// Event handler btnShow_Click , To Bind Sites to Grid View on the Selected Username and Region
    protected void btnShow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Declare local Variable gvIDs,Username,organizationId and FlagStatus
        string gvIDs;
        string Username;
        int    organizationId;
        int    FlagStatus;

        lblErrorMsg.Text = "";
        // To get the Object of Organization ,to find the organization id
        objOrganization = objOrganization.Get_Organization();
        // Assign Organization Id to local variable organizationId
        organizationId = objOrganization.Orgid;
        // Assign Username from textbox to local variable Username
        Username = txtUserName.Text.ToString().Trim();
        // Get Object of UserLogin_mst Class on the basis of username and OrganizationId
        objUser = objUser.Get_UserLogin_By_UserName(Username, organizationId);
        // If Userid is not equal to Zero ,then user Exist
        if (objUser.Userid != 0)
            // Bind Grid of Sites
            // To check row by row of gridview ,how many sites have been mapped to this user from table UserToSiteMapping
            foreach (GridViewRow gv in grdvwSite.Rows)
                // Declare local variable deleteChkBxItem of Checkbox type to get the Checkbox Instance of Grid Row
                CheckBox deleteChkBxItem = (CheckBox)gv.FindControl("deleteRec");
                // Get the Site Id from variable of Label type declare in GridView of grdvwSite
                gvIDs = ((Label)gv.FindControl("SiteID")).Text.ToString();
                // Check if gvIDs is not null
                if (gvIDs != "")
                    // Declare local variable userid and siteid to get userid and SiteId
                    int userid;
                    int siteid;
                    userid = Convert.ToInt16(objUser.Userid);
                    siteid = Convert.ToInt16(gvIDs);
                    // To Find Current Site to this User is Mapped by Calling Function objUserToSite.Get_By_Id()
                    FlagStatus = objUserToSite.Get_By_Id(userid, siteid);
                    // If FlagStatus is not zero then site is mapped to this user
                    if (FlagStatus != 0)
                        //Checked checkbox to show site is mapped to this user
                        deleteChkBxItem.Checked = true;
Exemple #2
    public void SentMailToSDM(int siteid, int incidentid, int requesterid)
        string strYourSinscerely = Resources.MessageResource.strYourSinscerely.ToString();
        string strContactNumber  = Resources.MessageResource.strContactNumber.ToString();
        int    FlagUser;
        string varRole = Resources.MessageResource.strSDMRole.ToString();
        int    roleid;

        roleid  = objRole.Get_By_RoleName(varRole);
        colUser = objUser.Get_All_By_Role(roleid);
        foreach (UserLogin_mst objusr in colUser)
            FlagUser = objUserToSiteMapping.Get_By_Id(objusr.Userid, siteid);
            if (FlagUser != 0)
                objIncident       = objIncident.Get_By_id(incidentid);
                objSite           = objSite.Get_By_id(objIncident.Siteid);
                objIncidentStates = objIncidentStates.Get_By_id(incidentid);
                objPriority       = objPriority.Get_By_id(objIncidentStates.Priorityid);

                UserLogin_mst obju   = new UserLogin_mst();
                UserLogin_mst objReq = new UserLogin_mst();
                obju      = obju.Get_By_id(objUserToSiteMapping.Userid);
                objC_info = objC_info.Get_By_id(objusr.Userid);
                objReq    = objReq.Get_By_id(requesterid);
                ContactInfo_mst objReqContInfo = new ContactInfo_mst();
                objReqContInfo = objReqContInfo.Get_By_id(objReq.Userid);

                obj.From       = Resources.MessageResource.strAdminEmail.ToString();
                obj.To         = objC_info.Emailid;
                obj.Subject    = "High Priority Call. Ticket Id: " + incidentid;
                obj.Body       = "Dear Sir/Madam,<br/>High Priority Call has been logged, please find below the Complaint  details .<br/><br/><b>Complaints Details : </b> <br/><br/><b>Ticket Id&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;:</b>" + incidentid + "<br/><b>Title of Call&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;:</b>" + objIncident.Title + " <br/><b>Site&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;:</b>" + objSite.Sitename + "<br/><b>Logged Date & Time&nbsp;&nbsp&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;:</b>" + objIncident.Createdatetime + "<br/><b>Description&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;:</b>" + objIncident.Description + "<br/><b>Priority&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;:</b> " + objPriority.Name + "<br/><b>UserName&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;:</b>" + objReq.Username + "<br/><b>Mail Address&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;:</b>" + objReqContInfo.Emailid + "<br/><br/> <b>This is an auto generated mail. Please do not reply.</b><br/><br/><b>Yours sincerely,</b><br/> <b>" + strYourSinscerely + "</b>";
                obj.SmtpServer = Resources.MessageResource.strSMTPServer.ToString();
    protected void btnMapping_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int FlagInsert = 0;
        int FlagDelete = 0;
        int FlagStatus = 0;
        // string Username;
        string gvIDs;

