private void UpdateMesh()
        if (Builder == null || Filter == null || Renderer == null)

        Rect internalRect = new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1);

        Builder.AddQuad(0, 0, 0, 480, 85);

        int loc = RemapFromSpell(ActiveSpell);

        if (loc >= 0)
            int  spx          = loc % 12;
            int  spy          = loc / 12;
            Rect irSpellBlock = Utils.DivRect(new Rect(5 + spx * 38, 5 + spy * 38, 37, 37), new Vector2(SpbFrame.width, SpbFrame.height));
            Builder.AddQuad(0, 5 + spx * 38 + 1, 5 + spy * 38 + 1, 37, 37, irSpellBlock, new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1));

        for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
            if ((SpellsMask & (1u << (int)RemapToSpell(i))) != 0)
            int spx = i % 12;
            int spy = i / 12;
            Builder.AddQuad(1, 5 + spx * 38 + 1, 5 + spy * 38 + 1, 36, 36);

        Builder.CurrentMesh = 1;

        Filter.mesh = Builder.ToMesh(MeshTopology.Quads, MeshTopology.Quads);
Exemple #2
    public void UpdateMesh()
        if (Filter.mesh != null && LastWidth == Width && LastHeight == Height && LastClicked == _Clicked && LastChecked == Checked)

        LastChecked = Checked;
        LastClicked = _Clicked;
        LastWidth   = Width;
        LastHeight  = Height;

        if (Builder == null)
            Builder = new Utils.MeshBuilder();

        Color col_inactive = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
        Color col_active   = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0);

        if (_Clicked)
            col_active = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f);
        else if (Checked)
            col_active   = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
            col_inactive = new Color(0, 0, 0, 1);

        Builder.AddQuad(0, 0, 0, imgRadiob.Sprites[2].rect.width, imgRadiob.Sprites[2].rect.height, imgRadiob.AtlasRects[2], col_inactive); // disabled
        Builder.AddQuad(0, 0, 0, imgRadiob.Sprites[3].rect.width, imgRadiob.Sprites[3].rect.height, imgRadiob.AtlasRects[3], col_active);   // disabled

        Filter.mesh = Builder.ToMesh(MeshTopology.Quads);
Exemple #3
    public void SetTooltip(string text)
        if (Tooltip == null)
            TooltipRendererA         = new AllodsTextRenderer(Fonts.Font2, Font.Align.Left, 0, 0, false, 12);
            Tooltip                  = Utils.CreateObject();
            Tooltip.transform.parent = transform;
            TooltipRenderer          = Tooltip.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
            TooltipFilter            = Tooltip.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
            TooltipBall              = Images.LoadImage("graphics/interface/ball.bmp", 0, Images.ImageType.AllodsBMP);

            Material[] materials = new Material[] { new Material(MainCamera.MainShader), new Material(MainCamera.MainShader) };
            materials[0].mainTexture  = TooltipBall;
            TooltipRenderer.materials = materials;

            GameObject TooltipText = TooltipRendererA.GetNewGameObject(0.01f, Tooltip.transform, 100);
            TooltipRendererA.Material.color     = new Color32(165, 121, 49, 255);
            TooltipText.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(6, 6, -0.02f);


        float topX = lastMouseX;
        float topY = lastMouseY;

        text = text.Replace('#', '\n').Replace("~", "");
        TooltipRendererA.Text = text;

        // ideal position for the tooltip is top/right of the mouse.
        // but if it doesn't fit, should be moved around.
        topX = lastMouseX;
        topY = lastMouseY - TooltipRendererA.Height - 12;

        float fw = TooltipRendererA.ActualWidth + 12;
        float fh = TooltipRendererA.Height + 12;

        if (topX + fw > MainCamera.Width)
            topX = MainCamera.Width - fw;
        if (topY + fh > MainCamera.Height)
            topY = MainCamera.Height - fh;
        if (topX < 0)
            topX = 0;
        if (topY < 0)
            topY = 0;

        Tooltip.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(topX, topY, MainCamera.MouseZ + 0.01f);

