Exemple #1
        public RedirectToRouteResult AddToCart(Guid id)
            // HttpContext contains an information about current context
            // Encapsulates all HTTP-specific information about an individual HTTP request.
            if (id == null)
                throw new HttpException(404, "Product not found");
            bool isLoggedIn;
            var  identifier = UserIdentifier.GetIdentifier(HttpContext, out isLoggedIn);

            //updating last active session
            ProvidersFactory.GetSessionsProvider().UpdateOrAddSession(identifier, isLoggedIn);

            var product = ReadersFactory.GetProductsReader().GetProducts().First(guid => guid.Id == id);

            string status;

            if (cartManager.TryAddProduct(product, identifier))
                status = "Successfully added to cart.";
                status = "Product is out of stock. Try again later.";

            return(RedirectToAction("DisplayCart", new { status = status }));
Exemple #2
         * This method will remove only one copy of a specified product
        public RedirectToRouteResult RemoveOneCopy(Guid id)
            if (id == null)
                throw new HttpException(400, "Bad Request");

            bool isLoggedIn;
            var  identifier = UserIdentifier.GetIdentifier(HttpContext, out isLoggedIn);

            ProvidersFactory.GetSessionsProvider().UpdateOrAddSession(identifier, isLoggedIn);

            var product = ReadersFactory.GetProductsReader().GetProducts().First(guid => guid.Id == id);

            cartManager.RemoveOneCopy(product, identifier);

Exemple #3
        public RedirectToRouteResult RemoveFromCart(Guid id)
            // when user wants to remove from cart:
            // - find his cart by using identifier.
            // - find corresponding product which has to be removed
            // - call RemoveProduct method on cart, which also will take care of reservation.
            if (id == null)
                throw new HttpException(400, "Bad Request");

            bool isLoggedIn;
            var  identifier = UserIdentifier.GetIdentifier(HttpContext, out isLoggedIn);

            ProvidersFactory.GetSessionsProvider().UpdateOrAddSession(identifier, isLoggedIn);

            var product = ReadersFactory.GetProductsReader().GetProducts().First(guid => guid.Id == id);

            cartManager.RemoveProduct(product, identifier);

Exemple #4
        public ActionResult DisplayCart(string status)
            // HttpContext contains an information about current context
            // Encapsulates all HTTP-specific information about an individual HTTP request.
            bool isLoggedIn;
            var  identifier = UserIdentifier.GetIdentifier(HttpContext, out isLoggedIn);

            ProvidersFactory.GetSessionsProvider().UpdateOrAddSession(identifier, isLoggedIn);
            var           cart          = cartManager.GetCartBySessionId(identifier);
            int           count         = 0;
            var           cartToDisplay = cartManager.GetProductsCount(cart, out count);
            CartViewModel model         = new CartViewModel();

            model.CartProducts           = cartToDisplay;
            model.TotalPrice             = cartManager.GetTotalPrice(cartToDisplay);
            model.TotalWeight            = cartManager.GetTotalWeight(cartToDisplay);
            HttpContext.Session["Total"] = model.TotalPrice;
            HttpContext.Session["Count"] = count;;
            model.Status = status;
