//保存评论 protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string strSql = ""; string strSql1 = ""; strSql = string.Format(@" INSERT INTO [OA_Comment] ([id] ,[head_id] ,[user_id] ,[time] ,[content]) VALUES ( '{0}'--<id, varchar(50),> ,'{1}'--,<head_id, varchar(50),> ,'{2}'--,<user_id, varchar(50),> ,'{3}'--,<time, datetime,> ,'{4}'--,<content, text,> ) ", Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), this.KeyId.Value, base.UserCode.ToString(), DateTime.Now, this.comment_content.Text); using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(SqlHelper.ConnectionString)) { sqlConnection.Open(); SqlTransaction sqlTransaction = sqlConnection.BeginTransaction(); try { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlTransaction, CommandType.Text, strSql); string strs = RYinfo(this.KeyId.Value); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strs)) { strSql1 = @"INSERT INTO [OA_Task_Append] ([id] ,[task_id] ,[user_id] --,[look_time] --,[progress] --,[remark] ,[user_type] ,[up_time] ) VALUES " + strs; SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlTransaction, CommandType.Text, strSql1); } sqlTransaction.Commit(); //发送微信消息 WXAPI.sendWeChatMsg(UserCode.ToString(), "", hfldCopyto.Value.ToString(), "taskPL", this.KeyId.Value, title.Text.ToString(), create_date.Text.ToString()); base.RegisterScriptRefresh(); } catch (Exception ex) { sqlTransaction.Rollback(); base.RegisterScript("alert('系统提示:\\n\\保存失败!" + ex.Message.ToString() + "');"); } } }
protected void lnkSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Assign new action if action is empty or view if (Action == string.Empty || Action == Constants.ViewAction) { Action = Constants.InsertAction; } if (UserLoginId == string.Empty) { return; } if (UserContext == null) { AuditLog.LogEvent(SysEventType.ERROR, "Profile Creation", "Error : Error occured while creating New User Profile", new Exception("UserContext is null")); return; } QueryArgument queryArgument = new QueryArgument(UserContext.DataBaseInfo) { FilterKey = Action == Constants.InsertAction ? string.Empty : UserCode.ToString(), filter1 = UserLoginId, QueryType = Constants.ProfileValidationType }; var result = _transactionManager.ValidateKey(queryArgument); if (result) { CustomMessageControl.MessageBodyText = "Duplicate User ID"; CustomMessageControl.MessageType = MessageTypes.Error; CustomMessageControl.ShowMessage(); txtUserId.Focus(); return; } if (UpdateUserDetails()) { CustomMessageControl.MessageBodyText = GlobalCustomResource.UserProfileSaved; CustomMessageControl.MessageType = MessageTypes.Success; CustomMessageControl.ShowMessage(); AuditLog.LogEvent(UserContext, SysEventType.INFO, "USERPROFILE SAVED", GlobalCustomResource.UserProfileSaved, true); ClearForm(); BindData(BindType.List); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, typeof(Page), "openTabFunctionCall", "openTab(1)", true); } else { CustomMessageControl.MessageBodyText = GlobalCustomResource.UserProfileFailed; CustomMessageControl.MessageType = MessageTypes.Error; CustomMessageControl.ShowMessage(); AuditLog.LogEvent(UserContext, SysEventType.INFO, "USERPROFILE UPDATE FAILED", GlobalCustomResource.UserProfileFailed, true); } }
/// <summary> /// This method checked the user name and appends necessary item to the code if required /// </summary> private void SetUserNameField() { string UserName = txt_UserName.Text.ToString().Trim(); string UserCode; if (UserName.Length > 4) { if (UserName.Substring(0, 4).ToString().ToUpper() == "MLFL") { UserCode = UserName.Substring(4); } else { UserCode = UserName; } int TempUser1; try { TempUser1 = int.Parse(UserCode); txt_UserName.Text = string.Format(UserCode.ToString(), "######"); } catch { } } else { if (UserName.Length > 0) { int TempUser; try { TempUser = int.Parse(UserName); txt_UserName.Text = string.Format(TempUser.ToString(), "######"); } catch { } } } }