        //'Navigate through each row in the GridView for checkbox items
        foreach (GridViewRow gv in grdvwSitetest.Rows)
            // Declare local variable deleteChkBxItem of Checkbox type to get the Checkbox Instance of Grid Row
            CheckBox deleteChkBxItem = (CheckBox)gv.FindControl("chkbxcheck");
            // If deleteChkBxItem is Checked then ,mapped Current site to this user
            if (deleteChkBxItem.Checked)
                // Get the Site Id from variable of Label type declare in GridView of grdvwSite
                // gvIDs = ((Label)gv.FindControl("SiteID")).Text.ToString();
                gvIDs = drpRegion.SelectedItem.Value;
                // Check if gvIDs is not null
                if (gvIDs != "")
                    // Declare local variable userid and siteid to get userid and SiteId
                    int   userid;
                    int   siteid;
                    Label usrid = (Label)gv.FindControl("Lbluserid");
                    userid = Convert.ToInt32(usrid.Text.ToString());
                    siteid = Convert.ToInt32(gvIDs);
                    // To Find Current Site to this User is Mapped by Calling Function objUserToSite.Get_By_Id()
                    FlagStatus = objUserToSite.Get_By_Id(userid, siteid);
                    // If FlagStatus is  zero then site is not  mapped to this user
                    if (FlagStatus == 0)
                        objUserToSite.Siteid = siteid;
                        objUserToSite.Userid = userid;
                        // Mapped Current Site to this User by calling function objUserToSite.Insert()
                        FlagInsert = objUserToSite.Insert();
            // If deleteChkBxItem is Un Checked then ,Un mapped Current site to this user
                // Get the Site Id from variable of Label type declare in GridView of grdvwSite
                gvIDs = drpRegion.SelectedItem.Value;
                // Check if gvIDs is not null
                if (gvIDs != "")
                    // Declare local variable userid and siteid to get userid and SiteId
                    int   userid;
                    int   siteid;
                    Label usrid = (Label)gv.FindControl("Lbluserid");
                    userid = Convert.ToInt32(usrid.Text.ToString());
                    siteid = Convert.ToInt32(gvIDs);
                    // To Find Current Site to this User is Mapped by Calling Function objUserToSite.Get_By_Id()
                    FlagStatus = objUserToSite.Get_By_Id(userid, siteid);
                    // If FlagStatus is not  zero then site is   mapped to this user
                    if (FlagStatus != 0)
                        // Un Mapped Current Site to this User by calling function objUserToSite.Delete()
                        FlagDelete = objUserToSite.Delete(userid, siteid);
        // Display message from MessageResource file located at App_GlobalResource Directory
        if (FlagInsert == 1 && FlagDelete == 1)
            lblErrorMsg.Text = Resources.MessageResource.errSiteMpUmp.ToString();
        // Display message from MessageResource file located at App_GlobalResource Directory
        else if (FlagInsert == 1)
            lblErrorMsg.Text = Resources.MessageResource.errSiteMapped.ToString();
        // Display message from MessageResource file located at App_GlobalResource Directory
        else if (FlagDelete == 1)
            lblErrorMsg.Text = Resources.MessageResource.errSitesUnMapped.ToString();
        // Display message from MessageResource file located at App_GlobalResource Directory
        else if (FlagStatus == 1 && FlagDelete == 1)
            lblErrorMsg.Text = Resources.MessageResource.errSitesUnMapped.ToString();
        // Display message from MessageResource file located at App_GlobalResource Directory
        else if (FlagStatus == 1)
            lblErrorMsg.Text = Resources.MessageResource.errAlrdyMapped.ToString();
        // Display message from MessageResource file located at App_GlobalResource Directory
        //    lblErrorMsg.Text = Resources.MessageResource.errNoOperation.ToString();
        //    // Display message from MessageResource file located at App_GlobalResource Directory
        //    lblErrorMsg.Text = Resources.MessageResource.errOccured.ToString();
    //protected void BindDropCustomer()
    //    BLLCollection<Customer_mst> colCtS = new BLLCollection<Customer_mst>();
    //    string userName = "";
    //    MembershipUser User = Membership.GetUser();
    //    if (User != null)
    //    {
    //        userName = User.UserName.ToString();
    //    }
    //    if (userName != "")
    //    {
    //        int userid;
    //        int Flagcount = 0;
    //        objOrganization = objOrganization.Get_Organization();
    //        objUser = objUser.Get_UserLogin_By_UserName(userName, objOrganization.Orgid);
    //        if (objUser.Userid != 0)
    //        {
    //            userid = objUser.Userid;
    //            colUserToSite = ObjUserToSite.Get_All_By_userid(userid);
    //            foreach (UserToSiteMapping obj in colUserToSite)
    //            {
    //                int siteid;
    //                Site_mst objSite1 = new Site_mst();
    //                siteid = obj.Siteid;
    //                objSite1 = objSite1.Get_By_id(siteid);
    //                if (objSite1.Siteid != 0)
    //                {
    //                    colCustToSite=objCustToSite.Get_All_By_siteid(objSite1.Siteid);
    //                    foreach (CustomerToSiteMapping objcts in colCustToSite)
    //                    {
    //                        Customer_mst objC = new Customer_mst();
    //                        int FlagStatus = 0;
    //                        objC = objC.Get_By_id(objcts.Custid);
    //                        if (Flagcount == 0)
    //                        {
    //                            colCtS.Add(objC);
    //                        }
    //                        else
    //                        {
    //                            foreach (Customer_mst objCus in colCtS)
    //                            {
    //                                if (objC.Custid == objCus.Custid)
    //                                {
    //                                    FlagStatus = 1;
    //                                }
    //                            }
    //                            if (FlagStatus==0)
    //                            {
    //                                colCtS.Add(objC);
    //                            }
    //                        }
    //                        Flagcount = Flagcount + 1;
    //                    }
    //                }
    //            }
    //        }
    //    }
    //    drpCustomer.DataTextField = "Customer_Name";
    //    drpCustomer.DataValueField = "CustId";
    //    drpCustomer.DataSource = colCtS;
    //    drpCustomer.DataBind();
    //    if (colCtS.Count  == 0)
    //    {
    //        ListItem item = new ListItem();
    //        item.Text = "-------------Select-------------";
    //        item.Value = "0";
    //        drpCustomer.Items.Add(item);
    //    }
    protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //Add Exception handilng try catch change by vishal 21-05-2012
            Session["UserCreate"] = "Exist";

