Exemple #1
 private void butUnlock_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!MsgBox.Show(this, true, "Users can become locked when invalid credentials have been entered several times in a row.\r\n"
                      + "Unlock this user so that more log in attempts can be made?"))
     UserCur.DateTFail      = DateTime.MinValue;
     UserCur.FailedAttempts = 0;
     try {
         Userods.Update(UserCur);                //This will also commit other things about the user if they've changed.  Oh well.
         MsgBox.Show(this, "User has been unlocked.");
     catch (Exception) {
         MsgBox.Show(this, "There was a problem unlocking this user.  Please call support or wait the allotted lock time.");
Exemple #2
        public void Authentication_UpdatePasswordSchema()
            Userod user   = Security.CurUser;
            bool   result = Authentication.UpdatePasswordUserod(user, "brandSpankinNewPassword", HashTypes.SHA3_512);

            //If this is middletier, we need the password to match in our current user object to refill the cache
            Security.PasswordTyped = "brandSpankinNewPassword";
            user = Userods.GetUser(user.UserNum);
            result = Authentication.CheckPassword(user, "brandSpankinNewPassword");
            //Reset Security.CurUser password back to the unit test password
            Authentication.UpdatePasswordUserod(user, UnitTestPassword, HashTypes.SHA3_512);
            //Reset typed password
            Security.PasswordTyped = UnitTestPassword;
            Security.CurUser = Userods.GetUser(user.UserNum);
Exemple #3
 public static void CreateUnitTestUser()
     if (Userods.GetUserByName(UnitTestUserName, false) == null)
         Userod newUser = new Userod()
             UserName = UnitTestUserName,
             Password = Userods.HashPassword(UnitTestPassword),
         try {
             Userods.Insert(newUser, new List <long> {
         catch (Exception e) {
             throw new Exception("Unable to create the default Unit Test user.", e);
Exemple #4
        public static void SetupClass(TestContext testContext)
            _defRegionN = DefT.CreateDefinition(DefCat.Regions, "RegionN", "RegionN");
            _defRegionS = DefT.CreateDefinition(DefCat.Regions, "RegionS", "RegionS");
            _clinicN    = ClinicT.CreateClinic("ClinicN", regionDef: _defRegionN);
            _clinicNW   = ClinicT.CreateClinic("ClinicNW", regionDef: _defRegionN);
            _clinicS    = ClinicT.CreateClinic("ClinicS", regionDef: _defRegionS);
            _patN       = PatientT.CreatePatient("Tasks", clinicNum: _clinicN.ClinicNum, lName: _clinicN.Description, fName: "Patient");
            _patS       = PatientT.CreatePatient("Tasks", clinicNum: _clinicS.ClinicNum, lName: _clinicS.Description, fName: "Patient");
            _userA      = UserodT.CreateUser(userName: "******", clinicNum: _clinicN.ClinicNum, isClinicIsRestricted: false);
            _userNW     = UserodT.CreateUser(userName: "******", clinicNum: _clinicNW.ClinicNum, isClinicIsRestricted: true);
            List <UserClinic> listUserClinics = new List <UserClinic>()
                new UserClinic(_clinicNW.ClinicNum, _userNW.UserNum)

