protected void btnRegister_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Validate Selections for student if (chkRoles.Items[0].Selected) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlMajors.SelectedItem.Value)) { rfvMajor.IsValid = false; } else { rfvMajor.IsValid = true; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlCollege.SelectedItem.Value)) { rfvCollege.IsValid = false; } else { rfvCollege.IsValid = true; } } else { rfvMajor.IsValid = true; rfvCollege.IsValid = true; } if (rfvMajor.IsValid && rfvCollege.IsValid) { AccessManagementService AccMng = new AccessManagementService(); OlescUser newUser = new OlescUser(); UserProfile newUserProfile = new UserProfile(); List <OlescRole> role = new List <OlescRole>(); newUser.Email = txtEmail.Text; newUser.Password = txtPassword.Text; newUserProfile.FirstName = txtFirstName.Text; newUserProfile.LastName = txtLastName.Text; newUserProfile.College = ddlCollege.SelectedItem.Text; newUserProfile.Major = ddlMajors.SelectedItem.Text; /* 2 fot now only testing, should change (2 is Student)*/ //role.Add(new DAL.role() { ID = int.Parse(radRole.SelectedValue) }; role = chkRoles.Items .Cast <ListItem>() .Where(ci => ci.Selected) .Select(ci => new OlescRole() { ID = int.Parse(ci.Value) }) .ToList(); // If registration Result <OlescUser> result = AccMng.Register(newUser, newUserProfile, role); if (result.isSuccess) { UrlUtility.Redirect(WebsitePages.REGISTRATION_PAGE, "success"); } else { } } }
public override TokenParser ProvisionObjects(Tenant tenant, Model.ProvisioningHierarchy hierarchy, string sequenceId, TokenParser tokenParser, ApplyConfiguration configuration) { using (var scope = new PnPMonitoredScope(CoreResources.Provisioning_ObjectHandlers_Provisioning)) { bool nowait = false; if (configuration != null) { nowait = configuration.Tenant.DoNotWaitForSitesToBeFullyCreated; } var sequence = hierarchy.Sequences.FirstOrDefault(s => s.ID == sequenceId); if (sequence != null) { var siteUrls = new Dictionary <Guid, string>(); TokenParser siteTokenParser = null; var tenantThemes = tenant.GetAllTenantThemes(); tenant.Context.Load(tenantThemes); tenant.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); foreach (var sitecollection in sequence.SiteCollections) { ClientContext siteContext = null; switch (sitecollection) { case TeamSiteCollection t: { TeamSiteCollectionCreationInformation siteInfo = new TeamSiteCollectionCreationInformation() { Alias = tokenParser.ParseString(t.Alias), DisplayName = tokenParser.ParseString(t.Title), Description = tokenParser.ParseString(t.Description), Classification = tokenParser.ParseString(t.Classification), IsPublic = t.IsPublic, Lcid = (uint)t.Language }; if (Guid.TryParse(t.SiteDesign, out Guid siteDesignId)) { siteInfo.SiteDesignId = siteDesignId; } var groupSiteInfo = Sites.SiteCollection.GetGroupInfoAsync(tenant.Context as ClientContext, siteInfo.Alias).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); if (groupSiteInfo == null) { WriteMessage($"Creating Team Site {siteInfo.Alias}", ProvisioningMessageType.Progress); siteContext = Sites.SiteCollection.Create(tenant.Context as ClientContext, siteInfo, configuration.Tenant.DelayAfterModernSiteCreation, noWait: nowait); } else { if (groupSiteInfo.ContainsKey("siteUrl")) { WriteMessage($"Using existing Team Site {siteInfo.Alias}", ProvisioningMessageType.Progress); siteContext = (tenant.Context as ClientContext).Clone(groupSiteInfo["siteUrl"], configuration.AccessTokens); } } if (t.IsHubSite) { siteContext.Load(siteContext.Site, s => s.Id); siteContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); RegisterAsHubSite(tenant, siteContext.Url, siteContext.Site.Id, t.HubSiteLogoUrl, t.HubSiteTitle, tokenParser); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(t.Theme)) { var parsedTheme = tokenParser.ParseString(t.Theme); if (tenantThemes.FirstOrDefault(th => th.Name == parsedTheme) != null) { tenant.SetWebTheme(parsedTheme, siteContext.Url); tenant.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } else { WriteMessage($"Theme {parsedTheme} doesn't exist in the tenant, will not be applied", ProvisioningMessageType.Warning); } } if (t.Teamify) { try { WriteMessage($"Teamifying the O365 group connected site at URL - {siteContext.Url}", ProvisioningMessageType.Progress); siteContext.TeamifyAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); } catch (Exception ex) { WriteMessage($"Teamifying site at URL - {siteContext.Url} failed due to an exception:- {ex.Message}", ProvisioningMessageType.Warning); } } if (t.HideTeamify) { try { WriteMessage($"Teamify prompt is now hidden for site at URL - {siteContext.Url}", ProvisioningMessageType.Progress); siteContext.HideTeamifyPrompt().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); } catch (Exception ex) { WriteMessage($"Teamify prompt couldn't be hidden for site at URL - {siteContext.Url} due to an exception:- {ex.Message}", ProvisioningMessageType.Warning); } } siteUrls.Add(t.Id, siteContext.Url); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(t.ProvisioningId)) { _additionalTokens.Add(new SequenceSiteUrlUrlToken(null, t.ProvisioningId, siteContext.Url)); siteContext.Web.EnsureProperty(w => w.Id); _additionalTokens.Add(new SequenceSiteIdToken(null, t.ProvisioningId, siteContext.Web.Id)); siteContext.Site.EnsureProperties(s => s.Id, s => s.GroupId); _additionalTokens.Add(new SequenceSiteCollectionIdToken(null, t.ProvisioningId, siteContext.Site.Id)); _additionalTokens.Add(new SequenceSiteGroupIdToken(null, t.ProvisioningId, siteContext.Site.GroupId)); } break; } case CommunicationSiteCollection c: { var siteUrl = tokenParser.ParseString(c.Url); if (!siteUrl.StartsWith("https://", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { var rootSiteUrl = tenant.GetRootSiteUrl(); tenant.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); siteUrl = UrlUtility.Combine(rootSiteUrl.Value, siteUrl); } CommunicationSiteCollectionCreationInformation siteInfo = new CommunicationSiteCollectionCreationInformation() { ShareByEmailEnabled = c.AllowFileSharingForGuestUsers, Classification = tokenParser.ParseString(c.Classification), Description = tokenParser.ParseString(c.Description), Lcid = (uint)c.Language, Owner = tokenParser.ParseString(c.Owner), Title = tokenParser.ParseString(c.Title), Url = siteUrl }; if (Guid.TryParse(c.SiteDesign, out Guid siteDesignId)) { siteInfo.SiteDesignId = siteDesignId; } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.SiteDesign)) { siteInfo.SiteDesign = (CommunicationSiteDesign)Enum.Parse(typeof(CommunicationSiteDesign), c.SiteDesign); } else { siteInfo.SiteDesign = CommunicationSiteDesign.Showcase; } } // check if site exists if (tenant.SiteExistsAnywhere(siteInfo.Url) == SiteExistence.Yes) { WriteMessage($"Using existing Communications Site at {siteInfo.Url}", ProvisioningMessageType.Progress); siteContext = (tenant.Context as ClientContext).Clone(siteInfo.Url, configuration.AccessTokens); } else if (tenant.SiteExistsAnywhere(siteInfo.Url) == SiteExistence.Recycled) { var errorMessage = $"The requested Communications Site at {siteInfo.Url} is in the Recycle Bin and cannot be created"; WriteMessage(errorMessage, ProvisioningMessageType.Error); throw new RecycledSiteException(errorMessage); } else { WriteMessage($"Creating Communications Site at {siteInfo.Url}", ProvisioningMessageType.Progress); siteContext = Sites.SiteCollection.Create(tenant.Context as ClientContext, siteInfo, configuration.Tenant.DelayAfterModernSiteCreation, noWait: nowait); } if (c.IsHubSite) { siteContext.Load(siteContext.Site, s => s.Id); siteContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); RegisterAsHubSite(tenant, siteInfo.Url, siteContext.Site.Id, c.HubSiteLogoUrl, c.HubSiteTitle, tokenParser); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.Theme)) { var parsedTheme = tokenParser.ParseString(c.Theme); if (tenantThemes.FirstOrDefault(th => th.Name == parsedTheme) != null) { tenant.SetWebTheme(parsedTheme, siteInfo.Url); tenant.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } else { WriteMessage($"Theme {parsedTheme} doesn't exist in the tenant, will not be applied", ProvisioningMessageType.Warning); } } siteUrls.Add(c.Id, siteInfo.Url); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.ProvisioningId)) { _additionalTokens.Add(new SequenceSiteUrlUrlToken(null, c.ProvisioningId, siteInfo.Url)); siteContext.Web.EnsureProperty(w => w.Id); _additionalTokens.Add(new SequenceSiteIdToken(null, c.ProvisioningId, siteContext.Web.Id)); siteContext.Site.EnsureProperties(s => s.Id, s => s.GroupId); _additionalTokens.Add(new SequenceSiteCollectionIdToken(null, c.ProvisioningId, siteContext.Site.Id)); _additionalTokens.Add(new SequenceSiteGroupIdToken(null, c.ProvisioningId, siteContext.Site.GroupId)); } break; } case TeamNoGroupSiteCollection t: { var siteUrl = tokenParser.ParseString(t.Url); TeamNoGroupSiteCollectionCreationInformation siteInfo = new TeamNoGroupSiteCollectionCreationInformation() { Lcid = (uint)t.Language, Url = siteUrl, Title = tokenParser.ParseString(t.Title), Description = tokenParser.ParseString(t.Description), Owner = tokenParser.ParseString(t.Owner) }; if (tenant.SiteExistsAnywhere(siteUrl) == SiteExistence.Yes) { WriteMessage($"Using existing Team Site at {siteUrl}", ProvisioningMessageType.Progress); siteContext = (tenant.Context as ClientContext).Clone(siteUrl, configuration.AccessTokens); } else if (tenant.SiteExistsAnywhere(siteUrl) == SiteExistence.Recycled) { var errorMessage = $"The requested Team Site at {siteUrl} is in the Recycle Bin and cannot be created"; WriteMessage(errorMessage, ProvisioningMessageType.Error); throw new RecycledSiteException(errorMessage); } else { WriteMessage($"Creating Team Site with no Office 365 group at {siteUrl}", ProvisioningMessageType.Progress); siteContext = Sites.SiteCollection.Create(tenant.Context as ClientContext, siteInfo, configuration.Tenant.DelayAfterModernSiteCreation, noWait: nowait); } if (t.Groupify) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(t.Alias)) { // We generate the alias, if it is missing t.Alias = t.Title.Replace(" ", string.Empty).ToLower(); } // In case we need to groupify the just created site var groupifyInformation = new TeamSiteCollectionGroupifyInformation { Alias = t.Alias, // Mandatory Classification = t.Classification, // Optional Description = t.Description, DisplayName = t.Title, HubSiteId = Guid.Empty, // Optional, so far we skip it IsPublic = t.IsPublic, // Mandatory KeepOldHomePage = t.KeepOldHomePage, // Optional, but we provide it Lcid = (uint)t.Language, Owners = new string[] { t.Owner }, }; tenant.GroupifySite(siteUrl, groupifyInformation); } if (t.IsHubSite) { siteContext.Load(siteContext.Site, s => s.Id); siteContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); RegisterAsHubSite(tenant, siteContext.Url, siteContext.Site.Id, t.HubSiteLogoUrl, t.HubSiteTitle, tokenParser); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(t.Theme)) { var parsedTheme = tokenParser.ParseString(t.Theme); if (tenantThemes.FirstOrDefault(th => th.Name == parsedTheme) != null) { tenant.SetWebTheme(parsedTheme, siteContext.Url); tenant.