            #region Declaration of Local Variables
            int siteid, priorityid;
            int SLAid = 0;
            int createdbyid = 0;
            int requesterid = 0;
            int FlagInsert;
            int requesttypeid;
            string userName;
            bool FlagUserStatus;
            FlagUserStatus = true;
            FlagInsert = 0;

            #region Fetch Current User
            MembershipUser User = Membership.GetUser();
            userName = User.UserName.ToString();
            #region Get Current Site and Priority id
            siteid = Convert.ToInt32(drpSite.SelectedValue);
            priorityid = Convert.ToInt32(drpPriority.SelectedValue);

            #region Get SLAid on the basis of siteid and Priority id

            if (siteid != 0 && priorityid != 0)
                SLAid = objIncident.Get_By_SLAid(siteid, priorityid);
                requesttypeid = Convert.ToInt32(Resources.MessageResource.strRequestTypeId.ToString());
                if (requesttypeid == Convert.ToInt32(drpRequestType.SelectedValue))
                    SLAid = 0;
            if (userName != "")
                #region Find Userid of User who Created this Request
                objOrganization = objOrganization.Get_Organization();
                objUser = objUser.Get_UserLogin_By_UserName(userName, objOrganization.Orgid);
                if (objUser.Userid != 0)
                    createdbyid = objUser.Userid;


                #region Find Userid of User who is Requesting to log a call

                #region If User Already Exist
                if (Session["UserCreate"].ToString() == "Exist")
                    objUser = objUser.Get_UserLogin_By_UserName(txtUsername.Text.ToString().Trim(), objOrganization.Orgid);
                    if (objUser.Userid != 0)
                        requesterid = objUser.Userid;



