (uint)DEBUG_LAUNCH_OPERATION.DLO_AlreadyRunning; //info[0].dlo = (uint)_DEBUG_LAUNCH_OPERATION4.DLO_AttachToSuspendedLaunchProcess; // somehow this makes debugger not work info[0].dwProcessId = pid; info[0].LaunchFlags = (uint)__VSDBGLAUNCHFLAGS.DBGLAUNCH_StopDebuggingOnEnd | (uint)__VSDBGLAUNCHFLAGS.DBGLAUNCH_DetachOnStop; Guid guidDbgEngine = VSConstants.DebugEnginesGuids.ManagedAndNative_guid; IntPtr pGuids = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(guidDbgEngine)); Marshal.StructureToPtr(guidDbgEngine, pGuids, false); info[0].pDebugEngines = pGuids; info[0].dwDebugEngineCount = 1; IVsDebugger4 idbg = (IVsDebugger4)Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(SVsShellDebugger)); idbg.LaunchDebugTargets4(1, info, res); dpVSHelper.Resume(pid); } return(true); }
public void Compile(VCFile file) { VCConfiguration configuration = file.project.ActiveConfiguration; VCFileConfiguration fileConfiguration = file.GetFileConfigurationForProjectConfiguration(configuration); string toolchainConfDirs = configuration.Platform.ExecutableDirectories; toolchainConfDirs = configuration.Evaluate(toolchainConfDirs); string[] toolchainDirs = toolchainConfDirs.Split(ConfigurationSeparators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); VCCLCompilerTool cl = fileConfiguration.Tool; foreach (string dir in toolchainDirs) { string compilerPath = Path.Combine(dir, cl.ToolPath); if (File.Exists(compilerPath)) { EnsureAsmDirectoryExists(configuration); string compilerQuotedPath = CLCommandLineBuilder.SurroundWithQuotes(compilerPath); string filePath = CLCommandLineBuilder.SurroundWithQuotes(file.FullPath); string args = ComposeCommandLine(file, cl); Compile(compilerQuotedPath, args + " " + filePath, file); return; } } OnMissingCompiler(); }
/// <summary> /// Finds the library path for the configuration passed in. /// </summary> private void parseLinkerSettings_LibraryPath(VCConfiguration vcConfiguration, ProjectConfigurationInfo_CPP configurationInfo) { // Get the library paths across all property sheets List <string> libraryPaths = ToolPropertyCollector.Get(vcConfiguration, "VCLinkerTool", (tool) => { var linkerTool = tool as VCLinkerTool; string str = => (linkerTool.AdditionalLibraryDirectories)); if (str == null) { return(null); } // The string may be quoted. We need to remove the quotes. // (TODO: We might need to handle quotes in a smarter manner.) return(Utils.split(str, ';').Select(s => s.Trim('"')).ToList()); }); // Process the library paths foreach (string libraryPath in libraryPaths) { if (libraryPath == "") { continue; } string resolvedPath = => (vcConfiguration.Evaluate(libraryPath))); if (resolvedPath == "") { continue; } string relativePath = Utils.makeRelativePath(m_projectInfo.RootFolderAbsolute, resolvedPath); configurationInfo.addLibraryPath(relativePath); } }
/// <summary> /// We parse the librarian settings, ie link options for libraries. /// </summary> private void parseConfiguration_LibrarianSettings(VCConfiguration vcConfiguration, ProjectConfigurationInfo_CPP configurationInfo) { // We get the librarian 'tool'... IVCCollection tools = => (vcConfiguration.Tools as IVCCollection)); VCLibrarianTool librarianTool = => (tools.Item("VCLibrarianTool") as VCLibrarianTool)); if (librarianTool == null) { // Not all projects have a librarian tool... return; } // We find if this library is set to link together other libraries it depends on... // (We are assuming that all configurations of the project have the same link-library-dependencies setting.) m_projectInfo.LinkLibraryDependencies = => (librarianTool.LinkLibraryDependencies)); // - Target Machine (TODO: complete the machine type) string platform = => (vcConfiguration.Evaluate("$(Platform)"))); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(platform)) { configurationInfo.Platform = platform; configurationInfo.addLinkerFlag("/MACHINE:X64"); } // - Import Library configurationInfo.DynamicLibOutputPath = configurationInfo.OutputFolderAbsolute + m_projectInfo.Name + ".lib"; }
