public BarLookAndFeelListItem(UserLookAndFeel lookAndFeel) { this.lookAndFeel = lookAndFeel; skinSubMenuItem = new BarSubItem(); skinSubMenuItem.Caption = "Skin"; }
void frmSkins_EnviarTema(string sTema) { DevExpress.LookAndFeel.UserLookAndFeel.Default.SetSkinStyle(sTema); navBarControl1.LookAndFeel.SetSkinStyle(sTema); UserLookAndFeel temp = new UserLookAndFeel(navBarControl1); this.LookAndFeel.Assign(temp); }
private void btn_phieugui_ItemClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.ItemClickEventArgs e) { PhieuGuiTien phieuChi = new PhieuGuiTien(); ReportPrintTool reportPrintTool = new ReportPrintTool(phieuChi); UserLookAndFeel userLookAndFeel = new UserLookAndFeel(this); userLookAndFeel.UseDefaultLookAndFeel = false; userLookAndFeel.SkinName = "Office 2016 colorful"; reportPrintTool.ShowRibbonPreviewDialog(userLookAndFeel); }
public static Color GetHeaderForeColor(UserLookAndFeel lf) { Color ret = SystemColors.ControlText; if (lf.ActiveStyle != ActiveLookAndFeelStyle.Skin) { return(ret); } return(GridSkins.GetSkin(lf)[GridSkins.SkinHeader].Color.GetForeColor()); }
public static DialogResult Show(UserLookAndFeel lookAndFeel, IWin32Window owner, string text, string caption, DialogResult[] buttons, Icon icon, int defaultButton, MessageBoxIcon messageBeepSound, string dontShowAgainText, ref bool dontShowAgainChecked) { MessageBeep((int)messageBeepSound); XtraMessageBoxFormEx form = new XtraMessageBoxFormEx(); XtraMessageBoxArgsEx args = new XtraMessageBoxArgsEx(lookAndFeel, owner, text, caption, buttons, icon, defaultButton, dontShowAgainText, dontShowAgainChecked); DialogResult result = form.ShowMessageBoxDialog(args); dontShowAgainChecked = args.DontShowAgainChecked; return(result); }
// Phiếu rút tiền private void btn_phieuruttien_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PhieuRutTien phieuChi = new PhieuRutTien(); GetPhieu(); ReportPrintTool reportPrintTool = new ReportPrintTool(phieuChi); UserLookAndFeel userLookAndFeel = new UserLookAndFeel(this); userLookAndFeel.UseDefaultLookAndFeel = false; userLookAndFeel.SkinName = "Office 2016 colorful"; reportPrintTool.ShowRibbonPreviewDialog(userLookAndFeel); }
public NoPreviewQueryBuilderView(IQueryBuilderViewModel viewModel, IWin32Window owner, UserLookAndFeel lookAndFeel, IParameterService parameterService, IServiceProvider propertyGridServices, bool noCustomSql, bool light, IDisplayNameProvider displayNameProvider, bool noDiagram, bool legacyExpressionEditor, IExceptionHandler loaderExceptionHandler, IRepositoryItemsProvider repositoryItemsProvider) : base(viewModel, owner, lookAndFeel, parameterService, propertyGridServices, noCustomSql, light, displayNameProvider, noDiagram, legacyExpressionEditor, loaderExceptionHandler, repositoryItemsProvider) { this.layoutItemFilterButton.OptionsTableLayoutItem.ColumnIndex = 0; this.layoutItemParametersButton.OptionsTableLayoutItem.ColumnIndex = 1; this.layoutItemPreviewButton.OptionsTableLayoutItem.ColumnIndex = 2; this.layoutControl1.HideItem(this.layoutItemPreviewButton); }
private void SetupEventsHandlers() { UserLookAndFeel.Default.StyleChanged += (s, e) => { UserLookAndFeel laf = (UserLookAndFeel)s; lblSkinName.Text = "Skin name: " + laf.ActiveSkinName; lblApplicationStyle.Text = "Application style: " + laf.Style; lblSvgPalette.Text = "Active Svg Palette: " + laf.ActiveSvgPaletteName; }; tsStartupRibbonMinimized.Toggled += (s, e) => Settings.StartupRibbonMinimized = tsStartupRibbonMinimized.IsOn; tsRibbonCompactStyle.IsOnChanged += (s, e) => { Settings.RibbonStyle = tsRibbonCompactStyle.IsOn ? CommandLayout.Simplified : CommandLayout.Classic; }; tsRememberLastPositionAndState.IsOnChanged += (s, e) => Settings.AnalogyPosition.RememberLastPosition = tsRememberLastPositionAndState.IsOn; ceFontsDefault.