            //added by lalit
            objIncident.Reporteddatetime =DBNull.Value.ToString();
            objIncident.AMCCall = false;
            objIncident.Title = txtTitle.Text.ToString().Trim() + "-" + TxtExtension.Text.Trim();
            objIncident.Slaid = SLAid;
            objIncident.Createdbyid = createdbyid;
            objIncident.Requesterid = requesterid;
            objIncident.Siteid = siteid;
            objIncident.Description = txtDescription.Text.ToString().Trim();
            objIncident.Deptid = 0;
            objIncident.Createdatetime = DateTime.Now.ToString();
            objIncident.Modeid = Convert.ToInt32(drpMode.SelectedValue);
            UserToSiteMapping objUserToSite = new UserToSiteMapping();

            if (FlagUserStatus == true)
                FlagInsert = objIncident.Insert();

                #region Save Assetid and incident id in incidenttoassetmaaping

                objOrganization = objOrganization.Get_Organization();
                objUser = objUser.Get_UserLogin_By_UserName(txtUsername.Text.ToString().Trim(), objOrganization.Orgid);
                int userid = Convert.ToInt32(objUser.Userid);
                int tempuser1 = Convert.ToInt32(Session["tempuser1"]);
                if (tempuser1 == 1)
                    assetid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["assetid"]);
                    assetid = Convert.ToInt32(objusertoasset.Get_AssetId_By_UserId(userid));
                int incid = Convert.ToInt32(objIncident.Get_TopIncidentId());
                if (txtassignasset.Text != "")
                    //assetid = Convert.ToInt32(txtassignasset.Text);
                    if (assetid != 0)
                        objincidenttoasset.Insert(incid, assetid);
                        objusertoasset.Insert(userid, assetid, objUser.City, objUser.Company);    //added a new column siteid



            if (FlagInsert == 1)
                int FlagIncdStatesInsert;
                int incidentid;
                incidentid = objIncident.Get_Current_Incidentid();
                objIncidentStates.Incidentid = incidentid;
                objIncidentStates.Priorityid = Convert.ToInt32(drpPriority.SelectedValue);
                objIncidentStates.Categoryid = Convert.ToInt32(drpCategory.SelectedValue);
                objIncidentStates.Statusid = Convert.ToInt32(drpStatus.SelectedValue);
                objIncidentStates.Subcategoryid = Convert.ToInt32(drpSubcategory.SelectedValue);
                objIncidentStates.Technicianid = 0;

                objIncidentStates.Requesttypeid = Convert.ToInt32(drpRequestType.SelectedValue);
                FlagIncdStatesInsert = objIncidentStates.Insert();
                if (FlagIncdStatesInsert == 1)
                    objIncidentHistory.Incidentid = incidentid;
                    objIncidentHistory.Operation = "create";
                    objIncidentHistory.Operationownerid = createdbyid;
                    objSentmailtoUser.SentmailUser(requesterid, incidentid, "open");
                    // change code/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
                    if (FileUpload1.HasFile)
                        string filepath = Server.MapPath("~/FileAttach/");
                        string[] filenameupd = FileUpload1.FileName.Split(new char[] { '.' });
                        string filenew = Convert.ToString(incidentid) + "." + filenameupd[1];
                        FileUpload1.PostedFile.SaveAs(filepath + filenew);
                    ////////change code on 27 march///
                    #region Map Site to user
                    int FlagDelete = 0;
                    int FlagStatus = 0;
                    //string Username;
                    //string gvIDs;
                    int organizationId;
                    //string gv;
                    // Get object of Organization to get organization id and assign to local variable organizationId
                    objOrganization = objOrganization.Get_Organization();
                    organizationId = objOrganization.Orgid;
                    // Get username from textbox and assign to local variable Username
                    //Username = txtUserName.Text.ToString().Trim();
                    // Find User Exist ,by calling function Get_UserLogin_By_UserName()
                    //objUser = objUser.Get_UserLogin_By_UserName(Username, organizationId);
                    // If Userid is not zero ,then user exist in database
                    if (objUser.Userid != 0)
                        //'Navigate through each row in the GridView for checkbox items
                        //foreach (GridViewRow gv in grdvwSite.Rows)
                        // Declare local variable deleteChkBxItem of Checkbox type to get the Checkbox Instance of Grid Row
                        // CheckBox deleteChkBxItem = (CheckBox)gv.FindControl("deleteRec");
                        // If deleteChkBxItem is Checked then ,mapped Current site to this user
                        //if (deleteChkBxItem.Checked)
                        // Get the Site Id from variable of Label type declare in GridView of grdvwSite
                        //gvIDs = ((Label)gv.FindControl("SiteID")).Text.ToString();
                        // Check if gvIDs is not null
                        // if (gvIDs != "")
                        // Declare local variable userid and siteid to get userid and SiteId
                        int userid;

