Exemple #1
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateGroupConversation(CreateGroupConversationAddressModel model)
            var user = await GetKahlaUser();

            var exsists = _dbContext.GroupConversations.Exists(t => t.GroupName == model.GroupName);

            if (exsists)
                return(this.Protocal(ErrorType.NotEnoughResources, $"A group with name: {model.GroupName} was already exists!"));
            var createdGroup = await _dbContext.CreateGroup(model.GroupName);

            var newRelationship = new UserGroupRelation
                UserId        = user.Id,
                GroupId       = createdGroup.Id,
                ReadTimeStamp = DateTime.MinValue

            await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(Json(new AiurValue <int>(createdGroup.Id)
                Code = ErrorType.Success,
                Message = "You have successfully created a new group and joined it!"
Exemple #2
        public async Task <IActionResult> JoinGroup([Required] string groupName)
            var user = await GetKahlaUser();

            var group = await _dbContext.GroupConversations.SingleOrDefaultAsync(t => t.GroupName == groupName);

            if (group == null)
                return(this.Protocal(ErrorType.NotFound, $"We can not find a group with name: {groupName}!"));
            var joined = _dbContext.UserGroupRelations.Exists(t => t.UserId == user.Id && t.GroupId == group.Id);

            if (joined)
                return(this.Protocal(ErrorType.HasDoneAlready, $"You have already joined the group: {groupName}!"));
            // All checked and able to join him.
            // Warning: Currently we do not have invitation system for invitation control is too complicated.
            var newRelationship = new UserGroupRelation
                UserId  = user.Id,
                GroupId = group.Id

            await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(this.Protocal(ErrorType.Success, $"You have successfully joint the group: {groupName}!"));
Exemple #3
        public bool UpdateUserGroupRelation(UserGroupRelation model)
            var saveOk = Db.SaveChanges() > 0;

        public async Task <IActionResult> JoinGroup([Required] string groupName, string joinPassword)
            var user = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(User);

            var group = await _dbContext.GroupConversations.SingleOrDefaultAsync(t => t.GroupName == groupName);

            if (group == null)
                return(this.Protocol(ErrorType.NotFound, $"无法找到对应的群聊: {groupName}!"));
            var joined = _dbContext.UserGroupRelations.Any(t => t.UserId == user.Id && t.GroupId == group.Id);

            if (joined)
                return(this.Protocol(ErrorType.HasDoneAlready, $"您已经加入了这个群聊: {groupName}!"));
            if (group.HasPassword && group.JoinPassword != joinPassword?.Trim())
                return(this.Protocol(ErrorType.WrongKey, "这个群聊需要密码, 但是您的密码不正确!"));

            var newRelationship = new UserGroupRelation
                UserId  = user.Id,
                GroupId = group.Id

            await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(this.Protocol(ErrorType.Success, $"您成功加入了这个群聊: {groupName}!"));
Exemple #5
        public async Task <IActionResult> JoinGroup([Required] string groupName, string joinPassword)
            var user = await GetKahlaUser();

            if (!user.EmailConfirmed)
                return(this.Protocol(ErrorType.Unauthorized, "You are not allowed to join groups without confirming your email!"));
            GroupConversation group = null;

            lock (_obj)
                group = _dbContext
                        .Include(t => t.Users)
                        .ThenInclude(t => t.User)
                        .SingleOrDefault(t => t.GroupName == groupName);
                if (group == null)
                    return(this.Protocol(ErrorType.NotFound, $"We can not find a group with name: {groupName}!"));
                if (group.HasPassword && group.JoinPassword != joinPassword?.Trim())
                    return(this.Protocol(ErrorType.WrongKey, "The group requires password and your password was not correct!"));