private void BindData() { string str = ""; string strPoint = ""; string strSql = " select [Id],[doc_Id],[doc_name],[name],[user_Id],v_xm,[sign_x],[sign_y],[remark],[if_del],[sign_time] from OA_File_Sign left join PT_yhmc on PT_yhmc.v_yhdm=user_Id where doc_Id='" + doc_Id + "' and doc_name='" + doc_name + "' and if_del=0 " + strWhere() + " order by user_Id desc,sign_time desc"; DataTable dt = publicDbOpClass.DataTableQuary(strSql); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { if (dr["user_Id"].ToString() == UserCode.ToString()) { // str += "<li id='li"+ dr["id"] + "' data-option='x:"+dr["sign_x"] +",y:"+ dr["sign_y"] + ",id:"+ dr["id"] + "'><input type='text' id='title" + dr["id"] + "' value='" + dr["name"] + "' style='width:120px;' readonly /><input type='hidden' id='remark" + dr["id"] + "' value=' ' style='width:180px;'/><input type='hidden' id='x" + dr["id"] + "' value='" + dr["sign_x"] + "' style='width:50px;'/><input type='hidden' id='y" + dr["id"] + "' value='" + dr["sign_y"] + "' style='width:50px;'/> <a href=\"javascript:signInfoEdit('" + dr["id"] + "')\">编辑</a> <a href=\"javascript:signInfoView('" + dr["id"] + "')\">查看</a> <a href=\"javascript:del('" + dr["id"] + "')\">删除</a></li>"; str += "<li id='li" + dr["id"] + "' data-option='x:" + dr["sign_x"] + ",y:" + dr["sign_y"] + ",id:" + dr["id"] + "'><input type='text' id='title" + dr["id"] + "' value='" + dr["name"] + "' style='width:145px;' readonly /> <a href=\"javascript:signInfoEdit('" + dr["id"] + "')\">[编辑]</a> <a href=\"javascript:signInfoView('" + dr["id"] + "')\">[查看]</a> <a href=\"javascript:del('" + dr["id"] + "')\">[删除]</a></li>"; jsIn += " var menu = new BootstrapMenu('#" + dr["id"] + "', {actions: [{name: '编辑',onClick: function() {signInfoEdit('" + dr["id"] + "');}}, {name: '查看',onClick: function() {signInfoView('" + dr["id"] + "');}}, {name: '重新标记',onClick: function() {signInfoReEdit('" + dr["id"] + "');}}]}); ";// } else { str += "<li id='li" + dr["id"] + "' data-option='x:" + dr["sign_x"] + ",y:" + dr["sign_y"] + ",id:" + dr["id"] + "'><input type='text' id='title" + dr["id"] + "' value='" + dr["name"] + "' style='width:145px;' readonly /> <a href=\"javascript:signInfoView('" + dr["id"] + "')\">[查看]</a></br> <span style='background-color: wheat;'>标记人:" + dr["v_xm"] + " ;标记时间:" + dr["sign_time"] + "</span></li>"; jsIn += " var menu = new BootstrapMenu('#" + dr["id"] + "', {actions: [ {name: '查看',onClick: function() {signInfoView('" + dr["id"] + "');}}]}); ";// } //strPoint += "<img src=\'style/sign.png\' id=\'" + dr["id"] + "_img\' class=\'pointerImg\' onClick=\'showInfo(" + dr["id"] + ");\'>"; //strPoint += "<img src=\'style/sign.png\' id='" + dr["id"] + "_img' class='pointerImg' onclick='showInfo(" + dr["id"] + "); ' style='display: block; left:" + dr["sign_x"] + "px; top:" + dr["sign_y"] + "px; '>"; strPoint += dr["sign_x"] + "," + dr["sign_y"] + "," + dr["id"] + "," + dr["name"] + "," + dr["v_xm"] + ";"; } } else { } //jsIn = "var menu = new BootstrapMenu('#4c447496-f1b5-4d53-8cc6-375d194e7d2a', {actions: [{name: '谷歌',onClick: function() {alert('谷歌');}}, {name: '百度',onClick: function() {alert('百度');}}]}); "; liInfo.Value = str; liPoint.Value = strPoint; liCount.Value = dt.Rows.Count.ToString(); }