                        userid = Convert.ToInt32(objUser.Userid);
                        //siteid = Convert.ToInt32(gvIDs);
                        // To Find Current Site to this User is Mapped by Calling Function objUserToSite.Get_By_Id()
                        FlagStatus = objUserToSite.Get_By_Id(userid, siteid);
                        // If FlagStatus is  zero then site is not  mapped to this user
                        if (FlagStatus == 0)
                            objUserToSite.Siteid = siteid;
                            objUserToSite.Userid = userid;
                            // Mapped Current Site to this User by calling function objUserToSite.Insert()
                            FlagInsert = objUserToSite.Insert();
                    // If deleteChkBxItem is Un Checked then ,Un mapped Current site to this user
                        // Get the Site Id from variable of Label type declare in GridView of grdvwSite
                        // gvIDs = ((Label)gv.FindControl("SiteID")).Text.ToString();
                        // Check if gvIDs is not null
                        //if (gvIDs != "")
                        // {
                        // Declare local variable userid and siteid to get userid and SiteId
                        int userid;

                        userid = Convert.ToInt32(objUser.Userid);
                        //siteid = Convert.ToInt32(gvIDs);
                        // To Find Current Site to this User is Mapped by Calling Function objUserToSite.Get_By_Id()
                        FlagStatus = objUserToSite.Get_By_Id(userid, siteid);
                        // If FlagStatus is not  zero then site is   mapped to this user
                        if (FlagStatus != 0)
                            // Un Mapped Current Site to this User by calling function objUserToSite.Delete()
                            FlagDelete = objUserToSite.Delete(userid, siteid);





        catch (Exception ex)
            string myScript;
            myScript = "<script language=javascript>alert('Exception - '" + ex + "');</script>";
            Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("MyScript", myScript);
Exemple #5
    //protected void BindDropCustomer()
    //    BLLCollection<Customer_mst> colCtS = new BLLCollection<Customer_mst>();

    //    string userName = "";
    //    MembershipUser User = Membership.GetUser();
    //    if (User != null)
    //    {
    //        userName = User.UserName.ToString();
    //    }

    //    if (userName != "")
    //    {
    //        int userid;
    //        int Flagcount = 0;
    //        objOrganization = objOrganization.Get_Organization();
    //        objUser = objUser.Get_UserLogin_By_UserName(userName, objOrganization.Orgid);
    //        if (objUser.Userid != 0)
    //        {
    //            userid = objUser.Userid;
    //            colUserToSite = ObjUserToSite.Get_All_By_userid(userid);
    //            foreach (UserToSiteMapping obj in colUserToSite)
    //            {
    //                int siteid;
    //                Site_mst objSite1 = new Site_mst();
    //                siteid = obj.Siteid;
    //                objSite1 = objSite1.Get_By_id(siteid);
    //                if (objSite1.Siteid != 0)
    //                {
    //                    colCustToSite=objCustToSite.Get_All_By_siteid(objSite1.Siteid);

    //                    foreach (CustomerToSiteMapping objcts in colCustToSite)
    //                    {
    //                        Customer_mst objC = new Customer_mst();
    //                        int FlagStatus = 0;
    //                        objC = objC.Get_By_id(objcts.Custid);
    //                        if (Flagcount == 0)
    //                        {
    //                            colCtS.Add(objC);
    //                        }
    //                        else
    //                        {
    //                            foreach (Customer_mst objCus in colCtS)
    //                            {
    //                                if (objC.Custid == objCus.Custid)
    //                                {
    //                                    FlagStatus = 1;
    //                                }

    //                            }
    //                            if (FlagStatus==0)
    //                            {
    //                                colCtS.Add(objC);
    //                            }

    //                        }

    //                        Flagcount = Flagcount + 1;

