/// <summary> /// Analysis the user notification messages in the status area /// </summary> /// <param name="message"> /// The message. /// </param> /// <returns> /// The <see cref="bool"/>. /// </returns> public bool Run(string message) { string actualInfo = new UserMessagesElements().UserNotification; string actualInfoLowerCase = actualInfo.ToLower(); if (actualInfoLowerCase.Contains(message.ToLower())) { return(true); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Analysis the user notification messages in the status area /// </summary> /// <returns> /// The <see cref="bool"/>. /// </returns> public bool Run() { string actualInfo = new UserMessagesElements().UserNotification; string actualInfoLowerCase = actualInfo.ToLower(); if (actualInfoLowerCase.Contains("error") || actualInfoLowerCase.Contains("fail") || actualInfoLowerCase.Contains("warning")) { Log.Error(LogInfo.Namespace(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()), "Concentration module reports: \"" + actualInfo + "\""); return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Checks whether the user message contains a particular string /// </summary> /// <param name="value">String to look for</param> /// <returns> /// true: if the user message contains the string /// false: if string is not found /// </returns> public bool ContainsString(string value) { string actualInfo = new UserMessagesElements().UserNotificationMessage; string actualInfoLowerCase = actualInfo.ToLower(); string valueToLower = value.ToLower(); if (actualInfoLowerCase.Contains(valueToLower)) { return(true); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Checks if writing to device is finished /// </summary> /// <returns> /// true: if write button is enabled and user notification message is shown /// false: if either write button is not enabled or message is not shown /// </returns> public bool Run() { string actualInfo = new UserMessagesElements().UserNotificationMessage; string actualInfoLowerCase = actualInfo.ToLower(); Button buttonWrite = new ToolbarElements().WriteButton; if ((actualInfoLowerCase.Contains("succ") || actualInfoLowerCase.Contains("info")) && buttonWrite.Enabled) { Log.Info(LogInfo.Namespace(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()), "Writing finished"); return(true); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Checks if writing coefficients to the device is finished /// </summary> /// <returns> /// true: if write button is enabled and user notification message is shown /// false: if either write button is not enabled or message is not shown /// </returns> public bool Run() { string actualInfo = new UserMessagesElements().UserNotification; string actualInfoLowerCase = actualInfo.ToLower(); Button buttonCalculate = new ToolbarElements().ButtonCalculate; if (actualInfoLowerCase.Contains("calculation") && actualInfoLowerCase.Contains("successful") && buttonCalculate.Enabled) { Log.Info(LogInfo.Namespace(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()), "Calculation finished"); return(true); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Checks if reading coefficients from the device is finished /// </summary> /// <returns> /// true: if read button is enabled and user notification message is shown /// false: if either read button is not enabled or message is not shown /// </returns> public bool Run() { string actualInfo = new UserMessagesElements().UserNotification; string actualInfoLowerCase = actualInfo.ToLower(); Button buttonRead = new ToolbarElements().ButtonRead; if (actualInfoLowerCase.Contains("read") && actualInfoLowerCase.Contains("from") && actualInfoLowerCase.Contains("device") && buttonRead.Enabled) { Log.Info(LogInfo.Namespace(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()), "Reading finished"); return(true); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Checks if writing to device is finished /// </summary> /// <returns> /// true: if write button is enabled and user notification message is shown /// false: if either write button is not enabled or message is not shown /// </returns> public bool Run() { string actualInfo = new UserMessagesElements().UserNotificationMessage; string actualInfoLowerCase = actualInfo.ToLower(); Button buttonWrite = new ToolbarElements().WriteButton; if (actualInfoLowerCase.Contains("successfully") && actualInfoLowerCase.Contains("written") && buttonWrite.Enabled) { EH.PCPS.TestAutomation.Common.Tools.Log.Info(LogInfo.Namespace(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()), "Writing finished"); return(true); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Scans the user notification messages in the status area for error messages /// </summary> /// <returns> /// true: if the text contains any of the keywords /// false: if the text does not contain any of the keywords /// </returns> public bool ContainsError() { string actualInfo = new UserMessagesElements().UserNotificationMessage; string actualInfoLowerCase = actualInfo.ToLower(); if (actualInfoLowerCase.Contains("error") || actualInfoLowerCase.Contains("fail") || actualInfoLowerCase.Contains("warning") || actualInfoLowerCase.Contains("not successful")) { EH.PCPS.TestAutomation.Common.Tools.Log.Error( LogInfo.Namespace(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()), "Viscosity module reports: \"" + actualInfo + "\""); return(true); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// writes coefficients to device/offline parameterization, waits until "write finished" user notification message is displayed and write button is enabled again /// </summary> /// <returns> /// true: if coefficients were written /// false: if an error occurred /// </returns> public bool Run() { bool isWriting = false; var watch = new Stopwatch(); if (new RunWrite().ViaIcon() == false) { return(false); } isWriting = true; watch.Start(); while (isWriting) { string actualInfo = new UserMessagesElements().UserNotification; string actualInfoLowerCase = actualInfo.ToLower(); bool isSuccess = actualInfoLowerCase.Contains("success"); bool isFinished = new IsWriteFinished().Run(); if (watch.ElapsedMilliseconds > DefaultValues.iTimeoutLong) { if (isFinished == false) { Log.Error(LogInfo.Namespace(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()), "Button [Write] is not enabled."); } Log.Error(LogInfo.Namespace(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()), "Writing did not finish within " + DefaultValues.iTimeoutLong + " milliseconds"); return(false); } if (isSuccess) { if (isFinished) { Log.Info(LogInfo.Namespace(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()), "Writing finished."); isWriting = false; } } } watch.Stop(); Log.Info(LogInfo.Namespace(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()), "Writing coefficients finished after " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds + " milliseconds. (Timeout: " + DefaultValues.iTimeoutLong + " milliseconds)"); return(true); }