            if (UserClinics.Sync(listUserClinics, _userNW.UserNum))            //Either syncs new list, or clears old list if no longer restricted.
Exemple #5
 private void FillListBox()
     if (PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.UserNameManualEntry))
         //Because _listUsers is used to verify the user name typed in, we need to include both non-hidden and CEMT users for offices that type in their credentials instead of picking.
         _listUsers = Userods.GetUsers(true);
     else              //This will be the most common way to fill the user list.  Includes CEMT users.
         _listUsers = Userods.GetUsers(true);
     for (int i = 0; i < _listUsers.Count; i++)
     listUser.SelectedIndex = 0;
Exemple #6
        public static void Initialize(TestContext context)
            if (!UnitTestsCore.DatabaseTools.SetDbConnection("unittest", "localhost", "3306", "root", "", false))        //Put this in a config file in the future.
                UnitTestsCore.DatabaseTools.SetDbConnection("", "localhost", "3306", "root", "", false);
                DatabaseTools.FreshFromDump("localhost", "3306", "root", "", false);            //this also sets database to be unittest.
                //Clear the database before running the unittests (instead of after) for two reasons
                //1- if the cleanup is done using [TestCleanup], the cleanup will not be run if the user cancels in the middle of a test while debugging
                //2- if a test fails, we may want to look at the data in the db to see why it failed.
#if !DEBUG
            throw new Exception("You're running tests in release. BAD!!!");
            //Get the Admin user, should always exist
            Security.CurUser       = Userods.GetUserByName(UnitTestUserName, false);
            Security.PasswordTyped = UnitTestPassword;          //For middle tier unit tests.
            //Uncomment the next line in order to run every single unit test method like it is using the middle tier.
 public void SetupTest()
     _taskListParent     = TaskListT.CreateTaskList(descript: "TaskListParent");
     _taskListChild      = TaskListT.CreateTaskList(descript: "TaskListChild", parent: _taskListParent.TaskListNum, parentDesc: _taskListParent.Descript);
     _taskListGrandchild = TaskListT.CreateTaskList(descript: "TaskListGrandchild", parent: _taskListChild.TaskListNum,
                                                    parentDesc: _taskListChild.Descript);
     _task = TaskT.CreateTask(_taskListGrandchild.TaskListNum, descript: "Test Task", fromNum: Security.CurUser.UserNum, priorityDefNum: 1); //Starts in _taskListGrandchild
     TaskSubscriptionT.CreateTaskSubscription(Security.CurUser.UserNum, _taskListParent.TaskListNum);                                        //current user subscribes to top level tasklist.
     Security.CurUser.TaskListInBox = _taskListParent.TaskListNum;                                                                           //Set inbox for current user to _taskListParent.
     try {
     catch {
         Assert.Fail("Failed to update current user task list inbox.");                //Error updating user.
     _formTaskEditInstance = new FormTaskEdit(_task);
     _formTaskEditAccessor = new PrivateObject(_formTaskEditInstance);
Exemple #8
        ///<summary>Inserts the new user, refreshes the cache and then returns UserNum</summary>
        public static Userod CreateUser(string userName = "", string password = "", List <long> userGroupNumbers = null, long clinicNum = 0, bool isClinicIsRestricted = false)
            if (userName == "")
                userName = "******" + MiscUtils.CreateRandomAlphaNumericString(8);
            if (password == "")
                password = "******";
            if (userGroupNumbers == null)
                userGroupNumbers = new List <long> {
            Userod newUser = new Userod();

            newUser.UserName           = userName;
            newUser.LoginDetails       = Authentication.GenerateLoginDetails(password, HashTypes.SHA3_512);
            newUser.ClinicNum          = clinicNum;
            newUser.ClinicIsRestricted = isClinicIsRestricted;
                //In case the username is already taken
                try {
                    newUser.UserNum = Userods.Insert(newUser, userGroupNumbers);
                catch {
                    newUser.UserName = "******" + MiscUtils.CreateRandomAlphaNumericString(8);
            }while(newUser.UserNum == 0);
Exemple #9
        public void Userods_CheckUserAndPassword_IncreaseFailedAttemptsAfterUserHasLoggedInButPasswordIsNotCorrect()
            //First, setup the test scenario.
            //This test is intended to be tested on middle tier.
            long   group1 = UserGroupT.CreateUserGroup("usergroup1");
            Userod myUser = UserodT.CreateUser(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + DateTime.Now.Ticks, "reallystrongpassword", userGroupNumbers: new List <long>()

            RunTestsAgainstMiddleTier(new OpenDentBusiness.WebServices.OpenDentalServerMockIIS(user: myUser.UserName, password: myUser.Password));
            Security.CurUser       = myUser;
            Security.PasswordTyped = "passwordguess#1";
            CredentialsFailedAfterLoginEvent.Fired += CredentialsFailedAfterLoginEvent_Fired1;
            //make a single bad password attempt.
            ODException.SwallowAnyException(() => {
                Userods.CheckUserAndPassword(myUser.UserName, "passwordguess#1", false);
            //Get our user from the DB
            myUser = Userods.GetUserByNameNoCache(myUser.UserName);
            //Asssert that the failed attempt got incremented correctly.
            Assert.AreEqual(1, myUser.FailedAttempts);
        ///<summary>Syncs the database to reflect what is contained within listNew.  Compares entries based on UserNumCEMT rather than primary keys.</summary>
        public static void Sync(List <Userod> listNew, ref List <Userod> listDB)
            //Adding items to lists changes the order of operation. All inserts are completed first, then updates, then deletes.
            List <Userod> listIns    = new List <Userod>();
            List <Userod> listUpdNew = new List <Userod>();
            List <Userod> listUpdDB  = new List <Userod>();
            List <Userod> listDel    = new List <Userod>();

