private string GetAllowScriptAccessValue(ref UtilityHtmlParser parser, ref bool flag, string allowScriptAccessValue, ref string html)
            String    name = null;
            String    val  = null;
            HTMLchunk chunk;

            while ((chunk = parser.Parser.ParseNext()) != null)
                if (chunk.sTag == "param" && chunk.oParams.ContainsKey("name") && chunk.oParams.ContainsKey("value"))
                    name = chunk.oParams["name"].ToString();
                    if (Utility.ToSafeLower(name) == "movie")
                        val = chunk.oParams["value"].ToString();
                        val = Utility.ToSafeLower(val);
                        if (val.Trim().EndsWith(".swf"))
                            flag = true;
                    if (Utility.ToSafeLower(name) == "allowscriptaccess")
                        allowScriptAccessValue = chunk.oParams["value"].ToString();
                        // Return the HTML where we want to report an issue.
                        html = chunk.oHTML;
        public override void Check(Session session)
            String[] bods = null;
            String   body = null;

            if (WatcherEngine.Configuration.IsOriginDomain(session.hostname))
                if (session.responseCode == 200)
                    if (Utility.IsResponseHtml(session))
                        UtilityHtmlParser parser = new UtilityHtmlParser();
                        if (parser.Parser == null)
                        HTMLchunk chunk;
                        while ((chunk = parser.Parser.ParseNext()) != null)
                            if (chunk.oType == HTMLchunkType.Script)
                                CheckDomainLowering(session, chunk.oHTML);
                    if (Utility.IsResponseJavascript(session))
                        body = Utility.GetResponseText(session);
                        CheckDomainLowering(session, body);
        public override void Check(Session session)
            String id;

            bool filter = configpanel.enablefiltercheckBox.Checked;

            //alertbody = "";
            //findingnum = 0;

            if (WatcherEngine.Configuration.IsOriginDomain(session.hostname))
                if (session.responseCode == 200)
                    if (Utility.IsResponseHtml(session) && session.responseBodyBytes.Length > 0)
                        if (!filter || SiteNotChecked(session.hostname))
                            UtilityHtmlParser parser = new UtilityHtmlParser();
                            if (parser.Parser == null)

                            HTMLchunk chunk;
                            while ((chunk = parser.Parser.ParseNext()) != null)
                                if (chunk.oType == HTMLchunkType.OpenTag && chunk.sTag == "input")
                                    if (chunk.oParams.ContainsKey("id"))
                                        id = chunk.oParams["id"].ToString();

                                        // Find ones where id="__VIEWSTATE"
                                        if (id.Equals("__VIEWSTATE", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                            // Get the __VIEWSTATE value
                                            if (chunk.oParams.ContainsKey("value"))
                                                String val = chunk.oParams["value"].ToString();
                                                // If the VIEWSTATE is not secured with a MAC, then raise an alert.
                                                if (!IsViewStateSecure(val))
                                                    lock (hosts)
        public override void Check(Session session)
            String bod = null;

            alertbody  = "";
            alertbody2 = "";
            alertbody3 = "";
            findingnum = 0;

            if (WatcherEngine.Configuration.IsOriginDomain(session.hostname))
                if (session.responseCode == 200)
                    if (Utility.IsResponseHtml(session))
                        UtilityHtmlParser parser = new UtilityHtmlParser();
                        parser.Parser.bKeepRawHTML = true;
                        if (parser.Parser == null)

                        HTMLchunk chunk;
                        while ((chunk = parser.Parser.ParseNext()) != null)
                            if (chunk.oType == HTMLchunkType.OpenTag)
                                if (chunk.sTag == "object")
                                    CheckObjectTag(chunk, ref parser);
                                if (chunk.sTag == "embed")