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } else { WriteMessage($"Theme {parsedTheme} doesn't exist in the tenant, will not be applied", ProvisioningMessageType.Warning); } } siteUrls.Add(t.Id, siteContext.Url); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(t.ProvisioningId)) { _additionalTokens.Add(new SequenceSiteUrlUrlToken(null, t.ProvisioningId, siteContext.Url)); siteContext.Web.EnsureProperty(w => w.Id); _additionalTokens.Add(new SequenceSiteIdToken(null, t.ProvisioningId, siteContext.Web.Id)); siteContext.Site.EnsureProperties(s => s.Id, s => s.GroupId); _additionalTokens.Add(new SequenceSiteCollectionIdToken(null, t.ProvisioningId, siteContext.Site.Id)); _additionalTokens.Add(new SequenceSiteGroupIdToken(null, t.ProvisioningId, siteContext.Site.GroupId)); } break; } } var web = siteContext.Web; if (siteTokenParser == null) { siteTokenParser = new TokenParser(tenant, hierarchy, configuration.ToApplyingInformation()); foreach (var token in _additionalTokens) { siteTokenParser.AddToken(token); } } foreach (var subsite in sitecollection.Sites) { var subSiteObject = (TeamNoGroupSubSite)subsite; web.EnsureProperties(w => w.Webs.IncludeWithDefaultProperties(), w => w.ServerRelativeUrl); siteTokenParser = CreateSubSites(hierarchy, siteTokenParser, sitecollection, siteContext, web, subSiteObject); } siteTokenParser = null; } // System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10)); WriteMessage("Applying templates", ProvisioningMessageType.Progress); var currentSite = ""; var provisioningTemplateApplyingInformation = configuration.ToApplyingInformation(); provisioningTemplateApplyingInformation.ProgressDelegate = (string message, int step, int total) => { configuration.ProgressDelegate?.Invoke($"{currentSite} : {message}", step, total); }; foreach (var sitecollection in sequence.SiteCollections) { currentSite = sitecollection.ProvisioningId != null ? sitecollection.ProvisioningId : sitecollection.Title; siteUrls.TryGetValue(sitecollection.Id, out string siteUrl); if (siteUrl != null) { using (var clonedContext = tenant.Context.Clone(siteUrl, configuration.AccessTokens)) { var web = clonedContext.Web; foreach (var templateRef in sitecollection.Templates) { var provisioningTemplate = hierarchy.Templates.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id == templateRef); if (provisioningTemplate != null) { provisioningTemplate.Connector = hierarchy.Connector; //if (siteTokenParser == null) //{ siteTokenParser = new TokenParser(web, provisioningTemplate, configuration.ToApplyingInformation()); foreach (var token in _additionalTokens) { siteTokenParser.AddToken(token); } //} //else //{ // siteTokenParser.Rebase(web, provisioningTemplate); //} WriteMessage($"Applying Template", ProvisioningMessageType.Progress); new SiteToTemplateConversion().ApplyRemoteTemplate(web, provisioningTemplate, provisioningTemplateApplyingInformation, true, siteTokenParser); } else { WriteMessage($"Referenced template ID {templateRef} not found", ProvisioningMessageType.Error); } } if (siteTokenParser == null) { siteTokenParser = new TokenParser(tenant, hierarchy, configuration.ToApplyingInformation()); foreach (var token in _additionalTokens) { siteTokenParser.AddToken(token); } } foreach (var subsite in sitecollection.Sites) { var subSiteObject = (TeamNoGroupSubSite)subsite; web.EnsureProperties(w => w.Webs.IncludeWithDefaultProperties(), w => w.ServerRelativeUrl); siteTokenParser = ApplySubSiteTemplates(hierarchy, siteTokenParser, sitecollection, clonedContext, web, subSiteObject, provisioningTemplateApplyingInformation); } if (sitecollection.IsHubSite) { RESTUtilities.ExecuteGet(web, "/_api/web/hubsitedata(true)").GetAwaiter().GetResult(); } } } } } return(tokenParser); } }
private void OnNavigate(object sender, RequestNavigateEventArgs e) { UrlUtility.Open(e.Uri.AbsoluteUri); }
public override TokenParser ProvisionObjects(Web web, ProvisioningTemplate template, TokenParser parser, ProvisioningTemplateApplyingInformation applyingInformation) { using (var scope = new PnPMonitoredScope(this.Name)) { var context = web.Context as ClientContext; web.EnsureProperties(w => w.ServerRelativeUrl, w => w.RootFolder.WelcomePage); // Check if this is not a noscript site as we're not allowed to update some properties bool isNoScriptSite = web.IsNoScriptSite(); foreach (var page in template.Pages) { var url = parser.ParseString(page.Url); if (!url.ToLower().StartsWith(web.ServerRelativeUrl.ToLower())) { url = UrlUtility.Combine(web.ServerRelativeUrl, url); } var exists = true; Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File file = null; try { file = web.GetFileByServerRelativeUrl(url); web.Context.Load(file); web.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } catch (ServerException ex) { if (ex.ServerErrorTypeName == "System.IO.FileNotFoundException") { exists = false; } } if (exists) { if (page.Overwrite) { try { scope.LogDebug(CoreResources.Provisioning_ObjectHandlers_Pages_Overwriting_existing_page__0_, url); #pragma warning disable 618 if (page.WelcomePage && url.Contains(web.RootFolder.WelcomePage)) #pragma warning restore 618 { web.SetHomePage(string.Empty); } file.DeleteObject(); web.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); web.AddWikiPageByUrl(url); if (page.Layout == WikiPageLayout.Custom) { web.AddLayoutToWikiPage(WikiPageLayout.OneColumn, url); } else { web.AddLayoutToWikiPage(page.Layout, url); } } catch (Exception ex) { scope.LogError(CoreResources.Provisioning_ObjectHandlers_Pages_Overwriting_existing_page__0__failed___1_____2_, url, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } } } else { try { scope.LogDebug(CoreResources.Provisioning_ObjectHandlers_Pages_Creating_new_page__0_, url); web.AddWikiPageByUrl(url); if (page.Layout == WikiPageLayout.Custom) { web.AddLayoutToWikiPage(WikiPageLayout.OneColumn, url); } else { web.AddLayoutToWikiPage(page.Layout, url); } } catch (Exception ex) { scope.LogError(CoreResources.Provisioning_ObjectHandlers_Pages_Creating_new_page__0__failed___1_____2_, url, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } } #pragma warning disable 618 if (page.WelcomePage) #pragma warning restore 618 { web.RootFolder.EnsureProperty(p => p.ServerRelativeUrl); var rootFolderRelativeUrl = url.Substring(web.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl.Length); web.SetHomePage(rootFolderRelativeUrl); } #if !SP2013 bool webPartsNeedLocalization = false; #endif if (page.WebParts != null & page.WebParts.Any()) { if (!isNoScriptSite) { var existingWebParts = web.GetWebParts(url); foreach (var webPart in page.WebParts) { if (existingWebParts.FirstOrDefault(w => w.WebPart.Title == parser.ParseString(webPart.Title)) == null) { WebPartEntity wpEntity = new WebPartEntity(); wpEntity.WebPartTitle = parser.ParseString(webPart.Title); wpEntity.WebPartXml = parser.ParseString(webPart.Contents.Trim(new[] { '\n', ' ' }), "~sitecollection", "~site"); var wpd = web.AddWebPartToWikiPage(url, wpEntity, (int)webPart.Row, (int)webPart.Column, false); #if !SP2013 if (webPart.Title.ContainsResourceToken()) { // update data based on where it was added - needed in order to localize wp title #if !SP2016 wpd.EnsureProperties(w => w.ZoneId, w => w.WebPart, w => w.WebPart.Properties); webPart.Zone = wpd.ZoneId; #else wpd.EnsureProperties(w => w.WebPart, w => w.WebPart.Properties); #endif webPart.Order = (uint)wpd.WebPart.ZoneIndex; webPartsNeedLocalization = true; } #endif } } var allWebParts = web.GetWebParts(url); foreach (var webpart in allWebParts) { parser.AddToken(new WebPartIdToken(web, webpart.WebPart.Title, webpart.Id)); } } else { scope.LogWarning(CoreResources.Provisioning_ObjectHandlers_Pages_SkipAddingWebParts, page.Url); } } #if !SP2013 if (webPartsNeedLocalization) { page.LocalizeWebParts(web, parser, scope); } #endif file = web.GetFileByServerRelativeUrl(url); file.EnsureProperty(f => f.ListItemAllFields); if (page.Fields.Any()) { var item = file.ListItemAllFields; foreach (var fieldValue in page.Fields) { item[fieldValue.Key] = parser.ParseString(fieldValue.Value); } item.Update(); web.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } if (page.Security != null && page.Security.RoleAssignments.Count != 0) { web.Context.Load(file.ListItemAllFields); web.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); file.ListItemAllFields.SetSecurity(parser, page.Security); } } } return(parser); }
/// <summary> /// Process the metadata copying (as defined in the used page layout mapping) /// </summary> public void Transform() { if (this.pageLayoutMappingModel != null) { bool isDirty = false; bool listItemWasReloaded = false; string contentTypeId = null; // Set content type if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.pageLayoutMappingModel.AssociatedContentType)) { contentTypeId = CacheManager.Instance.GetContentTypeId(, pageLayoutMappingModel.AssociatedContentType); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contentTypeId)) { // Load the target page list item, needs to be loaded as it was previously saved and we need to avoid version conflicts this.targetClientContext.Load(; this.targetClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); listItemWasReloaded = true;[Constants.ContentTypeIdField] = contentTypeId;; isDirty = true; } } // Determine content type to use if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(contentTypeId)) { // grab the default content type contentTypeId =[Constants.ContentTypeIdField].ToString(); } if (this.pageLayoutMappingModel.MetaData != null) { // Handle the taxonomy fields bool targetSitePagesLibraryLoaded = false; List targetSitePagesLibrary = null; foreach (var fieldToProcess in this.pageLayoutMappingModel.MetaData.Field) { // Process only fields which have a target field set... if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldToProcess.TargetFieldName)) { if (!listItemWasReloaded) { // Load the target page list item, needs to be loaded as it was previously saved and we need to avoid version conflicts this.targetClientContext.Load(; this.targetClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); listItemWasReloaded = true; } // Get information about this content type field var targetFieldData = CacheManager.Instance.GetPublishingContentTypeField(, contentTypeId, fieldToProcess.TargetFieldName); if (targetFieldData == null) { LogWarning($"{LogStrings.TransformCopyingMetaDataFieldSkipped} {fieldToProcess.TargetFieldName}", LogStrings.Heading_CopyingPageMetadata); } else { if (targetFieldData.FieldType == "TaxonomyFieldTypeMulti" || targetFieldData.FieldType == "TaxonomyFieldType") { if (!targetSitePagesLibraryLoaded) { var sitePagesServerRelativeUrl = UrlUtility.Combine(targetClientContext.Web.ServerRelativeUrl, "sitepages"); targetSitePagesLibrary = this.targetClientContext.Web.GetList(sitePagesServerRelativeUrl); this.targetClientContext.Web.Context.Load(targetSitePagesLibrary, l => l.Fields.IncludeWithDefaultProperties(f => f.Id, f => f.Title, f => f.Hidden, f => f.InternalName, f => f.DefaultValue, f => f.Required)); this.targetClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); targetSitePagesLibraryLoaded = true; } switch (targetFieldData.FieldType) { case "TaxonomyFieldTypeMulti": { var taxFieldBeforeCast = targetSitePagesLibrary.Fields.Where(p => p.Id.Equals(targetFieldData.FieldId)).FirstOrDefault(); if (taxFieldBeforeCast != null) { object fieldValueToSet = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldToProcess.Functions)) { // execute function var evaluatedField = this.functionProcessor.Process(fieldToProcess.Functions, fieldToProcess.Name, CastToPublishingFunctionProcessorFieldType(targetFieldData.FieldType)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(evaluatedField.Item1)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(evaluatedField.Item2)) { List <string> termInfoStrings = new List <string>(); if (evaluatedField.Item2.Contains("§")) { string[] termInfoStringList = evaluatedField.Item2.Split(new string[] { "§" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); termInfoStrings.AddRange(termInfoStringList); } else { termInfoStrings.Add(evaluatedField.Item2); } if (termInfoStrings.Count > 0) { fieldValueToSet = new Dictionary <string, object>(); List <Dictionary <string, object> > termsToSetList = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >(); foreach (var term in termInfoStrings) { string[] termValueParts = term.Split(new string[] { "|" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (termValueParts.Length == 2) { Dictionary <string, object> termsToSet = new Dictionary <string, object>(); (termsToSet as Dictionary <string, object>).Add("Label", termValueParts[0]); (termsToSet as Dictionary <string, object>).Add("TermGuid", termValueParts[1]); termsToSetList.Add(termsToSet); } } (fieldValueToSet as Dictionary <string, object>).Add("_Child_Items_", termsToSetList.ToArray()); } } } } // No value was set via the function processing, so let's stick with the default if (fieldValueToSet == null) { fieldValueToSet = this.publishingPageTransformationInformation.SourcePage[fieldToProcess.Name]; } if (this.publishingPageTransformationInformation.SourcePage.FieldExists(fieldToProcess.Name)) { var taxField = this.targetClientContext.CastTo <TaxonomyField>(taxFieldBeforeCast); if (fieldValueToSet is TaxonomyFieldValueCollection) { var valueCollectionToCopy = (fieldValueToSet as TaxonomyFieldValueCollection); var taxonomyFieldValueArray = valueCollectionToCopy.Select(taxonomyFieldValue => $"-1;#{taxonomyFieldValue.Label}|{taxonomyFieldValue.TermGuid}"); var valueCollection = new TaxonomyFieldValueCollection(this.targetClientContext, string.Join(";#", taxonomyFieldValueArray), taxField); taxField.SetFieldValueByValueCollection(, valueCollection); isDirty = true; LogInfo($"{LogStrings.TransformCopyingMetaDataField} {targetFieldData.FieldName}", LogStrings.Heading_CopyingPageMetadata); } else if (fieldValueToSet is Dictionary <string, object> ) { var taxDictionaryList = (fieldValueToSet as Dictionary <string, object>); var valueCollectionToCopy = taxDictionaryList["_Child_Items_"] as Object[]; List <string> taxonomyFieldValueArray = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < valueCollectionToCopy.Length; i++) { var taxDictionary = valueCollectionToCopy[i] as Dictionary <string, object>; taxonomyFieldValueArray.Add($"-1;#{taxDictionary["Label"].ToString()}|{taxDictionary["TermGuid"].ToString()}"); } if (valueCollectionToCopy.Length > 0) { var valueCollection = new TaxonomyFieldValueCollection(this.targetClientContext, string.Join(";#", taxonomyFieldValueArray), taxField); taxField.SetFieldValueByValueCollection(, valueCollection); isDirty = true; LogInfo($"{LogStrings.TransformCopyingMetaDataField} {targetFieldData.FieldName}", LogStrings.Heading_CopyingPageMetadata); } else { // Publishing field was empty, so let's skip the metadata copy LogInfo(string.Format(LogStrings.TransformCopyingMetaDataTaxFieldEmpty, targetFieldData.FieldName), LogStrings.Heading_CopyingPageMetadata); } } else { // Publishing field was empty, so let's skip the metadata copy LogInfo(string.Format(LogStrings.TransformCopyingMetaDataTaxFieldEmpty, targetFieldData.FieldName), LogStrings.Heading_CopyingPageMetadata); } } else { // Log that field in page layout mapping was not found LogWarning(string.Format(LogStrings.Warning_FieldNotFoundInSourcePage, fieldToProcess.Name), LogStrings.Heading_CopyingPageMetadata); } } break; } case "TaxonomyFieldType": { var taxFieldBeforeCast = targetSitePagesLibrary.Fields.Where(p => p.Id.Equals(targetFieldData.FieldId)).FirstOrDefault(); if (taxFieldBeforeCast != null) { object fieldValueToSet = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldToProcess.Functions)) { // execute function var evaluatedField = this.functionProcessor.Process(fieldToProcess.Functions, fieldToProcess.Name, CastToPublishingFunctionProcessorFieldType(targetFieldData.FieldType)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(evaluatedField.Item1)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(evaluatedField.Item2)) { string[] termValueParts = evaluatedField.Item2.Split(new string[] { "|" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (termValueParts.Length == 2) { fieldValueToSet = new Dictionary <string, object>(); (fieldValueToSet as Dictionary <string, object>).Add("Label", termValueParts[0]); (fieldValueToSet as Dictionary <string, object>).Add("TermGuid", termValueParts[1]); } } } } // No value was set via the function processing, so let's stick with the default if (fieldValueToSet == null) { fieldValueToSet = this.publishingPageTransformationInformation.SourcePage[fieldToProcess.Name]; } if (this.publishingPageTransformationInformation.SourcePage.FieldExists(fieldToProcess.Name)) { var taxField = this.targetClientContext.CastTo <TaxonomyField>(taxFieldBeforeCast); TaxonomyFieldValue taxValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue(); if (fieldValueToSet is TaxonomyFieldValue) { taxValue.Label = (fieldValueToSet as TaxonomyFieldValue).Label; taxValue.TermGuid = (fieldValueToSet as TaxonomyFieldValue).TermGuid; taxValue.WssId = -1; taxField.SetFieldValueByValue(, taxValue); isDirty = true; LogInfo($"{LogStrings.TransformCopyingMetaDataField} {targetFieldData.FieldName}", LogStrings.Heading_CopyingPageMetadata); } else if ((fieldValueToSet is Dictionary <string, object>)) { var taxDictionary = (fieldValueToSet as Dictionary <string, object>); taxValue.Label = taxDictionary["Label"].ToString(); taxValue.TermGuid = taxDictionary["TermGuid"].ToString(); taxValue.WssId = -1; taxField.SetFieldValueByValue(, taxValue); isDirty = true; LogInfo($"{LogStrings.TransformCopyingMetaDataField} {targetFieldData.FieldName}", LogStrings.Heading_CopyingPageMetadata); } else { // Publishing field was empty, so let's skip the metadata copy LogInfo(string.Format(LogStrings.TransformCopyingMetaDataTaxFieldEmpty, targetFieldData.FieldName), LogStrings.Heading_CopyingPageMetadata); } } else { // Log that field in page layout mapping was not found LogWarning(string.Format(LogStrings.Warning_FieldNotFoundInSourcePage, fieldToProcess.Name), LogStrings.Heading_CopyingPageMetadata); } } break; } } } } } } // Persist changes if (isDirty) {; targetClientContext.Load(; targetClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); isDirty = false; } string bannerImageUrl = null; // Copy the field metadata foreach (var fieldToProcess in this.pageLayoutMappingModel.MetaData.Field) { // check if the source field name attribute contains a delimiter value if (fieldToProcess.Name.Contains(";")) { // extract the array of field names to process, and trims each one string[] sourceFieldNames = fieldToProcess.Name.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(s => s.Trim()).ToArray(); // sets the field name to the first "valid" entry fieldToProcess.Name = this.publishingPageTransformationInformation.GetFirstNonEmptyFieldName(sourceFieldNames); } // Process only fields which have a target field set... if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldToProcess.TargetFieldName)) { if (!listItemWasReloaded) { // Load the target page list item, needs to be loaded as it was previously saved and we need to avoid version conflicts this.targetClientContext.Load(; this.targetClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); listItemWasReloaded = true; } // Get information about this content type field var targetFieldData = CacheManager.Instance.GetPublishingContentTypeField(, contentTypeId, fieldToProcess.TargetFieldName); if (targetFieldData == null) { LogWarning($"{LogStrings.TransformCopyingMetaDataFieldSkipped} {fieldToProcess.TargetFieldName}", LogStrings.Heading_CopyingPageMetadata); } else { if (targetFieldData.FieldType != "TaxonomyFieldTypeMulti" && targetFieldData.FieldType != "TaxonomyFieldType") { if (this.publishingPageTransformationInformation.SourcePage.FieldExists(fieldToProcess.Name)) { object fieldValueToSet = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldToProcess.Functions)) { // execute function var evaluatedField = this.functionProcessor.Process(fieldToProcess.Functions, fieldToProcess.Name, CastToPublishingFunctionProcessorFieldType(targetFieldData.FieldType)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(evaluatedField.Item1)) { fieldValueToSet = evaluatedField.Item2; } } else { fieldValueToSet = this.publishingPageTransformationInformation.SourcePage[fieldToProcess.Name]; } if (fieldValueToSet != null) { if (targetFieldData.FieldType == "User" || targetFieldData.FieldType == "UserMulti") { if (fieldValueToSet is FieldUserValue) { // Publishing page transformation always goes cross site collection, so we'll need to lookup a user again // Important to use a cloned context to not mess up with the pending list item updates try { // Source User var fieldUser = (fieldValueToSet as FieldUserValue).LookupValue; // Mapped target user fieldUser = this.userTransformator.RemapPrincipal(this.sourceClientContext, (fieldValueToSet as FieldUserValue)); // Ensure user exists on target site var ensuredUserOnTarget = CacheManager.Instance.GetEnsuredUser(, fieldUser); if (ensuredUserOnTarget != null) { // Prep a new FieldUserValue object instance and update the list item var newUser = new FieldUserValue() { LookupId = ensuredUserOnTarget.Id };[targetFieldData.FieldName] = newUser; } else { // Clear target field - needed in overwrite scenarios[targetFieldData.FieldName] = null; LogWarning(string.Format(LogStrings.Warning_UserIsNotMappedOrResolving, (fieldValueToSet as FieldUserValue).LookupValue, targetFieldData.FieldName), LogStrings.Heading_CopyingPageMetadata); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogWarning(string.Format(LogStrings.Warning_UserIsNotResolving, (fieldValueToSet as FieldUserValue).LookupValue, ex.Message), LogStrings.Heading_CopyingPageMetadata); } } else { List <FieldUserValue> userValues = new List <FieldUserValue>(); foreach (var currentUser in (fieldValueToSet as Array)) { try { // Source User var fieldUser = (currentUser as FieldUserValue).LookupValue; // Mapped target user fieldUser = this.userTransformator.RemapPrincipal(this.sourceClientContext, (currentUser as FieldUserValue)); // Ensure user exists on target site var ensuredUserOnTarget = CacheManager.Instance.GetEnsuredUser(, fieldUser); if (ensuredUserOnTarget != null) { // Prep a new FieldUserValue object instance var newUser = new FieldUserValue() { LookupId = ensuredUserOnTarget.Id }; userValues.Add(newUser); } else { LogWarning(string.Format(LogStrings.Warning_UserIsNotMappedOrResolving, (currentUser as FieldUserValue).LookupValue, targetFieldData.FieldName), LogStrings.Heading_CopyingPageMetadata); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogWarning(string.Format(LogStrings.Warning_UserIsNotResolving, (currentUser as FieldUserValue).LookupValue, ex.Message), LogStrings.Heading_CopyingPageMetadata); } } if (userValues.Count > 0) {[targetFieldData.FieldName] = userValues.ToArray(); } else { // Clear target field - needed in overwrite scenarios[targetFieldData.FieldName] = null; } } } else {[targetFieldData.FieldName] = fieldValueToSet; // If we set the BannerImageUrl we also need to update the page to ensure this updated page image "sticks" if (targetFieldData.FieldName == Constants.BannerImageUrlField) { bannerImageUrl = fieldValueToSet.ToString(); } } isDirty = true; LogInfo($"{LogStrings.TransformCopyingMetaDataField} {targetFieldData.FieldName}", LogStrings.Heading_CopyingPageMetadata); } } else { // Log that field in page layout mapping was not found LogWarning(string.Format(LogStrings.Warning_FieldNotFoundInSourcePage, fieldToProcess.Name), LogStrings.Heading_CopyingPageMetadata); } } } } } // Persist changes if (isDirty) { // If we've set a custom thumbnail value then we need to update the page html to mark the isDefaultThumbnail pageslicer property to false if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bannerImageUrl)) {[Constants.CanvasContentField] = SetIsDefaultThumbnail([Constants.CanvasContentField].ToString()); }; targetClientContext.Load(; targetClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); isDirty = false; } } } else { LogDebug("Page Layout mapping model not found", LogStrings.Heading_CopyingPageMetadata); } }
protected override void ExecuteCmdlet() { if (ParameterSetName == "AsFile") { if (!System.IO.Path.IsPathRooted(Path)) { Path = System.IO.Path.Combine(SessionState.Path.CurrentFileSystemLocation.Path, Path); } FileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(Path); } SelectedWeb.EnsureProperty(w => w.ServerRelativeUrl); var folder = SelectedWeb.EnsureFolder(SelectedWeb.RootFolder, Folder); var fileUrl = UrlUtility.Combine(folder.ServerRelativeUrl, FileName); ContentType targetContentType = null; //Check to see if the Content Type exists.. If it doesn't we are going to throw an exception and block this transaction right here. if (ContentType != null) { try { var list = SelectedWeb.GetListByUrl(folder.ServerRelativeUrl); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ContentType.Id)) { targetContentType = list.GetContentTypeById(ContentType.Id); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ContentType.Name)) { targetContentType = list.GetContentTypeByName(ContentType.Name); } else if (ContentType.ContentType != null) { targetContentType = ContentType.ContentType; } if (targetContentType == null) { ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(new ArgumentException($"Content Type Argument: {ContentType} does not exist in the list: {list.Title}"), "CONTENTTYPEDOESNOTEXIST", ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, this)); } } catch { ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(new ArgumentException($"The Folder specified ({folder.ServerRelativeUrl}) does not have a corresponding List, the -ContentType parameter is not valid."), "RELATIVEPATHNOTINLIBRARY", ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, this)); } } // Check if the file exists if (Checkout) { try { var existingFile = SelectedWeb.GetFileByServerRelativeUrl(fileUrl); existingFile.EnsureProperty(f => f.Exists); if (existingFile.Exists) { SelectedWeb.CheckOutFile(fileUrl); } } catch { // Swallow exception, file does not exist } } Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File file; if (ParameterSetName == "AsFile") { file = folder.UploadFile(FileName, Path, true); } else { file = folder.UploadFile(FileName, Stream, true); } if (Values != null) { var item = file.ListItemAllFields; foreach (var key in Values.Keys) { item[key as string] = Values[key]; } item.Update(); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } if (ContentType != null) { var item = file.ListItemAllFields; item["ContentTypeId"] = targetContentType.Id.StringValue; item.Update(); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } if (Checkout) { SelectedWeb.CheckInFile(fileUrl, CheckinType.MajorCheckIn, CheckInComment); } if (Publish) { SelectedWeb.PublishFile(fileUrl, PublishComment); } if (Approve) { SelectedWeb.ApproveFile(fileUrl, ApproveComment); } WriteObject(file); }
protected override void ExecuteCmdlet() { var serverRelativeUrl = string.Empty; var webUrl = CurrentWeb.EnsureProperty(w => w.ServerRelativeUrl); if (!Url.ToLower().StartsWith(webUrl.ToLower())) { serverRelativeUrl = UrlUtility.Combine(webUrl, Url); } else { serverRelativeUrl = Url; } File file; file = CurrentWeb.GetFileByServerRelativePath(ResourcePath.FromDecodedUrl(serverRelativeUrl)); ClientContext.Load(file, f => f.Exists, f => f.Versions.IncludeWithDefaultProperties(i => i.CreatedBy)); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); if (file.Exists) { var versions = file.Versions; switch (ParameterSetName) { case ParameterSetName_ALL: { if (Force || ShouldContinue("Remove all versions?", Resources.Confirm)) { versions.DeleteAll(); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } break; } case ParameterSetName_BYID: { if (Force || ShouldContinue("Remove a version?", Resources.Confirm)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Identity.Label)) { if (Recycle.IsPresent) { versions.RecycleByLabel(Identity.Label); } else { versions.DeleteByLabel(Identity.Label); } ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } else if (Identity.Id != -1) { if (Recycle.IsPresent) { versions.RecycleByID(Identity.Id); } else { versions.DeleteByID(Identity.Id); } ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } } break; } } } else { throw new PSArgumentException("File not found", nameof(Url)); } }
public override void DeployModel(object modelHost, DefinitionBase model) { var webModelHost = modelHost.WithAssertAndCast <WebModelHost>("modelHost", value => value.RequireNotNull()); var definition = model.WithAssertAndCast <WebNavigationSettingsDefinition>("model", value => value.RequireNotNull()); var spObject = GetWebNavigationSettings(webModelHost, definition); var web = webModelHost.HostWeb; var assert = ServiceFactory.AssertService .NewAssert(definition, spObject) .ShouldNotBeNull(spObject); var publishingWeb = PublishingWeb.GetPublishingWeb(web); // web??/_layouts/15/AreaNavigationSettings.aspx // extra protection, downbloading HTML page and making sure checkboxes are there :) //<input name="ctl00$PlaceHolderMain$globalNavSection$ctl02$globalIncludeSubSites" type="checkbox" id="ctl00_PlaceHolderMain_globalNavSection_ctl02_globalIncludeSubSites" checked="checked"> //<input name="ctl00$PlaceHolderMain$globalNavSection$ctl02$globalIncludePages" type="checkbox" id="ctl00_PlaceHolderMain_globalNavSection_ctl02_globalIncludePages" disabled="disabled"> //<input name="ctl00$PlaceHolderMain$currentNavSection$ctl02$currentIncludeSubSites" type="checkbox" id="ctl00_PlaceHolderMain_currentNavSection_ctl02_currentIncludeSubSites"> //<input name="ctl00$PlaceHolderMain$currentNavSection$ctl02$currentIncludePages" type="checkbox" id="ctl00_PlaceHolderMain_currentNavSection_ctl02_currentIncludePages" disabled="disabled"> var pageUrl = UrlUtility.CombineUrl(web.Url, "/_layouts/15/AreaNavigationSettings.aspx"); var client = new WebClient(); client.UseDefaultCredentials = true; var pageContent = client.DownloadString(new Uri(pageUrl)); CQ j = pageContent; // so not only API, but also real checboxed on browser page check var globalSubSites = j.Select("input[id$='globalIncludeSubSites']").First(); var globalSubSitesValue = globalSubSites.Attr("checked") == "checked"; var globalIncludePages = j.Select("input[id$='globalIncludePages']").First(); var globalIncludePagesValue = globalIncludePages.Attr("checked") == "checked"; var currentIncludeSubSites = j.Select("input[id$='currentIncludeSubSites']").First(); var currentIncludeSubSitesValue = currentIncludeSubSites.Attr("checked") == "checked"; var currentIncludePages = j.Select("input[id$='currentIncludePages']").First(); var currentIncludePagesValue = currentIncludePages.Attr("checked") == "checked"; if (definition.GlobalNavigationShowSubsites.HasValue) { assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) => { var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(m => m.GlobalNavigationShowSubsites); return(new PropertyValidationResult { Tag = p.Tag, Src = srcProp, Dst = null, IsValid = (publishingWeb.Navigation.GlobalIncludeSubSites && globalSubSitesValue) == s.GlobalNavigationShowSubsites }); }); } else { assert.SkipProperty(m => m.GlobalNavigationShowSubsites, "GlobalNavigationShowSubsites is null"); } if (definition.GlobalNavigationShowPages.HasValue) { assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) => { var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(m => m.GlobalNavigationShowPages); return(new PropertyValidationResult { Tag = p.Tag, Src = srcProp, Dst = null, IsValid = (publishingWeb.Navigation.GlobalIncludePages && globalIncludePagesValue) == s.GlobalNavigationShowPages }); }); } else { assert.SkipProperty(m => m.GlobalNavigationShowPages, "GlobalNavigationShowPages is null"); } if (definition.CurrentNavigationShowSubsites.HasValue) { assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) => { var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(m => m.CurrentNavigationShowSubsites); return(new PropertyValidationResult { Tag = p.Tag, Src = srcProp, Dst = null, IsValid = (publishingWeb.Navigation.CurrentIncludeSubSites && currentIncludeSubSitesValue) == s.CurrentNavigationShowSubsites }); }); } else { assert.SkipProperty(m => m.CurrentNavigationShowSubsites, "CurrentNavigationShowSubsites is null"); } if (definition.CurrentNavigationShowPages.HasValue) { assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) => { var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(m => m.CurrentNavigationShowPages); return(new PropertyValidationResult { Tag = p.Tag, Src = srcProp, Dst = null, IsValid = (publishingWeb.Navigation.CurrentIncludePages && currentIncludePagesValue) == s.CurrentNavigationShowPages }); }); } else { assert.SkipProperty(m => m.CurrentNavigationShowPages, "CurrentNavigationShowPages is null"); } // items count if (definition.GlobalNavigationMaximumNumberOfDynamicItems.HasValue) { var globalDynamicChildLimitValue = ConvertUtils.ToInt(web.AllProperties[BuiltInWebPropertyId.GlobalDynamicChildLimit]); assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) => { var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(m => m.GlobalNavigationMaximumNumberOfDynamicItems); return(new PropertyValidationResult { Tag = p.Tag, Src = srcProp, Dst = null, IsValid = s.GlobalNavigationMaximumNumberOfDynamicItems == globalDynamicChildLimitValue }); }); } else { assert.SkipProperty(d => d.GlobalNavigationMaximumNumberOfDynamicItems, "GlobalNavigationMaximumNumberOfDynamicItems is null or empty"); } if (definition.CurrentNavigationMaximumNumberOfDynamicItems.HasValue) { var currentDynamicChildLimitValue = ConvertUtils.ToInt(web.AllProperties[BuiltInWebPropertyId.CurrentDynamicChildLimit]); assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) => { var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(m => m.CurrentNavigationMaximumNumberOfDynamicItems); return(new PropertyValidationResult { Tag = p.Tag, Src = srcProp, Dst = null, IsValid = s.CurrentNavigationMaximumNumberOfDynamicItems == currentDynamicChildLimitValue }); }); } else { assert.SkipProperty(d => d.CurrentNavigationMaximumNumberOfDynamicItems, "CurrentNavigationMaximumNumberOfDynamicItems is null or empty"); } if (definition.DisplayShowHideRibbonAction.HasValue) { var displayShowHideRibbonActionValue = ConvertUtils.ToBool(web.AllProperties[BuiltInWebPropertyId.DisplayShowHideRibbonActionId]); // If displayShowHideRibbonActionValue has no value, property should be skipped, but I don't know how to get ShouldBeEqualIfHasValue to work assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) => { var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(m => m.DisplayShowHideRibbonAction); return(new PropertyValidationResult { Tag = p.Tag, Src = srcProp, Dst = null, IsValid = s.DisplayShowHideRibbonAction.Value == displayShowHideRibbonActionValue.Value }); }); } else { assert.SkipProperty(d => d.DisplayShowHideRibbonAction, "DisplayShowHideRibbonAction is null or empty"); } // nav sources if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.GlobalNavigationSource)) { assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) => { var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(m => m.GlobalNavigationSource); return(new PropertyValidationResult { Tag = p.Tag, Src = srcProp, Dst = null, IsValid = s.GlobalNavigationSource == spObject.GlobalNavigation.Source.ToString() }); }); } else { assert.SkipProperty(d => d.GlobalNavigationSource, "GlobalNavigationSource is null or empty"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.CurrentNavigationSource)) { assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) => { var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(m => m.CurrentNavigationSource); return(new PropertyValidationResult { Tag = p.Tag, Src = srcProp, Dst = null, IsValid = s.CurrentNavigationSource == spObject.CurrentNavigation.Source.ToString() }); }); } else { assert.SkipProperty(d => d.CurrentNavigationSource, "CurrentNavigationSource is null or empty"); } if (definition.AddNewPagesToNavigation.HasValue) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.GlobalNavigationSource) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.CurrentNavigationSource)) { assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) => { var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(m => m.AddNewPagesToNavigation); return(new PropertyValidationResult { Tag = p.Tag, Src = srcProp, Dst = null, IsValid = s.AddNewPagesToNavigation.Value == spObject.AddNewPagesToNavigation }); }); } else { assert.SkipProperty(d => d.AddNewPagesToNavigation, "AddNewPagesToNavigation requires GlobalNavigationSource or CurrentNavigationSource to be not null"); } } else { assert.SkipProperty(d => d.AddNewPagesToNavigation, "AddNewPagesToNavigation is null"); } if (definition.CreateFriendlyUrlsForNewPages.HasValue) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.GlobalNavigationSource) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.CurrentNavigationSource)) { assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) => { var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(m => m.CreateFriendlyUrlsForNewPages); return(new PropertyValidationResult { Tag = p.Tag, Src = srcProp, Dst = null, IsValid = s.CreateFriendlyUrlsForNewPages.Value == spObject.CreateFriendlyUrlsForNewPages }); }); } else { assert.SkipProperty(d => d.CreateFriendlyUrlsForNewPages, "CreateFriendlyUrlsForNewPages requires GlobalNavigationSource or CurrentNavigationSource to be not null"); } } else { assert.SkipProperty(d => d.CreateFriendlyUrlsForNewPages, "CreateFriendlyUrlsForNewPages is null"); } }
public override void DeployModel(object modelHost, DefinitionBase model) { var hostClientContext = ExtractHostClientContext(modelHost); var parentWeb = ExtractWeb(modelHost); var definition = model.WithAssertAndCast <WebDefinition>("model", value => value.RequireNotNull()); var currentWebUrl = GetCurrentWebUrl(parentWeb.Context, parentWeb, definition); var spObject = GetExistingWeb(hostClientContext.Site, parentWeb, currentWebUrl); var context = spObject.Context; context.Load(spObject, w => w.HasUniqueRoleAssignments, w => w.Description, w => w.Url, w => w.Language, w => w.WebTemplate, w => w.Configuration, w => w.Title, w => w.Id, w => w.Url ); context.ExecuteQueryWithTrace(); var assert = ServiceFactory.AssertService .NewAssert(definition, spObject) .ShouldBeEqual(m => m.Title, o => o.Title) .ShouldBeEqual(m => m.LCID, o => o.GetLCID()) .ShouldBeEqual(m => m.UseUniquePermission, o => o.HasUniqueRoleAssignments); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.WebTemplate)) { assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.WebTemplate, o => o.GetWebTemplate()); assert.SkipProperty(m => m.CustomWebTemplate); } else { assert.SkipProperty(m => m.WebTemplate); assert.SkipProperty(m => m.CustomWebTemplate); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.Description)) { assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.Description, o => o.Description); } else { assert.SkipProperty(m => m.Description, "Description is null or empty. Skipping."); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.Description)) { assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.Description, o => o.Description); } else { assert.SkipProperty(m => m.Description, "Description is null or empty. Skipping."); } assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) => { if (!parentWeb.IsObjectPropertyInstantiated("Url")) { parentWeb.Context.Load(parentWeb, o => o.Url); parentWeb.Context.ExecuteQueryWithTrace(); } var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(def => def.Url); var dstProp = d.GetExpressionValue(ct => ct.Url); var srcUrl = s.Url; var dstUrl = d.Url; srcUrl = UrlUtility.RemoveStartingSlash(srcUrl); var dstSubUrl = dstUrl.Replace(parentWeb.Url + "/", string.Empty); return(new PropertyValidationResult { Tag = p.Tag, Src = srcProp, Dst = dstProp, IsValid = srcUrl == dstSubUrl }); }); var supportsAlternateCssAndSiteImageUrl = ReflectionUtils.HasProperties(spObject, new[] { "AlternateCssUrl", "SiteLogoUrl" }); if (supportsAlternateCssAndSiteImageUrl) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.AlternateCssUrl)) { var alternateCssUrl = ReflectionUtils.GetPropertyValue(spObject, "AlternateCssUrl"); assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) => { var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(def => def.AlternateCssUrl); var isValid = true; isValid = s.AlternateCssUrl.ToUpper().EndsWith(alternateCssUrl.ToString().ToUpper()); return(new PropertyValidationResult { Tag = p.Tag, Src = srcProp, Dst = null, IsValid = isValid }); }); } else { assert.SkipProperty(m => m.AlternateCssUrl); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.SiteLogoUrl)) { var siteLogoUrl = ReflectionUtils.GetPropertyValue(spObject, "SiteLogoUrl"); assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) => { var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(def => def.SiteLogoUrl); var isValid = true; isValid = s.SiteLogoUrl.ToUpper().EndsWith(siteLogoUrl.ToString().ToUpper()); return(new PropertyValidationResult { Tag = p.Tag, Src = srcProp, Dst = null, IsValid = isValid }); }); } else { assert.SkipProperty(m => m.SiteLogoUrl); } } else { TraceService.Critical((int)LogEventId.ModelProvisionCoreCall, "CSOM runtime doesn't have Web.AlternateCssUrl and Web.SiteLogoUrl methods support. Skipping validation."); assert.SkipProperty(m => m.AlternateCssUrl, "AlternateCssUrl is null or empty. Skipping."); assert.SkipProperty(m => m.SiteLogoUrl, "SiteLogoUrl is null or empty. Skipping."); } var supportsLocalization = ReflectionUtils.HasProperties(spObject, new[] { "TitleResource", "DescriptionResource" }); if (supportsLocalization) { if (definition.TitleResource.Any()) { assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) => { var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(def => def.TitleResource); var isValid = true; foreach (var userResource in s.TitleResource) { var culture = LocalizationService.GetUserResourceCultureInfo(userResource); var resourceObject = ReflectionUtils.GetPropertyValue(spObject, "TitleResource"); var value = ReflectionUtils.GetMethod(resourceObject, "GetValueForUICulture") .Invoke(resourceObject, new[] { culture.Name }) as ClientResult <string>; context.ExecuteQuery(); isValid = userResource.Value == value.Value; if (!isValid) { break; } } return(new PropertyValidationResult { Tag = p.Tag, Src = srcProp, Dst = null, IsValid = isValid }); }); } else { assert.SkipProperty(m => m.TitleResource, "TitleResource is NULL or empty. Skipping."); } if (definition.DescriptionResource.Any()) { assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) => { var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(def => def.DescriptionResource); var isValid = true; foreach (var userResource in s.DescriptionResource) { var culture = LocalizationService.GetUserResourceCultureInfo(userResource); var resourceObject = ReflectionUtils.GetPropertyValue(spObject, "DescriptionResource"); var value = ReflectionUtils.GetMethod(resourceObject, "GetValueForUICulture") .Invoke(resourceObject, new[] { culture.Name }) as ClientResult <string>; context.ExecuteQuery(); isValid = userResource.Value == value.Value; if (!isValid) { break; } } return(new PropertyValidationResult { Tag = p.Tag, Src = srcProp, Dst = null, IsValid = isValid }); }); } else { assert.SkipProperty(m => m.DescriptionResource, "DescriptionResource is NULL or empty. Skipping."); } } else { TraceService.Critical((int)LogEventId.ModelProvisionCoreCall, "CSOM runtime doesn't have Web.TitleResource and Web.DescriptionResource() methods support. Skipping validation."); assert.SkipProperty(m => m.TitleResource, "TitleResource is null or empty. Skipping."); assert.SkipProperty(m => m.DescriptionResource, "DescriptionResource is null or empty. Skipping."); } }
