/// <summary> /// Run the code example. /// </summary> /// <param name="user">The DFP user object running the code example.</param> public override void Run(DfpUser user) { // Get the UserService. UserService userService = (UserService) user.GetService(DfpService.v201508.UserService); // Create a statement to get all users. StatementBuilder statementBuilder = new StatementBuilder() .OrderBy("id ASC") .Limit(StatementBuilder.SUGGESTED_PAGE_LIMIT); // Sets defaults for page and statement. UserPage page = new UserPage(); try { do { // Get users by statement. page = userService.getUsersByStatement(statementBuilder.ToStatement()); if (page.results != null && page.results.Length > 0) { int i = page.startIndex; foreach (User usr in page.results) { Console.WriteLine("{0}) User with ID = '{1}', email = '{2}', and role = '{3}'" + " was found.", i, usr.id, usr.email, usr.roleName); i++; } } statementBuilder.IncreaseOffsetBy(StatementBuilder.SUGGESTED_PAGE_LIMIT); } while (statementBuilder.GetOffset() < page.totalResultSetSize); Console.WriteLine("Number of results found: {0}", page.totalResultSetSize); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to get all users. Exception says \"{0}\"", e.Message); } }
public void MultiplePages() { Page page = new UserPage { Controls = new ControlList() }; page.Controls.Add(new TextControl { Id = 5 }); this.Product.FormDefinition.Pages.Add(page); Assert.AreEqual(6, this.Product.FormDefinition.Pages.GetNextControlId()); }
public ModelResult<UserPage> List(ListRequest request) { var users = UserRepository.GetAll().TakePage(request.Page, request.PageSize); int totalItems = UserRepository.Count(); var page = new UserPage(request.Page, request.PageSize, totalItems, users); return Model(page, request.Formatting); }
public override void Link() { VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <ShowDialogWindowCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { DialogWindow.ShowDialog(new DialogWindowViewModel(message: message.Message, title: message.Title, onYes: message.OnYes, icon: message.Icon)); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <ShowQQGroupQrCodeCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { QQGroupQrCode.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <ShowCalcCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { Calc.ShowWindow(message.CoinVm); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <ShowLocalIpsCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { LocalIpConfig.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <ShowEthNoDevFeeCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { EthNoDevFeeEdit.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <ShowCalcConfigCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { CalcConfig.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <ShowMinerClientsWindowCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { MinerClientsWindow.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <ShowNTMinerUpdaterConfigCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { NTMinerUpdaterConfig.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <ShowAboutPageCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { AboutPage.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <ShowKernelOutputPageCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { KernelOutputPage.ShowWindow(message.SelectedKernelOutputVm); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <ShowKernelInputPageCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { KernelInputPage.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <ShowTagBrandCommand>(action: message => { if (NTMinerRoot.IsBrandSpecified) { return; } BrandTag.ShowWindow(); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <ShowCoinPageCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { CoinPage.ShowWindow(message.CurrentCoin, message.TabType); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <ShowGroupPageCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { GroupPage.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <ShowSysDicPageCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { SysDicPage.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <ShowVirtualMemoryCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { VirtualMemory.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <ShowRestartWindowsCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { RestartWindows.ShowDialog(); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <ShowNotificationSampleCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { NotificationSample.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <ShowPropertyCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { Property.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <ShowChartsWindowCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { ChartsWindow.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <ShowOverClockDataPageCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { OverClockDataPage.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <ShowNTMinerWalletPageCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { NTMinerWalletPage.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <ShowMessagePathIdsCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { MessagePathIds.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <ShowUserPageCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { UserPage.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <ShowRemoteDesktopLoginDialogCommand>(action: message => { RemoteDesktopLogin.ShowWindow(message.Vm); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <ShowKernelsWindowCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { KernelsWindow.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <ShowKernelDownloaderCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { KernelDownloading.ShowWindow(message.KernelId, message.DownloadComplete); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <EnvironmentVariableEditCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { EnvironmentVariableEdit.ShowWindow(message.CoinKernelVm, message.EnvironmentVariable); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <InputSegmentEditCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { InputSegmentEdit.ShowWindow(message.CoinKernelVm, message.Segment); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <CoinKernelEditCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { CoinKernelEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <CoinEditCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { CoinEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <ColumnsShowEditCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { ColumnsShowEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <ShowContainerWindowCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { ContainerWindow window = ContainerWindow.GetWindow(message.Vm); window?.