                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(alertbody))
                            AddAlert(session, WatcherResultSeverity.Medium, alertbody);
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(alertbody2))
                            AddAlert(session, WatcherResultSeverity.Informational, alertbody2);
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(alertbody3))
                            AddAlert(session, WatcherResultSeverity.Medium, alertbody3);
Exemple #5
        public override void Check(Session session)
            String pat = null;
            String bod = null;
            String dom = null;

            alertbody  = "";
            findingnum = 0;

            // This is a check for cross-domain issues.  So if Watcher is not configured with
            // an origin domain, treat the session response hostname as the origin.
            // For details of the Silverlight clientaccesspolicy.xml DTD see:
            if (WatcherEngine.Configuration.IsOriginDomain(session.hostname, session.hostname))
                if (session.responseCode == 200)
                    if (Utility.IsResponseXml(session) || Utility.IsResponsePlain(session))
                        pat = Path.GetFileName(session.PathAndQuery);

                        if (pat != null && pat.ToLower() == "clientaccesspolicy.xml")
                            UtilityHtmlParser parser = new UtilityHtmlParser();
                            parser.Parser.bKeepRawHTML = true;
                            HTMLchunk chunk;
                            while ((chunk = parser.Parser.ParseNext()) != null)
                                // The easy thing to do here is just scan for all 'domain uri' declarations
                                if (chunk.oType == HTMLchunkType.OpenTag && chunk.sTag == "domain" && chunk.oParams.ContainsKey("uri"))
                                    dom = chunk.oParams["uri"].ToString();
                                    if (!WatcherEngine.Configuration.IsOriginDomain(dom, session.hostname) && !WatcherEngine.Configuration.IsTrustedDomain(dom))
                                        AssembleAlert(dom, chunk.oHTML);

                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(alertbody))
        public override void Check(Session session)
            NameValueCollection parms = null;
            String bod = null;

            alertbody  = "";
            findingnum = 0;

            if (WatcherEngine.Configuration.IsOriginDomain(session.hostname))
                if (session.responseCode == 200)
                    parms = Utility.GetRequestParameters(session);

                    if (parms != null && parms.Keys.Count > 0)
                        if (Utility.IsResponseHtml(session))
                            UtilityHtmlParser parser = new UtilityHtmlParser();
                            if (parser.Parser == null)
                            HTMLchunk chunk;

                            while ((chunk = parser.Parser.ParseNext()) != null)
                                if (chunk.oType == HTMLchunkType.Script)
                                    CheckUserControllableJavascriptReferenceProperty(parms, chunk.oHTML, "src");
                                    CheckUserControllableJavascriptReferenceProperty(parms, chunk.oHTML, "href");
                                    CheckUserControllableJavascriptReferenceWindowOpen(parms, chunk.oHTML);

                        if (Utility.IsResponseJavascript(session))
                            CheckUserControllableJavascriptReferenceProperty(parms, bod, "src");
                            CheckUserControllableJavascriptReferenceProperty(parms, bod, "href");
                            CheckUserControllableJavascriptReferenceWindowOpen(parms, bod);
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(alertbody))
Exemple #7
        public override void Check(Session session)
            String bod = null;

            alertbody  = "";
            alertbody2 = "";
            findingnum = 0;

            if (WatcherEngine.Configuration.IsOriginDomain(session.hostname))
                if (session.responseCode == 200)
                    if (Utility.IsResponseHtml(session))
                        UtilityHtmlParser parser = new UtilityHtmlParser();
                        parser.Parser.bKeepRawHTML = true;
                        HTMLchunk chunk;
                        while ((chunk = parser.Parser.ParseNext()) != null)
                            if (chunk.oType == HTMLchunkType.OpenTag && chunk.sTag == "object")
                                CheckObjectTag(parser, chunk);

                            if (chunk.oType == HTMLchunkType.OpenTag && chunk.sTag == "embed")
                        //bod = Utility.GetResponseText(session);
                        //if (bod != null)
                        //    bod = Utility.ToSafeLower(bod); ;