public override void WithResolvingModelHost(ModelHostResolveContext modelHostContext) { var modelHost = modelHostContext.ModelHost; var model = modelHostContext.Model; var childModelType = modelHostContext.ChildModelType; var action = modelHostContext.Action; var listModelHost = modelHost.WithAssertAndCast <ListModelHost>("modelHost", value => value.RequireNotNull()); var web = listModelHost.HostWeb; var list = listModelHost.HostList; var listViewDefinition = model as ListViewDefinition; var context = web.Context; if (typeof(WebPartDefinitionBase).IsAssignableFrom(childModelType) || childModelType == typeof(DeleteWebPartsDefinition)) { var targetView = FindView(list, listViewDefinition); var serverRelativeFileUrl = string.Empty; Folder targetFolder = null; if (list.BaseType == BaseType.DocumentLibrary) { targetFolder = FolderModelHandler.GetLibraryFolder(list.RootFolder, "Forms"); } if (targetView != null) { serverRelativeFileUrl = targetView.ServerRelativeUrl; } else { context.Load(list.RootFolder); context.ExecuteQueryWithTrace(); // maybe forms files? // they aren't views, but files if (list.BaseType == BaseType.DocumentLibrary) { serverRelativeFileUrl = UrlUtility.CombineUrl(new[] { list.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl, "Forms", listViewDefinition.Url }); } else { serverRelativeFileUrl = UrlUtility.CombineUrl(new[] { list.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl, listViewDefinition.Url }); } } var file = web.GetFileByServerRelativeUrl(serverRelativeFileUrl); context.Load(file); context.ExecuteQueryWithTrace(); var listItemHost = ModelHostBase.Inherit <ListItemModelHost>(listModelHost, itemHost => { itemHost.HostFolder = targetFolder; //itemHost.HostListItem = folderModelHost.CurrentListItem; itemHost.HostFile = file; itemHost.HostList = list; }); action(listItemHost); } else { action(listModelHost); } }
public override void ProvisionObjects(Web web, ProvisioningTemplate template) { Log.Info(Constants.LOGGING_SOURCE_FRAMEWORK_PROVISIONING, CoreResources.Provisioning_ObjectHandlers_ListInstances); if (template.Lists.Any()) { var rootWeb = (web.Context as ClientContext).Site.RootWeb; if (!web.IsPropertyAvailable("ServerRelativeUrl")) { web.Context.Load(web, w => w.ServerRelativeUrl); web.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } web.Context.Load(web.Lists, lc => lc.IncludeWithDefaultProperties(l => l.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl)); web.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); var existingLists = web.Lists.AsEnumerable <List>().Select(existingList => existingList.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl).ToList(); var serverRelativeUrl = web.ServerRelativeUrl; var createdLists = new List <ListInfo>(); #region Lists foreach (var list in template.Lists) { if (existingLists.FindIndex(x => x.Equals(UrlUtility.Combine(serverRelativeUrl, list.Url), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) == -1) { var listCreate = new ListCreationInformation(); listCreate.Description = list.Description; listCreate.TemplateType = list.TemplateType; listCreate.Title = list.Title; // the line of code below doesn't add the list to QuickLaunch // the OnQuickLaunch property is re-set on the Created List object listCreate.QuickLaunchOption = list.OnQuickLaunch ? QuickLaunchOptions.On : QuickLaunchOptions.Off; listCreate.Url = list.Url.ToParsedString(); listCreate.TemplateFeatureId = list.TemplateFeatureID; var createdList = web.Lists.Add(listCreate); createdList.Update(); web.Context.Load(createdList, l => l.BaseTemplate); web.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(list.DocumentTemplate)) { createdList.DocumentTemplateUrl = list.DocumentTemplate.ToParsedString(); } // EnableAttachments are not supported for DocumentLibraries and Surveys // TODO: the user should be warned if (createdList.BaseTemplate != (int)ListTemplateType.DocumentLibrary && createdList.BaseTemplate != (int)ListTemplateType.Survey) { createdList.EnableAttachments = list.EnableAttachments; } createdList.EnableModeration = list.EnableModeration; createdList.EnableVersioning = list.EnableVersioning; if (list.EnableVersioning) { createdList.MajorVersionLimit = list.MaxVersionLimit; if (createdList.BaseTemplate == (int)ListTemplateType.DocumentLibrary) { // Only supported on Document Libraries createdList.EnableMinorVersions = list.EnableMinorVersions; createdList.DraftVersionVisibility = (DraftVisibilityType)list.DraftVersionVisibility; // TODO: User should be notified that MinorVersionLimit and DraftVersionVisibility will not be applied if (list.EnableMinorVersions) { createdList.MajorWithMinorVersionsLimit = list.MinorVersionLimit; // Set only if enabled, otherwise you'll get exception due setting value to zero. // DraftVisibilityType.Approver is available only when the EnableModeration option of the list is true if (DraftVisibilityType.Approver == (DraftVisibilityType)list.DraftVersionVisibility) { if (list.EnableModeration) { createdList.DraftVersionVisibility = (DraftVisibilityType)list.DraftVersionVisibility; } else { // TODO: User should be notified that DraftVersionVisibility is not applied because .EnableModeration is false } } else { createdList.DraftVersionVisibility = (DraftVisibilityType)list.DraftVersionVisibility; } } } } createdList.OnQuickLaunch = list.OnQuickLaunch; if (createdList.BaseTemplate != (int)ListTemplateType.DiscussionBoard) { createdList.EnableFolderCreation = list.EnableFolderCreation; } createdList.Hidden = list.Hidden; createdList.ContentTypesEnabled = list.ContentTypesEnabled; createdList.Update(); web.Context.Load(createdList.Views); web.Context.Load(createdList, l => l.Id); web.Context.Load(createdList, l => l.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl); web.Context.Load(createdList.ContentTypes); web.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); // Remove existing content types only if there are custom content type bindings List <Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ContentType> contentTypesToRemove = new List <Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ContentType>(); if (list.RemoveExistingContentTypes && list.ContentTypeBindings.Count > 0) { foreach (var ct in createdList.ContentTypes) { contentTypesToRemove.Add(ct); } } ContentTypeBinding defaultCtBinding = null; foreach (var ctBinding in list.ContentTypeBindings) { createdList.AddContentTypeToListById(ctBinding.ContentTypeId, searchContentTypeInSiteHierarchy: true); if (ctBinding.Default) { defaultCtBinding = ctBinding; } } // default ContentTypeBinding should be set last because // list extension .SetDefaultContentTypeToList() re-sets // the list.RootFolder UniqueContentTypeOrder property // which may cause missing CTs from the "New Button" if (defaultCtBinding != null) { createdList.SetDefaultContentTypeToList(defaultCtBinding.ContentTypeId); } // Effectively remove existing content types, if any foreach (var ct in contentTypesToRemove) { ct.DeleteObject(); web.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } createdLists.Add(new ListInfo { CreatedList = createdList, ListInstance = list }); TokenParser.AddToken(new ListIdToken(web, list.Title, createdList.Id)); TokenParser.AddToken(new ListUrlToken(web, list.Title, createdList.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl.Substring(web.ServerRelativeUrl.Length + 1))); } } #endregion #region FieldRefs foreach (var listInfo in createdLists) { if (listInfo.ListInstance.FieldRefs.Any()) { foreach (var fieldRef in listInfo.ListInstance.FieldRefs) { var field = rootWeb.GetFieldById <Field>(fieldRef.Id); if (field != null) { if (!listInfo.CreatedList.FieldExistsById(fieldRef.Id)) { var createdField = listInfo.CreatedList.Fields.Add(field); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldRef.DisplayName)) { createdField.Title = fieldRef.DisplayName; } createdField.Hidden = fieldRef.Hidden; createdField.Required = fieldRef.Required; createdField.Update(); } } } listInfo.CreatedList.Update(); web.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } } #endregion #region Fields foreach (var listInfo in createdLists) { if (listInfo.ListInstance.Fields.Any()) { foreach (var field in listInfo.ListInstance.Fields) { XElement fieldElement = XElement.Parse(field.SchemaXml.ToParsedString()); var id = fieldElement.Attribute("ID").Value; Guid fieldGuid = Guid.Empty; if (Guid.TryParse(id, out fieldGuid)) { if (!listInfo.CreatedList.FieldExistsById(fieldGuid)) { var listIdentifier = fieldElement.Attribute("List") != null?fieldElement.Attribute("List").Value : null; if (listIdentifier != null) { // Temporary remove list attribute from fieldElement fieldElement.Attribute("List").Remove(); } var fieldXml = fieldElement.ToString(); listInfo.CreatedList.Fields.AddFieldAsXml(fieldXml, false, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); } } } } listInfo.CreatedList.Update(); web.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } #endregion #region Views foreach (var listInfo in createdLists) { var list = listInfo.ListInstance; var createdList = listInfo.CreatedList; if (list.Views.Any() && list.RemoveExistingViews) { while (createdList.Views.Any()) { createdList.Views[0].DeleteObject(); } web.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } foreach (var view in list.Views) { var viewDoc = XDocument.Parse(view.SchemaXml); var displayNameXml = viewDoc.Root.Attribute("DisplayName"); if (displayNameXml == null) { throw new ApplicationException("Invalid View element, missing a valid value for the attribute DisplayName."); } var viewTitle = displayNameXml.Value; // Type var viewTypeString = viewDoc.Root.Attribute("Type") != null?viewDoc.Root.Attribute("Type").Value : "None"; viewTypeString = viewTypeString[0].ToString().ToUpper() + viewTypeString.Substring(1).ToLower(); var viewType = (ViewType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ViewType), viewTypeString); // Fields string[] viewFields = null; var viewFieldsElement = viewDoc.Descendants("ViewFields").FirstOrDefault(); if (viewFieldsElement != null) { viewFields = (from field in viewDoc.Descendants("ViewFields").Descendants("FieldRef") select field.Attribute("Name").Value).ToArray(); } // Default view var viewDefault = viewDoc.Root.Attribute("DefaultView") != null && Boolean.Parse(viewDoc.Root.Attribute("DefaultView").Value); // Row limit bool viewPaged = true; uint viewRowLimit = 30; var rowLimitElement = viewDoc.Descendants("RowLimit").FirstOrDefault(); if (rowLimitElement != null) { if (rowLimitElement.Attribute("Paged") != null) { viewPaged = bool.Parse(rowLimitElement.Attribute("Paged").Value); } viewRowLimit = uint.Parse(rowLimitElement.Value); } // Query var viewQuery = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var queryElement in viewDoc.Descendants("Query").Elements()) { viewQuery.Append(queryElement.ToString()); } var viewCI = new ViewCreationInformation { ViewFields = viewFields, RowLimit = viewRowLimit, Paged = viewPaged, Title = viewTitle, Query = viewQuery.ToString(), ViewTypeKind = viewType, PersonalView = false, SetAsDefaultView = viewDefault }; createdList.Views.Add(viewCI); createdList.Update(); web.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } // Removing existing views set the OnQuickLaunch option to false and need to be re-set. if (list.OnQuickLaunch && list.RemoveExistingViews && list.Views.Count > 0) { createdList.RefreshLoad(); web.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); createdList.OnQuickLaunch = list.OnQuickLaunch; createdList.Update(); web.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } } #endregion #region DataRows foreach (var listInfo in createdLists) { var listInstance = listInfo.ListInstance; if (listInstance.DataRows != null && listInstance.DataRows.Any()) { var list = listInfo.CreatedList; foreach (var dataRow in listInfo.ListInstance.DataRows) { ListItemCreationInformation listitemCI = new ListItemCreationInformation(); var listitem = list.AddItem(listitemCI); foreach (var dataValue in dataRow.Values) { listitem[dataValue.Key.ToParsedString()] = dataValue.Value.ToParsedString(); } listitem.Update(); web.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); // TODO: Run in batches? } } } #endregion } }