/// <summary> /// Finds the collection of include paths for the configuration passed in. /// </summary> private void parseCompilerSettings_IncludePath(VCConfiguration vcConfiguration, ProjectConfigurationInfo_CPP configurationInfo) { List <string> paths = ToolPropertyCollector.Get(vcConfiguration, "VCCLCompilerTool", (tool) => { var compilerTool = tool as VCCLCompilerTool; string strAdditionalIncludeDirectories = => (compilerTool.AdditionalIncludeDirectories)); if (strAdditionalIncludeDirectories == null) { return(null); } // The string may be quoted. We need to remove the quotes. // (TODO: We might need to handle quotes in a smarter manner.) return(Utils.split(strAdditionalIncludeDirectories, ';', ',').Select(s => s.Trim('"')).ToList()); }); foreach (var path in paths) { // Resolve variables string resolvedPath = => (vcConfiguration.Evaluate(path))); if (resolvedPath != "") { // Make sure all paths are relative to the project root folder string relativePath = Utils.makeRelativePath(m_projectInfo.RootFolderAbsolute, resolvedPath); configurationInfo.addIncludePath(relativePath); } } }
static public string GetIncludesForProject(VCConfiguration vcConfiguration) { StringBuilder includes = new StringBuilder(); VCCLCompilerTool vcCTool = GetVCCLCompilerToolForProject(vcConfiguration); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(vcCTool.FullIncludePath) == false) { ts.TraceInformation("GetIncludesForProject: FullIncludePath\n" + vcCTool.FullIncludePath); includes.Append(BuildIncludes(vcCTool.FullIncludePath, "-I")); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(vcCTool.AdditionalIncludeDirectories) == false) { ts.TraceInformation("GetIncludesForProject: AdditionalIncludeDirectories\n" + vcCTool.AdditionalIncludeDirectories); includes.Append(BuildIncludes(vcConfiguration.Evaluate(vcCTool.AdditionalIncludeDirectories), "-I")); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(vcCTool.ForcedIncludeFiles) == false) { ts.TraceInformation("GetIncludesForProject: ForcedIncludeFiles\n" + vcCTool.ForcedIncludeFiles); //TODO HEEM includes.Append(BuildIncludes(vcCTool.ForcedIncludeFiles, "-include")); } ts.TraceInformation("GetIncludesForProject: \n" + includes.ToString()); return(includes.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Finds the collection of include paths for the configuration passed in. /// </summary> private void parseCompilerSettings_IncludePath(VCConfiguration vcConfiguration, VCCLCompilerTool compilerTool, ProjectConfigurationInfo_CPP configurationInfo) { // We: // 1. Read the additional include paths (which are in a semi-colon-delimited string) // 2. Split it into separate paths // 3. Resolve any symbols // 4. Make sure all paths are relative to the project root folder // 1 & 2... string strAdditionalIncludeDirectories = => (compilerTool.AdditionalIncludeDirectories)); if (strAdditionalIncludeDirectories == null) { return; } List <string> additionalIncludeDirectories = Utils.split(strAdditionalIncludeDirectories, ';', ','); foreach (string additionalIncludeDirectory in additionalIncludeDirectories) { // The string may be quoted. We need to remove the quotes... string unquotedIncludeDirectory = additionalIncludeDirectory.Trim('"'); // 3 & 4... string resolvedPath = => (vcConfiguration.Evaluate(unquotedIncludeDirectory))); if (resolvedPath != "") { string relativePath = Utils.makeRelativePath(m_projectInfo.RootFolderAbsolute, resolvedPath); configurationInfo.addIncludePath(relativePath); } } }
public string Evaluate(EnvDTE.Configuration dteConfig, string value) { EnvDTE.Project dteProject = dteConfig.Owner as EnvDTE.Project; VCProject project = dteProject.Object as VCProject; VCConfiguration config = project.Configurations.Item(dteConfig.ConfigurationName + "|" + dteConfig.PlatformName); return(config.Evaluate(value)); }
private bool IsEnclave(Project project) { ThreadHelper.ThrowIfNotOnUIThread(); var vcProject = project.Object as VCProject; VCConfiguration vcConfig = vcProject.ActiveConfiguration; string oeType = vcConfig.Evaluate("$(OEType)"); return(oeType == "Enclave"); }