        TooltipBuilder.AddQuad(0, 0, 0, 4, 4);
        TooltipBuilder.AddQuad(0, TooltipRendererA.ActualWidth + 8, 0, 4, 4);
        TooltipBuilder.AddQuad(0, TooltipRendererA.ActualWidth + 8, TooltipRendererA.Height + 6, 4, 4);
        TooltipBuilder.AddQuad(0, 0, TooltipRendererA.Height + 6, 4, 4);

        // now render border quads
        float bw = TooltipRendererA.ActualWidth + 6;
        float bh = TooltipRendererA.Height + 6 - 2; // 2 = difference between "LineHeight" and our custom LineHeight of 12

        // top border bright
        TooltipBuilder.CurrentMesh     = 1;
        TooltipBuilder.CurrentColor    = new Color32(165, 121, 49, 255);
        TooltipBuilder.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(3, 1);
        TooltipBuilder.CurrentColor    = new Color32(165, 121, 49, 255);
        TooltipBuilder.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(3 + bw, 1);
        // top border dark
        TooltipBuilder.CurrentColor    = new Color32(82, 60, 24, 255);
        TooltipBuilder.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(3 + bw, 1 + 2);
        TooltipBuilder.CurrentColor    = new Color32(82, 60, 24, 255);
        TooltipBuilder.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(3, 1 + 2);
        // bottom border bright
        TooltipBuilder.CurrentMesh     = 1;
        TooltipBuilder.CurrentColor    = new Color32(165, 121, 49, 255);
        TooltipBuilder.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(3, 3 + bh);
        TooltipBuilder.CurrentColor    = new Color32(165, 121, 49, 255);
        TooltipBuilder.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(3 + bw, 3 + bh);
        // bottom border dark
        TooltipBuilder.CurrentColor    = new Color32(82, 60, 24, 255);
        TooltipBuilder.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(3 + bw, 3 + bh + 2);
        TooltipBuilder.CurrentColor    = new Color32(82, 60, 24, 255);
        TooltipBuilder.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(3, 3 + bh + 2);
        // left border bright
        TooltipBuilder.CurrentMesh     = 1;
        TooltipBuilder.CurrentColor    = new Color32(165, 121, 49, 255);
        TooltipBuilder.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(1, 3);
        TooltipBuilder.CurrentColor    = new Color32(165, 121, 49, 255);
        TooltipBuilder.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(1, 3 + bh);
        // left border dark
        TooltipBuilder.CurrentColor    = new Color32(82, 60, 24, 255);
        TooltipBuilder.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(1 + 2, 3 + bh);
        TooltipBuilder.CurrentColor    = new Color32(82, 60, 24, 255);
        TooltipBuilder.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(1 + 2, 3);
        // right border bright
        TooltipBuilder.CurrentMesh     = 1;
        TooltipBuilder.CurrentColor    = new Color32(165, 121, 49, 255);
        TooltipBuilder.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(3 + bw, 3);
        TooltipBuilder.CurrentColor    = new Color32(165, 121, 49, 255);
        TooltipBuilder.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(3 + bw, 3 + bh);
        // right border dark
        TooltipBuilder.CurrentColor    = new Color32(82, 60, 24, 255);
        TooltipBuilder.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(3 + bw + 2, 3 + bh);
        TooltipBuilder.CurrentColor    = new Color32(82, 60, 24, 255);
        TooltipBuilder.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(3 + bw + 2, 3);
        TooltipBuilder.AddQuad(TooltipBuilder.CurrentMesh, 3, 3, bw, bh, new Color32(33, 44, 33, 255));

        TooltipFilter.mesh = TooltipBuilder.ToMesh(MeshTopology.Quads, MeshTopology.Quads);
    public void Start()

        if (InvFrame == null)
            InvFrame = Images.LoadImage("graphics/interface/invframe.bmp", 0, Images.ImageType.AllodsBMP);
        if (InvArrow1 == null)
            InvArrow1 = Images.LoadImage("graphics/interface/invarrow1.bmp", 0, Images.ImageType.AllodsBMP);
        if (InvArrow2 == null)
            InvArrow2 = Images.LoadImage("graphics/interface/invarrow2.bmp", 0, Images.ImageType.AllodsBMP);
        if (InvArrow3 == null)
            InvArrow3 = Images.LoadImage("graphics/interface/invarrow3.bmp", 0, Images.ImageType.AllodsBMP);
        if (InvArrow4 == null)
            InvArrow4 = Images.LoadImage("graphics/interface/invarrow4.bmp", 0, Images.ImageType.AllodsBMP);

