public static AuthenticationProfile Login(string emailAddress, string password) { var userAuthInfo = new UserAuthInfo { EmailAddress = emailAddress, Password = password }; var userInfo = UserAuthenticator.Authenticate(userAuthInfo, AuthenticationScope.Tenant); return(userInfo); }
private void doLoginIn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //var fuser = new UserAuthenticator().Authenticate("mkabila", 123456); //AppInstance.Instance.CurrentUser = fuser; //StartActivity(typeof(LauncherActivity)); //return; var tusername = FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.tUserName); var tpasscode = FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.tPassCode); var uname = tusername.Text; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(uname) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tpasscode.Text)) { showDialog("Alert", "UserName and Passcode are both required"); return; } var passcode = Convert.ToInt32(tpasscode.Text); var authenticator = new UserAuthenticator(); var user = authenticator.Authenticate(uname, passcode); if (user != null) { //we set this as the logged in user AppInstance.Instance.CurrentUser = user; if (user.User.UserId == Constants.ADMIN_USERNAME) { //we show the admin view StartActivity(typeof(SystemConfigActivity)); } else { //load the main view and update current user options if (AppInstance.Instance.Configuration != null) { StartActivity(typeof(LauncherActivity)); } else { showDialog("Login Unsuccessful", "Please log in as Admin and set up the device"); } } } else { showDialog("Login Unsuccessful", "Could not log you in. Please check input supplied"); } }
protected override UserAuthenticationDto ValidateCredentials(string name, string passwordHash, string customData, out string userData) { UserAuthenticationDto user = null; userData = null; UserDto authUser = UserAuthenticator.Authenticate(name, passwordHash); if (authUser != null) { user = new UserAuthenticationDto(); user.Name = authUser.Login; userData = authUser.Name; } return(user); }
/// <summary> /// Handles a login message from the client. /// If the user can be authenticated a User instance will be created, and the client will be able to log in. /// If the user cannot be authenticated, an error message will be send to the client. Indicating the username or password were wrong. /// </summary> /// <param name="message"></param> private void HandleLoginMessage(LoginMessage message) { Console.WriteLine("Handling Login"); User = UserAuthenticator.Authenticate(message.Username, message.Password, _userHandler); if (User == null) { SendMessage(new ErrorMessage("Login Failed")); } else { SendMessage(new OkLoginMessage()); _joinSession(message.SessionId, this); SendMessage(new OkLoginMessage()); Session.BroadCastChatMessage("Server", $"Welcome {message.Username}"); } }
public void SimpleAuthLoginTest() { var emailAddress = Mozu.Api.Test.Helpers.Environment.GetConfigValueByEnvironment("devOwnerEmail"); var password = Mozu.Api.Test.Helpers.Environment.GetConfigValueByEnvironment("devOwnerPassword"); var userAuthInfo = new UserAuthInfo { EmailAddress = emailAddress, Password = password }; var userInfo = UserAuthenticator.Authenticate(userAuthInfo, AuthenticationScope.Developer); Assert.IsNotNull(userInfo); Assert.IsNotNull(userInfo.AuthTicket); Assert.IsNotNull(userInfo.AuthTicket.AccessToken); if (userInfo.ActiveScope == null) { userInfo = UserAuthenticator.SetActiveScope(userInfo.AuthTicket, userInfo.AuthorizedScopes.First()); Assert.IsNotNull(userInfo); Assert.IsNotNull(userInfo.ActiveScope); } }