/// <summary>
        /// Informs user about actions perfomed under the registry.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="updatedInstances">List of registry keys on whi</param>
        /// <param name="stopInstallation">Indicates if it necessary to exit setup if error occurs.</param>
        private void ShowSetupResult(IList <string> updatedInstances, bool stopInstallation)
            if (updatedInstances.Count <= 0)
                UserNotifier.ShowInfo(InstallerMainWindow, Resources.AcadNotInstalledMessage);

                if (stopInstallation)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.AcadNotInstalledMessage);
                var infoMessage = "Following AutoCAD instances were updated:\n"; // Todo : Replace with resources.

                foreach (var updatedInstance in updatedInstances)
                    infoMessage = string.Concat(infoMessage, updatedInstance, Environment.NewLine);


                UserNotifier.ShowInfo(InstallerMainWindow, infoMessage);