Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle an error response from HMRC
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aResponse"></param>
        private int ProcessErrorResponse(VAT100_BusinessErrorResponse aResponse)
            // The response was not good news
            string errorNarrative = string.Empty;

            int Result = 0;

            VAT100BusinessResponseDetails details = aResponse.GovTalkDetails;

            if (details.GovTalkErrors.Count > 0)
                for (int index = 0; index < details.GovTalkErrors.Count; index++)
                    GovTalkError error = details.GovTalkErrors[index];
                    errorNarrative += error.Error.Text + "\n\r\n\r";

            // GovTalkErrors done.  Now look for messages in the <Body>
            if (aResponse.Body.ErrorResponse != null)
                if (aResponse.Body.ErrorResponse.ErrorList.Length > 0)
                    foreach (VAT100_ErrorResponseError error in aResponse.Body.ErrorResponse.ErrorList)
                        errorNarrative += error.Text + "\n\r\n\r";
                        errorNarrative += error.Location + "\n\r";

            // Update its status
            FPendingDocument.theDocument.status = Convert.ToInt16(SubmissionStatus.ssError);

            // Add the narrative
            FPendingDocument.theDocument.hmrcNarrative = errorNarrative;

            // Save the record
            Result = VAT100Database.Instance.UpdateVAT100Entry(FPendingDocument.theDocument, FPendingDocument.companyCode);

Exemple #2
        private int ProcessErrorResponse(VAT100_BusinessErrorResponse aResponse)
            // The response was not good news
            string errorNarrative = string.Empty;

            int Result = 0;

            VAT100BusinessResponseDetails details = aResponse.GovTalkDetails;

            if (details.GovTalkErrors.Count > 0)
                for (int index = 0; index < details.GovTalkErrors.Count; index++)
                    GovTalkError error = details.GovTalkErrors[index];
                    errorNarrative += error.Error.Text + "\n\r\n\r";

            // GovTalkErrors done.  Now look for messages in the <Body>
            if (aResponse.Body.ErrorResponse != null)
                if (aResponse.Body.ErrorResponse.ErrorList.Length > 0)
                    foreach (VAT100_ErrorResponseError error in aResponse.Body.ErrorResponse.ErrorList)
                        errorNarrative += error.Text + "\n\r\n\r";
                        errorNarrative += error.Location + "\n\r";

            // Add the narrative
            textNarrative.AppendText(errorNarrative + "\r\n\r\n");

Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the response returned from the HMRC Gateway for the VAT Submission
        /// that is currently being processed. Returns false if the response is either
        /// that the VAT Return was in error or if it was accepted successfully, and
        /// therefore that polling should be stopped. Otherwise it returns true, and
        /// polling should continue.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="responseXML"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private int HandleHMRCResponse(string responseXML)
            string filename;
            int    Result = 0;

            // Deserialise the response.  At this point we don't know if its a business response or an error response.
            VAT100_BusinessResponseMessage responseMsg = null;
            VAT100_BusinessErrorResponse   errorMsg    = null;

                XmlSerializer responseSerialiser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(VAT100_BusinessResponseMessage));
                using (StringReader reader = new StringReader(responseXML))
                    responseMsg = (VAT100_BusinessResponseMessage)(responseSerialiser.Deserialize(reader));

                XmlSerializer errorSerialiser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(VAT100_BusinessErrorResponse));
                using (StringReader reader = new StringReader(responseXML))
                    errorMsg = (VAT100_BusinessErrorResponse)(errorSerialiser.Deserialize(reader));
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogText("Error handling HMRC response : " + ex.Message);

            // Determine the response type.
            // For a pending submission, this will be "acknowledgement"
            // For a successful submission, this will be "response"
            // For a submission failure, this will be "error"
            string responseType = responseMsg.Header.MessageDetails.Qualifier; // response, error, acknowledgement
            string function     = responseMsg.Header.MessageDetails.Function;

            switch (responseType.ToLower())
            case "acknowledgement":
                // Nothing to do.  We'll continue polling until we get a business response or an error.
                Log.Add("Acknowledgement received");
                Result = 0;

            case "response":
                // Business Response. We can stop polling, save the data and then delete the request (unless it was a delete).
                Log.Add("Response received");

                // CJS 2015-09-24 - ABSEXCH-16922 - HMRC Filing VAT Submissions xml folder
                // Save the XML
                filename = string.Format("response{0}.xml", responseMsg.Body.SuccessResponse.ResponseData.VATDeclarationResponse.Header.VATPeriod.PeriodId);
                XMLWrite.ToReceivedFolder(FDatabase.tToolkit.Configuration.EnterpriseDirectory, filename, responseXML);

                Result = ProcessBusinessResponse(responseMsg);
                if (function.ToLower() != "delete")

            case "error":
                Log.Add("Error response received");

                // CJS 2015-09-24 - ABSEXCH-16922 - HMRC Filing VAT Submissions xml folder
                // Save the XML
                DateTime timenow = DateTime.Now;
                filename = string.Format("error{0:yyyyMMdd_hhmm}.xml", timenow);
                XMLWrite.ToReceivedFolder(FDatabase.tToolkit.Configuration.EnterpriseDirectory, filename, responseXML);

                // Error Response. We can stop polling, save the data and then delete the request (unless it was a delete).
                Result = ProcessErrorResponse(errorMsg);
                if (function.ToLower() != "delete")

                // Unrecognised response qualifier
                throw new Exception("Unexpected response received from HMRC");