                        //    CheckObjectTag(bod);
                        //    CheckEmbedTag(bod);
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(alertbody))
                            AddAlert(session, WatcherResultSeverity.Medium, alertbody);
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(alertbody2))
                            AddAlert(session, WatcherResultSeverity.Low, alertbody2);
        public override void Check(Session session)
            String act = null;
            String dom = null;

            alertbody  = "";
            findingnum = 0;

            if (WatcherEngine.Configuration.IsOriginDomain(session.hostname, session.hostname) || WatcherEngine.Configuration.IsOriginDomain(""))
                if (session.responseCode == 200)
                    if (Utility.IsResponseHtml(session))
                        UtilityHtmlParser parser = new UtilityHtmlParser();
                        parser.Parser.bKeepRawHTML = true;
                        if (parser.Parser == null)
                        HTMLchunk chunk;

                        while ((chunk = parser.Parser.ParseNext()) != null)
                            if (chunk.oType == HTMLchunkType.OpenTag && chunk.sTag.ToLower() == "form" && chunk.oParams.ContainsKey("action"))
                                act = chunk.oParams["action"].ToString();
                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(act))
                                    dom = Utility.GetUriDomainName(act);
                                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(dom))
                                        if (!WatcherEngine.Configuration.IsOriginDomain(dom, session.hostname) && !WatcherEngine.Configuration.IsTrustedDomain(dom))
                                            AssembleAlert(dom, chunk.oHTML);
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(alertbody))
Exemple #9
        public override void Check(Session session)
            NameValueCollection parms = null;

            alertbody  = "";
            findingnum = 0;

            if (WatcherEngine.Configuration.IsOriginDomain(session.hostname))
                if (session.responseCode == 200 && session.responseBodyBytes.Length > 0)
                    UtilityHtmlParser parser = new UtilityHtmlParser();
                    if (parser.Parser == null)
                    HTMLchunk chunk;

                    parms = Utility.GetRequestParameters(session);

                    // If there was no user-supplied parms we don't care to continue.
                    if (parms != null && parms.Keys.Count > 0)
                        while ((chunk = parser.Parser.ParseNext()) != null)
                            // Check every open tag we encounter
                            if (chunk.oType == HTMLchunkType.OpenTag)
                                // Check the attributes of this tag
                                CheckTags(parms, chunk);

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(alertbody))
        private void CheckObjectTag(HTMLchunk chunk, ref UtilityHtmlParser parser)
            String[] bods = null;
            String   attr = null;
            String   html = null;
            String   allowScriptAccessValue = null;
            bool     flag = false;

            string b = chunk.oHTML;

            // Check the param elements of an object element
            if (chunk.oParams.ContainsKey("classid"))
                attr = chunk.oParams["classid"].ToString();
                if ((attr == "clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000") || (attr == "x-shockwave-flash")) // flash clsid
                    allowScriptAccessValue = GetAllowScriptAccessValue(ref parser, ref flag, allowScriptAccessValue, ref html);

                    if (flag)
                        CheckAllowScriptAccessValue(allowScriptAccessValue, b);

            // Otherwise check the attributes of the object element
            if (chunk.oParams.ContainsKey("type"))
                string type = chunk.oParams["type"].ToString();
                if (Utility.ToSafeLower(type) == "application/x-shockwave-flash" && chunk.oParams.ContainsKey("allowscriptaccess"))
                    allowScriptAccessValue = chunk.oParams["allowscriptaccess"].ToString();
                    CheckAllowScriptAccessValue(allowScriptAccessValue, chunk.oHTML);
                // Start looking through the param elements.
                else if (Utility.ToSafeLower(type) == "application/x-shockwave-flash")
                    allowScriptAccessValue = GetAllowScriptAccessValue(ref parser, ref flag, allowScriptAccessValue, ref html);
                    CheckAllowScriptAccessValue(allowScriptAccessValue, html);
Exemple #11
        public override void Check(Session session)
            String[] bods = null;
            String   body = null;

