/// <summary> /// Retrieves the relevant details for a specified user, which the external match-making service can then use to compute effective matches /// </summary> public static void UserInfo(UserInfoRequest request, UserInfoCallback resultCallback, ErrorCallback errorCallback, object customData = null) { if (PlayFabSettings.DeveloperSecretKey == null) { throw new Exception("Must have PlayFabSettings.DeveloperSecretKey set to call this method"); } string serializedJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(request, Util.JsonFormatting, Util.JsonSettings); Action <CallRequestContainer> callback = delegate(CallRequestContainer requestContainer) { UserInfoResponse result = ResultContainer <UserInfoResponse> .HandleResults(requestContainer, resultCallback, errorCallback); if (result != null) { } }; PlayFabHTTP.Post("/Matchmaker/UserInfo", serializedJson, "X-SecretKey", PlayFabSettings.DeveloperSecretKey, callback, request, customData); }
public RepoCacheManager(string rootfolder, int cachesize, string gitRemoteRepoURL, string gitBinariesPath, UserInfoCallback callbackInfoUpdate) { mRootFolder = rootfolder; mCacheSize = cachesize; mGitBinariesPath = gitBinariesPath; mRemoteGitRepository = gitRemoteRepoURL; mCallbackInfo = callbackInfoUpdate; mRepoCacheStateFilepath = mRootFolder + REPOCACHE_FOLDER + STATE_FILEPATH; if (!Directory.Exists(mRootFolder + REPOCACHE_FOLDER)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(mRootFolder + REPOCACHE_FOLDER); } mCacheCreateThreads = new List <ThreadArgs>(); LoadCacheState(); VerifyCacheState(); var repoCacheList = BorrowRepoCacheStates(null); try { var AvailableCaches = repoCacheList.Where(x => x.CloneCompleted).Count(); mAvailableCaches = AvailableCaches; callbackInfoUpdate?.Invoke($"Available Caches: {AvailableCaches}/{cachesize}", AvailableCaches); } finally { ReturnRepoCacheState(null); } StartManager(); DeleteTrash(); }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves the relevant details for a specified user, which the external match-making service can then use to compute effective matches /// </summary> public static void UserInfo(UserInfoRequest request, UserInfoCallback resultCallback, ErrorCallback errorCallback, object customData = null) { if (PlayFabSettings.DeveloperSecretKey == null) throw new Exception ("Must have PlayFabSettings.DeveloperSecretKey set to call this method"); string serializedJSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(request, Util.JsonFormatting, Util.JsonSettings); Action<string,PlayFabError> callback = delegate(string responseStr, PlayFabError pfError) { UserInfoResponse result = null; ResultContainer<UserInfoResponse>.HandleResults(responseStr, ref pfError, out result); if(pfError != null && errorCallback != null) { errorCallback(pfError); } if(result != null) { result.CustomData = customData; result.Request = request; if(resultCallback != null) { resultCallback(result); } } }; PlayFabHTTP.Post(PlayFabSettings.GetURL()+"/Matchmaker/UserInfo", serializedJSON, "X-SecretKey", PlayFabSettings.DeveloperSecretKey, callback); }
IEnumerator lmsGetUserInfo( UserInfoCallback callback ) { // make JSON JSONObject j = new JSONObject(JSONObject.Type.OBJECT); //number j.AddField("action", "User_Info"); // make param area j.AddField("params", "null"); // add authkey string keyNoQuotes = pingAuthKey.Replace ("\"",""); j.AddField ("authKey",keyNoQuotes); // get bodystring string bodyString = j.print(); LMSDebug("lmsGetUserInfo: bodyString=[" + bodyString +"]"); // Create a download object string url = "http://" + URL + "statefull/get"; WWW download = new WWW(url,Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(bodyString),pingHeaders); yield return download; if (download.error != null) { LMSDebug("lmsGetUserInfo: download.error=" + download.error); // save the error if ( callback != null ) callback(false,download.error); UserInfo.Valid = false; } else { // decode // "{"action":"response","params":{"fname":"Itay","lname":"Moav","email":"*****@*****.**","current_org":"eonflux"},"authKey":"c1nsqupar527qcjhc0s5m93le5","dbgenv":""}" JSONObject decoder = new JSONObject(download.text); if ( CheckReturn(decoder) == true ) { var N = JSONNode.Parse(download.text); UserInfo.FirstName = N["params"]["fname"].ToString(); UserInfo.LastName = N["params"]["lname"].ToString(); UserInfo.Email = N["params"]["email"].ToString(); UserInfo.Org = N["params"]["current_org"].ToString(); UserInfo.Valid = true; LMSDebug("lmsGetUserInfo: UserInfo.Valid=" + LMSIntegration.UserInfo.Valid); if ( callback != null ) callback(true,download.text); } else { LMSDebug("lmsGetUserInfo: download.text=" + download.text); if ( callback != null ) callback(false,download.text); } } }
public void LMSGetUserInfo( UserInfoCallback callback=null ) { StartCoroutine(lmsGetUserInfo(callback)); }