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => SetFonts(); ceFontsNormal.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => SetFonts(); ceFontsLarge.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => SetFonts(); ceFontsVeryLarge.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => SetFonts(); ceContextMenuFontsDefault.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => SetFonts(); ceContextMenuFontsNormal.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => SetFonts(); ceContextMenuFontsLarge.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => SetFonts(); ceContextMenuFontsVeryLarge.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => SetFonts(); ceIconDark.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => { Settings.AnalogyIcon = ceIconLight.Checked ? "Light" : "Dark"; peAnalogy.Image = ceIconLight.Checked ? Resources.AnalogyLight : Resources.AnalogyDark; }; ceIconLight.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => { Settings.AnalogyIcon = ceIconLight.Checked ? "Light" : "Dark"; peAnalogy.Image = ceIconLight.Checked ? Resources.AnalogyLight : Resources.AnalogyDark; }; ceFluentForm.CheckStateChanged += (s, e) => { if (ceFluentForm.CheckState == CheckState.Checked) { Settings.MainFormType = MainFormType.FluentForm; } }; ceRibbonForm.CheckStateChanged += (s, e) => { if (ceRibbonForm.CheckState == CheckState.Checked) { Settings.MainFormType = MainFormType.RibbonForm; } }; }
public ButtonsPanel() { Buttons = new List <EditorButton>(); Indent = 10; Appearance = new AppearanceObject(); Appearance.BackColor = SystemColors.Control; Appearance.ForeColor = SystemColors.ControlText; LookAndFeel = new UserLookAndFeel(this); HAlignment = HorzAlignment.Far; VAlignment = VertAlignment.Center; Padding = Padding.Empty; }
///<summary>Gets the color of the border around a column header in a skin.</summary> public static Color GetHeaderLineColor(this UserLookAndFeel lnf) { if (lnf.ActiveStyle == ActiveLookAndFeelStyle.Skin) { var image = (Bitmap)((SkinHeaderObjectPainter)lnf.Painter.Header).Element.Image.GetImages().Images[0]; return(image.GetPixel(image.Width - 1, image.Height - 1)); } else { return(Color.DarkGray); } }
public void ShowForm(IWin32Window owner = null) { if (_formBase != null && !_formBase.IsDisposed) { if (_formBase.Visible) { _formBase.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; _formBase.Activate(); } else { _formBase.Show(owner); } return; } FormBase box = new FormBase(); _formBase = box; box.FormClosed += (sender, e) => { FormClosed?.Invoke(DialogResult); }; //box.ShowIcon = false; box.Controls.Add(this); box.ClientSize = new Size(this.Width + 10, this.Height + 10); box.Text = this.title; this.Left = 5; this.Top = 5; this.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; box.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; _form = box; if (TouchUI) { //box.LookAndFeel.TouchUIMode = DefaultBoolean.True; LookAndFeel.TouchUIMode = DefaultBoolean.True; } if (owner == null) { box.Show(); } else { ISupportLookAndFeel iLookAndFeel = owner as ISupportLookAndFeel; if (iLookAndFeel != null) { UserLookAndFeel lookAndFeel = iLookAndFeel.LookAndFeel; string skinName = lookAndFeel.UseDefaultLookAndFeel ? UserLookAndFeel.Default.SkinName : lookAndFeel.SkinName; if (skinName != box.LookAndFeel.SkinName) { box.LookAndFeel.SetSkinStyle(skinName); } } box.Show(owner); } }