        Renderer = gameObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
        Filter   = gameObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();

        Renderer.materials = new Material[] { new Material(MainCamera.MainShader), new Material(MainCamera.MainShader), new Material(MainCamera.MainShader) };
        Renderer.materials[0].mainTexture = InvFrame;
        Renderer.materials[1].color       = Renderer.materials[2].color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);

        // generate mesh.
        Utils.MeshBuilder mb = new Utils.MeshBuilder();
        // 3 submeshes: left arrow, right arrow, and background. I'm NOT using the full original inventory view.
        for (int i = 0; i < View.InvWidth; i++)
            int internalPosition;
            if (i == 0)
                internalPosition = 0;
            else if (i == View.InvWidth - 1)
                internalPosition = 4;
                internalPosition = (i % 3) + 1;
            Rect internalRect = Utils.DivRect(new Rect(32 + internalPosition * 80, 0, 80, 90), new Vector2(InvFrame.width, InvFrame.height));
            mb.AddQuad(0, 32 + i * 80, 0, 80, 90, internalRect);

        // add two quads for unpressed buttons
        mb.AddQuad(0, 0, 0, 32, 90, Utils.DivRect(new Rect(0, 0, 32, 90), new Vector2(InvFrame.width, InvFrame.height)));
        mb.AddQuad(0, 32 + View.InvWidth * 80, 0, 32, 90, Utils.DivRect(new Rect(432, 0, 32, 90), new Vector2(InvFrame.width, InvFrame.height)));

        mb.AddQuad(1, 0, 2, 32, 88);
        mb.AddQuad(2, 32 + View.InvWidth * 80, 2, 32, 88);

        Filter.mesh = mb.ToMesh(MeshTopology.Quads, MeshTopology.Quads, MeshTopology.Quads);

        transform.localScale    = new Vector3(1, 1, 0.01f);
        transform.localPosition = new Vector3((Screen.width - 176) / 2 - (View.InvWidth * 80 + 64) / 2, Screen.height - 90, MainCamera.InterfaceZ + 0.99f); // on this layer all map UI is drawn
Exemple #5
    public void Start()

        if (CrystalL == null)
            CrystalL = Images.LoadImage("graphics/interface/crystall.bmp", 0, Images.ImageType.AllodsBMP);
        if (CrystalR == null)
            CrystalR = Images.LoadImage("graphics/interface/crystalr.bmp", Images.ImageType.AllodsBMP);
        transform.localScale    = new Vector3(1, 1, 0.01f);
        transform.localPosition = new Vector3(MainCamera.Width - 176, 0, MainCamera.InterfaceZ + 0.99f); // on this layer all map UI is drawn

        CrystalLObject   = Utils.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Quad);
        CrystalLRenderer = CrystalLObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();
        CrystalLObject.transform.parent        = transform;
        CrystalLObject.transform.localScale    = new Vector3(CrystalL.width, CrystalL.height, 1);
        CrystalLObject.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(CrystalL.width / 2, CrystalL.height / 2, 0);
        CrystalLRenderer.material             = new Material(MainCamera.MainShader);
        CrystalLRenderer.material.mainTexture = CrystalL;

        CrystalRObject   = Utils.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Quad);
        CrystalRRenderer = CrystalRObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();
        CrystalRObject.transform.parent        = transform;
        CrystalRObject.transform.localScale    = new Vector3(CrystalR.width, CrystalR.height, 1);
        CrystalRObject.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(CrystalL.width + CrystalR.width / 2, CrystalR.height / 2, 0);
        CrystalRRenderer.material             = new Material(MainCamera.MainShader);
        CrystalRRenderer.material.mainTexture = CrystalR;

