Exemple #1
 void SendMouseInput(Point point, User32.MOUSEEVENTF flags, long timestamp)
     User32.INPUT[] input = new User32.INPUT[1];
     input[0].type         = User32.SendInputType.Mouse;
     input[0].U.mi.dx      = (int)(point.X * 65535.0);
     input[0].U.mi.dy      = (int)(point.Y * 65535.0);
     input[0].U.mi.dwFlags = flags;
     input[0].U.mi.time    = 0; //(uint)timestamp / 1000;
     User32.SendInput(1, input, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(User32.INPUT)));
        /*private void SimulateGestureBtnEvent(GestureBtnEventType eventType, int x, int y)
         * {
         *  const int CLICK_PRESS_RELEASE_INTERVAL = 10;
         *  Debug.WriteLine("SimulateMouseEvent: " + _gestureBtn + " " + eventType);
         *  _simulatingMouse = true;
         *  User32.SetCursorPos(x, y);
         *  var mouseSwapped = Native.IsMouseButtonSwapped();
         *  switch (_gestureBtn)
         *  {
         *      case GestureTriggerButton.Right:
         *          if (mouseSwapped)
         *          {
         *              switch (eventType)
         *              {
         *                  case GestureBtnEventType.UP:
         *                      User32.mouse_event(User32.MOUSEEVENTF.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, x, y, 0, MOUSE_EVENT_EXTRA_SIMULATED);
         *                      break;
         *                  case GestureBtnEventType.DOWN:
         *                      User32.mouse_event(User32.MOUSEEVENTF.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, x, y, 0, MOUSE_EVENT_EXTRA_SIMULATED);
         *                      break;
         *                  case GestureBtnEventType.CLICK:
         *                      User32.mouse_event(User32.MOUSEEVENTF.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, x, y, 0, MOUSE_EVENT_EXTRA_SIMULATED);
         *                      Thread.Sleep(CLICK_PRESS_RELEASE_INTERVAL);
         *                      User32.mouse_event(User32.MOUSEEVENTF.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, x, y, 0, MOUSE_EVENT_EXTRA_SIMULATED);
         *                      break;
         *              }
         *          }
         *          else
         *          {
         *              switch (eventType)
         *              {
         *                  case GestureBtnEventType.UP:
         *                      User32.mouse_event(User32.MOUSEEVENTF.MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP, x, y, 0, MOUSE_EVENT_EXTRA_SIMULATED);
         *                      break;
         *                  case GestureBtnEventType.DOWN:
         *                      User32.mouse_event(User32.MOUSEEVENTF.MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN, x, y, 0, MOUSE_EVENT_EXTRA_SIMULATED);
         *                      break;
         *                  case GestureBtnEventType.CLICK:
         *                      User32.mouse_event(User32.MOUSEEVENTF.MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN, x, y, 0, MOUSE_EVENT_EXTRA_SIMULATED);
         *                      Thread.Sleep(CLICK_PRESS_RELEASE_INTERVAL);
         *                      User32.mouse_event(User32.MOUSEEVENTF.MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP, x, y, 0, MOUSE_EVENT_EXTRA_SIMULATED);
         *                      break;
         *              }
         *          }
         *          break;
         *      case GestureTriggerButton.Middle:
         *          switch (eventType)
         *          {
         *              case GestureBtnEventType.UP:
         *                  User32.mouse_event(User32.MOUSEEVENTF.MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEUP, x, y, 0, MOUSE_EVENT_EXTRA_SIMULATED);
         *                  break;
         *              case GestureBtnEventType.DOWN:
         *                  User32.mouse_event(User32.MOUSEEVENTF.MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEDOWN, x, y, 0, MOUSE_EVENT_EXTRA_SIMULATED);
         *                  break;
         *              case GestureBtnEventType.CLICK:
         *                  User32.mouse_event(User32.MOUSEEVENTF.MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEDOWN, x, y, 0, MOUSE_EVENT_EXTRA_SIMULATED);
         *                  Thread.Sleep(CLICK_PRESS_RELEASE_INTERVAL);
         *                  User32.mouse_event(User32.MOUSEEVENTF.MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEUP, x, y, 0, MOUSE_EVENT_EXTRA_SIMULATED);
         *                  break;
         *          }
         *          break;
         *      case GestureTriggerButton.X1:
         *      case GestureTriggerButton.X2:
         *          DoMouseEvent(eventType, User32.MOUSEEVENTF.MOUSEEVENTF_XUP)
         *          break;
         *  }
         *  _simulatingMouse = false;
         * }*/

        private void SimulateMouseEvent(User32.MOUSEEVENTF e, int x, int y, uint data = 0)
            Debug.WriteLine("SimulateMouseEvent: " + e);
            _simulatingInput = true;

            User32.SetCursorPos(x, y);