public void GenerateOAuthCallbackUrlTest() { #if NET45 Func <string, string, string, HttpContextBase> getHttpContextBase = (url, queryString, baseUrl) => { var context = new Mock <HttpContextBase>(); var request = new Mock <HttpRequestBase>(); var response = new Mock <HttpResponseBase>(); request.Setup(r => r.Url).Returns(new Uri(url)); request.Setup(r => r.ApplicationPath).Returns(baseUrl); context.Setup(c => c.Request).Returns(request.Object); context.Setup(c => c.Response).Returns(response.Object); context.Setup(c => c.Response).Returns(response.Object); return(context.Object); var httpContext = new HttpContext(new HttpRequest("Senparc", url, queryString), new HttpResponse(null)); var httpContextBase = new HttpContextWrapper(httpContext); return(httpContextBase); }; #else Func <string, string, string, HttpContext> getHttpContextBase = (url, queryString, baseUrl) => { var uri = new Uri(url); var scheme = uri.Scheme; var path = uri.LocalPath; var httpContext = new DefaultHttpContext(); httpContext.Request.Path = path; httpContext.Request.Host = new HostString(uri.Host, uri.Port); httpContext.Request.Scheme = scheme; httpContext.Request.QueryString = new QueryString(uri.Query); httpContext.Request.PathBase = baseUrl; return(httpContext); }; #endif string virtualPath = null;//虚拟路径 { var httpContext = getHttpContextBase("", "", virtualPath); var callbackUrl = UrlUtility.GenerateOAuthCallbackUrl(httpContext, "/TenpayV3/OAuthCallback"); Console.WriteLine("\r\n普通 HTTP Url:" + callbackUrl); Assert.AreEqual( "", callbackUrl, true); } { var httpContext = getHttpContextBase("", "a=1&b=2&c=3-1", virtualPath); var callbackUrl = UrlUtility.GenerateOAuthCallbackUrl(httpContext, "/TenpayV3/OAuthCallback"); Console.WriteLine("\r\n带参数 HTTP Url:" + callbackUrl); Assert.AreEqual( "", callbackUrl, true); } { var httpContext = getHttpContextBase("", "a=1&b=2&c=3-1", virtualPath); var callbackUrl = UrlUtility.GenerateOAuthCallbackUrl(httpContext, "/TenpayV3/OAuthCallback"); Console.WriteLine("\r\n带参数、带端口 HTTP Url:" + callbackUrl); Assert.AreEqual( "", callbackUrl, true); } { var httpContext = getHttpContextBase("", "", virtualPath); var callbackUrl = UrlUtility.GenerateOAuthCallbackUrl(httpContext, "/TenpayV3/OAuthCallback"); Console.WriteLine("\r\n普通 HTTPS Url:" + callbackUrl); Assert.AreEqual( "", callbackUrl, true); } { var httpContext = getHttpContextBase("", "a=1&b=2&c=3-1", virtualPath); var callbackUrl = UrlUtility.GenerateOAuthCallbackUrl(httpContext, "/TenpayV3/OAuthCallback"); Console.WriteLine("\r\n带参数 HTTPS Url:" + callbackUrl); Assert.AreEqual( "", callbackUrl, true); } { var httpContext = getHttpContextBase("", "a=1&b=2&c=3-1", virtualPath); var callbackUrl = UrlUtility.GenerateOAuthCallbackUrl(httpContext, "/TenpayV3/OAuthCallback"); Console.WriteLine("\r\n带参数、带端口 HTTPS Url:" + callbackUrl); Assert.AreEqual( "", callbackUrl, true); } //虚拟路径 { virtualPath = "/VirtualPath"; var httpContext = getHttpContextBase("", "a=1&b=2&c=3-1", virtualPath); //Console.WriteLine("\r\nhttpContext.Request.AbsoluteUri():"+httpContext.Request.AbsoluteUri()); var callbackUrl = UrlUtility.GenerateOAuthCallbackUrl(httpContext, "/TenpayV3/OAuthCallback"); Console.WriteLine("\r\n带参数、带端口 HTTPS Url:" + callbackUrl); #if NET35 || NET40 || NET45 var expectedUrl = ""; #else //.NET Standard(.NET Core)下因为模拟会存在偏差(无法自动识别Url中的VirtualPath为特殊的虚拟目录,所以会出现重复),因此以下结果是可以接受的 var expectedUrl = ""; #endif Assert.AreEqual(expectedUrl, callbackUrl, true); } }
public override string ToString() { return($"{Title} ({UrlUtility.GetServerRelativeUrl(Url)})"); }
/// <summary> /// Ensures that we have context of the source site collection /// </summary> /// <param name="context">Source site context</param> internal void EnsureAssetContextIfRequired(ClientContext context, string sourceUrl) { // There is two scenarios to check // - If the asset resides on the root site collection // - If the asset resides on another subsite // - If the asset resides on a subsite below this context try { context.Site.EnsureProperties(o => o.ServerRelativeUrl, o => o.Url, o => o.RootWeb.Id); context.Web.EnsureProperties(o => o.ServerRelativeUrl, o => o.Id); string match = string.Empty; // Break the URL into segments and deteremine which URL detects the file in the structure. // Use Web IDs to validate content isnt the same on the root var fullSiteCollectionUrl = context.Site.Url; var relativeSiteCollUrl = context.Site.ServerRelativeUrl; var sourceCtxUrl = context.Web.GetUrl(); // Lets break into segments var fileName = Path.GetFileName(sourceUrl); // Could already be relative //var sourceUrlWithOutBaseAddr = sourceUrl.Replace(fullSiteCollectionUrl, "").Replace(relativeSiteCollUrl,""); var urlSegments = sourceUrl.Split('/'); // Need null tests var filteredUrlSegments = urlSegments.Where(o => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(o) && o != fileName).Reverse(); //Assume the last segment is the filename //Assume the segment before the last is either a folder or library //Url to strip back until detected as subweb var remainingUrl = sourceUrl.Replace(fileName, ""); //remove file name //Urls to try to determine web foreach (var segment in filteredUrlSegments) //Assume the segment before the last is either a folder or library { try { var testUrl = UrlUtility.Combine(fullSiteCollectionUrl.ToLower(), remainingUrl.ToLower().Replace(relativeSiteCollUrl.ToLower(), "")); //No need to recurse this var exists = context.WebExistsFullUrl(testUrl); if (exists) { //winner match = testUrl; break; } else { remainingUrl = remainingUrl.TrimEnd('/').TrimEnd($"{segment}".ToCharArray()); } } catch { // Nope not the right web - Swallow } } // Check if the asset is on the root site collection if (match == string.Empty) { // Does it contain a relative reference if (sourceUrl.StartsWith("/") && !sourceUrl.ContainsIgnoringCasing(context.Web.GetUrl())) { match = fullSiteCollectionUrl.ToLower(); } } if (match != string.Empty && !match.Equals(context.Web.GetUrl(), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { _sourceClientContext = context.Clone(match); LogDebug("Source Context Switched", "EsureAssetContextIfRequired"); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogError(LogStrings.Error_CannotGetSiteCollContext, LogStrings.Heading_AssetTransfer, ex); } }
private void ExtractMasterPagesAndPageLayouts(Web web, ProvisioningTemplate template, PnPMonitoredScope scope, ProvisioningTemplateCreationInformation creationInfo) { web.EnsureProperty(w => w.Url); String webApplicationUrl = GetWebApplicationUrl(web.Url); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(webApplicationUrl)) { // Get the Publishing Feature reference template ProvisioningTemplate publishingFeatureTemplate = GetPublishingFeatureBaseTemplate(); // Get a reference to the root folder of the master page gallery var gallery = web.GetCatalog(116); web.Context.Load(gallery, g => g.RootFolder); web.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); var masterPageGalleryFolder = gallery.RootFolder; // Load the files in the master page gallery web.Context.Load(masterPageGalleryFolder.Files); web.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); var sourceFiles = GetFiles(masterPageGalleryFolder).Where( f => f.Name.EndsWith(".aspx", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || f.Name.EndsWith(".html", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || f.Name.EndsWith(".master", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); /*var sourceFiles = masterPageGalleryFolder.Files.AsEnumerable().Where( * f => f.Name.EndsWith(".aspx", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || * f.Name.EndsWith(".html", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || * f.Name.EndsWith(".master", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); */ foreach (var file in sourceFiles) { var listItem = file.EnsureProperty(f => f.ListItemAllFields); if (!listItem.ServerObjectIsNull()) { listItem.ContentType.EnsureProperties(ct => ct.Id, ct => ct.StringId); // Check if the content type is of type Master Page or Page Layout if (listItem.ContentType.StringId.StartsWith(MASTER_PAGE_CONTENT_TYPE_ID) || listItem.ContentType.StringId.StartsWith(PAGE_LAYOUT_CONTENT_TYPE_ID) || listItem.ContentType.StringId.StartsWith(ASP_NET_MASTER_PAGE_CONTENT_TYPE_ID) || listItem.ContentType.StringId.StartsWith(HTML_PAGE_LAYOUT_CONTENT_TYPE_ID)) { // Skip any .ASPX or .MASTER file related to an .HTML designer file if ((file.Name.EndsWith(".aspx", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && sourceFiles.Any(f => f.Name.Equals(file.Name.ToLower().Replace(".aspx", ".html"), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))) || (file.Name.EndsWith(".master", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && sourceFiles.Any(f => f.Name.Equals(file.Name.ToLower().Replace(".master", ".html"), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))) { continue; } // If the file is a custom one, and not one native // and coming out from the publishing feature if (creationInfo.IncludeNativePublishingFiles || !IsPublishingFeatureNativeFile(publishingFeatureTemplate, file.Name)) { var fullUri = new Uri(UrlUtility.Combine(webApplicationUrl, file.ServerRelativeUrl)); var folderPath = fullUri.Segments.Take(fullUri.Segments.Count() - 1).ToArray().Aggregate((i, x) => i + x).TrimEnd('/'); var fileName = fullUri.Segments[fullUri.Segments.Count() - 1]; web.EnsureProperty(w => web.ServerRelativeUrl); file.EnsureProperty(f => f.Level); var containerPath = folderPath.StartsWith(web.ServerRelativeUrl) && web.ServerRelativeUrl != "/" ? folderPath.Substring(web.ServerRelativeUrl.Length) : folderPath; var container = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(containerPath).Trim('/').Replace("/", "\\"); var publishingFile = new Model.File() { Folder = Tokenize(folderPath, web.Url), Src = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(container) ? $"{container}\\{HttpUtility.UrlDecode(fileName)}" : HttpUtility.UrlDecode(fileName), Overwrite = true, Level = (Model.FileLevel)Enum.Parse(typeof(Model.FileLevel), file.Level.ToString()) }; // Add field values to file RetrieveFieldValues(web, file, publishingFile); // Add the file to the template template.Files.Add(publishingFile); // Persist file using connector, if needed if (creationInfo.PersistPublishingFiles) { PersistFile(web, creationInfo, scope, folderPath, fileName, true); } if (listItem.ContentType.StringId.StartsWith(MASTER_PAGE_CONTENT_TYPE_ID)) { scope.LogWarning($@"The file ""{file.Name}"" is a custom MasterPage. Accordingly to the PnP Guidance ( you should try to avoid using custom MasterPages."); } } else { scope.LogWarning($@"Skipping file ""{file.Name}"" because it is native in the publishing feature."); } } } } } }