        TexObject   = Utils.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Quad);
        TexRenderer = TexObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();
        TexObject.transform.parent        = transform;
        TexObject.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(CrystalL.width + CrystalR.width / 2, CrystalR.height / 2, 0);
        TexRenderer.material             = new Material(MainCamera.MainShader);
        TexRenderer.material.mainTexture = MapTexture;
        TexRenderer.enabled = false;

        if (MiniMapData == null)
            Texture2D mmData = Images.LoadImage("graphics/interface/minimapdata.bmp", Images.ImageType.AllodsBMP);
            MiniMapData = mmData.GetPixels();

        // update bounds object
        Utils.MeshBuilder mb = new Utils.MeshBuilder();

        mb.CurrentPosition = new Vector2(-0.00390625f, 0);
        mb.CurrentColor    = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
        mb.CurrentPosition = new Vector2(1, 0);
        mb.CurrentColor    = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1);

        mb.CurrentPosition = new Vector2(1, 0);
        mb.CurrentColor    = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
        mb.CurrentPosition = new Vector2(1, 1);
        mb.CurrentColor    = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1);

        mb.CurrentPosition = new Vector2(1, 1);
        mb.CurrentColor    = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
        mb.CurrentPosition = new Vector2(0, 1);
        mb.CurrentColor    = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1);

        mb.CurrentPosition = new Vector2(0, 1);
        mb.CurrentColor    = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
        mb.CurrentPosition = new Vector2(0, -0.00390625f);
        mb.CurrentColor    = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1);

        Mesh boundsMesh = mb.ToMesh(MeshTopology.Lines);

        BoundsObject                         = new GameObject();                    = "ScreenBounds";
        BoundsObject.transform.parent        = transform;
        BoundsObject.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, -2f);
        BoundsObject.transform.localScale    = new Vector2(0, 0);
        MeshFilter boundsFilter = BoundsObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();

        boundsFilter.mesh       = boundsMesh;
        BoundsRenderer          = BoundsObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
        BoundsRenderer.material = new Material(MainCamera.MainShader);
        BoundsRenderer.enabled  = false;
Exemple #6
    public void Update()
        // update text
        if (TextObjects.Count != InvWidth * InvHeight ||
            TextRenderers.Count != InvWidth * InvHeight)
            for (int i = 0; i < TextRenderers.Count; i++)

            for (int ly = 0; ly < InvHeight; ly++)
                for (int lx = 0; lx < InvWidth; lx++)
                    AllodsTextRenderer atr = new AllodsTextRenderer(Fonts.Font2);
                    atr.Text           = "";
                    atr.Material.color = new Color32(0xBD, 0x9E, 0x4A, 0xFF);
                    GameObject go = atr.GetNewGameObject(0.01f, transform, 100, 0.01f);

                    go.transform.localPosition = new Vector3((lx * 80 + 6) * InvScale, (ly * 80 + 80 - 4) * InvScale - atr.Font.LineHeight, -0.2f);

        // first submesh = quads, item background
        // second submesh = lines, item magic glow
        // third submesh = quads, item pictures

        if (Pack == null)


        int start = Math.Max(Math.Min(Scroll, Pack.Count - InvWidth * InvHeight), 0);
        int end   = Math.Min(start + InvWidth * InvHeight, Pack.Count);
        int x     = 0;
        int y     = 0;

        for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
            Builder.AddQuad(y * InvWidth + x, (x * 80) * InvScale, (y * 80) * InvScale, 80 * InvScale, 80 * InvScale, new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1));
            // check texture.
            // for now, just put generic background
            Renderer.materials[y * InvWidth + x].mainTexture = img_BackInv;

            if (x >= InvWidth)
                x = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < TextObjects.Count; i++)

        // now add magic glow where it should be
        x = 0;
        y = 0;
        UpdateMGlow(); // per-widget unique animation is used.
        int rnd = 0;

        for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
            // check if item has special effects
            Item item = Pack[i];
            if (item.MagicEffects.Count > 0)
                float baseX = x * 80 * InvScale;
                float baseY = y * 80 * InvScale;
                Builder.CurrentMesh = InvWidth * InvHeight * 2;