            listNew.Sort((Userod x, Userod y) => { return(x.UserNumCEMT.CompareTo(y.UserNumCEMT)); });         //Anonymous function, sorts by compairing PK.  Lambda expressions are not allowed, this is the one and only exception.  JS approved.
            listDB.Sort((Userod x, Userod y) => { return(x.UserNumCEMT.CompareTo(y.UserNumCEMT)); });          //Anonymous function, sorts by compairing PK.  Lambda expressions are not allowed, this is the one and only exception.  JS approved.
            int    idxNew = 0;
            int    idxDB  = 0;
            Userod fieldNew;
            Userod fieldDB;

            //Because both lists have been sorted using the same criteria, we can now walk each list to determine which list contians the next element.  The next element is determined by Primary Key.
            //If the New list contains the next item it will be inserted.  If the DB contains the next item, it will be deleted.  If both lists contain the next item, the item will be updated.
            while (idxNew < listNew.Count || idxDB < listDB.Count)
                fieldNew = null;
                if (idxNew < listNew.Count)
                    fieldNew = listNew[idxNew];
                fieldDB = null;
                if (idxDB < listDB.Count)
                    fieldDB = listDB[idxDB];
                //begin compare
                if (fieldNew != null && fieldDB == null)             //listNew has more items, listDB does not.
                else if (fieldNew == null && fieldDB != null)             //listDB has more items, listNew does not.
                else if (fieldNew.UserNumCEMT < fieldDB.UserNumCEMT)               //newPK less than dbPK, newItem is 'next'
                else if (fieldNew.UserNumCEMT > fieldDB.UserNumCEMT)               //dbPK less than newPK, dbItem is 'next'
                //Both lists contain the 'next' item, update required
            //Commit changes to DB
            for (int i = 0; i < listIns.Count; i++)
            for (int i = 0; i < listUpdNew.Count; i++)
                Userods.UpdateCEMT(listUpdNew[i]);                //listUpdNew gets populated by the list coming from the CEMT. Userods.Update uses primary key to update. Won't work.  Need to make new update.
            //for(int i=0;i<listDel.Count;i++) {//Userods can never be deleted.
            //	Userods.DeleteCEMT(listDel[i].SuperUserNum);
 private void butOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     Prefs.UpdateString(PrefName.CentralManagerPassHash, Userods.EncryptPassword(textPassword.Text));
     DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
Exemple #12
        public static void ClearPasswords()
            var users = Userods.GetAll();

            users.ForEach(x => { x.Password = ""; Userods.Update(x); });
        ///<summary>Generic function that launches different thread methods depending on how isSyncUsers and isSyncLocks are set.  Set only one or the other to true.</summary>
        private static string SyncAll(List <CentralConnection> listConns, bool isSyncUsers, bool isSyncLocks)
            //Get CEMT users, groups, and associated permissions
            ListSyncErrors       = new List <string>();
            _listCEMTUsers       = Userods.GetUsersForCEMT();
            _securityLockDate    = PrefC.GetDate(PrefName.SecurityLockDate).ToShortDateString();
            _securityLockDays    = PrefC.GetInt(PrefName.SecurityLockDays);
            _securityLockAdmin   = PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.SecurityLockIncludesAdmin);
            _securityCentralLock = PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.CentralManagerSecurityLock);
            _syncCode            = PrefC.GetString(PrefName.CentralManagerSyncCode);
            _listAlertSubs       = AlertSubs.GetAll();
            List <CentralUserData> listCentralUserData = new List <CentralUserData>();
            List <UserGroup>       listUserGroups      = UserGroups.GetCEMTGroups();