private void btnDel_ElementClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.Navigation.NavElementEventArgs e) { var u = new UserLookAndFeel(this); u.UseDefaultLookAndFeel = false; u.UseWindowsXPTheme = false; u.Style = LookAndFeelStyle.Skin; u.SkinName = IaseLib.skinName; if (XtraMessageBox.Show(u, "#" + gvYemekListesi.GetFocusedRowCellValue("YEMEK") + "# Silinecek.\nEmin Misiniz?", "Onay", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { gvYemekListesi.DeleteRow(gvYemekListesi.FocusedRowHandle); } }
public XtraMessageBoxArgsEx(UserLookAndFeel lookAndFeel, IWin32Window owner, string text, string caption, DialogResult[] buttons, System.Drawing.Icon icon, int defaultButtonIndex, string dontShowAgainText, bool dontShowAgainChecked, Exception ex) { this.lookAndFeel = lookAndFeel; this.owner = owner; this.text = text; this.caption = caption; this.buttons = buttons; this.icon = icon; this.defaultButtonIndex = defaultButtonIndex; this.dontShowAgainText = dontShowAgainText; this.dontShowAgainChecked = dontShowAgainChecked; this.exception = ex; }
private static void PrintControl(IWin32Window owner, LinkBase link, UserLookAndFeel lookAndFeel) { using PrintingSystem ps = new PrintingSystem(); link.PrintingSystemBase = ps; ps.Links.Add(link); using (new WaitCursor()) { link.CreateDocument(ps); } using var printTool = new PrintTool(ps); printTool.ShowRibbonPreviewDialog(owner, lookAndFeel); }
private void btnClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var u = new UserLookAndFeel(this); u.UseDefaultLookAndFeel = false; u.UseWindowsXPTheme = false; u.Style = LookAndFeelStyle.Skin; u.SkinName = IaseLib.skinName; if (XtraMessageBox.Show(u, "Program Kapanacak.\nEmin Misiniz?", "Uyarı", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { Application.Exit(); } }
void PreviewPrintableComponent(IPrintable component, UserLookAndFeel lookAndFeel) { PrintableComponentLink link = new PrintableComponentLink() { //MonarchEnvelope PrintingSystemBase = new PrintingSystemBase(), Component = component, Landscape = false, PaperKind = PaperKind.PersonalEnvelope, Margins = new Margins(2, 2, 2, 2) }; link.CreateReportHeaderArea += link_CreateReportHeaderArea; link.ShowRibbonPreview(lookAndFeel); }
protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e) { base.OnMouseUp(e); if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) { UserLookAndFeel lf = UserLookAndFeel.Default; if (skinMenuManager == null) { skinMenuManager = new SkinMenuManager(lf); } ((IDXDropDownControl)menu).Show(skinMenuManager, this, e.Location); } }
void Default_StyleChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { UserLookAndFeel lf = (UserLookAndFeel)sender; foreach (DevExpress.XtraBars.Ribbon.GalleryItemGroup group in skinTheme.Gallery.Groups) { foreach (DevExpress.XtraBars.Ribbon.GalleryItem item in group.Items) { if ((string)item.Tag == lf.ActiveSkinName) { item.Checked = true; return; } } } }
public static Color GetTransparentRowForeColor(UserLookAndFeel lookAndFeel) { var color = Color.Empty; var activeSkin = lookAndFeel.ActiveSkinName; if (activeSkin == "VS2010" || activeSkin == "Dark Side" || activeSkin == "Sharp" || activeSkin == "Pumpkin") { color = GetControlColor(lookAndFeel); } else if (FrameHelper.IsDarkSkin(lookAndFeel)) { color = TextColor; } return(color); }
protected override void DrawButton(ButtonEditViewInfo viewInfo, EditorButtonObjectInfoArgs info) { if (info.Button.Tag != null && info.Button.Tag.ToString() == "Custom") { var look = new UserLookAndFeel(viewInfo.OwnerEdit); look.SkinName = look.ActiveSkinName; look.UseDefaultLookAndFeel = false; look.SkinMaskColor = info.Button.Appearance.BackColor; SkinEditorButtonPainter painter = new SkinEditorButtonPainter(look); painter.DrawObject(info); } else { base.DrawButton(viewInfo, info); } }