            User32.mouse_event(e, x, y, data, SIMULATED_EVENT_TAG);

            _simulatingInput = false;
        private unsafe static void SendMouseInput(int x, int y, User32.MOUSEEVENTF flags)
            if ((flags & User32.MOUSEEVENTF.ABSOLUTE) != 0)
                int vscreenWidth  = User32.GetSystemMetrics(User32.SystemMetric.SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN);
                int vscreenHeight = User32.GetSystemMetrics(User32.SystemMetric.SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN);
                int vscreenLeft   = User32.GetSystemMetrics(User32.SystemMetric.SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN);
                int vscreenTop    = User32.GetSystemMetrics(User32.SystemMetric.SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN);

                const int DesktopNormilizedMax = 65536;

                // Absolute input requires that input is in 'normalized' coords - with the entire
                // desktop being (0,0)...(65535,65536). Need to convert input x,y coords to this
                // first.
                // In this normalized world, any pixel on the screen corresponds to a block of values
                // of normalized coords - eg. on a 1024x768 screen,
                // y pixel 0 corresponds to range 0 to 85.333,
                // y pixel 1 corresponds to range 85.333 to 170.666,
                // y pixel 2 correpsonds to range 170.666 to 256 - and so on.
                // Doing basic scaling math - (x-top)*65536/Width - gets us the start of the range.
                // However, because int math is used, this can end up being rounded into the wrong
                // pixel. For example, if we wanted pixel 1, we'd get 85.333, but that comes out as
                // 85 as an int, which falls into pixel 0's range - and that's where the pointer goes.
                // To avoid this, we add on half-a-"screen pixel"'s worth of normalized coords - to
                // push us into the middle of any given pixel's range - that's the 65536/(Width*2)
                // part of the formula. So now pixel 1 maps to 85+42 = 127 - which is comfortably
                // in the middle of that pixel's block.
                // The key ting here is that unlike points in coordinate geometry, pixels take up
                // space, so are often better treated like rectangles - and if you want to target
                // a particular pixel, target its rectangle's midpoint, not its edge.
                x = ((x - vscreenLeft) * DesktopNormilizedMax) / vscreenWidth + DesktopNormilizedMax / (vscreenWidth * 2);
                y = ((y - vscreenTop) * DesktopNormilizedMax) / vscreenHeight + DesktopNormilizedMax / (vscreenHeight * 2);

                flags |= User32.MOUSEEVENTF.VIRTUALDESK;

            var mouseInput = new User32.INPUT();

            mouseInput.type                      = User32.INPUTENUM.MOUSE;
            mouseInput.inputUnion.mi.dx          = x;
            mouseInput.inputUnion.mi.dy          = y;
            mouseInput.inputUnion.mi.mouseData   = 0;
            mouseInput.inputUnion.mi.dwFlags     = flags;
            mouseInput.inputUnion.mi.time        = 0;
            mouseInput.inputUnion.mi.dwExtraInfo = IntPtr.Zero;

            User32.SendInput(1, &mouseInput, Marshal.SizeOf(mouseInput));
Exemple #4
        private void SimulateGestureBtnEvent(GestureBtnEventType eventType, int x, int y)
            Debug.WriteLine("SimulateMouseEvent: " + _gestureBtn + " " + eventType);
            _simulatingMouse = true;

            var mouseSwapped = Native.GetSystemMetrics(Native.SystemMetric.SM_SWAPBUTTON) != 0;

            Native.POINT curPos;
            Native.GetCursorPos(out curPos);

            User32.MOUSEEVENTF events = 0;

            switch (_gestureBtn)
            case GestureButtons.RightButton:
                if (mouseSwapped)
                    switch (eventType)
                    case GestureBtnEventType.UP:
                        events = User32.MOUSEEVENTF.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP;

                    case GestureBtnEventType.DOWN:
                        events = User32.MOUSEEVENTF.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN;

                    case GestureBtnEventType.CLICK:
                    switch (eventType)
                    case GestureBtnEventType.UP:
                        events = User32.MOUSEEVENTF.MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP;

                    case GestureBtnEventType.DOWN:
                        events = User32.MOUSEEVENTF.MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN;

                    case GestureBtnEventType.CLICK:

            case GestureButtons.MiddleButton:
                switch (eventType)
                case GestureBtnEventType.UP:
                    events = User32.MOUSEEVENTF.MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEUP;

                case GestureBtnEventType.DOWN:
                    events = User32.MOUSEEVENTF.MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEDOWN;

                case GestureBtnEventType.CLICK:

            User32.SetCursorPos(x, y);
            //User32.SetMessageExtraInfo(new IntPtr(MOUSE_EVENT_EXTRA_SIMULATED));
            User32.mouse_event(events, x, y, 0, MOUSE_EVENT_EXTRA_SIMULATED);
            //var sim = new InputSimulator();

            _simulatingMouse = false;