                foreach (MGlowPart part in MGlowParts)
                    // draw all glow parts
                    // left
                    Builder.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(baseX + part.x, baseY + part.y);
                    Builder.CurrentColor    = new Color32(208, 0, 208, 255);
                    Builder.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(baseX + part.x - 2f * part.state, baseY + part.y);
                    Builder.CurrentColor    = new Color32(64, 0, 64, 255);
                    // right
                    Builder.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(baseX + part.x, baseY + part.y);
                    Builder.CurrentColor    = new Color32(208, 0, 208, 255);
                    Builder.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(baseX + part.x + 2f * part.state, baseY + part.y);
                    Builder.CurrentColor    = new Color32(64, 0, 64, 255);
                    // top
                    Builder.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(baseX + part.x, baseY + part.y);
                    Builder.CurrentColor    = new Color32(208, 0, 208, 255);
                    Builder.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(baseX + part.x, baseY + part.y - 2f * part.state);
                    Builder.CurrentColor    = new Color32(64, 0, 64, 255);
                    // bottom
                    Builder.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(baseX + part.x, baseY + part.y);
                    Builder.CurrentColor    = new Color32(208, 0, 208, 255);
                    Builder.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(baseX + part.x, baseY + part.y + 2f * part.state);
                    Builder.CurrentColor    = new Color32(64, 0, 64, 255);

            int dcount = item.Count;
            if (UiManager.Instance.DragItem == item)
                dcount -= UiManager.Instance.DragItemCount;

            if (dcount > 1)
                TextRenderers[rnd].Text = dcount.ToString();

            if (x >= InvWidth)
                x = 0;

        // add item pictures
        x = 0;
        y = 0;
        for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
            Item item = Pack[i];
            // check texture.
            // for now, just put generic background
            Renderer.materials[InvWidth * InvHeight + y * InvWidth + x].mainTexture = item.Class.File_Pack.File.Atlas;
            Renderer.materials[InvWidth * InvHeight + y * InvWidth + x].SetTexture("_Palette", item.Class.File_Pack.File.OwnPalette);
            Color color = new Color(1, 1, 1, (item == UiManager.Instance.DragItem) ? 0.25f : 1); // draw dragged items half transparent
            Builder.AddQuad(InvWidth * InvHeight + y * InvWidth + x, (x * 80) * InvScale, (y * 80) * InvScale, 80 * InvScale, 80 * InvScale, item.Class.File_Pack.File.AtlasRects[0], color);

            if (x >= InvWidth)
                x = 0;

        MeshTopology[] topologies = new MeshTopology[InvWidth * InvHeight * 2 + 1];
        for (int i = 0; i < InvWidth * InvHeight; i++)
            topologies[i] = MeshTopology.Quads;
            topologies[InvWidth * InvHeight + i] = MeshTopology.Quads;
        topologies[InvWidth * InvHeight * 2] = MeshTopology.Lines;

        Builder.CurrentMesh = topologies.Length - 1;
        Filter.mesh         = Builder.ToMesh(topologies);
    public void Start()
        ItemCount      = (MainCamera.Width - 176 - 64) / 80; // each arrow is 32 in width
        View.InvScale  = 1;
        View.InvWidth  = (int)(ItemCount / View.InvScale);
        View.InvHeight = (int)(1 / View.InvScale);
        View.ShowMoney = true;

        if (InvFrame == null)
            InvFrame = Images.LoadImage("graphics/interface/invframe.bmp", 0, Images.ImageType.AllodsBMP);
        if (InvArrow1 == null)
            InvArrow1 = Images.LoadImage("graphics/interface/invarrow1.bmp", 0, Images.ImageType.AllodsBMP);
        if (InvArrow2 == null)
            InvArrow2 = Images.LoadImage("graphics/interface/invarrow2.bmp", 0, Images.ImageType.AllodsBMP);
        if (InvArrow3 == null)
            InvArrow3 = Images.LoadImage("graphics/interface/invarrow3.bmp", 0, Images.ImageType.AllodsBMP);
        if (InvArrow4 == null)
            InvArrow4 = Images.LoadImage("graphics/interface/invarrow4.bmp", 0, Images.ImageType.AllodsBMP);

        Renderer = gameObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
        Filter   = gameObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();