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <ShowSpeedChartsCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { SpeedCharts.ShowWindow(message.GpuSpeedVm); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <ShowFileWriterPageCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { FileWriterPage.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <FileWriterEditCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { FileWriterEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <ShowFragmentWriterPageCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { FragmentWriterPage.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <FragmentWriterEditCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { FragmentWriterEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <GroupEditCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { GroupEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <KernelInputEditCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { KernelInputEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <KernelOutputFilterEditCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { KernelOutputFilterEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <KernelOutputTranslaterEditCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { KernelOutputTranslaterEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <KernelOutputEditCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { KernelOutputEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <ShowPackagesWindowCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { PackagesWindow.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <KernelEditCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { KernelEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <ShowLogColorCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { LogColor.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <ShowMinerClientSettingCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { MinerClientSetting.ShowWindow(message.Vm); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <ShowMinerNamesSeterCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { MinerNamesSeter.ShowWindow(message.Vm); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <ShowGpuProfilesPageCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { GpuProfilesPage.ShowWindow(message.MinerClientsWindowVm); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <ShowMinerClientAddCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { MinerClientAdd.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <MinerGroupEditCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { MinerGroupEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <NTMinerWalletEditCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { NTMinerWalletEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <MineWorkEditCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { MineWorkEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <OverClockDataEditCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { OverClockDataEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <PackageEditCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { PackageEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <PoolKernelEditCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { PoolKernelEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <PoolEditCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { PoolEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <ShowControlCenterHostConfigCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { ControlCenterHostConfig.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <SysDicItemEditCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { SysDicItemEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <SysDicEditCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { SysDicEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <UserEditCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { UserEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); VirtualRoot.BuildCmdPath <WalletEditCommand>(action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { WalletEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); }
public void ThenTheUserShouldNotDisplay(string displayName) { Assert.IsNull(UserPage.GetUserRow(displayName)); }
public void ThenTheUserShouldNotHaveALinkToDeleteTheUser(string displayName) { Assert.IsFalse(UserPage.GetUserDeleteButton(displayName).Exists); }
public override void Link() { VirtualRoot.Window <ShowDialogWindowCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { DialogWindow.ShowDialog(message: message.Message, title: message.Title, onYes: message.OnYes, icon: message.Icon); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <ShowQQGroupQrCodeCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { QQGroupQrCode.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <ShowCalcCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { Calc.ShowWindow(message.CoinVm); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <ShowFileDownloaderCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { FileDownloader.ShowWindow(message.DownloadFileUrl, message.FileTitle, message.DownloadComplete); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <ShowCalcConfigCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { CalcConfig.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <ShowMinerClientsWindowCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { MinerClientsWindow.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <ShowNTMinerUpdaterConfigCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { NTMinerUpdaterConfig.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <ShowAboutPageCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { AboutPage.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <ShowKernelOutputPageCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { KernelOutputPage.ShowWindow(message.SelectedKernelOutputVm); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <ShowKernelInputPageCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { KernelInputPage.