    //                    }

    //                }

    //            }

    //        }

    //    }

    //    drpCustomer.DataTextField = "Customer_Name";
    //    drpCustomer.DataValueField = "CustId";
    //    drpCustomer.DataSource = colCtS;
    //    drpCustomer.DataBind();
    //    if (colCtS.Count  == 0)
    //    {
    //        ListItem item = new ListItem();
    //        item.Text = "-------------Select-------------";
    //        item.Value = "0";
    //        drpCustomer.Items.Add(item);

    //    }

    protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    {//Add Exception handilng try catch change by vishal 21-05-2012
            Session["UserCreate"] = "Exist";

            #region Declaration of Local Variables
            int    siteid, priorityid;
            int    SLAid       = 0;
            int    createdbyid = 0;
            int    requesterid = 0;
            int    FlagInsert;
            int    requesttypeid;
            string userName;
            bool   FlagUserStatus;
            FlagUserStatus = true;
            FlagInsert     = 0;

            #region Fetch Current User
            MembershipUser User = Membership.GetUser();
            userName = User.UserName.ToString();
            #region Get Current Site and Priority id
            siteid     = Convert.ToInt32(drpSite.SelectedValue);
            priorityid = Convert.ToInt32(drpPriority.SelectedValue);

            #region Get SLAid on the basis of siteid and Priority id

            if (siteid != 0 && priorityid != 0)
                SLAid         = objIncident.Get_By_SLAid(siteid, priorityid);
                requesttypeid = Convert.ToInt32(Resources.MessageResource.strRequestTypeId.ToString());
                if (requesttypeid == Convert.ToInt32(drpRequestType.SelectedValue))
                    SLAid = 0;
            if (userName != "")
                #region Find Userid of User who Created this Request
                objOrganization = objOrganization.Get_Organization();
                objUser         = objUser.Get_UserLogin_By_UserName(userName, objOrganization.Orgid);
                if (objUser.Userid != 0)
                    createdbyid = objUser.Userid;


                #region Find Userid of User who is Requesting to log a call

                #region If User Already Exist
                if (Session["UserCreate"].ToString() == "Exist")
                    objUser = objUser.Get_UserLogin_By_UserName(txtUsername.Text.ToString().Trim(), objOrganization.Orgid);
                    if (objUser.Userid != 0)
                        requesterid = objUser.Userid;


            //added by lalit
            objIncident.Reporteddatetime = DBNull.Value.ToString();
            objIncident.AMCCall          = false;
            objIncident.Title          = txtTitle.Text.ToString().Trim() + "-" + TxtExtension.Text.Trim();
            objIncident.Slaid          = SLAid;
            objIncident.Createdbyid    = createdbyid;
            objIncident.Requesterid    = requesterid;
            objIncident.Siteid         = siteid;
            objIncident.Description    = txtDescription.Text.ToString().Trim();
            objIncident.Deptid         = 0;
            objIncident.Createdatetime = DateTime.Now.ToString();
            objIncident.Modeid         = Convert.ToInt32(drpMode.SelectedValue);
            UserToSiteMapping objUserToSite = new UserToSiteMapping();

            if (FlagUserStatus == true)
                FlagInsert = objIncident.Insert();

                #region Save Assetid and incident id in incidenttoassetmaaping

                objOrganization = objOrganization.Get_Organization();
                objUser         = objUser.Get_UserLogin_By_UserName(txtUsername.Text.ToString().Trim(), objOrganization.Orgid);
                int userid    = Convert.ToInt32(objUser.Userid);
                int tempuser1 = Convert.ToInt32(Session["tempuser1"]);
                if (tempuser1 == 1)
                    assetid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["assetid"]);
                    assetid = Convert.ToInt32(objusertoasset.Get_AssetId_By_UserId(userid));
                int incid = Convert.ToInt32(objIncident.Get_TopIncidentId());
                if (txtassignasset.Text != "")
                    //assetid = Convert.ToInt32(txtassignasset.Text);
                    if (assetid != 0)
                        objincidenttoasset.Insert(incid, assetid);
                        objusertoasset.Insert(userid, assetid, objUser.City, objUser.Company);    //added a new column siteid


            if (FlagInsert == 1)
                int FlagIncdStatesInsert;
                int incidentid;
                incidentid = objIncident.Get_Current_Incidentid();
                objIncidentStates.Incidentid    = incidentid;
                objIncidentStates.Priorityid    = Convert.ToInt32(drpPriority.SelectedValue);
                objIncidentStates.Categoryid    = Convert.ToInt32(drpCategory.SelectedValue);
                objIncidentStates.Statusid      = Convert.ToInt32(drpStatus.SelectedValue);
                objIncidentStates.Subcategoryid = Convert.ToInt32(drpSubcategory.SelectedValue);
                objIncidentStates.Technicianid  = 0;