private void btnKaydet_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var u = new UserLookAndFeel(this); u.UseDefaultLookAndFeel = false; u.UseWindowsXPTheme = false; u.Style = LookAndFeelStyle.Skin; u.SkinName = IaseLib.skinName; if (comboStok.Text == "") { XtraMessageBox.Show(u, "Lütfen Stok Seçiniz...", "Hata", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } conn.Open(); var cmd = new OleDbCommand("SELECT STOK_KODU FROM TBLYEMEKHAR WHERE STOK_KODU = '" + comboStok.Text + "'", conn); var dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (dr.Read()) { var cmdUpd = new OleDbCommand(); cmdUpd.Connection = conn; cmdUpd.CommandText = "UPDATE TBLYEMEKHAR SET EK_STR1 = 'Evet' " + "WHERE YEMEK_KODU = '" + yemekKodu + "' AND STOK_KODU = '" + comboStok.Text + "'"; cmdUpd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmdUpd.CommandText = "UPDATE TBLYEMEKHAR SET EK_STR2 = '" + comboStok.Text + "' " + "WHERE YEMEK_KODU = '" + yemekKodu + "' AND STOK_KODU = '" + stok + "'"; cmdUpd.ExecuteNonQuery(); XtraMessageBox.Show(u, "#" + comboStok.Text + "# Stoğu #" + stok + "# Stoğunun Alternatifi Olarak Kaydedildi...", "Bilgi", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (yemeklerForm != null) { yemeklerForm.RefreshGrids(); } this.Close(); } else { XtraMessageBox.Show(u, "#" + comboStok.Text + "# Stok Bulunamadı...", "Hata", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } conn.Close(); }
public IndividualSettingsView(IImageListRetriever imageListRetriever, IToolTipCreator toolTipCreator, UserLookAndFeel lookAndFeel) { InitializeComponent(); _toolTipController = new ToolTipController(); _toolTipController.Initialize(imageListRetriever); _imageListRetriever = imageListRetriever; _toolTipCreator = toolTipCreator; _lookAndFeel = lookAndFeel; gridViewParameterValueVersions.AllowsFiltering = false; gridViewCalculationMethods.AllowsFiltering = false; _repositoryForParameterValueVersions = new UxRepositoryItemComboBox(gridViewParameterValueVersions); _repositoryForCalculationMethods = new UxRepositoryItemComboBox(gridViewCalculationMethods); gridViewParameterValueVersions.ShowColumnHeaders = false; gridViewCalculationMethods.ShowColumnHeaders = false; gridViewCalculationMethods.ShowRowIndicator = false; gridViewParameterValueVersions.ShowRowIndicator = false; gridCalculationMethods.ToolTipController = _toolTipController; }
public static void Main(string server, string database, string username, string password, string LookAndFeel) { UserLookAndFeel defaultLF = UserLookAndFeel.Default; defaultLF.UseWindowsXPTheme = false; defaultLF.Style = LookAndFeelStyle.Skin; defaultLF.SkinName = LookAndFeel; string connectionString = "initial catalog=" + database + ";data source=" + server + ";user id=" + username + ";password="******";Packet Size=8000;Connect Timeout=120"; MainForm form = new MainForm(connectionString); form.ShowDialog(); }
void PreviewPrintableComponent(IPrintable component, UserLookAndFeel lookAndFeel) { //创建一个链接,将打印控制。 PrintableComponentLink link = new PrintableComponentLink() { PrintingSystemBase = new PrintingSystemBase(), Component = component, Landscape = true, PaperKind = PaperKind.A4, Margins = new Margins(20, 20, 20, 20) }; link.CreateReportHeaderArea += link_CreateReportHeaderArea; //直接通过目录保存PDF,预览 //link.ExportToPdf(@"E:\CShapWorkSpace\XMLProcess.NET\1.pdf"); //link.ExportToImage(@"E:\CShapWorkSpace\XMLProcess.NET\1.jpg"); //显示报告 link.ShowRibbonPreview(lookAndFeel); }