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <ShowColumnsShowPageCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { ColumnsShowPage.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <ShowGroupPageCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { GroupPage.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <ShowSysDicPageCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { SysDicPage.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <ShowVirtualMemoryCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { VirtualMemory.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <ShowRestartWindowsCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { RestartWindows.ShowDialog(); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <ShowNotificationSampleCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { NotificationSample.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <ShowInnerPropertyCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { InnerProperty.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <ShowChartsWindowCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { ChartsWindow.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <ShowOverClockDataPageCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { OverClockDataPage.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <ShowUserPageCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { UserPage.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <ShowKernelDownloaderCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { KernelDownloading.ShowWindow(message.KernelId, message.DownloadComplete); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <EnvironmentVariableEditCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { EnvironmentVariableEdit.ShowWindow(message.CoinKernelVm, message.EnvironmentVariable); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <InputSegmentEditCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { InputSegmentEdit.ShowWindow(message.CoinKernelVm, message.Segment); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <CoinKernelEditCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { CoinKernelEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <CoinEditCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { CoinEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <ColumnsShowEditCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { ColumnsShowEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <ShowContainerWindowCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { ContainerWindow window = ContainerWindow.GetWindow(message.Vm); window?.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <ShowSpeedChartsCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { SpeedCharts.ShowWindow(message.GpuSpeedVm); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <GroupEditCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { GroupEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <KernelInputEditCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { KernelInputEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <KernelOutputFilterEditCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { KernelOutputFilterEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <KernelOutputTranslaterEditCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { KernelOutputTranslaterEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <KernelOutputEditCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { KernelOutputEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <ShowPackagesWindowCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { PackagesWindow.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <KernelEditCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { KernelEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <ShowLogColorCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { LogColor.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <ShowMinerClientSettingCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { MinerClientSetting.ShowWindow(message.Vm); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <ShowMinerNamesSeterCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { MinerNamesSeter.ShowWindow(message.Vm); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <ShowGpuProfilesPageCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { GpuProfilesPage.ShowWindow(message.MinerClientsWindowVm); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <ShowMinerClientAddCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { MinerClientAdd.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <MinerGroupEditCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { MinerGroupEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <MineWorkEditCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { MineWorkEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <OverClockDataEditCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { OverClockDataEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <PackageEditCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { PackageEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <PoolKernelEditCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { PoolKernelEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <PoolEditCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { PoolEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <ShowControlCenterHostConfigCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { ControlCenterHostConfig.ShowWindow(); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <SysDicItemEditCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { SysDicItemEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <SysDicEditCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { SysDicEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <UserEditCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { UserEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <WalletEditCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { UIThread.Execute(() => { WalletEdit.ShowWindow(message.FormType, message.Source); }); }); VirtualRoot.Window <UpgradeCommand>(LogEnum.DevConsole, action: message => { Upgrade(message.FileName, message.Callback); }); }
public UserTests() { driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(url); userPageObject = new UserPage(driver); commonPage = new CommonPage(driver); }