public void saveData(int ii) { OAJournal model = this.GetModel(ii); if (this.action == "add") { this.pcSer.Add(model); saveRY(model.Id); } else if (this.action == "edit") { this.pcSer.Update(model); publicDbOpClass.ExecSqlString("DELETE from OA_Journal_Append where journal_id='" + model.Id + "'"); saveRY(model.Id); } if (ii == 1) { string strSYR = hfldTo.Value.ToString(); //审阅人 string strXGRS = hfldCopyto.Value.ToString(); //相关人 //发送微信消息 WXAPI.sendWeChatMsg(UserCode.ToString(), strSYR, strXGRS, "log", model.Id.ToString(), model.title.ToString(), model.create_date.ToString()); //string strUsers = ""; //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strSYR)) //{ // strUsers += "'" + strSYR + "'"; //} //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strXGRS)) //{ // string[] strXGR = strXGRS.Split(','); // strUsers += "," + "'" + strXGRS + "'"; // //strUsers += "|"+ strXGRS.Replace(',','|'); //} //string strSQL1 = "select * from PT_yhmc where v_yhdm ='" + base.UserCode + "'"; //DataTable dt1 = publicDbOpClass.DataTableQuary(strSQL1); //string strSQL = "select * from PT_yhmc where v_yhdm in(" + strUsers + ")"; //DataTable dt = publicDbOpClass.DataTableQuary(strSQL); ////string wxUsers = ""; //if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) //{ // foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) // { // // wxUsers += dr["WXID"] + "|"; // //} // //string str0 = "";//"https://open.weixin.qq.com/connect/oauth2/authorize?appid=wx251384a873c4d422&redirect_uri="; // string str1 = new BasicConfigService().GetValue("domain"); // string str2 = "/WeChat/log/show.html?id=" + model.Id + "&userType=tj&userID="+ dr["v_yhdm"]; // // string str3 = "";//"&action=add&response_type=code&scope=snsapi_base#wechat_redirect"; // // string str4 = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(str1 + str2);//System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(""); // // string str4 = str1 + str2; // //string strURL = str0 + str4 + str3; // //WXAPI.sendText(1000008, "您有新的工作日志待查阅\n" + model.title.ToString() + model.start_time.ToString() + "\n", strURL, wxUsers.Substring(0, wxUsers.Length - 1)); // //WXAPI.sendText(1000008, "您有新的工作日志待查阅\n<h2><b>" + model.title.ToString() + "</b></h2>[填写人:" + dt1.Rows[0]["v_xm"].ToString() + "]\n", strURL, dr["WXID"].ToString()); // //string description = "< div class=\"gray\">[填写人:" + dt1.Rows[0]["v_xm"].ToString() + "] " + model.create_date.ToString() + "</div> <div class=\"normal\">"+ model.content.ToString()+ "</div><div class=\"highlight\">请于2016年10月10日前联系行政同事领取</div>"; // string strURL = str1 + str2; // string strTitle = "您有新的工作日志待查阅"; // string description = "<div class=\\\"highlight\\\">" + model.title.ToString() + "</div><div class=\\\"gray\\\">[填写人:" + dt1.Rows[0]["v_xm"].ToString() + "] " + model.create_date.ToString() + "</div>"; // string btntxt = "点击查看"; // WXAPI.sendTextCard(strTitle, 1000008, description, strURL, dr["WXID"].ToString(), btntxt); // } // } } base.RegisterScript("top.ui.tabSuccess({parentName:'_Journal'});"); }