private static void recursiveAddToolDetails(SourceFile sourceForAnalysis, VCConfiguration projectConfig, VCCLCompilerTool tool, dynamic propertySheets, ref bool bInheritDefs, ref bool bInheritUndefs) { // TODO: If the special keyword "\\\"$(INHERIT)\\\"" appears, we should inherit at that specific point. if (bInheritDefs) { string[] macrosToDefine = tool.PreprocessorDefinitions.Split(';'); bInheritDefs = !macrosToDefine.Contains("\\\"$(NOINHERIT)\\\""); for (int i = 0; i < macrosToDefine.Length; ++i) { macrosToDefine[i] = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(projectConfig.Evaluate(macrosToDefine[i])); } sourceForAnalysis.addMacros(macrosToDefine); } if (bInheritUndefs) { string[] macrosToUndefine = tool.UndefinePreprocessorDefinitions.Split(';'); bInheritUndefs = !macrosToUndefine.Contains("\\\"$(NOINHERIT)\\\""); for (int i = 0; i < macrosToUndefine.Length; ++i) { macrosToUndefine[i] = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(projectConfig.Evaluate(macrosToUndefine[i])); } sourceForAnalysis.addMacrosToUndefine(macrosToUndefine); } if (propertySheets != null && (bInheritDefs || bInheritUndefs)) { // Scan any inherited property sheets. foreach (var propSheet in propertySheets) { VCCLCompilerTool propSheetTool = (VCCLCompilerTool)propSheet.Tools.Item("VCCLCompilerTool"); if (propSheetTool != null) { // When looping over the inherited property sheets, don't allow rules to filter back up the way. bool bInheritDefs1 = bInheritDefs, bInheritUndefs1 = bInheritUndefs; recursiveAddToolDetails(sourceForAnalysis, projectConfig, propSheetTool, propSheet.PropertySheets, ref bInheritDefs1, ref bInheritUndefs1); } } } }
void EnsureAsmDirectoryExists(VCConfiguration configuration) { string relativeDir = configuration.Evaluate(OutputAsmDir); string solutionDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(m_dte.Solution.FullName); string dir = Path.Combine(solutionDir, relativeDir); if (!Directory.Exists(dir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); } }
private static async Task <SourceFile> createSourceFileAsync(string filePath, Configuration configuration, Project project) { try { await Instance.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync(); Debug.Assert(isVisualCppProjectKind(project.Kind)); VCProject vcProject = project.Object as VCProject; VCConfiguration vcconfig = vcProject.ActiveConfiguration; string toolSetName = ((dynamic)vcconfig).PlatformToolsetFriendlyName; string projectDirectory = vcProject.ProjectDirectory; string projectName = project.Name; SourceFile sourceForAnalysis = null; dynamic toolsCollection = vcconfig.Tools; foreach (var tool in toolsCollection) { // Project-specific includes if (implementsInterface(tool, "Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine.VCCLCompilerTool")) { if (sourceForAnalysis == null) { sourceForAnalysis = new SourceFile(filePath, projectDirectory, projectName, toolSetName); } string includes = tool.FullIncludePath; string definitions = tool.PreprocessorDefinitions; string macrosToUndefine = tool.UndefinePreprocessorDefinitions; string[] includePaths = includes.Split(';'); for (int i = 0; i < includePaths.Length; ++i) { includePaths[i] = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(vcconfig.Evaluate(includePaths[i])); } ; sourceForAnalysis.addIncludePaths(includePaths); sourceForAnalysis.addMacros(definitions.Split(';')); sourceForAnalysis.addMacrosToUndefine(macrosToUndefine.Split(';')); } } return(sourceForAnalysis); } catch (Exception ex) { DebugTracer.Trace(ex); return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets a folder name from the function passed in, and returns it as a path /// relative to the project root folder. /// </summary> private string parseConfiguration_Folder(VCConfiguration vcConfiguration, Func <string> folderFn) { // We get the folder name, which may contain symbols e.g. £(ConfgurationName)... string pathWithSymbols =; // We resolve the symbols... string evaluatedPath = => (vcConfiguration.Evaluate(pathWithSymbols))); // Path is absolute or relative to Project folder. if (!Path.IsPathRooted(evaluatedPath)) { evaluatedPath = Path.Combine(m_projectInfo.RootFolderAbsolute, evaluatedPath); } return(evaluatedPath); }