            foreach (UserGroup userGroup in listUserGroups)             //for each CEMT user group
            //get all usergroupattaches, userods, and grouppermissions.
                List <UserGroupAttach> listUserGroupAttaches = UserGroupAttaches.GetForUserGroup(userGroup.UserGroupNum);
                List <Userod>          listUserOds           = Userods.GetForGroup(userGroup.UserGroupNum);
                List <GroupPermission> listGroupPermissions  = GroupPermissions.GetPerms(userGroup.UserGroupNum);
                //then create a new CentralUserData and add it to the list.
                listCentralUserData.Add(new CentralUserData(userGroup, listUserOds, listGroupPermissions, listUserGroupAttaches));
            string failedConns     = "";
            string nameConflicts   = "";
            string failedSyncCodes = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < listConns.Count; i++)
                List <CentralUserData> listCentralDataForThreads = new List <CentralUserData>();
                for (int j = 0; j < listCentralUserData.Count; j++)
                ODThread odThread = null;
                if (isSyncUsers)
                    odThread = new ODThread(ConnectAndSyncUsers, new object[] { listConns[i], listCentralDataForThreads });
                    odThread.AddExceptionHandler(new ODThread.ExceptionDelegate(SyncExceptionHelper));
                else if (isSyncLocks)
                    odThread = new ODThread(ConnectAndSyncLocks, new object[] { listConns[i] });
                    odThread.AddExceptionHandler(new ODThread.ExceptionDelegate(SyncExceptionHelper));
                    odThread = new ODThread(ConnectAndSyncAll, new object[] { listConns[i], listCentralDataForThreads });
                    odThread.AddExceptionHandler(new ODThread.ExceptionDelegate(SyncExceptionHelper));
                odThread.GroupName = "Sync";
            ODThread.JoinThreadsByGroupName(Timeout.Infinite, "Sync");
            List <ODThread> listComplThreads = ODThread.GetThreadsByGroupName("Sync");

            for (int i = 0; i < listComplThreads.Count; i++)
                if (listComplThreads[i].Tag == null)
                    continue;                    //Failed due to lacking credentials
                failedConns     += ((List <string>)listComplThreads[i].Tag)[0];
                nameConflicts   += ((List <string>)listComplThreads[i].Tag)[1];
                failedSyncCodes += ((List <string>)listComplThreads[i].Tag)[2];
            string errorText = "";

            if (failedConns == "" && nameConflicts == "" && failedSyncCodes == "")
                errorText += "Done";
            if (failedConns != "")
                errorText = "Failed Connections:\r\n" + failedConns + "Please try these connections again.\r\n";
            if (nameConflicts != "")
                errorText += "Name Conflicts:\r\n" + nameConflicts + "Please rename users and try again.\r\n";
            if (failedSyncCodes != "")
                errorText += "Incorrect Sync Codes:\r\n" + failedSyncCodes + "\r\n";
        ///<summary>Function used by threads to connect to remote databases and sync user settings.</summary>
        private static void ConnectAndSyncUsers(ODThread odThread)
            CentralConnection      connection          = (CentralConnection)odThread.Parameters[0];
            List <CentralUserData> listCentralUserData = (List <CentralUserData>)odThread.Parameters[1];
            string serverName = "";

            if (connection.ServiceURI != "")
                serverName = connection.ServiceURI;
                serverName = connection.ServerName + ", " + connection.DatabaseName;
            if (!CentralConnectionHelper.UpdateCentralConnection(connection, false))            //No updating the cache since we're going to be connecting to multiple remote servers at the same time.
                odThread.Tag = new List <string>()
                    serverName + "\r\n", "", ""
                connection.ConnectionStatus = "OFFLINE";
            string remoteSyncCode = PrefC.GetStringNoCache(PrefName.CentralManagerSyncCode);

            if (remoteSyncCode != _syncCode)
                if (remoteSyncCode == "")
                    Prefs.UpdateStringNoCache(PrefName.CentralManagerSyncCode, _syncCode);                   //Lock in the sync code for the remote server.
                    odThread.Tag = new List <string>()
                        serverName + "\r\n", "", remoteSyncCode
            //Get remote users, usergroups, associated permissions, and alertsubs
            List <Userod> listRemoteUsers = Userods.GetUsersNoCache();