//保存评论 protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //保存评论 OAJournalComment model3 = this.GetModel(); this.pcSer4.Add(model3); //保存评论@的人 OAJournalAppend model2 = new OAJournalAppend(); string strXGRS = hfldCopyto.Value.ToString();//评论@相关人 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strXGRS)) { string strUsers = ""; string[] strXGR = strXGRS.Split(','); foreach (string str in strXGR) { strUsers += "'" + str + "'" + ","; DataTable dt = pcSer2.resulet(str, Id); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { } else { model2.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); //主键 model2.journal_id = Id; //日志ID model2.user_id = str; //审阅人ID model2.user_type = 1; // 3 提交人、0 审阅人、1相关人、2审阅及相关人; this.pcSer2.Add(model2); } } //发送微信消息 WXAPI.sendWeChatMsg(UserCode.ToString(), "", strXGRS, "logPL", this.Id, title.Text.ToString(), create_date.Text.ToString()); //string strSQL = "select * from PT_yhmc where v_yhdm in(" + strUsers.Substring(0, strUsers.Length-1) + ")"; //DataTable dt2 = publicDbOpClass.DataTableQuary(strSQL); ////string wxUsers = ""; //if (dt2.Rows.Count > 0) //{ // foreach (DataRow dr in dt2.Rows) // { // // wxUsers += dr["WXID"] + "|"; // //} // //string str0 = "";//"https://open.weixin.qq.com/connect/oauth2/authorize?appid=wx251384a873c4d422&redirect_uri="; // string str1 = new BasicConfigService().GetValue("domain"); // string str2 = "/WeChat/log/show.html?id=" + this.KeyId.Value.ToString() + "&userType=tj&userID="+ dr["v_yhdm"]; // //string str3 = "";//"&action=add&response_type=code&scope=snsapi_base#wechat_redirect"; // string str4 = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(str1 + str2);//System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(""); // // string strURL = str0 + str4 + str3; // // //WXAPI.sendText(1000008, "有新的工作日志评论@您\n" + title.Text.ToString() + "\n", strURL, wxUsers.Substring(0, wxUsers.Length - 1)); // //WXAPI.sendText(1000008, "有新的工作日志评论@您\n<h2><b>" + title.Text.ToString() + "</b></h2>[填写人:"+ creater.Text.ToString() + "]\n", strURL, dr["WXID"].ToString()); // // string strTitle = "有新的工作日志评论@您"; // // string description = "<div class=\\\"highlight\\\">" + title.Text.ToString() + "</div><div class=\\\"gray\\\">[填写人:" + creater.Text.ToString() + "] " + this.create_date.Text.ToString() + "</div>"; // // string btntxt = "点击查看"; // // WXAPI.sendTextCard(strTitle, 1000008, description, strURL, dr["WXID"].ToString(), btntxt); // string strSQL1 = "select * from PT_yhmc where v_yhdm ='" + dr["v_yhdm"] + "'"; // DataTable dt1 = publicDbOpClass.DataTableQuary(strSQL1); // string strURL = str1 + str2; // string strTitle = "有新的工作日志评论@您"; // string description = "<div class=\\\"highlight\\\">" + title.Text.ToString() + "</div><div class=\\\"gray\\\">[评论人:" + dt1.Rows[0]["v_xm"].ToString() + "] " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()+ "</div>"; // string btntxt = "点击查看"; // WXAPI.sendTextCard(strTitle, 1000008, description, strURL, dr["WXID"].ToString(), btntxt); // } //} } base.RegisterScriptRefresh(); }
public string strWhere() { string strWhere = " ";// and ... System.DateTime?startTime = DateTimeHelper.GetDateTime(this.txtStartTime.Text); System.DateTime?endTime = DateTimeHelper.GetDateTime(this.txtEndTime.Text); if (startTime.HasValue) { strWhere += " and start_time >='" + startTime.Value + "'"; } if (endTime.HasValue) { strWhere += " and start_time <'" + endTime.Value.AddDays(1.0) + "'"; } System.DateTime?stime = DateTimeHelper.GetDateTime(this.stime.Text); System.DateTime?etime = DateTimeHelper.GetDateTime(this.etime.Text); if (stime.HasValue) { strWhere += " and create_time >='" + stime.Value + "'"; } if (etime.HasValue) { strWhere += " and create_time <'" + etime.Value.AddDays(1.0) + "'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtTitle.Text)) { strWhere += " and title like '%" + txtTitle.Text.ToString().Trim() + "%'"; } if (type_id.SelectedValue != "") { strWhere += " and type_id ='" + type_id.SelectedValue + "'"; } if (status.SelectedValue != "") { strWhere += " and status ='" + Convert.ToInt32(status.SelectedValue) + "'"; } //if (base.UserCode != "00000000") //{ // strWhere += " and creater_id ='" + UserCode + "'"; //} //任务状态 0草稿、1未开始、2执行中、3已完成、4已关闭、5已删除 strWhere += " and status !