                var joined = group.Users.Any(t => t.UserId == user.Id);
                if (joined)
                    return(this.Protocol(ErrorType.HasDoneAlready, $"You have already joined the group: {groupName}!"));
                // All checked and able to join him.
                // Warning: Currently we do not have invitation system for invitation control is too complicated.
                var newRelationship = new UserGroupRelation
                    UserId  = user.Id,
                    GroupId = group.Id
            await group.ForEachUserAsync((eachUser, relation) => _pusher.NewMemberEvent(eachUser, user, group.Id), _userManager);

            return(this.Protocol(ErrorType.Success, $"You have successfully joint the group: {groupName}!"));
Exemple #6
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateGroupConversation(CreateGroupConversationAddressModel model)
            var user = await GetKahlaUser();

            if (!user.EmailConfirmed)
                return(this.Protocol(ErrorType.Unauthorized, "You are not allowed to join groups without confirming your email!"));
            model.GroupName = model.GroupName.Trim();
            var exists = _dbContext.GroupConversations.Any(t => t.GroupName.ToLower() == model.GroupName.ToLower());

            if (exists)
                return(this.Protocol(ErrorType.NotEnoughResources, $"A group with name: {model.GroupName} was already exists!"));
            var limitedDate  = DateTime.UtcNow - new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0);
            var todayCreated = await _dbContext
                               .Where(t => t.OwnerId == user.Id)
                               .Where(t => t.ConversationCreateTime > limitedDate)

            if (todayCreated > 4)
                return(this.Protocol(ErrorType.NotEnoughResources, "You have created too many groups today. Try it tomorrow!"));
            var createdGroup = await _dbContext.CreateGroup(model.GroupName, user.Id, model.JoinPassword);

            var newRelationship = new UserGroupRelation
                UserId        = user.Id,
                GroupId       = createdGroup.Id,
                ReadTimeStamp = DateTime.MinValue

            await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(Json(new AiurValue <int>(createdGroup.Id)
                Code = ErrorType.Success,
                Message = "You have successfully created a new group and joined it!"
Exemple #7
        public ActionResult Create(Group group)
            if (WebSecurity.CurrentUserId > 0)
                UserGroupRelation groupMember = new UserGroupRelation();

                group.UserId = WebSecurity.CurrentUserId;
                ViewBag.GroupId = group.Id;

                groupMember.UserId  = WebSecurity.CurrentUserId;
                groupMember.Groupid = group.Id;

                return(RedirectToAction("AddMember", new { groupId = group.Id }));
            return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account"));
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateGroupConversation(CreateGroupConversationAddressModel model)
            var user = await GetKahlaUser();

            model.GroupName = model.GroupName.Trim();
            var exists = _dbContext.GroupConversations.Any(t => t.GroupName.ToLower() == model.GroupName.ToLower());

            if (exists)
                return(this.Protocol(ErrorType.Conflict, $"A group with name: {model.GroupName} was already exists!"));
            var limitedDate  = DateTime.UtcNow - new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0);
            var todayCreated = await _dbContext
                               .Where(t => t.OwnerId == user.Id)
                               .Where(t => t.ConversationCreateTime > limitedDate)

            if (todayCreated > 4)
                return(this.Protocol(ErrorType.TooManyRequests, "You have created too many groups today. Try it tomorrow!"));
            var createdGroup = await _dbContext.CreateGroup(model.GroupName, _configuration["GroupImagePath"], user.Id, model.JoinPassword);

            var newRelationship = new UserGroupRelation
                UserId        = user.Id,
                GroupId       = createdGroup.Id,
                ReadTimeStamp = DateTime.MinValue
            await _dbContext.UserGroupRelations.AddAsync(newRelationship);

            await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            _cannonQueue.QueueWithDependency <KahlaPushService>(pusher =>
                                                                pusher.GroupJoinedEvent(user, createdGroup, null, 0));
            return(this.Protocol(new AiurValue <int>(createdGroup.Id)
                Code = ErrorType.Success,
                Message = "You have successfully created a new group and joined it!"
        public static UpdateUserGroupRelation_M ToViewModel(UserGroupRelation model, List <SelectListItem> userListItems)
            return(new UpdateUserGroupRelation_M()
                _UserListItems = userListItems,
                user_group_relation_id = model.user_group_relation_id,