        Renderer.materials = new Material[] { new Material(MainCamera.MainShader), new Material(MainCamera.MainShader), new Material(MainCamera.MainShader) };
        Renderer.materials[0].mainTexture = InvFrame;
        Renderer.materials[1].color       = Renderer.materials[2].color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);

        // generate mesh.
        Utils.MeshBuilder mb = new Utils.MeshBuilder();
        // 3 submeshes: left arrow, right arrow, and background. I'm NOT using the full original inventory view.
        for (int j = 1; j >= 0; j--)
            for (int i = 0; i < View.InvWidth; i++)
                int internalPosition;
                if (i == 0)
                    internalPosition = 0;
                else if (i == View.InvWidth - 1)
                    internalPosition = 4;
                    internalPosition = (i % 3) + 1;
                int yoffs = 0;
                if (View.InvScale < 1)
                    yoffs = (int)(1.5f / View.InvScale);
                Rect internalRect = Utils.DivRect(new Rect(32 + internalPosition * 80, 0, 80, 90), new Vector2(InvFrame.width, InvFrame.height));
                mb.AddQuad(0, 32 + i * 80 * View.InvScale, j * 80 * View.InvScale + yoffs, 80 * View.InvScale, 90 * View.InvScale, internalRect);

        // add two quads for unpressed buttons
        mb.AddQuad(0, 0, 0, 32, 90, Utils.DivRect(new Rect(0, 0, 32, 90), new Vector2(InvFrame.width, InvFrame.height)));
        mb.AddQuad(0, 32 + View.InvWidth * 80 * View.InvScale, 0, 32, 90, Utils.DivRect(new Rect(432, 0, 32, 90), new Vector2(InvFrame.width, InvFrame.height)));

        mb.AddQuad(1, 0, 2, 32, 88);
        mb.AddQuad(2, 32 + View.InvWidth * 80 * View.InvScale, 2, 32, 88);

        Filter.mesh = mb.ToMesh(MeshTopology.Quads, MeshTopology.Quads, MeshTopology.Quads);

        transform.localScale    = new Vector3(1, 1, 0.01f);
        transform.localPosition = new Vector3((MainCamera.Width - 176) / 2 - (View.InvWidth * 80 * View.InvScale + 64) / 2, MainCamera.Height - 90, MainCamera.InterfaceZ + 0.99f); // on this layer all map UI is drawn
Exemple #8
    void SetMesh()
        if (Filter.mesh)

        List <Material>     materials = new List <Material>();
        List <MeshTopology> topos     = new List <MeshTopology>();

        materials.Add(new Material(MainCamera.MainShader)); // this is for outlines
        //Renderer.materials = new Material[] { new Material(MainCamera.MainShader), new Material(MainCamera.MainShader) };

        Utils.MeshBuilder mb = new Utils.MeshBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < CurrentLevel.Sectors.Count; i++)
            LevelSector sec = CurrentLevel.Sectors[i];

            if (drawAfter >= 0 && i < drawAfter)

            int planemesh = mb.CurrentMesh + 1;
            mb.CurrentMesh = 0;
            //if (sec.Walls.Count > 1) Debug.LogFormat("sector {0} has walls", i);
            for (int j = 0; j < sec.Walls.Count; j++)
                LevelWall wall = sec.Walls[j];

                //if (j != 0) continue;

                if (wall.V1.X < 0 || wall.V1.Y < 0 ||
                    wall.V2.X < 0 || wall.V2.Y < 0)

                Color color = new Color(1, 0, 0, 1);
                if (wall.Back != null)
                    color.r = 0;
                    color.g = 1f;

                //if (i == 0) color.g = color.b = 0;
                //else if (i == 10) color.g = color.r = 0;