public void GivenPageNumber(Table table) { UserPage pagesList = table.CreateInstance <UserPage>(); _pages.Page = pagesList.Page; }
private string GetPageURL(User user, UserPage up) { return(Intranet.Properties.Settings.Default.BaseURL + "/" + Intranet.Properties.Settings.Default.HomePath + "/" + user.login_name.ToLower() + (up == null ? "" : "/" + up.url)); }
public void Show(int key) { switch (key) { case 1: RecepcionWindow recepcion = new RecepcionWindow(); recepcion.Show(); break; case 2: RegisterPage register = new RegisterPage(); register.Show(); break; case 3: UserPage user = new UserPage(); user.Show(); break; case 4: CookReportPage cookReport = new CookReportPage(); cookReport.Show(); break; case 5: CookInfoPage cookInfo = new CookInfoPage(); cookInfo.Show(); break; case 6: UserMenuPage menu = new UserMenuPage(); menu.Show(); break; case 7: UrgencyPage urgency = new UrgencyPage(); urgency.Show(); break; case 8: UserReportPage report = new UserReportPage(); report.Show(); break; case 9: InfoPage info = new InfoPage(); info.Show(); break; case 10: OptionDr option = new OptionDr(); option.Show(); break; case 11: PaymentPage pay = new PaymentPage(); pay.Show(); break; default: MessageBox.Show("Error"); break; } }
private async Task Login() { if (IsLogining) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserName)) { _commonFun.AlertLongText("请输入用户名。"); return; } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Password)) { _commonFun.AlertLongText("请输入密码。"); return; } if (_commonHelper.IsNetWorkConnected() == true) { IsLogining = false; _commonFun.ShowLoading("登录中..."); var result = await _accountService.Login(UserName, Password); if (result.ResultCode == Module.ResultType.Success) { _commonFun.JPushSetAlias(UserName.ToLower().Trim()); MessagingCenter.Send <string>(UserName.ToLower().Trim(), "RegistPushTags"); AccountInfo accountInfo = CommonHelper.DecodeString <AccountInfo>(result.Body); if (accountInfo != null) { accountInfo.LoggedInAt = DateTime.Now; CommonContext.Account = accountInfo; _commonFun.SetCach(CommonContext.USERNAMEKEY, UserName); #region Create Table var conn = Resolver.Resolve <ISQLite>().GetConnection(); conn.CreateTable <Attachment>(); conn.CreateTable <CalenderPlans>(); conn.CreateTable <CasesInfo>(); conn.CreateTable <CheckResult>(); conn.CreateTable <Domain.CheckStandard>(); conn.CreateTable <CodeHidden>(); conn.CreateTable <Department>(); conn.CreateTable <Distributor>(); conn.CreateTable <Employee>(); conn.CreateTable <ImprovementApprovalHis>(); conn.CreateTable <ImprovementItem>(); conn.CreateTable <ImprovementItemResult>(); conn.CreateTable <Notice>(); conn.CreateTable <NoticeDepart>(); conn.CreateTable <NoticeReader>(); conn.CreateTable <NoticeReplyHis>(); conn.CreateTable <Domain.PictureStandard>(); conn.CreateTable <Plans>(); conn.CreateTable <ProcessDtl>(); conn.CreateTable <ProcessMst>(); conn.CreateTable <PushSend>(); conn.CreateTable <Score>(); conn.CreateTable <Domain.StandardPic>(); conn.CreateTable <TaskCard>(); conn.CreateTable <TaskItem>(); conn.CreateTable <TaskOfPlan>(); #endregion #region Bottom Menu TabbedBarPage _bottomPage = new TabbedBarPage() { Title = "服务" }; var _messagePage = new MessagePage() { Title = "消息", Icon = (FileImageSource)FileImageSource.FromFile("message") }; _bottomPage.Children.Add(_messagePage); var _mainPage = new MainPage() { Title = "服务", Icon = (FileImageSource)FileImageSource.FromFile("server") }; _bottomPage.Children.Add(_mainPage); var _userPage = new UserPage() { Title = "我的", Icon = (FileImageSource)FileImageSource.FromFile("me") }; _bottomPage.Children.Add(_userPage); _bottomPage.CurrentPageChanged += (sender, e) => { _bottomPage.Title = "全景经营能力PCM评估改善平台";//_bottomPage.CurrentPage.Title; if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.Android) { _bottomPage.BarTextColor = Color.FromHex("#6281AB"); //底端Menu,当前菜单的颜色 } }; _bottomPage.CurrentPage = _bottomPage.Children[1]; #endregion #region DownLoadData _commonFun.HideLoading(); if (accountInfo.UserType == "Z") { //if (await _commonFun.Confirm("登录成功,是否同步数据?")) //{ await MasterDataDownloadHelper.DownloadData(); //} } #endregion //BarTextColor 导航栏字体颜色 //BarBackgroundColor 导航栏背景颜色 Application.Current.MainPage = new NavigationPage(_bottomPage) { BarTextColor = Color.White, BarBackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#6281AB"), BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#6281AB") }; } else { _commonFun.AlertLongText("用户名或者密码不正确。"); IsLogining = true; } } else { _commonFun.HideLoading(); _commonFun.AlertLongText("登录失败,请重试。 " + result.Msg); IsLogining = true; } } else { _commonFun.AlertLongText("网络连接异常。"); IsLogining = true; } } catch (OperationCanceledException) { _commonFun.HideLoading(); _commonFun.AlertLongText("请求超时。"); IsLogining = true; } catch (Exception ex) { _commonFun.HideLoading(); _commonFun.AlertLongText("登录异常,请重试。"); IsLogining = true; } finally { _commonFun.HideLoading(); } } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Page.Validate(); if (Page.IsValid == false) { return; } ScentaurusEntities2 entity = MyDBContext; string userName = txtUserName.Text; string password = txtPassword.Text.Trim(); string firstName = txtFirstName.Text; string lastName = txtLastName.Text; int userType = int.Parse(ddl_Type.SelectedValue); //int camp = int.Parse((Master.FindControl("ddlCampus") as DropDownList).SelectedValue); // int camp = Utils.GetCampusIDForAddition(); DataTable dtUsers = new DataTable(); DataTable dtFilter = new DataTable(); List <UserDetail> userData = entity.UserDetails.Where(x => x.Username.ToLower().Trim() == userName.ToLower().Trim()).ToList(); if (hdnMode.Value == "Add") { if (userData.Count > 0) { UserDetail obj = new UserDetail { Username = txtUserName.Text.Trim(), Password = txtPassword.Text, // obj.Role = ddl_Type.SelectedItem.Text; FirstName = txtFirstName.Text, LastName = txtLastName.Text, IsActive = true, // obj.CampusID = camp; CreatedBy = Utils.GetUserName(), CreatedOn = DateTime.Now }; entity.UserDetails.Add(obj); if (entity.SaveChanges() > 0) { int userID = entity.UserDetails.OrderByDescending(x => x.ID).FirstOrDefault().ID; foreach (RepeaterItem ri in rpPages.Items) { // chkParentPage hdnID cblPages HiddenField hdnID = ri.FindControl("hdnID") as HiddenField; CheckBox chkParentPage = ri.FindControl("chkParentPage") as CheckBox; CheckBoxList cblPages = ri.FindControl("cblPages") as CheckBoxList; if (chkParentPage.Checked) { UserPage up = new UserPage { PageID = int.Parse(hdnID.Value), UserID = userID, IsAllowed = true }; entity.UserPages.Add(up); entity.SaveChanges(); foreach (ListItem item in cblPages.Items) { if (item.Selected) { UserPage upc = new UserPage { PageID = int.Parse(item.Value), UserID = userID, IsAllowed = true }; entity.UserPages.Add(upc); entity.SaveChanges(); } } } } Utils.ShowAlert(this, "User Added successfully."); btnCancel_Click(null, null); } } else { Utils.ShowAlert(this, "Error", "Username already exist.", false); } } else { UserDetail obj = entity.UserDetails.Where(x => x.Username.ToLower().Trim() == hdnUserName.Value.ToLower().Trim()).FirstOrDefault(); //obj.Username = txtUserName.Text.Trim(); obj.Password = txtPassword.Text; //obj.Role = ddl_Type.SelectedItem.Text; obj.FirstName = txtFirstName.Text; obj.LastName = txtLastName.Text; // obj.IsActive = true; //obj.CampusID = camp; //obj.CreatedBy = Utils.GetUserName(); //obj.CreatedTimeStamp = DateTime.Now.ToString(); ///entity.Users.Add(obj); entity.SaveChanges(); //if (entity.SaveChanges() > 0) { List <UserPage> upl = entity.UserPages.Where(x => x.UserID == obj.ID).ToList(); int userID = obj.ID; foreach (UserPage i in upl) { entity.UserPages.Remove(i); } foreach (RepeaterItem ri in rpPages.Items) { // chkParentPage hdnID cblPages HiddenField hdnID = ri.FindControl("hdnID") as HiddenField; CheckBox chkParentPage = ri.FindControl("chkParentPage") as CheckBox; CheckBoxList cblPages = ri.FindControl("cblPages") as CheckBoxList; if (chkParentPage.Checked) { UserPage up = new UserPage { PageID = int.Parse(hdnID.Value), UserID = userID, IsAllowed = true }; entity.UserPages.Add(up); entity.SaveChanges(); foreach (ListItem item in cblPages.Items) { if (item.Selected) { UserPage upc = new UserPage { PageID = int.Parse(item.Value), UserID = userID, IsAllowed = true }; entity.UserPages.Add(upc); entity.SaveChanges(); } } } } Utils.ShowAlert(this, "User updated successfully."); btnCancel_Click(null, null); FillGrid(); } } } catch (Exception) { DisplayMessage(@"Error while saving information."); } }
// Navigates to the user page private async void NavigateUser() { UserViewModel viewModel = new UserViewModel(this); UserPage page = new UserPage(viewModel); await Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(page); }
public void ClassSetUp() => userPage = new UserPage(fakeDriver, null);
private void TempClickUser(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { UserPage userPage = new UserPage(); NavigationService.Navigate(userPage); }
public void WhenIClickTheEditUserLinkForUser(string userName) { _userPage = GetPage <UserPage>(); _userPage.GetUserEditButton(userName).Click(); }
/// <summary> /// 获取新的完整状态树 /// </summary> /// <param name="state">当前 UI 状态</param> /// <param name="userManager"><see cref="KeylolUserManager"/></param> /// <param name="dbContext"><see cref="KeylolDbContext"/></param> /// <param name="coupon"><see cref="CouponProvider"/></param> /// <param name="cachedData"><see cref="CachedDataProvider"/></param> /// <param name="pointIdCode">据点识别码</param> /// <param name="authorIdCode">作者识别码</param> /// <param name="userIdCode">用户识别码</param> /// <param name="sidForAuthor">文章在作者名下的序号</param> /// <param name="keyword">搜索关键字</param> /// <returns>完整状态树</returns> public static async Task <Root> Locate(string state, [Injected] KeylolUserManager userManager, [Injected] KeylolDbContext dbContext, [Injected] CouponProvider coupon, [Injected] CachedDataProvider cachedData, string pointIdCode = null, string authorIdCode = null, string userIdCode = null, int sidForAuthor = 0, string keyword = null) { var root = new Root(); var currentUserId = StateTreeHelper.GetCurrentUserId(); var isOperator = StateTreeHelper.GetCurrentUser().IsInRole(KeylolRoles.Operator); if (await StateTreeHelper.CanAccessAsync <Root>(nameof(CurrentUser))) { var user = await userManager.FindByIdAsync(currentUserId); root.CurrentUser = await CurrentUser.CreateAsync(user, userManager, dbContext, coupon, cachedData); } switch (state) { case "entrance": root.Entrance = await EntranceLevel.CreateAsync(currentUserId, States.Entrance.EntrancePage.Auto, dbContext, cachedData); break; case "entrance.discovery": root.Entrance = await EntranceLevel.CreateAsync(currentUserId, States.Entrance.EntrancePage.Discovery, dbContext, cachedData); break; case "entrance.points": root.Entrance = await EntranceLevel.CreateAsync(currentUserId, States.Entrance.EntrancePage.Points, dbContext, cachedData); break; case "entrance.timeline": root.Entrance = await EntranceLevel.CreateAsync(currentUserId, States.Entrance.EntrancePage.Timeline, dbContext, cachedData); break; case "aggregation.point": root.Aggregation = new AggregationLevel { Point = await PointLevel.CreateAsync(currentUserId, pointIdCode, States.Aggregation.Point.EntrancePage.Auto, dbContext, cachedData) }; break; case "aggregation.point.frontpage": root.Aggregation = new AggregationLevel { Point = await PointLevel.CreateAsync(currentUserId, pointIdCode, States.Aggregation.Point.EntrancePage.Frontpage, dbContext, cachedData) }; break; case "aggregation.point.intel": root.Aggregation = new AggregationLevel { Point = await PointLevel.CreateAsync(currentUserId, pointIdCode, States.Aggregation.Point.EntrancePage.Intel, dbContext, cachedData) }; break; case "aggregation.point.product": root.Aggregation = new AggregationLevel { Point = await PointLevel.CreateAsync(currentUserId, pointIdCode, States.Aggregation.Point.EntrancePage.Product, dbContext, cachedData) }; break; case "aggregation.point.timeline": root.Aggregation = new AggregationLevel { Point = await PointLevel.CreateAsync(currentUserId, pointIdCode, States.Aggregation.Point.EntrancePage.Timeline, dbContext, cachedData) }; break; case "aggregation.point.edit.info": root.Aggregation = new AggregationLevel { Point = await PointLevel.CreateAsync(currentUserId, pointIdCode, States.Aggregation.Point.EntrancePage.EditInfo, dbContext, cachedData) }; break; case "aggregation.point.edit.style": root.Aggregation = new AggregationLevel { Point = await PointLevel.CreateAsync(currentUserId, pointIdCode, States.Aggregation.Point.EntrancePage.EditStyle, dbContext, cachedData) }; break; case "aggregation.user": root.Aggregation = new AggregationLevel { User = await UserLevel.CreateAsync(currentUserId, userIdCode, EntrancePage.Auto, dbContext, cachedData, userManager) }; break; case "aggregation.user.dossier": root.Aggregation = new AggregationLevel { User = await UserLevel.CreateAsync(currentUserId, userIdCode, EntrancePage.Dossier, dbContext, cachedData, userManager) }; break; case "aggregation.user.people": root.Aggregation = new AggregationLevel { User = await UserLevel.CreateAsync(currentUserId, userIdCode, EntrancePage.People, dbContext, cachedData, userManager) }; break; case "aggregation.user.timeline": root.Aggregation = new AggregationLevel { User = await UserLevel.CreateAsync(currentUserId, userIdCode, EntrancePage.Timeline, dbContext, cachedData, userManager) }; break; case "aggregation.user.edit": root.Aggregation = new AggregationLevel { User = await UserLevel.CreateAsync(currentUserId, userIdCode, EntrancePage.Edit, dbContext, cachedData, userManager) }; break; case "content.article": root.Content = new ContentLevel { Article = await States.Content.Article.ArticlePage.CreateAsync(authorIdCode, sidForAuthor, currentUserId, isOperator, dbContext, cachedData, userManager) }; break; case "content.activity": root.Content = new ContentLevel { Activity = await ActivityPage.CreateAsync(authorIdCode, sidForAuthor, currentUserId, isOperator, dbContext, cachedData, userManager) }; break; case "post-office.unread": if (await StateTreeHelper.CanAccessAsync <Root>(nameof(PostOffice))) { root.PostOffice = new PostOfficeLevel { Unread = await UnreadPage.CreateAsync(currentUserId, dbContext, cachedData) } } ; break; case "post-office.social-activity.comment": if (await StateTreeHelper.CanAccessAsync <Root>(nameof(PostOffice))) { root.PostOffice = new PostOfficeLevel { SocialActivity = new SocialActivityLevel { Comment = await CommentPage.CreateAsync(currentUserId, dbContext, cachedData) } } } ; break; case "post-office.social-activity.like": if (await StateTreeHelper.CanAccessAsync <Root>(nameof(PostOffice))) { root.PostOffice = new PostOfficeLevel { SocialActivity = new SocialActivityLevel { Like = await LikePage.CreateAsync(currentUserId, dbContext, cachedData) } } } ; break; case "post-office.social-activity.subscriber": if (await StateTreeHelper.CanAccessAsync <Root>(nameof(PostOffice))) { root.PostOffice = new PostOfficeLevel { SocialActivity = new SocialActivityLevel { Subscriber = await SubscriberPage.CreateAsync(currentUserId, dbContext, cachedData) } } } ; break; case "post-office.missive": if (await StateTreeHelper.CanAccessAsync <Root>(nameof(PostOffice))) { root.PostOffice = new PostOfficeLevel { Missive = await MissivePage.CreateAsync(currentUserId, dbContext, cachedData) } } ; break; case "coupon.detail": if (await StateTreeHelper.CanAccessAsync <Root>(nameof(Coupon))) { root.Coupon = new CouponLevel { Detail = await DetailPage.CreateAsync(currentUserId, dbContext, userManager) } } ; break; case "coupon.store": if (await StateTreeHelper.CanAccessAsync <Root>(nameof(Coupon))) { root.Coupon = new CouponLevel { Store = await StorePage.CreateAsync(currentUserId, dbContext, cachedData, userManager, coupon) } } ; break; case "coupon.ranking": if (await StateTreeHelper.CanAccessAsync <Root>(nameof(Coupon))) { root.Coupon = new CouponLevel { Ranking = await RankingPage.CreateAsync(currentUserId, dbContext, cachedData) } } ; break; case "search.point": root.Search = new SearchLevel { Point = await PointPage.CreateAsync(currentUserId, keyword, dbContext, cachedData) }; break; case "search.article": root.Search = new SearchLevel { Article = await ArticlePage.CreateAsync(keyword, dbContext, cachedData) }; break; case "search.user": root.Search = new SearchLevel { User = await UserPage.CreateAsync(currentUserId, keyword, dbContext, cachedData) }; break; default: throw new NotSupportedException("Not supported state."); } return(root); }
public static int Insert(UserPage userpage) { return(iuserpage.Insert(userpage)); }
protected override void OnBindingContextChanged() { base.OnBindingContextChanged(); // BindingContext var vm = BindingContext as SignUpViewModel; if (vm == null) { return; } // Credentials Card var credentialCard = new CredentialPage(); credentialCard.BindingContext = vm.CredentialViewModel; _cards.Add(credentialCard); // Account Card var accountPage = new AccountPage(); accountPage.BindingContext = vm.AccountViewModel; _cards.Add(accountPage); // Genre selection Card var genreCard = new GenrePage(); genreCard.BindingContext = vm.GenreViewModel; _cards.Add(genreCard); // User data Card var userCard = new UserPage(); userCard.BindingContext = vm.UserViewModel; _cards.Add(userCard); // Subscription data Card var subscriptionCard = new SubscriptionPage(); subscriptionCard.BindingContext = vm.SubscriptionViewModel; _cards.Add(subscriptionCard); for (int i = 0; i < NumCards; i++) { var card = _cards[i]; CardStackView.Children.Add( card, Constraint.Constant(0), Constraint.Constant(0), Constraint.RelativeToParent((parent) => { return(parent.Width); }), Constraint.RelativeToParent((parent) => { return(parent.Height); }) ); } // Init InitializeCards(); }
public void ThenNumeHeaderIsDisplayed() { UserPage userPage = new UserPage(Driver); Assert.IsTrue(userPage.NumeHeader.Displayed); }
protected void Button1_ServerClick1(object sender, EventArgs e) { //获取考卷ID int KaoJuanId = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["id"].ToString()); int sum = 0; //初始化对的信息 默认为0个 int Score = 0; //初始化分数的信息 默认为0分 int singlemark = int.Parse(((Label)GridView1.Rows[0].FindControl("Label4")).Text); //每一道单选题的分数 foreach (GridViewRow dr in GridView1.Rows) //遍历每一行的数据 { string str = ""; if (((RadioButton)dr.FindControl("RadioButton1")).Checked) { str = "A"; } else if (((RadioButton)dr.FindControl("RadioButton2")).Checked) { str = "B"; } else if (((RadioButton)dr.FindControl("RadioButton3")).Checked) { str = "C"; } else if (((RadioButton)dr.FindControl("RadioButton4")).Checked) { str = "D"; } //逐个 判断 某一个单选框是否选中 即 选择的答案 ABCD 哪一个 if (((Label)dr.FindControl("Label3")).Text.Trim() == str) //用户选择的答案 和正确答案 对比 { sum = sum + 1; Score = Score + singlemark; //分数 增加 string title = ((Label)dr.FindControl("Label2")).Text.Trim(); int fid = int.Parse(((Label)dr.FindControl("Label111")).Text.Trim()); UserPage up = new UserPage(); up.Fid = fid; up.Title = title; up.UserID = int.Parse(Session["UserID"].ToString()); up.KaoJuanID = KaoJuanId; up.UserAns = str; UserPageService.Insert(up); //将信息再插入到 用户试卷题目表里 } else { string title = ((Label)dr.FindControl("Label2")).Text.Trim(); int fid = int.Parse(((Label)dr.FindControl("Label111")).Text.Trim()); UserPage up = new UserPage(); up.Fid = fid; up.Title = title; up.UserID = int.Parse(Session["UserID"].ToString()); up.KaoJuanID = KaoJuanId; up.UserAns = str; UserPageService.Insert(up); Mistakes Mt = new Mistakes(); Mt.UserID = int.Parse(Session["UserID"].ToString()); Mt.ObID = fid; Mt.MisTime = DateTime.Now; MistakesService.Insert(Mt); //将信息再插入到 用户试卷题目表和错题表里 } int id = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["id"].ToString()); Session["KaoshiID"] = id; string UserName = Session["UserName"].ToString(); //插入到 分数表 和 学生考试表 Score sc = new Score(); sc.UserID = int.Parse(Session["UserID"].ToString()); sc.KaoJuanID = id; sc.Scores = Score; sc.UserName = UserName; sc.Sum = sum; int j = ScoreService.Insert(sc); KaoShi ks = new KaoShi(); ks.PageID = id; ks.UserID = int.Parse(Session["UserID"].ToString()); int i = KaoShiService.Insert(ks); if (i >= 1 && j >= 1) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "true", "<script>alert('答题成功!查看成绩!!');location='ExamResult.aspx'</script>"); } } }