            alertbody  = "";
            findingnum = 0;

            if (WatcherEngine.Configuration.IsOriginDomain(session.hostname))
                if (session.responseCode == 200)
                    if (Utility.IsResponseHtml(session) || Utility.IsResponseJavascript(session))
                        UtilityHtmlParser parser = new UtilityHtmlParser();
                        if (parser.Parser == null)
                        HTMLchunk chunk;
                        while ((chunk = parser.Parser.ParseNext()) != null)
                            if (chunk.oType == HTMLchunkType.Script)
                                CheckJavascriptEvalUsage(session, chunk.oHTML);
                    if (Utility.IsResponseJavascript(session))
                        body = Utility.GetResponseText(session);
                        CheckJavascriptEvalUsage(session, body);
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(alertbody))
        public override void Check(Session session, UtilityHtmlParser htmlparser)
            NameValueCollection parms = null;
            String body = null;

            alertbody  = "";
            findingnum = 0;
            List <HtmlElement> htmlElements = htmlparser.HtmlElementCollection;
            List <String>      htmlText     = htmlparser.HtmlTextCollection;

            if (WatcherEngine.Configuration.IsOriginDomain(session.hostname))
                if (session.responseCode == 200)
                    if (Utility.IsResponseHtml(session))
                        body = Utility.GetResponseText(session);
                        if (body != null)
                            parms = GetRequestParameters(session);

                            if (parms != null && parms.Keys.Count > 0)
                                //CheckResponseBody(parms, body
                                // Lazy match any attribute in any HTML element/tag
                                CheckHtmlElements(parms, htmlElements);
                                CheckHtmlText(parms, htmlText);
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(alertbody))
Exemple #13
        //public override void Check(WatcherEngine watcher, Session session, UtilityHtmlParser htmlparser)
        public override void Check(Session session)
            String body   = null;
            String hteq   = null;
            String cont   = null;
            String enc    = null;
            String header = null;

            alertbody  = String.Empty;
            findingnum = 0;

            if (WatcherEngine.Configuration.IsOriginDomain(session.hostname))
                if (session.responseCode == 200)
                    if (Utility.UrlNotInList(session.fullUrl, urls))
                        // We only care about HTML and XML content, see:
                        if (Utility.IsResponseHtml(session))
                            header = session.oResponse.headers.GetTokenValue("Content-Type", "charset");

                            // skip cases where the HTTP Header is null or empty, these are covered by another check.
                            if (session.responseBodyBytes.Length > 0 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(header))
                                UtilityHtmlParser parser = new UtilityHtmlParser();
                                HTMLchunk chunk;
                                while ((chunk = parser.Parser.ParseNext()) != null)
                                    if (chunk.oType == HTMLchunkType.OpenTag && chunk.sTag == "meta")
                                        if (chunk.oParams.ContainsKey("http-equiv") && chunk.oParams.ContainsKey("content"))
                                            hteq = chunk.oParams["http-equiv"].ToString();
                                            if (hteq.ToString().Equals("content-type", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                                cont = chunk.oParams["content"].ToString();
                                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cont))
                                                    CheckContentTypeCharset(cont, "html", header);
                        else if (Utility.IsResponseXml(session))
                            header = session.oResponse.headers.GetTokenValue("Content-Type", "charset");

                            // skip cases where the HTTP Header is null or empty, these are covered by another check.
                            if (session.responseBodyBytes.Length > 0 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(header))
                                UtilityHtmlParser parser = new UtilityHtmlParser();
                                HTMLchunk chunk;
                                while ((chunk = parser.Parser.ParseNext()) != null)
                                    if (chunk.oType == HTMLchunkType.OpenTag && chunk.sTag == "?xml")
                                        if (chunk.oParams.ContainsKey("encoding"))
                                            enc = chunk.oParams["encoding"].ToString();
                                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(enc))
                                                CheckContentTypeCharset(enc, "xml", header);
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(alertbody))
        public override void Check(Session session)
            String[] bods = null;
            String   body = null;

            alertbody  = "";
            findingnum = 0;

            if (WatcherEngine.Configuration.IsOriginDomain(session.hostname, session.hostname))
                if (session.responseCode == 200)
                    if (Utility.IsResponseHtml(session))
                        UtilityHtmlParser parser = new UtilityHtmlParser();
                        parser.Parser.bAutoKeepScripts = true;
                        if (parser.Parser == null)
                        HTMLchunk chunk;