                // sector 0 = 0
                // sector 10 = +8 (-8) floor height

                float TopFZ1 = wall.Front.Sector.Floor.ZatPoint(wall.V1.X, wall.V1.Y);
                if (wall.Back != null)
                    TopFZ1 = Mathf.Max(TopFZ1, wall.Back.Sector.Floor.ZatPoint(wall.V1.X, wall.V1.Y)); // top point at v1
                float BottomFZ1 = wall.Front.Sector.Floor.ZatPoint(wall.V1.X, wall.V1.Y);
                if (wall.Back != null)
                    BottomFZ1 = Mathf.Min(BottomFZ1, wall.Back.Sector.Floor.ZatPoint(wall.V1.X, wall.V1.Y));
                float TopFZ2 = wall.Front.Sector.Floor.ZatPoint(wall.V2.X, wall.V2.Y);
                if (wall.Back != null)
                    TopFZ2 = Mathf.Max(TopFZ2, wall.Back.Sector.Floor.ZatPoint(wall.V2.X, wall.V2.Y)); // top point at v2
                float BottomFZ2 = wall.Front.Sector.Floor.ZatPoint(wall.V2.X, wall.V2.Y);
                if (wall.Back != null)
                    BottomFZ2 = Mathf.Min(BottomFZ2, wall.Back.Sector.Floor.ZatPoint(wall.V2.X, wall.V2.Y));

                float TopCZ1 = wall.Front.Sector.Ceiling.ZatPoint(wall.V1.X, wall.V1.Y);
                if (wall.Back != null)
                    TopCZ1 = Mathf.Max(TopCZ1, wall.Back.Sector.Ceiling.ZatPoint(wall.V1.X, wall.V1.Y)); // top point at v1
                float BottomCZ1 = wall.Front.Sector.Ceiling.ZatPoint(wall.V1.X, wall.V1.Y);
                if (wall.Back != null)
                    BottomCZ1 = Mathf.Min(BottomCZ1, wall.Back.Sector.Ceiling.ZatPoint(wall.V1.X, wall.V1.Y));
                float TopCZ2 = wall.Front.Sector.Ceiling.ZatPoint(wall.V2.X, wall.V2.Y);
                if (wall.Back != null)
                    TopCZ2 = Mathf.Max(TopCZ2, wall.Back.Sector.Ceiling.ZatPoint(wall.V2.X, wall.V2.Y)); // top point at v2
                float BottomCZ2 = wall.Front.Sector.Ceiling.ZatPoint(wall.V2.X, wall.V2.Y);
                if (wall.Back != null)
                    BottomCZ2 = Mathf.Min(BottomCZ2, wall.Back.Sector.Ceiling.ZatPoint(wall.V2.X, wall.V2.Y));

                if (wall.Back != null)
                    mb.CurrentColor    = color;
                    mb.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(wall.V1.X, wall.V1.Y, TopFZ1);
                    mb.CurrentColor    = color;
                    mb.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(wall.V2.X, wall.V2.Y, TopFZ2);

                    mb.CurrentColor    = color;
                    mb.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(wall.V1.X, wall.V1.Y, TopCZ1);
                    mb.CurrentColor    = color;
                    mb.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(wall.V2.X, wall.V2.Y, TopCZ2);

                    mb.CurrentColor    = color;
                    mb.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(wall.V1.X, wall.V1.Y, BottomFZ1);
                    mb.CurrentColor    = color;
                    mb.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(wall.V2.X, wall.V2.Y, BottomFZ2);

                    mb.CurrentColor    = color;
                    mb.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(wall.V1.X, wall.V1.Y, BottomCZ1);
                    mb.CurrentColor    = color;
                    mb.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(wall.V2.X, wall.V2.Y, BottomCZ2);
                    mb.CurrentColor    = color;
                    mb.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(wall.V1.X, wall.V1.Y, TopFZ1);
                    mb.CurrentColor    = color;
                    mb.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(wall.V2.X, wall.V2.Y, TopFZ2);

                    mb.CurrentColor    = color;
                    mb.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(wall.V1.X, wall.V1.Y, TopCZ1);
                    mb.CurrentColor    = color;
                    mb.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(wall.V2.X, wall.V2.Y, TopCZ2);

