Exemple #1
         * The Function when the WebView is navigated (is on)
        private async void WebViewOnNavigated(object sender, WebNavigatedEventArgs e)
            /* Get the AccessToken from Facebook Server. Using the function written below
             *  private string ExtractAccessTokenFromUrl(string url)
            var accessToken = ExtractAccessTokenFromUrl(e.Url);

            // If successfully have the AccessToken
            if (accessToken != "")
                // Then we send them to the FacebookLogInPage with its ViewModel
                var vm = BindingContext as FacebookLogInPageViewModel;

                // Set their Profile using the Function written in its ViewModel with the AccessToken
                await vm.SetFacebookUserProfileAsync(accessToken);

                // Set the userUID to the app

                Content = MainStackLayout;

                vm.IsBusy = true;

                // Authenticate user with Firebase Authentication & send the UID to the Firebase Server
                string FirebaseUserUID = await AuthenticationFirebase.AuthenticateFacebookAsync(accessToken);

                // Check if User is new ??
                bool isNew = await UsersFirestore.IsNewUser(FirebaseUserUID);

                if (!isNew)
                    UsersFirestore.myProfile = await UsersFirestore.GetUserByUIDAsync(FirebaseUserUID);

                    vm.IsBusy = false;

                    // Welcome back Page
                    WelcomeView.IsVisible = true;
                    // Init a new user details based on Facebook Profile
                    vm.IsBusy = false;

                    // User question add page
                    RegisterView.IsVisible = true;