private void btnDel_ElementClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.Navigation.NavElementEventArgs e) { var u = new UserLookAndFeel(this); u.UseDefaultLookAndFeel = false; u.UseWindowsXPTheme = false; u.Style = LookAndFeelStyle.Skin; u.SkinName = IaseLib.skinName; if (gvKullanicilar.GetFocusedRowCellValue("KULLANICI_ADI").ToString() == "ADMIN") { XtraMessageBox.Show(u, "ADMIN Kullanıcısı Silinemez!!!", "Hata", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } if (XtraMessageBox.Show(u, "#" + gvKullanicilar.GetFocusedRowCellValue("KULLANICI_ADI") + "# Kullanıcı Tanımı Silinecek.\nEmin Misiniz?", "Onay", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { gvKullanicilar.DeleteRow(gvKullanicilar.FocusedRowHandle); } }
private void btnSaveSB_ElementClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.Navigation.NavElementEventArgs e) { try { Validate(); tBLOZELGUNSBTableAdapter.Update(iaseDataSetOzelGunSB.TBLOZELGUNSB); var u = new UserLookAndFeel(this); u.UseDefaultLookAndFeel = false; u.UseWindowsXPTheme = false; u.Style = LookAndFeelStyle.Skin; u.SkinName = IaseLib.skinName; XtraMessageBox.Show(u, "Kayıt Başarılı!!", "Bilgi", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Hata!"); } }
private void simpleButton2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var u = new UserLookAndFeel(this); u.UseDefaultLookAndFeel = false; u.UseWindowsXPTheme = false; u.Style = LookAndFeelStyle.Skin; u.SkinName = IaseLib.skinName; if (teKullaniciAdi.Text == "" || teSifre.Text == "") { XtraMessageBox.Show(u, "Kullanıcı Adı ve Şifre Boş Olamaz!!!", "Hata", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } conn.Open(); var cmd = new OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM TBLKULLANICI WHERE KULLANICI_ADI = '" + teKullaniciAdi.Text + "' AND SIFRE = '" + teSifre.Text + "'", conn); var dt = new DataTable(); var da = new OleDbDataAdapter(cmd); da.Fill(dt); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow row = dt.Rows[0]; IaseLib.userNo = Convert.ToInt32(row["REC_ID"]); IaseLib.userName = teKullaniciAdi.Text; IaseLib.SaveLineCFG("KULLANICI ADI", teKullaniciAdi.Text); IaseLib.SaveLineCFG("SIFRE", teSifre.Text); MainMenu mainMenu = new MainMenu(); mainMenu.Show(); this.Hide(); } else { Thread thrError = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ErrorThr)); thrError.Start(); } conn.Close(); }
public static UserLookAndFeel GetUserLookAndFeelFromApplicationTheme() { var lookAndFeel = new UserLookAndFeel(null) { UseDefaultLookAndFeel = false }; var skins = SkinManager.Default.Skins; //i hate this foreach (SkinContainer skin in skins) { if (skin.SkinName.Replace(" ", "") != ApplicationThemeHelper.ApplicationThemeName) { continue; } lookAndFeel.SetSkinStyle(skin.SkinName); break; } return(lookAndFeel); }
private void btnSave_ElementClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.Navigation.NavElementEventArgs e) { try { Validate(); tBLYEMEKLISTESITableAdapter.Update(iaseDataSetYemekListesi.TBLYEMEKLISTESI); var u = new UserLookAndFeel(this); u.UseDefaultLookAndFeel = false; u.UseWindowsXPTheme = false; u.Style = LookAndFeelStyle.Skin; u.SkinName = IaseLib.skinName; conn.Open(); var cmdUpd = new OleDbCommand(); cmdUpd.Connection = conn; cmdUpd.CommandText = "UPDATE TBLYEMEKLISTESI SET EK_FLOAT1 = 1 WHERE OGUN = 'Sabah' AND Format(TARIH, 'Short Date') = '" + dnTarih.DateTime.