                        while ((chunk = parser.Parser.ParseNext()) != null)
                            if (chunk.oType == HTMLchunkType.Script)
                                CheckJavascriptCrossDomainReferenceProperty(session, chunk.oHTML, "src");
                                CheckJavascriptCrossDomainReferenceProperty(session, chunk.oHTML, "href");
                                CheckJavascriptCrossDomainReferenceWindowOpen(session, chunk.oHTML);
                        //body = Utility.GetResponseText(session);
                        //if (body != null)
                        //    bods = Utility.GetHtmlTagBodies(body, "script");
                        //    if (bods != null)
                        //    {
                        //        foreach (String b in bods)
                        //        {
                        //            CheckJavascriptCrossDomainReferenceProperty(session, b, "src");
                        //            CheckJavascriptCrossDomainReferenceProperty(session, b, "href");
                        //            CheckJavascriptCrossDomainReferenceWindowOpen(session, b);
                        //        }
                        //    }

                    if (Utility.IsResponseJavascript(session))
                        body = Utility.GetResponseText(session);
                        if (body != null)
                            CheckJavascriptCrossDomainReferenceProperty(session, body, "src");
                            CheckJavascriptCrossDomainReferenceProperty(session, body, "href");
                            CheckJavascriptCrossDomainReferenceWindowOpen(session, body);
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(alertbody))
Exemple #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Check the OBJECT tag for an enableHtmlAccess parameter set to 'true'.
        /// See
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bod">The OBJECT tag content</param>
        private void CheckObjectTag(UtilityHtmlParser parser, HTMLchunk chunk)
            String attr  = null;
            String attr2 = null;
            String attr3 = null;
            String enableHtmlAccessValue = null;
            String val  = null;
            bool   flag = false;

            // Get the attributes from the object tag

            if (chunk.oParams.ContainsKey("classid"))
                attr = chunk.oParams["classid"].ToString();
            if (chunk.oParams.ContainsKey("type"))
                attr2 = chunk.oParams["type"].ToString();
            if (chunk.oParams.ContainsKey("data"))
                attr3 = chunk.oParams["data"].ToString();

            if ((attr != null && attr == "clsid:89F4137D-6C26-4A84-BDB8-2E5A4BB71E00".ToLower()) ||
                (attr != null && (attr.Contains("x-silverlight"))) ||
                (attr2 != null && (attr2.Contains("x-silverlight"))) ||
                (attr3 != null && (attr3.Contains("x-silverlight")))
                while ((chunk = parser.Parser.ParseNext()) != null)
                    // Get out if we reach the end of the object tag
                    if (chunk.oType == HTMLchunkType.CloseTag && chunk.sTag == "object")

                    if (chunk.oType == HTMLchunkType.OpenTag && chunk.sTag == "param")
                        String name = chunk.oParams["name"].ToString();

                        // The PARAM should contain an attribute named SOURCE pointing to
                        // the .XAP or .XAML file to load.
                        if (name == "source")
                            val = chunk.oParams["value"].ToString().ToLower();
                            if ((val.Trim().EndsWith(".xap")) || (val.Trim().EndsWith(".xaml")))
                                flag = true;
                        if (name == "enablehtmlaccess")
                            enableHtmlAccessValue = chunk.oParams["value"].ToString().ToLower();
                        if (flag)
                            CheckEnableHtmlAccessValue(enableHtmlAccessValue, chunk.oHTML);