            #region Detect Conflicts
            //User conflicts
            bool   nameConflict  = false;
            string nameConflicts = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < _listCEMTUsers.Count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < listRemoteUsers.Count; j++)
                    if (listRemoteUsers[j].UserName == _listCEMTUsers[i].UserName && listRemoteUsers[j].UserNumCEMT == 0)                 //User doesn't belong to CEMT
                        nameConflicts += listRemoteUsers[j].UserName + " already exists in " + serverName + "\r\n";
                        nameConflict   = true;
            if (nameConflict)
                odThread.Tag = new List <string>()
                    serverName + "\r\n", nameConflicts, ""
                return;                //Skip on to the next connection.
            #endregion Detect Conflicts
            List <UserGroup> listRemoteCEMTUserGroups = UserGroups.GetCEMTGroupsNoCache();
            List <UserGroup> listCEMTUserGroups       = new List <UserGroup>();
            List <AlertSub>  listRemoteAlertSubs      = AlertSubs.GetAll();
            List <Clinic>    listRemoteClinics        = Clinics.GetClinicsNoCache();
            List <AlertSub>  listAlertSubsToInsert    = new List <AlertSub>();
            for (int i = 0; i < listCentralUserData.Count; i++)
            //SyncUserGroups returns the list of UserGroups for deletion so it can be used after syncing Users and GroupPermissions.
            List <UserGroup> listRemoteCEMTUserGroupsForDeletion = CentralUserGroups.Sync(listCEMTUserGroups, listRemoteCEMTUserGroups);
            listRemoteCEMTUserGroups = UserGroups.GetCEMTGroupsNoCache();
            for (int i = 0; i < listCentralUserData.Count; i++)
                List <GroupPermission> listGroupPerms = new List <GroupPermission>();
                for (int j = 0; j < listRemoteCEMTUserGroups.Count; j++)
                    if (listCentralUserData[i].UserGroup.UserGroupNumCEMT == listRemoteCEMTUserGroups[j].UserGroupNumCEMT)
                        for (int k = 0; k < listCentralUserData[i].ListGroupPermissions.Count; k++)
                            listCentralUserData[i].ListGroupPermissions[k].UserGroupNum = listRemoteCEMTUserGroups[j].UserGroupNum;                          //fixing primary keys to be what's in remote db
                        listGroupPerms = GroupPermissions.GetPermsNoCache(listRemoteCEMTUserGroups[j].UserGroupNum);
                CentralUserods.Sync(listCentralUserData[i].ListUsers, listRemoteUsers);
                CentralGroupPermissions.Sync(listCentralUserData[i].ListGroupPermissions, listGroupPerms);
            //Sync usergroup attaches
            for (int j = 0; j < listRemoteCEMTUserGroupsForDeletion.Count; j++)
            if (_listAlertSubs.Count > 0)
                listRemoteUsers = Userods.GetUsersNoCache();              //Refresh users so we can do alertsubs.
            //For each AlertSub, make a copy of that AlertSub for each Clinic.
            foreach (AlertSub alertSub in _listAlertSubs)
                foreach (Clinic clinic in listRemoteClinics)
                    AlertSub alert = new AlertSub();
                    alert.ClinicNum = clinic.ClinicNum;
                    alert.Type      = alertSub.Type;
                    alert.UserNum   = listRemoteUsers.Find(x => x.UserName == _listCEMTUsers.Find(y => y.UserNum == alertSub.UserNum).UserName).UserNum;
            AlertSubs.DeleteAndInsertForSuperUsers(_listCEMTUsers, listAlertSubsToInsert);
            //Refresh server's cache of userods
            SecurityLogs.MakeLogEntryNoCache(Permissions.SecurityAdmin, 0, "Enterprise Management Tool synced users.");
            odThread.Tag = new List <string>()
                "", "", ""
            };                                                       //No errors.
Exemple #15
 public string ProcessRequest(string dtoString)
     //The web service (xml) serializer/deserializer is removing the '\r' portion of our newlines during the data transfer.
     //Replacing the string is not the best solution but it works for now. The replacing happens here (server side) and after result is returned on the client side.
     //It's done server side for usage purposes within the methods being called (exampe: inserting into db) and then on the client side for displaying purposes.
     dtoString = dtoString.Replace("\n", "\r\n");
                 #if DEBUG
     //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100);//to test slowness issues with web service.
     DataTransferObject dto = DataTransferObject.Deserialize(dtoString);
     //XmlSerializer serializer;
     try {
         Type type = dto.GetType();
         if (type == typeof(DtoGetTable))
             DtoGetTable dtoGetTable = (DtoGetTable)dto;
             Userods.CheckCredentials(dtoGetTable.Credentials);                    //will throw exception if fails.
             string      className  = dtoGetTable.MethodName.Split('.')[0];
             string      methodName = dtoGetTable.MethodName.Split('.')[1];
             string      assemb     = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Db)).FullName;         //any OpenDentBusiness class will do.
             Type        classType  = Type.GetType("OpenDentBusiness." + className + "," + assemb);
             DtoObject[] parameters = dtoGetTable.Params;
             Type[]      paramTypes = DtoObject.GenerateTypes(parameters, assemb);
