public Texture2D SnapshotGameView() { Util.FindIfNotSet(this, ref userMain); Util.FindIfNotSet(this, ref post); RenderTexture currentRT =; = gameViewTexture; targetCamera.CopyFrom(userMain.GetCamera()); targetCamera.targetTexture = gameViewTexture; // IMPORTANT: For some reason, Unity forward path, with Camera.Render(), // does not like alphatest surface shaders. The end effect is our terrain // does not show up in thumbnails for Low Quality. Could not figure out // why...but whatever, for this 1 render let's just do deferred. targetCamera.renderingPath = RenderingPath.DeferredShading; targetCamera.rect = new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1); bool blurEnabled = SetMotionBlurEnabled(false); targetCamera.Render(); SetMotionBlurEnabled(blurEnabled); Texture2D screenshotTexture = new Texture2D(gameViewTexture.width, gameViewTexture.height); screenshotTexture.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, gameViewTexture.width, gameViewTexture.height), 0, 0); screenshotTexture.Apply(); = currentRT; return(screenshotTexture); }
// Converts a point in Unity's SCREEN COORDINATE system to our // GAME UI COORD system (see comment at the top of file). public Vector2 UnityScreenPointToGameUiPoint(Vector3 screenPoint) { Vector2 surfPoint; if (userMain != null) { Vector3 normalizedVpPoint = userMain.GetCamera().ScreenToViewportPoint(screenPoint); // normalizedVpPoint has (0,0) at bottom-left, (1,1) at top-right. Rect pixelRect = userMain.GetCamera().pixelRect; surfPoint = new Vector2( // Drawing2D expects X coordinates to be screen coordinates, 0 being the left edge. pixelRect.x + normalizedVpPoint.x * pixelRect.width, // Drawing2D expects Y coordinates to be relative to the top of the viewport, not screen (strangely!) (1 - normalizedVpPoint.y) * pixelRect.height); } else { // No userMain yet. Temporarily use full screen as viewport. surfPoint = new Vector2(screenPoint.x, Screen.height - screenPoint.y); } return(SurfacePointToGameUiPoint(surfPoint)); }
IEnumerator SetupRoutine() { UserMain userMainCheck = null; while (userMainCheck == null) { userMainCheck = FindObjectOfType <UserMain>(); yield return(null); } Util.FindIfNotSet(this, ref voosEngine); Util.FindIfNotSet(this, ref userMain); Util.FindIfNotSet(this, ref behaviorSystem); mainCamera = userMain.GetCamera(); // Removing all this until we need it, since logging is complicated // enough. // behaviorSystem.onLogEvent += OnBehaviorLogEvent; setupComplete = true; }
void PrepareInputForScript(ControllerInput input) { if (input == null) { return; } if (userMain == null) { // Not ready yet. return; } inputStateForScript = new InputStateForScript(); if (input.GetKeyDown(PlayerBody.VKEY_JUMP)) { // V1 name: voosActor.EnqueueMessage("JumpTriggered"); // V2 name: voosActor.EnqueueMessage("Jump"); } if (input.GetKeyDown(PlayerBody.VKEY_PRIMARY_ACTION)) { // V1 name: voosActor.EnqueueMessage("Action1Triggered"); // V2 name: voosActor.EnqueueMessage("PrimaryAction"); } if (input.GetKeyDown(PlayerBody.VKEY_SECONDARY_ACTION)) { // V1 name: voosActor.EnqueueMessage("Action2Triggered"); // V2 name: voosActor.EnqueueMessage("SecondaryAction"); } List <string> keysHeld = new List <string>(); List <string> keysJustPressed = new List <string>(); List <string> keysJustReleased = new List <string>(); foreach (string key in ScriptableKeyNames) { bool isDown = input.GetKeyDown(key) && !keysHeldAsReportedToScript.Contains(key); bool isUp = !input.GetKeyHeld(key) && keysHeldAsReportedToScript.Contains(key); bool isHeld = input.GetKeyHeld(key); if (isHeld) { keysHeldAsReportedToScript.Add(key); } else { keysHeldAsReportedToScript.Remove(key); } if (isDown) { voosActor.EnqueueMessage("KeyDown", $"{{\"keyName\": \"{key}\"}}"); keysJustPressed.Add(key); } if (isHeld) { voosActor.EnqueueMessage("KeyHeld", $"{{\"keyName\": \"{key}\"}}"); keysHeld.Add(key); } if (isUp) { voosActor.EnqueueMessage("KeyUp", $"{{\"keyName\": \"{key}\"}}"); keysJustReleased.Add(key); } } bool mouseIsDown = Input.GetMouseButton(0) && !userMain.CursorOverUI() && !userMain.InEditMode(); if (mouseIsDown && !reportedMouseDown) { voosActor.EnqueueMessage("MouseDown"); reportedMouseDown = true; inputStateForScript.mouseButtonJustPressed = true; } if (reportedMouseDown) { voosActor.EnqueueMessage("MouseHeld"); inputStateForScript.mouseButtonIsPressed = true; } if (!mouseIsDown && reportedMouseDown) { voosActor.EnqueueMessage("MouseUp"); reportedMouseDown = false; inputStateForScript.mouseButtonJustReleased = true; } Vector2 mousePosUiCoords; Vector3 mousePosRaw = Input.mousePosition; mousePosUiCoords = gameUiMain.UnityScreenPointToGameUiPoint(mousePosRaw); inputStateForScript.mouseX = mousePosUiCoords.x; inputStateForScript.mouseY = mousePosUiCoords.y; inputStateForScript.keysHeld = keysHeld.ToArray(); inputStateForScript.keysJustPressed = keysJustPressed.ToArray(); inputStateForScript.keysJustReleased = keysJustReleased.ToArray(); Ray mouseRay = userMain.GetCamera().ScreenPointToRay(mousePosRaw); inputStateForScript.mouseRayOrigin = mouseRay.origin; inputStateForScript.mouseRayDirection = mouseRay.direction; if (inputStateForScript.mouseButtonJustPressed) { RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(mouseRay.origin, mouseRay.direction, out hit, 1000, VoosActor.LayerMaskValue, QueryTriggerInteraction.Collide)) { VoosActor clickedActor = hit.collider.GetComponentInParent <VoosActor>(); if (clickedActor != null) { clickedActor.GetEngine().EnqueueMessage(new VoosEngine.ActorMessage { name = "ActorClicked", targetActor = clickedActor.GetName(), argsJson = "{}" }); } } } inputStateForScript.mouseWheelRaw = Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel"); inputStateForScript.mouseWheel = inputStateForScript.mouseWheelRaw * MOUSEWHEEL_FACTOR; }
void UpdateCameraRect() { userMain.GetCamera().rect = new Rect(horizontalLeftPercentOffset, 0, 1 - horizontalLeftPercentOffset - horizontalRightPercentOffset, 1 - verticalPercentOffset); }