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy") + "'"; cmdUpd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmdUpd.CommandText = "UPDATE TBLYEMEKLISTESI SET EK_FLOAT1 = 2 WHERE OGUN = 'Öğle' AND Format(TARIH, 'Short Date') = '" + dnTarih.DateTime.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy") + "'"; cmdUpd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmdUpd.CommandText = "UPDATE TBLYEMEKLISTESI SET EK_FLOAT1 = 3 WHERE OGUN = 'Akşam' AND Format(TARIH, 'Short Date') = '" + dnTarih.DateTime.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy") + "'"; cmdUpd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmdUpd.CommandText = "UPDATE TBLYEMEKLISTESI SET EK_FLOAT1 = 4 WHERE OGUN = 'Ara Öğün' AND Format(TARIH, 'Short Date') = '" + dnTarih.DateTime.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy") + "'"; cmdUpd.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Close(); RefreshGrids(); XtraMessageBox.Show(u, "Kayıt Başarılı!!", "Bilgi", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Hata!"); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); // DevExpress.UserSkins.BonusSkins.Register(); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); UserLookAndFeel defaultLF = UserLookAndFeel.Default; defaultLF.UseWindowsXPTheme = false; defaultLF.Style = LookAndFeelStyle.Skin; defaultLF.SkinName = "Office 2010 Black"; UserLookAndFeel.Default.SetSkinStyle("Office 2010 Black"); DevExpress.Skins.SkinManager.EnableFormSkins(); DevExpress.Skins.SkinManager.EnableMdiFormSkins(); Application.Run(new clsController()); }
private void btnAktar_ElementClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.Navigation.NavElementEventArgs e) { var u = new UserLookAndFeel(this); u.UseDefaultLookAndFeel = false; u.UseWindowsXPTheme = false; u.Style = LookAndFeelStyle.Skin; u.SkinName = IaseLib.skinName; if (XtraMessageBox.Show(u, "Sözleşme Öğünleri Aktarılacak.\nEmin Misiniz?", "Onay", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { conn.Open(); var cmdIns = new OleDbCommand(); cmdIns.Connection = conn; string recStr = ""; for (int i = 0; i < gvSozlesme.RowCount; i++) { if (i == 0) { recStr = Convert.ToInt32(gvSozlesme.GetRowCellValue(i, "REC_ID")).ToString(); } else { recStr += "," + Convert.ToInt32(gvSozlesme.GetRowCellValue(i, "REC_ID")).ToString(); } } cmdIns.CommandText = "INSERT INTO TBLYEMEKLISTESIONAYLI SELECT * FROM TBLYEMEKLISTESI WHERE REC_ID IN(" + recStr + ")"; cmdIns.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Close(); XtraMessageBox.Show(u, "Kayıtlar Aktarıldı.", "Bilgi", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); RefreshGrids(); } }
public virtual void ApplyChanges(UserLookAndFeel lookAndFeel) { }
public SyntaxColors(UserLookAndFeel lookAndFeel) { this.lookAndFeel = lookAndFeel; }
public static DialogResult Show(UserLookAndFeel lookAndFeel, IWin32Window owner, string text, string caption, MessageBoxButtons buttons, MessageBoxIcon icon, MessageBoxDefaultButton defaultButton) { _owner = owner; Initialize(); return XtraMessageBox.Show(lookAndFeel, owner, text, caption, buttons, icon, defaultButton); }
protected void CreateLookAndFeel() { lookAndFeel = new ControlUserLookAndFeel(this); lookAndFeel.StyleChanged += OnLookAndFeelChanged; }
public static void UpdateColor(ImageList list, UserLookAndFeel lf) { for(int i = 0; i < list.Images.Count; i++) list.Images[i] = SetColor(list.Images[i] as Bitmap, GetHeaderForeColor(lf)); }
public override void ApplyChanges(UserLookAndFeel lookAndFeel) { lookAndFeel.UseWindowsXPTheme = true; }
private void SetLookAndFeelControl(Control c, UserLookAndFeel lookAndFeel) { BaseControl control = c as BaseControl; if (control != null) { control.LookAndFeel.Assign(lookAndFeel); } }
