Exemple #1
        private void ParseLines(string[] lines)
            UssClass currentClass = null;

            foreach (string rawLine in lines)
                string line = rawLine.Trim(); // removes indentation spaces on left

                if (line.StartsWith("."))
                    if (line[line.Length - 1] == '{')
                        line = line.Substring(0, line.Length - 1).Trim(); // remove " {" from line
                    string[] lineContents = line.Split('.');
                    string   className    = lineContents[1];

                    currentClass = new UssClass(className);
                    //Logger.Log("[UI] New class found with name [" + className + "]");
                else if (line.StartsWith("}"))
                    if (currentClass != null)
                        if (HasClass(currentClass.ClassName))
                            Logger.Log($"Stylesheet defines class with duplicate name: {currentClass.ClassName}", LogLevel.Warning);
                            classes.Add(currentClass.ClassName, currentClass);
                else if (line.StartsWith("#"))
                    Logger.Log("Stylesheet contains ID identifier '#' which is not currently supported", LogLevel.Error);
                    if (currentClass != null && line.Length > 2)
                        if (line.StartsWith("border-") && line.EndsWith("px;"))
                            currentClass.AddLine(line.Substring(0, line.Length - 3)); // substring to remove px and semicolon
                            currentClass.AddLine(line.Substring(0, line.Length - 1)); // substring to remove semicolon
Exemple #2
        internal _UnityVisualElement ApplyClassToVisualElement(string className, _UnityVisualElement visualElement)
            //Logger.Log("[UI] Attempting to apply class [" + className + "] to [" + visualElement.name + "]");
            UssClass ussClass = classes[className];

            foreach (string line in ussClass.Lines)
                visualElement = UIParser.ParseEntry(line, visualElement);