private string[] GetIncludeDirectoriesFromProject(EnvDTE.Project project) { List <string> includeDirectories = new List <string>(); VCProject vcproject = (VCProject)project.Object; IVCCollection configurationsCollection = (IVCCollection)vcproject.Configurations; Configuration dteActiveConfiguration = project.ConfigurationManager.ActiveConfiguration; VCConfiguration vcActiveConfiguration = null; foreach (VCConfiguration configuration in configurationsCollection) { if (configuration.ConfigurationName == dteActiveConfiguration.ConfigurationName && configuration.Platform.Name == dteActiveConfiguration.PlatformName) { vcActiveConfiguration = configuration; break; } } IVCCollection toolsCollection = (IVCCollection)vcActiveConfiguration.Tools; foreach (Object toolObject in toolsCollection) { if (toolObject is VCCLCompilerTool) { VCCLCompilerTool compilerTool = (VCCLCompilerTool)toolObject; string additionalIncludeDirectories = compilerTool.AdditionalIncludeDirectories; includeDirectories.AddRange(additionalIncludeDirectories.Split(';')); break; } } includeDirectories.AddRange(AdditionalIncludeDirectoriesFromAllPropertySheets(vcActiveConfiguration.PropertySheets)); List <string> evaluatedIncludeDirectories = new List <string>(); foreach (string includeDirectory in includeDirectories) { string evaluatedIncludeDirectory = vcActiveConfiguration.Evaluate(includeDirectory); if (evaluatedIncludeDirectory != "") { evaluatedIncludeDirectories.Add(evaluatedIncludeDirectory); } } return(evaluatedIncludeDirectories.ToArray()); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a folder name from the function passed in, and returns it as a path /// relative to the project root folder. /// </summary> private string parseConfiguration_Folder(VCConfiguration vcConfiguration, Func <string> folderFn) { // We get the folder name, which may contain symbols e.g. £(ConfgurationName)... string pathWithSymbols =; // We resolve the symbols... string evaluatedPath = => (vcConfiguration.Evaluate(pathWithSymbols))); // If we ave an absolute path, we convert it to a relative one... string relativePath = evaluatedPath; if (Path.IsPathRooted(evaluatedPath)) { relativePath = Utils.makeRelativePath(m_projectInfo.RootFolderAbsolute, evaluatedPath); } return(relativePath); }
public static string GetPCH(VCProject project, VCConfiguration config) { string pch = ""; IVCCollection tools = config.Tools as IVCCollection; VCCLCompilerTool vctool = tools.Item("VCCLCompilerTool") as VCCLCompilerTool; if (vctool != null) { pch = vctool.PrecompiledHeaderThrough; } if (pch != "") { VCFile file = Connect.GetVCFile(project, config.Evaluate(pch)); if (file != null) { pch = file.Name; } } return(pch); }
/// <summary> /// Finds the library path for the configuration passed in. /// </summary> private void parseLinkerSettings_LibraryPath(VCConfiguration vcConfiguration, VCLinkerTool linkerTool, ProjectConfigurationInfo_CPP configurationInfo) { // We: // 1. Read the additional library paths (which are in a semi-colon-delimited string) // 2. Split it into separate paths // 3. Resolve any symbols // 4. Make sure all paths are relative to the project root folder // 1 & 2... string strAdditionalLibraryDirectories = => (linkerTool.AdditionalLibraryDirectories)); if (strAdditionalLibraryDirectories == null) { return; } List<string> additionalLibraryDirectories = Utils.split(strAdditionalLibraryDirectories, ';', ','); foreach (string additionalLibraryDirectory in additionalLibraryDirectories) { // The string may be quoted. We need to remove the quotes... string unquotedLibraryDirectory = additionalLibraryDirectory.Trim('"'); if (unquotedLibraryDirectory == "") { continue; } // 3 & 4... string resolvedPath = => (vcConfiguration.Evaluate(unquotedLibraryDirectory))); if (resolvedPath != "") { string relativePath = Utils.makeRelativePath(m_projectInfo.RootFolderAbsolute, resolvedPath); configurationInfo.addLibraryPath(relativePath); } } }
