Exemple #1
		}// DeriveKey()

		internal static void DeriveKey(HMAC keyedHmac, ArraySegment<byte> bufferSegment, ArraySegment<byte> derivedOutput, uint counter = 1)
			int derivedOutputCount = derivedOutput.Count, derivedOutputOffset = derivedOutput.Offset;
			byte[] K_i = null;
			HMAC2 keyedHmac2 = keyedHmac as HMAC2;
				// Calculate each K_i value and copy the leftmost bits to the output buffer as appropriate.
				for (var counterStruct = new Utils.IntStruct { UintValue = counter }; derivedOutputCount > 0; ++counterStruct.UintValue)
					counterStruct.ToBEBytes(bufferSegment.Array, bufferSegment.Offset); // update the counter within the buffer

					if (keyedHmac2 == null)
						K_i = keyedHmac.ComputeHash(bufferSegment.Array, bufferSegment.Offset, bufferSegment.Count);
						keyedHmac2.TransformBlock(bufferSegment.Array, bufferSegment.Offset, bufferSegment.Count, null, 0);
						keyedHmac2.TransformFinalBlock(bufferSegment.Array, 0, 0);
						K_i = keyedHmac2.HashInner;

					// copy the leftmost bits of K_i into the output buffer
					int numBytesToCopy = derivedOutputCount > K_i.Length ? K_i.Length : derivedOutputCount;//Math.Min(derivedOutputCount, K_i.Length);
					Utils.BlockCopy(K_i, 0, derivedOutput.Array, derivedOutputOffset, numBytesToCopy);
					derivedOutputOffset += numBytesToCopy;
					derivedOutputCount -= numBytesToCopy;
				}// for
			}// checked
			if (keyedHmac2 == null && K_i != null) Array.Clear(K_i, 0, K_i.Length); /* clean up needed only when HMAC implementation is not HMAC2 */
		}// DeriveKey()
		}// DeriveKey()

		internal static void DeriveKey(HMAC keyedHmac, ArraySegment<byte> bufferSegment, ArraySegment<byte> derivedOutput, uint counter = 1)
			int derivedOutputCount = derivedOutput.Count, derivedOutputOffset = derivedOutput.Offset;
			byte[] K_i = null;
				// Calculate each K_i value and copy the leftmost bits to the output buffer as appropriate.
				for (var counterStruct = new Utils.IntStruct { UintValue = counter }; derivedOutputCount > 0; ++counterStruct.UintValue)
					counterStruct.ToBEBytes(bufferSegment.Array, bufferSegment.Offset); // update the counter within the buffer
					K_i = keyedHmac.ComputeHash(bufferSegment.Array, bufferSegment.Offset, bufferSegment.Count);

					// copy the leftmost bits of K_i into the output buffer
					int numBytesToCopy = Math.Min(derivedOutputCount, K_i.Length);
					Utils.BlockCopy(K_i, 0, derivedOutput.Array, derivedOutputOffset, numBytesToCopy);
					derivedOutputOffset += numBytesToCopy;
					derivedOutputCount -= numBytesToCopy;
				}// for
			}// checked
			if (K_i != null) Array.Clear(K_i, 0, K_i.Length);
		}// DeriveKey()