                // vertical lines
                if (wall.Back != null)
                    mb.CurrentColor    = color;
                    mb.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(wall.V1.X, wall.V1.Y, TopFZ1);
                    mb.CurrentColor    = color;
                    mb.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(wall.V1.X, wall.V1.Y, BottomFZ1);

                    mb.CurrentColor    = color;
                    mb.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(wall.V2.X, wall.V2.Y, TopFZ2);
                    mb.CurrentColor    = color;
                    mb.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(wall.V2.X, wall.V2.Y, BottomFZ2);

                    mb.CurrentColor    = color;
                    mb.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(wall.V1.X, wall.V1.Y, TopCZ1);
                    mb.CurrentColor    = color;
                    mb.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(wall.V1.X, wall.V1.Y, BottomCZ1);

                    mb.CurrentColor    = color;
                    mb.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(wall.V2.X, wall.V2.Y, TopCZ2);
                    mb.CurrentColor    = color;
                    mb.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(wall.V2.X, wall.V2.Y, BottomCZ2);
                    mb.CurrentColor    = color;
                    mb.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(wall.V1.X, wall.V1.Y, TopFZ1);
                    mb.CurrentColor    = color;
                    mb.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(wall.V1.X, wall.V1.Y, BottomCZ1);

                    mb.CurrentColor    = color;
                    mb.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(wall.V2.X, wall.V2.Y, TopFZ2);
                    mb.CurrentColor    = color;
                    mb.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(wall.V2.X, wall.V2.Y, BottomCZ2);

            // draw floor
            Material    texfloor    = new Material(MainCamera.MainShader);
            RadixBitmap bitmapfloor = TextureManager.GetTextureById(sec.Floor.Texture);
            Vector2     texmul      = new Vector2(bitmapfloor.Width, bitmapfloor.Height);
            if (bitmapfloor != null)
                texfloor.mainTexture = bitmapfloor.Texture;

            Material    texceiling    = new Material(MainCamera.MainShader);
            RadixBitmap bitmapceiling = TextureManager.GetTextureById(sec.Ceiling.Texture);
            Vector2     texmul2       = new Vector2(bitmapceiling.Width, bitmapceiling.Height);
            if (bitmapceiling != null)
                texceiling.mainTexture = bitmapceiling.Texture;


            for (int p = 0; p < 2; p++)
                mb.CurrentMesh = planemesh + p;
                LevelSector.Plane plane = p == 0 ? sec.Floor : sec.Ceiling;
                for (int j = 0; j < sec.Triangles.Count; j++)
                    LevelSector.Triangle tri = sec.Triangles[j];

                    Color color = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1);

                    if (tri.Points.Count != 3)
                        // now, we know that this mesh is NOT actual triangle list, it consists of points around the sector.
                        Vector2 center = tri.Center;

                        for (int k = 0; k < tri.Points.Count; k++)
                            // add center point
                            mb.CurrentColor    = color;
                            mb.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(center.x, center.y, plane.ZatPoint(center.x, center.y));
                            mb.CurrentUV1      = new Vector2(center.x / texmul.x, center.y / texmul.y);

                            // add current point
                            int cIndex = k % tri.Points.Count;
                            mb.CurrentColor    = color;
                            mb.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(tri.Points[cIndex].x, tri.Points[cIndex].y, plane.ZatPoint(tri.Points[cIndex].x, tri.Points[cIndex].y));
                            mb.CurrentUV1      = new Vector2(tri.Points[cIndex].x / texmul.x, tri.Points[cIndex].y / texmul.y);

                            // add next point
                            int nIndex = (k + 1) % tri.Points.Count;
                            mb.CurrentColor    = color;
                            mb.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(tri.Points[nIndex].x, tri.Points[nIndex].y, plane.ZatPoint(tri.Points[nIndex].x, tri.Points[nIndex].y));
                            mb.CurrentUV1      = new Vector2(tri.Points[nIndex].x / texmul.x, tri.Points[nIndex].y / texmul.y);
                    else // it's a legit triangle, don't overcomplicate
                        for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                            mb.CurrentColor    = color;
                            mb.CurrentPosition = new Vector3(tri.Points[k].x, tri.Points[k].y, plane.ZatPoint(tri.Points[k].x, tri.Points[k].y));
                            mb.CurrentUV1      = new Vector2(tri.Points[k].x / texmul.x, tri.Points[k].y / texmul.y);

            if (drawAfter >= 0 && i >= drawAfter && sec.Walls.Count > 0)
                Debug.LogFormat("stopped rendering at {0}", i);

        Filter.mesh        = mb.ToMesh(topos.ToArray());
        Renderer.materials = materials.ToArray();