/// <summary> /// Gets a folder name from the function passed in, and returns it as a path /// relative to the project root folder. /// </summary> private string parseConfiguration_Folder(VCConfiguration vcConfiguration, Func<string> folderFn) { // We get the folder name, which may contain symbols e.g. £(ConfgurationName)... string pathWithSymbols =; // We resolve the symbols... string evaluatedPath = => (vcConfiguration.Evaluate(pathWithSymbols))); // If we ave an absolute path, we convert it to a relative one... string relativePath = evaluatedPath; if (Path.IsPathRooted(evaluatedPath)) { relativePath = Utils.makeRelativePath(m_projectInfo.RootFolderAbsolute, evaluatedPath); } return relativePath; }
public string EvaluateMacro(string macro) { return(_wrapped.Evaluate(macro)); }
/// <summary> /// Finds the library path for the configuration passed in. /// </summary> private void parseLinkerSettings_LibraryPath(VCConfiguration vcConfiguration, ProjectConfigurationInfo_CPP configurationInfo) { // Get the library paths across all property sheets List<string> libraryPaths = ToolPropertyCollector.Get(vcConfiguration, "VCLinkerTool", (tool) => { var linkerTool = tool as VCLinkerTool; string str = => (linkerTool.AdditionalLibraryDirectories)); if (str == null) return null; // The string may be quoted. We need to remove the quotes. // (TODO: We might need to handle quotes in a smarter manner.) return Utils.split(str, ';').Select(s => s.Trim('"')).ToList(); } ); // Process the library paths foreach (string libraryPath in libraryPaths) { if (libraryPath == "") continue; string resolvedPath = => (vcConfiguration.Evaluate(libraryPath))); if (resolvedPath == "") continue; string relativePath = Utils.makeRelativePath(m_projectInfo.RootFolderAbsolute, resolvedPath); configurationInfo.addLibraryPath(relativePath); } }
public string Evaluate(string value) { return(_configuration.Evaluate(value)); }
public static string GetPCH(VCProject project, VCConfiguration config) { string pch = ""; IVCCollection tools = config.Tools as IVCCollection; VCCLCompilerTool vctool = tools.Item("VCCLCompilerTool") as VCCLCompilerTool; if (vctool != null) { pch = vctool.PrecompiledHeaderThrough; } if (pch != "") { VCFile file = Connect.GetVCFile(project, config.Evaluate(pch)); if (file != null) { pch = file.Name; } } return pch; }
private static async Task <SourceFile> createSourceFileAsync(ProjectItem item) { try { await Instance.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync(); Debug.Assert(isVisualCppProjectKind(item.ContainingProject.Kind)); VCFile vcFile = item.Object as VCFile; VCProject vcProject = item.ContainingProject.Object as VCProject; VCConfiguration vcconfig = vcProject.ActiveConfiguration; VCFileConfiguration fileConfig = vcFile.FileConfigurations.Item(vcconfig.Name); string toolSetName = ((dynamic)vcconfig).PlatformToolsetFriendlyName; string projectDirectory = vcProject.ProjectDirectory; string projectName = vcProject.Name; SourceFile sourceForAnalysis = null; if (item.FileCount > 0) { bool bInheritDefs = true, bInheritUndefs = true; string[] includePaths = { }; // Do the file-level first in case it disables inheritance. Include files don't have file-level config. if (implementsInterface(fileConfig.Tool, "Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine.VCCLCompilerTool")) { sourceForAnalysis = new SourceFile(item.FileNames[1], projectDirectory, projectName, toolSetName); includePaths = fileConfig.Tool.FullIncludePath.Split(';'); // Other details may be gathered from the file, project or any inherited property sheets. recursiveAddToolDetails(sourceForAnalysis, vcconfig, fileConfig.Tool, null, ref bInheritDefs, ref bInheritUndefs); } // Now get the full include path VCCLCompilerTool projectTool = (VCCLCompilerTool)vcconfig.Tools.Item("VCCLCompilerTool"); if (projectTool != null && implementsInterface(projectTool, "Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine.VCCLCompilerTool")) { if (sourceForAnalysis == null) { sourceForAnalysis = new SourceFile(item.FileNames[1], projectDirectory, projectName, toolSetName); includePaths = projectTool.FullIncludePath.Split(';'); } // Take the full include path from file level, which is already fully resolved. for (int i = 0; i < includePaths.Length; ++i) { includePaths[i] = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(vcconfig.Evaluate(includePaths[i])); } sourceForAnalysis.addIncludePaths(includePaths); recursiveAddToolDetails(sourceForAnalysis, vcconfig, projectTool, vcconfig.PropertySheets, ref bInheritDefs, ref bInheritUndefs); } } return(sourceForAnalysis); } catch (Exception ex) { DebugTracer.Trace(ex); return(null); } }