             MethodInfo  methodInfo = classType.GetMethod(methodName, paramTypes);
             if (methodInfo == null)
                 throw new ApplicationException("Method not found with " + parameters.Length.ToString() + " parameters: " + dtoGetTable.MethodName);
             object[]  paramObjs = DtoObject.GenerateObjects(parameters);
             DataTable dt        = (DataTable)methodInfo.Invoke(null, paramObjs);
             String    response  = XmlConverter.TableToXml(dt);
         else if (type == typeof(DtoGetTableLow))
             DtoGetTableLow dtoGetTableLow = (DtoGetTableLow)dto;
             Userods.CheckCredentials(dtoGetTableLow.Credentials);                    //will throw exception if fails.
             DtoObject[] parameters = dtoGetTableLow.Params;
             object[]    paramObjs  = DtoObject.GenerateObjects(parameters);
             DataTable   dt         = Reports.GetTable((string)paramObjs[0]);
             String      response   = XmlConverter.TableToXml(dt);
         else if (type == typeof(DtoGetDS))
             DtoGetDS dtoGetDS = (DtoGetDS)dto;
             Userods.CheckCredentials(dtoGetDS.Credentials);                    //will throw exception if fails.
             string      className  = dtoGetDS.MethodName.Split('.')[0];
             string      methodName = dtoGetDS.MethodName.Split('.')[1];
             string      assemb     = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Db)).FullName;         //any OpenDentBusiness class will do.
             Type        classType  = Type.GetType("OpenDentBusiness." + className + "," + assemb);
             DtoObject[] parameters = dtoGetDS.Params;
             Type[]      paramTypes = DtoObject.GenerateTypes(parameters, assemb);
             MethodInfo  methodInfo = classType.GetMethod(methodName, paramTypes);
             if (methodInfo == null)
                 throw new ApplicationException("Method not found with " + parameters.Length.ToString() + " parameters: " + dtoGetDS.MethodName);
             object[] paramObjs = DtoObject.GenerateObjects(parameters);
             DataSet  ds        = (DataSet)methodInfo.Invoke(null, paramObjs);
             String   response  = XmlConverter.DsToXml(ds);
         else if (type == typeof(DtoGetLong))
             DtoGetLong dtoGetLong = (DtoGetLong)dto;
             Userods.CheckCredentials(dtoGetLong.Credentials);                    //will throw exception if fails.
             string      className  = dtoGetLong.MethodName.Split('.')[0];
             string      methodName = dtoGetLong.MethodName.Split('.')[1];
             string      assemb     = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Db)).FullName;         //any OpenDentBusiness class will do.
             Type        classType  = Type.GetType("OpenDentBusiness." + className + "," + assemb);
             DtoObject[] parameters = dtoGetLong.Params;
             Type[]      paramTypes = DtoObject.GenerateTypes(parameters, assemb);
             MethodInfo  methodInfo = classType.GetMethod(methodName, paramTypes);
             if (methodInfo == null)
                 throw new ApplicationException("Method not found with " + parameters.Length.ToString() + " parameters: " + dtoGetLong.MethodName);
             object[] paramObjs  = DtoObject.GenerateObjects(parameters);
             long     longResult = (long)methodInfo.Invoke(null, paramObjs);
         else if (type == typeof(DtoGetInt))
             DtoGetInt dtoGetInt = (DtoGetInt)dto;
             Userods.CheckCredentials(dtoGetInt.Credentials);                    //will throw exception if fails.
             string      className  = dtoGetInt.MethodName.Split('.')[0];
             string      methodName = dtoGetInt.MethodName.Split('.')[1];
             string      assemb     = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Db)).FullName;         //any OpenDentBusiness class will do.
             Type        classType  = Type.GetType("OpenDentBusiness." + className + "," + assemb);
             DtoObject[] parameters = dtoGetInt.Params;
             Type[]      paramTypes = DtoObject.GenerateTypes(parameters, assemb);
             MethodInfo  methodInfo = classType.GetMethod(methodName, paramTypes);
             if (methodInfo == null)
                 throw new ApplicationException("Method not found with " + parameters.Length.ToString() + " parameters: " + dtoGetInt.MethodName);
             object[] paramObjs = DtoObject.GenerateObjects(parameters);
             int      intResult = (int)methodInfo.Invoke(null, paramObjs);
         else if (type == typeof(DtoGetVoid))
             DtoGetVoid dtoGetVoid = (DtoGetVoid)dto;
             Userods.CheckCredentials(dtoGetVoid.Credentials);                    //will throw exception if fails.
             string      className  = dtoGetVoid.MethodName.Split('.')[0];
             string      methodName = dtoGetVoid.MethodName.Split('.')[1];
             string      assemb     = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Db)).FullName;         //any OpenDentBusiness class will do.
             Type        classType  = Type.GetType("OpenDentBusiness." + className + "," + assemb);
             DtoObject[] parameters = dtoGetVoid.Params;
             Type[]      paramTypes = DtoObject.GenerateTypes(parameters, assemb);
             MethodInfo  methodInfo = classType.GetMethod(methodName, paramTypes);
             if (methodInfo == null)