internal void SetLookAndFeel(UserLookAndFeel lookAndFeel) { if ((this.column.View.GridControl == null) || !this.column.View.GridControl.FormsUseDefaultLookAndFeel) { base.LookAndFeel.Assign(lookAndFeel); this.pnlMain.LookAndFeel.Assign(lookAndFeel); this.grbMain.LookAndFeel.Assign(lookAndFeel); foreach (Control control in this.pnlMain.Controls) { this.SetLookAndFeelControl(control, lookAndFeel); } foreach (Control control in this.grbMain.Controls) { this.SetLookAndFeelControl(control, lookAndFeel); } } }
public static DialogResult Show(UserLookAndFeel lookAndFeel, string text, string caption, MessageBoxButtons buttons) { Initialize(); return XtraMessageBox.Show(lookAndFeel, text, caption, buttons); }
public static DialogResult Show(UserLookAndFeel lookAndFeel, string text) { Initialize(); return XtraMessageBox.Show(lookAndFeel, text); }
public static DialogResult Show(UserLookAndFeel lookAndFeel, IWin32Window owner, string text, string caption, DialogResult[] buttons, Icon icon, int defaultButton, MessageBoxIcon messageBeepSound) { _owner = owner; Initialize(); return XtraMessageBox.Show(lookAndFeel, owner, text, caption, buttons, icon, defaultButton, messageBeepSound); }
public static DialogResult Show(UserLookAndFeel lookAndFeel, IWin32Window owner, string text, string caption) { _owner = owner; Initialize(); return XtraMessageBox.Show(lookAndFeel, owner, text, caption); }
public override void UpdateState(UserLookAndFeel lookAndFeel) { Down = (lookAndFeel.ActiveStyle == ActiveLookAndFeelStyle.WindowsXP); Enabled = DevExpress.Utils.WXPaint.Painter.ThemesEnabled; }
public XpandFilterBuilder(FilterColumnCollection columns, IDXMenuManager manager, UserLookAndFeel lookAndFeel, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.ColumnView view, FilterColumn fColumn, IEnumerable<IModelMember> modelMembers): base(columns, manager, lookAndFeel, view, fColumn){ _modelMembers = modelMembers; }
public override void ApplyChanges(UserLookAndFeel lookAndFeel) { lookAndFeel.UseWindowsXPTheme = false; lookAndFeel.Style = style; }
public override void UpdateState(UserLookAndFeel lookAndFeel) { Down = (lookAndFeel.ActiveStyle == activeStyle); }
public LayoutViewDesignerForm(UserLookAndFeel userLookAndFeel, string title) : base(userLookAndFeel, title) { }
public static Color GetHeaderForeColor(UserLookAndFeel lf) { Color ret = SystemColors.ControlText; if(lf.ActiveStyle != ActiveLookAndFeelStyle.Skin) return ret; return GridSkins.GetSkin(lf)[GridSkins.SkinHeader].Color.GetForeColor(); }
protected ColumnViewDesignerForm(UserLookAndFeel userLookAndFeel, string title) : base(userLookAndFeel) { _title = title; }
public XtraFAMonthView() { lookAndFeel = null; CreateLookAndFeel(); UpdateTheme(); }
public void SetLookAndFeel(UserLookAndFeel lookAndFeel) { LookAndFeel.ParentLookAndFeel = lookAndFeel; lbPalettes.LookAndFeel.ParentLookAndFeel = lookAndFeel; }
public virtual void UpdateState(UserLookAndFeel lookAndFeel) { }
public override void UpdateState(UserLookAndFeel lookAndFeel) { Down = (lookAndFeel.ActiveStyle == ActiveLookAndFeelStyle.Skin && lookAndFeel.SkinName == skinName); }
public XpandFilterBuilder(FilterColumnCollection columns, IDXMenuManager manager, UserLookAndFeel lookAndFeel, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.ColumnView view, FilterColumn fColumn, IEnumerable <IModelMember> modelMembers) : base(columns, manager, lookAndFeel, view, fColumn) { _modelMembers = modelMembers; }
public AdvBandedViewDesignerForm(UserLookAndFeel userLookAndFeel, string title) : base(userLookAndFeel, title) { }