='5' and status !='0' and status !='3' and status !='4'"; //string strRYS = hfldTo.Value.ToString();//执行人 //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strRYS)) //{ // string[] strXGR = strRYS.Split(','); // string strs = ""; // foreach (string str in strXGR) // { // strs += "'" + str + "',"; // } //关联 任务执行人 strWhere += " and OA_Task.Id in (SELECT task_id FROM OA_Task_Append where (user_type=0 or user_type=2 ) and user_id ='" + UserCode.ToString() + "') "; //} return(strWhere); }
//public string Keyword { get { return txtSearch.Text; } set { txtSearch.Text = value; } } #endregion public void BindData(BindType bindType) { var queryArgument = new QueryArgument(UserContext.DataBaseInfo) { FilterKey = UserCode.ToString(), BindType = bindType, //Keyword = Keyword }; var userProfiles = _controlPanel.GetUserProfiles(queryArgument); if (userProfiles != null) { if (bindType == BindType.Form) { var objUserProfile = userProfiles.FirstOrDefault(); if (objUserProfile != null) { UserCode = objUserProfile.UCode; UserLoginId = objUserProfile.LoginId.Trim(); Password = objUserProfile.Password.Trim(); UserName = objUserProfile.Name.Trim(); //LastName=objUserProfile. Address = objUserProfile.Address.Trim(); City = objUserProfile.City.Trim(); Country = objUserProfile.Country.Trim(); var filter = new KeyValuePairItems { new KeyValuePairItem(Constants.filter1, Constants.CountryType), new KeyValuePairItem(Constants.filter2, Country), new KeyValuePairItem(Constants.DdldefaultText, Constants.DdlDefaultTextState), new KeyValuePairItem(Constants.masterType, Constants.DdlCatHeaderData) }; _genericClass.LoadDropDown(ddlState, filter, null, UserContext.DataBaseInfo); State = objUserProfile.State.Trim(); ZipCode = objUserProfile.Zip.Trim(); Email = objUserProfile.Email.Trim(); Mobile = objUserProfile.Mobile.Trim(); ResidentialPhone = objUserProfile.ResPhone.Trim(); OfficePhone = objUserProfile.OffPhone.Trim(); Dob = objUserProfile.Dob.GetValueOrDefault(); EmployeeId = objUserProfile.EmpId.Trim(); Gender = objUserProfile.Gender.Trim(); filter = new KeyValuePairItems { new KeyValuePairItem(Constants.key, objUserProfile.UCode.ToString()), new KeyValuePairItem(Constants.filter1, objUserProfile.Designation.Level.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), new KeyValuePairItem(Constants.DdldefaultText, Constants.DdlDefaultTextRManager), new KeyValuePairItem(Constants.masterType, Constants.DdlRManager) }; _genericClass.LoadDropDown(ddlReporting, filter, null, UserContext.DataBaseInfo); ReportingTo = objUserProfile.ReportingTo.ToString().Trim(); Warehouse = objUserProfile.Wh.Trim(); Department = objUserProfile.Dept.Trim(); Designation = objUserProfile.Designation.Id.Trim(); Avator = objUserProfile.Avatar.Trim(); ActiveTill = objUserProfile.ActiveTill.GetValueOrDefault(); Branch = objUserProfile.Branch.Trim().Trim(); Bu = objUserProfile.Bu.Trim(); Status = objUserProfile.Off.Trim(); } lnkSave.Visible = hidAction.Value != Constants.ViewAction; uplForm.Update(); } else { var userProfile = userProfiles.ToList(); if (UserContext.UserProfile.Designation.Id.Trim() != "SA") { if (userProfiles.Any()) { userProfile = userProfiles.Where(x => x.Designation.Id.Trim() != "SA").ToList(); } } GridViewTable.DataSource = userProfile; GridViewTable.DataBind(); uplView.Update(); } } }