                 throw new ApplicationException("Method not found with " + parameters.Length.ToString() + " parameters: " + dtoGetVoid.MethodName);
             object[] paramObjs = DtoObject.GenerateObjects(parameters);
             methodInfo.Invoke(null, paramObjs);
         else if (type == typeof(DtoGetObject))
             DtoGetObject dtoGetObject = (DtoGetObject)dto;
             string       className    = dtoGetObject.MethodName.Split('.')[0];
             string       methodName   = dtoGetObject.MethodName.Split('.')[1];
             if (className != "Security" || methodName != "LogInWeb")                    //because credentials will be checked inside that method
                 Userods.CheckCredentials(dtoGetObject.Credentials);                     //will throw exception if fails.
             string      assemb     = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Db)).FullName;         //any OpenDentBusiness class will do.
             Type        classType  = Type.GetType("OpenDentBusiness." + className + "," + assemb);
             DtoObject[] parameters = dtoGetObject.Params;
             Type[]      paramTypes = DtoObject.GenerateTypes(parameters, assemb);
             MethodInfo  methodInfo = classType.GetMethod(methodName, paramTypes);
             if (methodInfo == null)
                 throw new ApplicationException("Method not found with " + parameters.Length.ToString() + " parameters: " + dtoGetObject.MethodName);
             if (className == "Security" && methodName == "LogInWeb")
                 string mappedPath = Server.MapPath(".");
                 parameters[2] = new DtoObject(mappedPath, typeof(string));                     //because we can't access this variable from within OpenDentBusiness.
                 RemotingClient.RemotingRole = RemotingRole.ServerWeb;
             object[] paramObjs  = DtoObject.GenerateObjects(parameters);
             Object   objResult  = methodInfo.Invoke(null, paramObjs);
             Type     returnType = methodInfo.ReturnType;
             return(XmlConverter.Serialize(returnType, objResult));
         else if (type == typeof(DtoGetString))
             DtoGetString dtoGetString = (DtoGetString)dto;
             Userods.CheckCredentials(dtoGetString.Credentials);                    //will throw exception if fails.
             string      className  = dtoGetString.MethodName.Split('.')[0];
             string      methodName = dtoGetString.MethodName.Split('.')[1];
             string      assemb     = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Db)).FullName;         //any OpenDentBusiness class will do.
             Type        classType  = Type.GetType("OpenDentBusiness." + className + "," + assemb);
             DtoObject[] parameters = dtoGetString.Params;
             Type[]      paramTypes = DtoObject.GenerateTypes(parameters, assemb);
             MethodInfo  methodInfo = classType.GetMethod(methodName, paramTypes);
             if (methodInfo == null)
                 throw new ApplicationException("Method not found with " + parameters.Length.ToString() + " parameters: " + dtoGetString.MethodName);
             object[] paramObjs = DtoObject.GenerateObjects(parameters);
             string   strResult = (string)methodInfo.Invoke(null, paramObjs);
             //return XmlConverter.Serialize(typeof(string),strResult);
         else if (type == typeof(DtoGetBool))
             DtoGetBool dtoGetBool = (DtoGetBool)dto;
             Userods.CheckCredentials(dtoGetBool.Credentials);                    //will throw exception if fails.
             string      className  = dtoGetBool.MethodName.Split('.')[0];
             string      methodName = dtoGetBool.MethodName.Split('.')[1];
             string      assemb     = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Db)).FullName;         //any OpenDentBusiness class will do.
             Type        classType  = Type.GetType("OpenDentBusiness." + className + "," + assemb);
             DtoObject[] parameters = dtoGetBool.Params;
             Type[]      paramTypes = DtoObject.GenerateTypes(parameters, assemb);
             MethodInfo  methodInfo = classType.GetMethod(methodName, paramTypes);
             if (methodInfo == null)
                 throw new ApplicationException("Method not found with " + parameters.Length.ToString() + " parameters: " + dtoGetBool.MethodName);
             object[] paramObjs  = DtoObject.GenerateObjects(parameters);
             bool     boolResult = (bool)methodInfo.Invoke(null, paramObjs);
             throw new NotSupportedException("Dto type not supported: " + type.FullName);
     catch (Exception e) {
         DtoException exception = new DtoException();
         if (e.InnerException == null)
             exception.Message = e.Message;
             exception.Message = e.InnerException.Message;
Exemple #16
        public void AlertItems_CreateAlertsForNewWebmail()
            //Test Sections:
            //Create 5 users, part of 2 providers.
            //Test adding an email for each provider, then clear alerts table.
            //Test adding 4 emails for each provider
            //Test adding 3 additional emails for 1 provider
            //Test marking 2 emails as read for 1 provider
            //Test marking all emails as read for 1 provider
            EmailMessageT.ClearEmailMessageTable();            //Clear out the emailmessage table
            List <Userod> listTestUsers = new List <Userod>();