            //bods = Utility.GetHtmlTagBodies(bod, "object", false);
            //if (bods != null)
            //    foreach (String b in bods)
            //    {
            //        attr = Utility.ToSafeLower(Utility.GetHtmlTagAttribute(b, "classid"));
            //        attr2 = Utility.ToSafeLower(Utility.GetHtmlTagAttribute(b, "type"));
            //        attr3 = Utility.ToSafeLower(Utility.GetHtmlTagAttribute(b, "data"));

            //        if ((attr != null && attr == "clsid:89F4137D-6C26-4A84-BDB8-2E5A4BB71E00".ToLower()) ||
            //            (attr != null && (attr.Contains("x-silverlight"))) ||
            //            (attr2 != null && (attr2.Contains("x-silverlight"))) ||
            //            (attr3 != null && (attr2.Contains("x-silverlight")))
            //            )
            //        {
            //            foreach (Match param in Utility.GetHtmlTags(b, "param"))
            //            {
            //                name = Utility.ToSafeLower(Utility.GetHtmlTagAttribute(param.ToString(), "name"));
            //                if (name != null)
            //                {
            //                    // The PARAM should contain an attribute named SOURCE pointing to
            //                    // the .XAP or .XAML file to load.
            //                    if (name == "source")
            //                    {
            //                        val = Utility.ToSafeLower(Utility.GetHtmlTagAttribute(param.ToString(), "value"));
            //                        if (val != null)
            //                            if ((val.Trim().EndsWith(".xap")) || (val.Trim().EndsWith(".xaml")))
            //                                flag = true;
            //                    }

            //                    if (name == "enablehtmlaccess")
            //                    {
            //                        enableHtmlAccessValue = Utility.ToSafeLower((Utility.GetHtmlTagAttribute(param.ToString(), "value")));
            //                    }
            //                }
            //            }

            //            if (flag)
            //            {
            //                CheckEnableHtmlAccessValue(enableHtmlAccessValue, b);
            //            }
            //        }
            //        String type = null;
            //        type = Utility.GetHtmlTagAttribute(b, "type");
            //        if (type != null)
            //            if (type.ToLower().Contains("x-silverlight"))
            //                CheckEnableHtmlAccessValue(Utility.GetHtmlTagAttribute(b, "enablehtmlaccess"), b);
            //    }
Exemple #16
        public override void Check(Session session)
            String bod = null;
            String src = null;
            String dom = null;
            String rel = null;

            String[] bods = null;
            alertbody  = "";
            findingnum = 0;

            if (WatcherEngine.Configuration.IsOriginDomain(session.hostname, session.hostname))
                if (session.responseCode == 200 && session.responseBodyBytes.Length > 0)
                    if (Utility.IsResponseHtml(session))
                        UtilityHtmlParser parser = new UtilityHtmlParser();
                        parser.Parser.bKeepRawHTML = true;
                        HTMLchunk chunk;
                        while ((chunk = parser.Parser.ParseNext()) != null)
                            if (chunk.oType == HTMLchunkType.OpenTag && chunk.sTag == "style")
                                // Get the stuff between style tags
                                chunk = parser.Parser.ParseNext();
                                CheckCssImport(session, chunk.oHTML);
                            if (chunk.oType == HTMLchunkType.OpenTag && chunk.sTag == "link" && chunk.oParams.ContainsKey("rel"))
                                rel = chunk.oParams["rel"].ToString().ToLower();
                                if (rel == "stylesheet" && chunk.oParams.ContainsKey("href"))
                                    src = chunk.oParams["href"].ToString();
                                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(src))
                                        dom = Utility.GetUriDomainName(src);
                                        if (dom != null)
                                            if (!WatcherEngine.Configuration.IsOriginDomain(dom, session.hostname) && !WatcherEngine.Configuration.IsTrustedDomain(dom))
                                                AssembleAlert(dom, chunk.oHTML);
                        // close the parser
                    if (Utility.IsResponseCss(session))
                        bod = Utility.GetResponseText(session);
                        if (bod != null)
                            CheckCssImport(session, bod);
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(alertbody))
        public override void Check(Session session)
            String body    = null;
            String comment = null;
            String script  = null;