                objIncidentStates.Requesttypeid = Convert.ToInt32(drpRequestType.SelectedValue);
                FlagIncdStatesInsert            = objIncidentStates.Insert();
                if (FlagIncdStatesInsert == 1)
                    objIncidentHistory.Incidentid       = incidentid;
                    objIncidentHistory.Operation        = "create";
                    objIncidentHistory.Operationownerid = createdbyid;
                    objSentmailtoUser.SentmailUser(requesterid, incidentid, "open");
                    // change code/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
                    if (FileUpload1.HasFile)
                        string   filepath    = Server.MapPath("~/FileAttach/");
                        string[] filenameupd = FileUpload1.FileName.Split(new char[] { '.' });
                        string   filenew     = Convert.ToString(incidentid) + "." + filenameupd[1];
                        FileUpload1.PostedFile.SaveAs(filepath + filenew);
                    ////////change code on 27 march///
                    #region Map Site to user
                    int FlagDelete = 0;
                    int FlagStatus = 0;
                    //string Username;
                    //string gvIDs;
                    int organizationId;
                    //string gv;
                    // Get object of Organization to get organization id and assign to local variable organizationId
                    objOrganization = objOrganization.Get_Organization();
                    organizationId  = objOrganization.Orgid;
                    // Get username from textbox and assign to local variable Username
                    //Username = txtUserName.Text.ToString().Trim();
                    // Find User Exist ,by calling function Get_UserLogin_By_UserName()
                    //objUser = objUser.Get_UserLogin_By_UserName(Username, organizationId);
                    // If Userid is not zero ,then user exist in database
                    if (objUser.Userid != 0)
                        //'Navigate through each row in the GridView for checkbox items
                        //foreach (GridViewRow gv in grdvwSite.Rows)
                        // Declare local variable deleteChkBxItem of Checkbox type to get the Checkbox Instance of Grid Row
                        // CheckBox deleteChkBxItem = (CheckBox)gv.FindControl("deleteRec");
                        // If deleteChkBxItem is Checked then ,mapped Current site to this user
                        //if (deleteChkBxItem.Checked)
                        // Get the Site Id from variable of Label type declare in GridView of grdvwSite
                        //gvIDs = ((Label)gv.FindControl("SiteID")).Text.ToString();
                        // Check if gvIDs is not null
                        // if (gvIDs != "")
                        // Declare local variable userid and siteid to get userid and SiteId
                        int userid;

                        userid = Convert.ToInt32(objUser.Userid);
                        //siteid = Convert.ToInt32(gvIDs);
                        // To Find Current Site to this User is Mapped by Calling Function objUserToSite.Get_By_Id()
                        FlagStatus = objUserToSite.Get_By_Id(userid, siteid);
                        // If FlagStatus is  zero then site is not  mapped to this user
                        if (FlagStatus == 0)
                            objUserToSite.Siteid = siteid;
                            objUserToSite.Userid = userid;
                            // Mapped Current Site to this User by calling function objUserToSite.Insert()
                            FlagInsert = objUserToSite.Insert();
                    // If deleteChkBxItem is Un Checked then ,Un mapped Current site to this user
                        // Get the Site Id from variable of Label type declare in GridView of grdvwSite
                        // gvIDs = ((Label)gv.FindControl("SiteID")).Text.ToString();
                        // Check if gvIDs is not null
                        //if (gvIDs != "")
                        // {
                        // Declare local variable userid and siteid to get userid and SiteId
                        int userid;

                        userid = Convert.ToInt32(objUser.Userid);
                        //siteid = Convert.ToInt32(gvIDs);
                        // To Find Current Site to this User is Mapped by Calling Function objUserToSite.Get_By_Id()
                        FlagStatus = objUserToSite.Get_By_Id(userid, siteid);
                        // If FlagStatus is not  zero then site is   mapped to this user
                        if (FlagStatus != 0)
                            // Un Mapped Current Site to this User by calling function objUserToSite.Delete()
                            FlagDelete = objUserToSite.Delete(userid, siteid);


        catch (Exception ex)
            string myScript;
            myScript = "<script language=javascript>alert('Exception - '" + ex + "');</script>";
            Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("MyScript", myScript);