            //Create or reuse 5 users, and set their provnum to 1 or 2.  There'll be 3 provnum=1 and 2 provnum=2
            //In queries always filter by usernum because there may be users left over from other/old tests.
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                Userod user = UserodT.CreateUser();
                user.ProvNum = i % 2 + 1;
            listTestUsers = listTestUsers.Distinct().ToList();
            long examplePatnum = 2;             //Patnum can be anything, needed for webmail.

            //Create one email for each provider.
            foreach (long provnum in listTestUsers.Select(x => x.ProvNum).Distinct())
                EmailMessageT.CreateWebMail(provnum, examplePatnum);
            //Count the total # of alertitem entries, not what the description is.
            string alertCount = DataCore.GetScalar("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM alertitem WHERE UserNum IN (" + string.Join(",", listTestUsers.Select(x => POut.Long(x.UserNum)))
                                                   + ") AND Type=" + POut.Int((int)AlertType.WebMailRecieved));

            Assert.AreEqual("5", alertCount);
            //Clear out ALERT table and add some new emails
            foreach (long provnum in listTestUsers.Select(x => x.ProvNum).Distinct())
                EmailMessageT.CreateWebMail(provnum, examplePatnum);
                EmailMessageT.CreateWebMail(provnum, examplePatnum);
                EmailMessageT.CreateWebMail(provnum, examplePatnum);
                EmailMessageT.CreateWebMail(provnum, examplePatnum);
            //This section tests adding more unread emails, and changing the description of the alertitem
            Userod selectedUser = listTestUsers.First();

            alertCount = DataCore.GetScalar("SELECT Description FROM alertitem WHERE Type=" + POut.Int((int)AlertType.WebMailRecieved) + " AND UserNum=" + selectedUser.UserNum);
            Assert.AreEqual("5", alertCount);
            //Add 3 more unread emails.
            EmailMessageT.CreateWebMail(selectedUser.ProvNum, examplePatnum);
            EmailMessageT.CreateWebMail(selectedUser.ProvNum, examplePatnum);
            EmailMessageT.CreateWebMail(selectedUser.ProvNum, examplePatnum);
            alertCount = DataCore.GetScalar("SELECT Description FROM alertitem WHERE Type=" + POut.Int((int)AlertType.WebMailRecieved) + " AND UserNum=" + selectedUser.UserNum);
            Assert.AreEqual("8", alertCount);
            //Mark 2 of the emails as read, to decrease the amount of unread emails
            string command = "UPDATE emailmessage SET SentOrReceived=" + POut.Int((int)EmailSentOrReceived.WebMailRecdRead) +
                             " WHERE SentOrReceived=" + POut.Int((int)EmailSentOrReceived.WebMailReceived) + " AND ProvNumWebMail=" + POut.Long(selectedUser.ProvNum) + " LIMIT 2";

            alertCount = DataCore.GetScalar("SELECT Description FROM alertitem WHERE Type=" + POut.Int((int)AlertType.WebMailRecieved) + " AND UserNum=" + selectedUser.UserNum);
            Assert.AreEqual("6", alertCount);
            //Now we mark all of this user's emails as read, as if that user has read all of their webmail.
            command = "UPDATE emailmessage SET SentOrReceived=" + POut.Int((int)EmailSentOrReceived.WebMailRecdRead) +
                      " WHERE SentOrReceived=" + POut.Int((int)EmailSentOrReceived.WebMailReceived) + " AND ProvNumWebMail=" + POut.Long(selectedUser.ProvNum);
            alertCount = DataCore.GetScalar("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM alertitem WHERE Type=" + POut.Int((int)AlertType.WebMailRecieved) + " AND UserNum=" + selectedUser.UserNum);
            Assert.AreEqual("0", alertCount);