            alertbody  = "";
            findingnum = 0;

            if (WatcherEngine.Configuration.IsOriginDomain(session.hostname))
                if (session.responseCode == 200)
                    if (Utility.IsResponseHtml(session) && session.responseBodyBytes.Length > 0)
                        UtilityHtmlParser parser = new UtilityHtmlParser();
                        HTMLchunk chunk;
                        while ((chunk = parser.Parser.ParseNext()) != null)
                            if (chunk.oType == HTMLchunkType.Comment)
                                // TODO: Must call Finalise() first!
                                comment = chunk.oHTML;
                                if (comment != null)
                                    CheckComment(session, comment);
                            if (chunk.oType == HTMLchunkType.Script)
                                script = chunk.oHTML.Trim();
                                if (script != null)
                                    foreach (Match comments in Utility.GetJavascriptMultiLineComment(script))
                                        comment = comments.ToString();
                                        CheckComment(session, comment);
                                    foreach (Match comments in Utility.GetJavascriptSingleLineComment(script))
                                        comment = comments.ToString();
                                        CheckComment(session, comment);
                    if (Utility.IsResponseJavascript(session))
                        body = Utility.GetResponseText(session);

                        // Look at application/javascript responses
                        if (Utility.IsResponseJavascript(session))
                            foreach (Match comments in Utility.GetJavascriptMultiLineComment(body))
                                comment = comments.ToString();
                                if (comment != null)
                                    CheckComment(session, comment);
                            foreach (Match comments in Utility.GetJavascriptSingleLineComment(body))
                                comment = comments.ToString();
                                if (comment != null)
                                    CheckComment(session, comment);
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(alertbody))
Exemple #18
        public override void Check(Session session)
            String pat = null;
            String bod = null;
            String dom = null;

            alertbody  = "";
            findingnum = 0;

            // This is a check for cross-domain issues.  So if Watcher is not configured with
            // an origin domain, treat the session response hostname as the origin.
            if (WatcherEngine.Configuration.IsOriginDomain(session.hostname, session.hostname))
                if (session.responseCode == 200)
                    if (Utility.IsResponseXml(session) || Utility.IsResponsePlain(session))
                        pat = Path.GetFileName(session.PathAndQuery);

                        if (pat != null && pat.ToLower() == "crossdomain.xml")
                            UtilityHtmlParser parser = new UtilityHtmlParser();
                            parser.Parser.bKeepRawHTML = true;
                            HTMLchunk chunk;
                            while ((chunk = parser.Parser.ParseNext()) != null)
                                // Check if this is a Flash cross-domain-policy
                                //if (chunk.oType == HTMLchunkType.OpenTag && chunk.sTag == "cross-domain-policy")

                                if (chunk.oType == HTMLchunkType.OpenTag && chunk.sTag == "allow-access-from")
                                        dom = chunk.oParams["domain"].ToString();
                                    catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
                                    if (!WatcherEngine.Configuration.IsOriginDomain(dom, session.hostname) && !WatcherEngine.Configuration.IsTrustedDomain(dom))
                                        AssembleAlert(dom, chunk.oHTML);
                                if (chunk.oType == HTMLchunkType.OpenTag && chunk.sTag == "allow-http-request-headers-from")
                                        dom = chunk.oParams["domain"].ToString();
                                    catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
                                    if (!WatcherEngine.Configuration.IsOriginDomain(dom, session.hostname) && !WatcherEngine.Configuration.IsTrustedDomain(dom))
                                        AssembleAlert(dom, chunk.oHTML);
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(alertbody))