public void ThenUserRoleIsDisplayed() { UserPage userPage = new UserPage(Driver); Assert.IsTrue(userPage.UserRole.Displayed); }
protected void rptUserPageMenu_ItemCommand(object source, RepeaterCommandEventArgs e) { this.pnlAddPage.Visible = false; this.pnlChangeName.Visible = false; String argString = e.CommandArgument.ToString(); Guid userPageID = Guid.Empty; if (argString.Length == 36) { userPageID = new Guid(argString); CurrentUserPageId = userPageID; } switch (e.CommandName) { case "selectpage": // CPersonalizationProvider will adjust the path variable // based on cookie to retrieve personalizarion // for the correct user page if (argString.Length > 0) { CookieHelper.SetPersistentCookie(userPageCookie, argString); } WebUtils.SetupRedirect(this, SiteRoot + Request.RawUrl); break; case "changename": if (userPageID != Guid.Empty) { this.pnlChangeName.Visible = true; UserPage userPage = new UserPage(userPageID); this.txtCurrentPageName.Text = userPage.PageName; } break; case "moveright": if (userPageID != Guid.Empty) { UserPage userPage = new UserPage(userPageID); userPage.MoveDown(); } WebUtils.SetupRedirect(this, SiteRoot + Request.RawUrl); break; case "moveleft": if (userPageID != Guid.Empty) { UserPage userPage = new UserPage(userPageID); userPage.MoveUp(); } WebUtils.SetupRedirect(this, SiteRoot + Request.RawUrl); break; case "remove": if (userPageID != Guid.Empty) { UserPage.DeleteUserPage(userPageID); } WebUtils.SetupRedirect(this, SiteRoot + Request.RawUrl); break; case "addpage": this.pnlAddPage.Visible = true; break; } }
private async Task InnerAddPageAsync(UserPage page) { await _db.Pages.AddAsync(page); await _db.SaveChangesAsync(); }
public void ThenTheUserShouldHaveALinkToEditTheUser(string displayName) { Assert.IsTrue(UserPage.GetUserEditButton(displayName).Exists); }
/// <summary> /// Handles the Click event of the btnGetUsers control. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> /// <param name="eventArgs">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing /// the event data.</param> protected void OnGetUsersButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs) { ConfigureUserForOAuth(); try { // Get the UserService. UserService userService = user.GetService <UserService>(); // Create a Statement to get all users. StatementBuilder statementBuilder = new StatementBuilder().OrderBy("id ASC") .Limit(StatementBuilder.SUGGESTED_PAGE_LIMIT); // Set default for page. UserPage page = new UserPage(); DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(); dataTable.Columns.AddRange(new DataColumn[] { new DataColumn("Serial No.", typeof(int)), new DataColumn("User Id", typeof(long)), new DataColumn("Email", typeof(string)), new DataColumn("Role", typeof(string)) }); do { // Get users by Statement. page = userService.getUsersByStatement(statementBuilder.ToStatement()); if (page.results != null && page.results.Length > 0) { int i = page.startIndex; foreach (User usr in page.results) { DataRow dataRow = dataTable.NewRow(); dataRow.ItemArray = new object[] { i + 1, usr.id, usr.email, usr.roleName }; dataTable.Rows.Add(dataRow); i++; } } statementBuilder.IncreaseOffsetBy(StatementBuilder.SUGGESTED_PAGE_LIMIT); } while (statementBuilder.GetOffset() < page.totalResultSetSize); if (dataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { UserGrid.DataSource = dataTable; UserGrid.DataBind(); } else { Response.Write("No users were found."); } } catch (Exception e) { Response.Write(string.Format("Failed to get users. Exception says \"{0}\"", e.Message)); } }
public void ThenTheUserShouldNotHaveALinkToEditTheSecurityRoles(string displayName) { Assert.IsFalse(UserPage.GetUserRolesButton(displayName).Exists); }
public App() { MainPage = new UserPage (); }
/// <summary> /// Run the code example. /// </summary> public void Run(DfpUser user) { using (UserService userService = (UserService)user.GetService(DfpService.v201802.UserService)) { // Set the ID of the user to deactivate long userId = long.Parse(_T("INSERT_USER_ID_HERE")); // Create statement text to select user by id. StatementBuilder statementBuilder = new StatementBuilder() .Where("id = :userId") .OrderBy("id ASC") .Limit(1) .AddValue("userId", userId); // Sets default for page. UserPage page = new UserPage(); List <string> userIds = new List <string>(); try { do { // Get users by statement. page = userService.getUsersByStatement(statementBuilder.ToStatement()); if (page.results != null) { int i = page.startIndex; foreach (User userResult in page.results) { Console.WriteLine( "{0}) User with ID = '{1}', email = '{2}', and status = '{3}'" + " will be deactivated.", i, userResult.id, userResult.email, userResult.isActive ? "ACTIVE" : "INACTIVE"); userIds.Add(userResult.id.ToString()); i++; } } statementBuilder.IncreaseOffsetBy(StatementBuilder.SUGGESTED_PAGE_LIMIT); } while (statementBuilder.GetOffset() < page.totalResultSetSize); Console.WriteLine("Number of users to be deactivated: {0}", page.totalResultSetSize); if (userIds.Count > 0) { // Modify statement for action. statementBuilder.RemoveLimitAndOffset(); // Create action. DeactivateUsers action = new DeactivateUsers(); // Perform action. UpdateResult result = userService.performUserAction(action, statementBuilder.ToStatement()); // Display results. if (result != null && result.numChanges > 0) { Console.WriteLine( "Number of users deactivated: {0}" + result.numChanges); } else { Console.WriteLine("No users were deactivated."); } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to deactivate users. Exception says \"{0}\"", e.Message); } } }