public string ReplaceMacros(string s, VCConfiguration cfg = null) { if (cfg == null) cfg = config; //! Replace macros foreach (string macro in ProjectMacros.Collection) { string result = cfg.Evaluate(macro); if (result != null) s = s.Replace(macro, result, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase); } return s; }
/// <summary> /// Finds the collection of include paths for the configuration passed in. /// </summary> private void parseCompilerSettings_IncludePath(VCConfiguration vcConfiguration, ProjectConfigurationInfo_CPP configurationInfo) { List<string> paths = ToolPropertyCollector.Get(vcConfiguration, "VCCLCompilerTool", (tool) => { var compilerTool = tool as VCCLCompilerTool; string strAdditionalIncludeDirectories = => (compilerTool.AdditionalIncludeDirectories)); if (strAdditionalIncludeDirectories == null) return null; // The string may be quoted. We need to remove the quotes. // (TODO: We might need to handle quotes in a smarter manner.) return Utils.split(strAdditionalIncludeDirectories, ';', ',').Select(s => s.Trim('"')).ToList(); } ); foreach (var path in paths) { // Resolve variables string resolvedPath = => (vcConfiguration.Evaluate(path))); if (resolvedPath != "") { // Make sure all paths are relative to the project root folder string relativePath = Utils.makeRelativePath(m_projectInfo.RootFolderAbsolute, resolvedPath); configurationInfo.addIncludePath(relativePath); } } }
private void ProjectContextMenuItemCallback(object sender, EventArgs e) { var dte = this.dte.DTE; OutputWindow outputWindow = null; try { outputWindow = new OutputWindow(dte); OleMenuCommand menuCommand = sender as OleMenuCommand; if (menuCommand != null && dte != null) { Array selectedProjects = (Array)dte.ActiveSolutionProjects; //only support 1 selected project if (selectedProjects.Length == 1) { EnvDTE.Project project = (EnvDTE.Project)selectedProjects.GetValue(0); var vcproj = project.Object as VCProject; if (vcproj != null) { IVCCollection configs = (IVCCollection)vcproj.Configurations; VCConfiguration cfg = (VCConfiguration)vcproj.ActiveConfiguration; VCDebugSettings debug = (VCDebugSettings)cfg.DebugSettings; string command = null; string arguments = null; string workingDirectory = null; if (debug != null) { command = cfg.Evaluate(debug.Command); workingDirectory = cfg.Evaluate(debug.WorkingDirectory); arguments = cfg.Evaluate(debug.CommandArguments); } VCPlatform currentPlatform = (VCPlatform)cfg.Platform; string platform = currentPlatform == null ? null : currentPlatform.Name; if (platform != null) { platform = platform.ToLower(); if (platform.Contains("x64")) { platform = "x64"; } else if (platform.Contains("x86") || platform.Contains("win32")) { platform = "x86"; } else { throw new NotSupportedException("Platform is not supported."); } } else { cfg = (VCConfiguration)configs.Item("Debug|x64"); platform = "x64"; if (cfg == null) { throw new NotSupportedException("Cannot find x64 platform for project."); } } if (command == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(command)) { command = cfg.PrimaryOutput; } if (command != null) { var solutionFolder = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(dte.Solution.FileName); CoverageExecution executor = new CoverageExecution(dte, outputWindow); executor.Start( solutionFolder, platform, System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(command), System.IO.Path.GetFileName(command), workingDirectory, arguments); } } } } } catch (NotSupportedException ex) { if (outputWindow != null) { outputWindow.WriteLine("Error running coverage: {0}", ex.Message); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (outputWindow != null) { outputWindow.WriteLine("Unexpected code coverage failure; error: {0}", ex.ToString()); } } }