                user_id = model.user_id,

                nick_name = model.nick_name,

                user_group_id = model.user_group_id,

                create_user_id = model.create_user_id,

                create_user_name = model.create_user_name,

                create_date = model.create_date,
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateGroupConversation(CreateGroupConversationAddressModel model)
            var user = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(User);

            model.GroupName = model.GroupName.Trim().ToLower();
            var exists = _dbContext.GroupConversations.Any(t => t.GroupName == model.GroupName);

            if (exists)
                return(this.Protocol(ErrorType.NotEnoughResources, $"这个群名: {model.GroupName} 已经被占用了!"));
            var limitedDate  = DateTime.UtcNow - new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0);
            var todayCreated = await _dbContext
                               .Where(t => t.OwnerId == user.Id)
                               .Where(t => t.ConversationCreateTime > limitedDate)

            if (todayCreated > 100)
                return(this.Protocol(ErrorType.NotEnoughResources, "您今天创建的群聊太多了!"));
            var createdGroup = await _dbContext.CreateGroup(model.GroupName, user.Id, model.JoinPassword);

            var newRelationship = new UserGroupRelation
                UserId        = user.Id,
                GroupId       = createdGroup.Id,
                ReadTimeStamp = DateTime.MinValue

            await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(this.ChatJson(new AiurValue <int>(createdGroup.Id)
                Code = ErrorType.Success,
                Message = "你已经成功的创建了一个群聊并加入了它!"
Exemple #11
        public async Task <IActionResult> JoinGroup([Required] string groupName, string joinPassword)
            var user = await GetKahlaUser();

            if (!user.EmailConfirmed)
                return(this.Protocol(ErrorType.Unauthorized, "You are not allowed to join groups without confirming your email!"));
            GroupConversation group;

            lock (Obj)
                group = _dbContext
                        .Include(t => t.Users)
                        .ThenInclude(t => t.User)
                        .SingleOrDefault(t => t.GroupName == groupName);
                if (group == null)
                    return(this.Protocol(ErrorType.NotFound, $"We can not find a group with name: {groupName}!"));
                if (group.HasPassword && group.JoinPassword != joinPassword?.Trim())
                    return(this.Protocol(ErrorType.WrongKey, "The group requires password and your password was not correct!"));

                var joined = group.Users.Any(t => t.UserId == user.Id);
                if (joined)
                    return(this.Protocol(ErrorType.HasSuccessAlready, $"You have already joined the group: {groupName}!"));
                // All checked and able to join him.
                // Warning: Currently we do not have invitation system for invitation control is too complicated.
                var newRelationship = new UserGroupRelation
                    UserId  = user.Id,
                    GroupId = group.Id
            await _dbContext.Entry(user)
            .Collection(t => t.HisDevices)

            var messagesCount = await _dbContext.Entry(group)
                                .Collection(t => t.Messages)

            var latestMessage = await _dbContext
                                .Include(t => t.Sender)
                                .OrderByDescending(t => t.SendTime)

            group.ForEachUser((eachUser, relation) =>
                              _cannonQueue.QueueWithDependency <KahlaPushService>(pusher =>
                                                                                  pusher.NewMemberEvent(eachUser, user, group.Id)));

            _cannonQueue.QueueWithDependency <KahlaPushService>(pusher =>
                                                                pusher.GroupJoinedEvent(user, group, latestMessage, messagesCount));

            return(this.Protocol(new AiurValue <int>(group.Id)
                Code = ErrorType.Success,
                Message = $"You have successfully joint the group: {groupName}!"
Exemple #12
 public UserGroupRelation FindUserGroupRelation(string id)
                                      FirstOrDefault(a => a.user_group_relation_id == id)));
Exemple #13
 public bool Add(UserGroupRelation groupMember)
     return(_db.SaveChanges() > 0);