/// <summary> /// Run the code example. /// </summary> /// <param name="user">The DFP user object running the code example.</param> public override void Run(DfpUser user) { // Get the UserService. UserService userService = (UserService)user.GetService(DfpService.v201311.UserService); // Set the ID of the user to deactivate long userId = long.Parse(_T("INSERT_USER_ID_HERE")); // Create Statement text to select user by id. string statementText = "WHERE id = :userId LIMIT 500"; Statement statement = new StatementBuilder("").AddValue("userId", userId).ToStatement(); // Sets defaults for page and offset. UserPage page = new UserPage(); int offset = 0; List <string> userIds = new List <string>(); try { do { // Create a Statement to page through users. statement.query = string.Format("{0} OFFSET {1}", statementText, offset); // Get users by Statement. page = userService.getUsersByStatement(statement); if (page.results != null && page.results.Length > 0) { int i = page.startIndex; foreach (User userResult in page.results) { Console.WriteLine("{0}) User with ID = '{1}', email = '{2}', and status = '{3}'" + " will be deactivated.", i, userResult.id, userResult.email, userResult.isActive ? "ACTIVE" : "INACTIVE"); userIds.Add(userResult.id.ToString()); i++; } } offset += 500; } while (offset < page.totalResultSetSize); Console.WriteLine("Number of users to be deactivated: {0}", page.totalResultSetSize); if (userIds.Count > 0) { // Create action Statement. statement = new StatementBuilder( string.Format("WHERE id IN ({0})", string.Join(",", userIds.ToArray()))). ToStatement(); // Create action. DeactivateUsers action = new DeactivateUsers(); // Perform action. UpdateResult result = userService.performUserAction(action, statement); // Display results. if (result != null && result.numChanges > 0) { Console.WriteLine("Number of users deactivated: {0}" + result.numChanges); } else { Console.WriteLine("No users were deactivated."); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to deactivate users. Exception says \"{0}\"", ex.Message); } }
public ProtractorApplication(IWebDriver driver) { userPage = new UserPage(driver); }
private void btnUserPage_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { UserPage userPage = new UserPage(); this.NavigationService.Navigate(userPage); }
/// <summary> /// Run the code example. /// </summary> /// <param name="user">The DFP user object running the code example.</param> public override void Run(DfpUser user) { // Get the UserService. UserService userService = (UserService) user.GetService(DfpService.v201508.UserService); // Set the ID of the user to deactivate long userId = long.Parse(_T("INSERT_USER_ID_HERE")); // Create statement text to select user by id. StatementBuilder statementBuilder = new StatementBuilder() .Where("id = :userId") .OrderBy("id ASC") .Limit(1) .AddValue("userId", userId); // Sets default for page. UserPage page = new UserPage(); List<string> userIds = new List<string>(); try { do { // Get users by statement. page = userService.getUsersByStatement(statementBuilder.ToStatement()); if (page.results != null && page.results.Length > 0) { int i = page.startIndex; foreach (User userResult in page.results) { Console.WriteLine("{0}) User with ID = '{1}', email = '{2}', and status = '{3}'" + " will be deactivated.", i, userResult.id, userResult.email, userResult.isActive ? "ACTIVE" : "INACTIVE"); userIds.Add(userResult.id.ToString()); i++; } } statementBuilder.IncreaseOffsetBy(StatementBuilder.SUGGESTED_PAGE_LIMIT); } while (statementBuilder.GetOffset() < page.totalResultSetSize); Console.WriteLine("Number of users to be deactivated: {0}", page.totalResultSetSize); if (userIds.Count > 0) { // Modify statement for action. statementBuilder.RemoveLimitAndOffset(); // Create action. DeactivateUsers action = new DeactivateUsers(); // Perform action. UpdateResult result = userService.performUserAction(action, statementBuilder.ToStatement()); // Display results. if (result != null && result.numChanges > 0) { Console.WriteLine("Number of users deactivated: {0}" + result.numChanges); } else { Console.WriteLine("No users were deactivated."); } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to deactivate users. Exception says \"{0}\"", e.Message); } }
public UtilisateurViewModel() { Item = new utilisateur(); GetUserExist = new DelegateCommand( async() => { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Mail) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(MotPasse)) { utilisateur response = await Helpers.UtilisateurService.GetUser(Mail, MotPasse); if (response.IdUser != 0) { var trajet = new TrajetPage(new TrajetViewModel() { Item = new trajet() }, new UtilisateurViewModel() { Item = response }); NavigationPage.SetHasBackButton(trajet, false); NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(trajet, true); Application.Current.Properties["email"] = this.Mail; Application.Current.Properties["password"] = this.MotPasse; await Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(trajet); } else { await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Erreur", "Email ou mot de passe incorrect", "OK"); return; } } else { await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Erreur", "Veuillez rentrer votre email ou mot de passe", "OK"); return; } }); CreateUser = new DelegateCommand( async() => { var response = await Helpers.UtilisateurService.PostUserAsync(Item); if (response == true) { await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Succès", "Utilisateur créer", "OK"); return; } else { await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Erreur", "Problème lors de la création de l'utilisateur", "OK"); return; } }); GoToInscription = new DelegateCommand( async() => { var inscription = new RegisterPage(new UtilisateurViewModel() { Item = Item }); NavigationPage.SetHasBackButton(inscription, true); NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(inscription, true); await Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(inscription); }); GoToReservation = new DelegateCommand( async() => { var reservation = new ReservePage(this); NavigationPage.SetHasBackButton(reservation, true); NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(reservation, true); await Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(reservation); }); GoToProfile = new DelegateCommand( async() => { var profile = new UserPage(this); NavigationPage.SetHasBackButton(profile, true); NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(profile, true); await Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(profile); }); DeleteReservation = new DelegateCommand <reserve>( (reserve) => { }); }