Exemple #1
        public UserContext registerUser(String loginName,
                                        String password,
                                        String email)
            // Create UserCredentials
            PasswordCredentials pc = new PasswordCredentials();

            pc.loginName = loginName;
            pc.password  = password;

            // Create UserProfile
            UserProfile up = new UserProfile();

            Entry[] upEntries = new Entry[4];

            Entry upEntry1 = new Entry();

            upEntry1.key   = "EMAIL_ADDRESS";
            upEntry1.value = email;

            Entry upEntry2 = new Entry();

            upEntry2.key   = "ADDRESS_1";
            upEntry2.value = "3600 Bridge Parkway";

            Entry upEntry3 = new Entry();

            upEntry3.key   = "CITY";
            upEntry3.value = "Redwood City";

            Entry upEntry4 = new Entry();

            upEntry4.key   = "COUNTRY";
            upEntry4.value = "US";

            upEntries[0] = upEntry1;
            upEntries[1] = upEntry2;
            upEntries[2] = upEntry3;
            upEntries[3] = upEntry4;

            up.values = upEntries;

            NVPair singlePref = null;

            singlePref      = new NVPair();
            singlePref.name = "com.yodlee.userprofile.LOCALE";
            singlePref.type = 1;
            object[] obj = new object[1];
            obj[0]            = (object)"en-US";
            singlePref.values = obj;

            NVPair pincodePref = null;

            pincodePref      = new NVPair();
            pincodePref.name = "com.yodlee.userprofile.ZIP_CODE_1";
            pincodePref.type = 1;
            object[] obj1 = new object[1];
            obj1[0]            = (object)"33444";
            pincodePref.values = obj1;

            NVPair[] nvPairs = new NVPair[2];

            nvPairs[0] = singlePref;
            nvPairs[1] = pincodePref;

            //System.Console.WriteLine("singlePref  " + nvPairs[0].type);
            //System.Console.WriteLine("singlePref  " + nvPairs[1].type);

            // Register the user
            UserInfo1 ui = registerService.register3(getCobrandContext(), pc, up, nvPairs);

Exemple #2
        public UserContext DoRegisterUser(string loginName, string password, string email)
            // These values are hard coded since we don't have them at the time of the registration
            string country = "US";
            string town    = "Redwood City";
            string address = "3600 Bridge Parkway";
            string zipcode = "33444";

            // Create UserCredentials
            var pc = new PasswordCredentials();

            pc.loginName = loginName;
            pc.password  = password;

            // Create UserProfile
            var up = new UserProfile();

            var upEntries = new Entry[4];

            var upEntry1 = new Entry();

            upEntry1.key   = "EMAIL_ADDRESS";
            upEntry1.value = email;

            var upEntry2 = new Entry();

            upEntry2.key   = "ADDRESS_1";
            upEntry2.value = address;

            var upEntry3 = new Entry();

            upEntry3.key   = "CITY";
            upEntry3.value = town;

            var upEntry4 = new Entry();

            upEntry4.key   = "COUNTRY";
            upEntry4.value = country;

            upEntries[0] = upEntry1;
            upEntries[1] = upEntry2;
            upEntries[2] = upEntry3;
            upEntries[3] = upEntry4;

            up.values = upEntries;

            var singlePref = new NVPair();

            singlePref.name = "com.yodlee.userprofile.LOCALE";
            singlePref.type = 1;
            var obj = new object[1];

            obj[0]            = (object)"en-US";
            singlePref.values = obj;

            NVPair pincodePref = null;

            pincodePref      = new NVPair();
            pincodePref.name = "com.yodlee.userprofile.ZIP_CODE_1";
            pincodePref.type = 1;
            var obj1 = new object[1];

            obj1[0]            = zipcode;
            pincodePref.values = obj1;

            var nvPairs = new NVPair[2];

            nvPairs[0] = singlePref;
            nvPairs[1] = pincodePref;

            // Register the user
            UserInfo1 ui = registerService.register3(GetCobrandContext(), pc, up, nvPairs);