public override ProvisioningTemplate ExtractObjects(Web web, ProvisioningTemplate template, ProvisioningTemplateCreationInformation creationInfo) { using (var scope = new PnPMonitoredScope(this.Name)) { // Extract the Home Page web.EnsureProperties(w => w.RootFolder.WelcomePage, w => w.ServerRelativeUrl, w => w.Url); var homepageUrl = web.RootFolder.WelcomePage; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(homepageUrl)) { homepageUrl = "Default.aspx"; } var welcomePageUrl = UrlUtility.Combine(web.ServerRelativeUrl, homepageUrl); var file = web.GetFileByServerRelativeUrl(welcomePageUrl); try { var listItem = file.EnsureProperty(f => f.ListItemAllFields); if (listItem != null) { if (listItem.FieldValues.ContainsKey("WikiField")) { // Wiki page var fullUri = new Uri(UrlUtility.Combine(web.Url, web.RootFolder.WelcomePage)); var folderPath = fullUri.Segments.Take(fullUri.Segments.Count() - 1).ToArray().Aggregate((i, x) => i + x).TrimEnd('/'); var fileName = fullUri.Segments[fullUri.Segments.Count() - 1]; var homeFile = web.GetFileByServerRelativeUrl(welcomePageUrl); LimitedWebPartManager limitedWPManager = homeFile.GetLimitedWebPartManager(PersonalizationScope.Shared); web.Context.Load(limitedWPManager); var webParts = web.GetWebParts(welcomePageUrl); var page = new Page() { Layout = WikiPageLayout.Custom, Overwrite = true, Url = Tokenize(fullUri.PathAndQuery, web.Url), }; var pageContents = listItem.FieldValues["WikiField"].ToString(); Regex regexClientIds = new Regex(@"id=\""div_(?<ControlId>(\w|\-)+)"); if (regexClientIds.IsMatch(pageContents)) { foreach (Match webPartMatch in regexClientIds.Matches(pageContents)) { String serverSideControlId = webPartMatch.Groups["ControlId"].Value; try { String serverSideControlIdToSearchFor = String.Format("g_{0}", serverSideControlId.Replace("-", "_")); WebPartDefinition webPart = limitedWPManager.WebParts.GetByControlId(serverSideControlIdToSearchFor); web.Context.Load(webPart, wp => wp.Id, wp => wp.WebPart.Title, wp => wp.WebPart.ZoneIndex ); web.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); var webPartxml = TokenizeWebPartXml(web, web.GetWebPartXml(webPart.Id, welcomePageUrl)); page.WebParts.Add(new Model.WebPart() { Title = webPart.WebPart.Title, Contents = webPartxml, Order = (uint)webPart.WebPart.ZoneIndex, Row = 1, // By default we will create a onecolumn layout, add the webpart to it, and later replace the wikifield on the page to position the webparts correctly. Column = 1 // By default we will create a onecolumn layout, add the webpart to it, and later replace the wikifield on the page to position the webparts correctly. }); pageContents = Regex.Replace(pageContents, serverSideControlId, string.Format("{{webpartid:{0}}}", webPart.WebPart.Title), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); } catch (ServerException) { scope.LogWarning("Found a WebPart ID which is not available on the server-side. ID: {0}", serverSideControlId); } } } page.Fields.Add("WikiField", pageContents); template.Pages.Add(page); // Set the homepage if (template.WebSettings == null) { template.WebSettings = new WebSettings(); } template.WebSettings.WelcomePage = homepageUrl; } else { if (web.Context.HasMinimalServerLibraryVersion(Constants.MINIMUMZONEIDREQUIREDSERVERVERSION)) { // Not a wikipage template = GetFileContents(web, template, welcomePageUrl, creationInfo, scope); if (template.WebSettings == null) { template.WebSettings = new WebSettings(); } template.WebSettings.WelcomePage = homepageUrl; } else { WriteWarning(string.Format("Page content export requires a server version that is newer than the current server. Server version is {0}, minimal required is {1}", web.Context.ServerLibraryVersion, Constants.MINIMUMZONEIDREQUIREDSERVERVERSION), ProvisioningMessageType.Warning); scope.LogWarning("Page content export requires a server version that is newer than the current server. Server version is {0}, minimal required is {1}", web.Context.ServerLibraryVersion, Constants.MINIMUMZONEIDREQUIREDSERVERVERSION); } } } } catch (ServerException ex) { if (ex.ServerErrorCode != -2146232832) { throw; } else { if (web.Context.HasMinimalServerLibraryVersion(Constants.MINIMUMZONEIDREQUIREDSERVERVERSION)) { // Page does not belong to a list, extract the file as is template = GetFileContents(web, template, welcomePageUrl, creationInfo, scope); if (template.WebSettings == null) { template.WebSettings = new WebSettings(); } template.WebSettings.WelcomePage = homepageUrl; } else { WriteWarning(string.Format("Page content export requires a server version that is newer than the current server. Server version is {0}, minimal required is {1}", web.Context.ServerLibraryVersion, Constants.MINIMUMZONEIDREQUIREDSERVERVERSION), ProvisioningMessageType.Warning); scope.LogWarning("Page content export requires a server version that is newer than the current server. Server version is {0}, minimal required is {1}", web.Context.ServerLibraryVersion, Constants.MINIMUMZONEIDREQUIREDSERVERVERSION); } } } // If a base template is specified then use that one to "cleanup" the generated template model if (creationInfo.BaseTemplate != null) { template = CleanupEntities(template, creationInfo.BaseTemplate); } } return(template); }
internal ListItem GetPage(Web web, string listToLoad) { // Check what we got via the pagepipebind constructor and prep for getting the page if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( { if (!this.BlogPage) { = ClientSidePageUtilities.EnsureCorrectPageName(; } this.pageListItem = null; } else if (this.pageListItem != null) { if (this.pageListItem != null) { if (this.BlogPage) { = this.pageListItem.FieldValues["Title"].ToString(); } else { = this.pageListItem.FieldValues["FileLeafRef"].ToString(); } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Library)) { listToLoad = this.Library; } // Blogs live in a list, not in a library if (this.BlogPage && !listToLoad.StartsWith("lists/", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { listToLoad = $"lists/{listToLoad}"; } web.EnsureProperty(w => w.ServerRelativeUrl); var listServerRelativeUrl = UrlUtility.Combine(web.ServerRelativeUrl, listToLoad); List libraryContainingPage = null; if (BaseTransform.GetVersion(web.Context) == SPVersion.SP2010) { libraryContainingPage = web.GetListByName(listToLoad); } else { libraryContainingPage = web.GetList(listServerRelativeUrl); } if (libraryContainingPage != null) { CamlQuery query = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( { if (this.BlogPage) { query = new CamlQuery { ViewXml = string.Format(CAMLQueryForBlogByTitle, }; } else { query = new CamlQuery { ViewXml = string.Format(CAMLQueryByExtensionAndName, }; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Folder)) { libraryContainingPage.EnsureProperty(p => p.RootFolder); query.FolderServerRelativeUrl = $"{libraryContainingPage.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl}/{Folder}"; } var page = libraryContainingPage.GetItems(query); web.Context.Load(page); web.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); if (page.Count >= 1) { // Return the first match return(page[0]); } } } return(null); }
private async Task <FeedResource <Address> > GetServerAddressesViaGatewayAsync( DocumentServiceRequest request, string collectionRid, IEnumerable <string> partitionKeyRangeIds, bool forceRefresh) { string entryUrl = PathsHelper.GeneratePath(ResourceType.Document, collectionRid, true); INameValueCollection addressQuery = new StringKeyValueCollection(); addressQuery.Add(HttpConstants.QueryStrings.Url, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(entryUrl)); INameValueCollection headers = new StringKeyValueCollection(); if (forceRefresh) { headers.Set(HttpConstants.HttpHeaders.ForceRefresh, bool.TrueString); } if (request.ForceCollectionRoutingMapRefresh) { headers.Set(HttpConstants.HttpHeaders.ForceCollectionRoutingMapRefresh, bool.TrueString); } addressQuery.Add(HttpConstants.QueryStrings.Filter, this.protocolFilter); addressQuery.Add(HttpConstants.QueryStrings.PartitionKeyRangeIds, string.Join(",", partitionKeyRangeIds)); string resourceTypeToSign = PathsHelper.GetResourcePath(ResourceType.Document); headers.Set(HttpConstants.HttpHeaders.XDate, DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("r", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); string token = null; try { token = this.tokenProvider.GetUserAuthorizationToken( collectionRid, resourceTypeToSign, HttpConstants.HttpMethods.Get, headers, AuthorizationTokenType.PrimaryMasterKey); } catch (UnauthorizedException) { } if (token == null && request.IsNameBased) { // User doesn't have rid based resource token. Maybe he has name based. string collectionAltLink = PathsHelper.GetCollectionPath(request.ResourceAddress); token = this.tokenProvider.GetUserAuthorizationToken( collectionAltLink, resourceTypeToSign, HttpConstants.HttpMethods.Get, headers, AuthorizationTokenType.PrimaryMasterKey); } headers.Set(HttpConstants.HttpHeaders.Authorization, token); Uri targetEndpoint = UrlUtility.SetQuery(this.addressEndpoint, UrlUtility.CreateQuery(addressQuery)); string identifier = GatewayAddressCache.LogAddressResolutionStart(request, targetEndpoint); using (HttpResponseMessage httpResponseMessage = await this.httpClient.GetAsync(targetEndpoint, headers)) { using (DocumentServiceResponse documentServiceResponse = await ClientExtensions.ParseResponseAsync(httpResponseMessage)) { GatewayAddressCache.LogAddressResolutionEnd(request, identifier); return(documentServiceResponse.GetResource <FeedResource <Address> >()); } } }
public override void DeployModel(object modelHost, DefinitionBase model) { Folder targetFolder = null; Web web = null; if (modelHost is ListModelHost) { targetFolder = (modelHost as ListModelHost).HostList.RootFolder; web = (modelHost as ListModelHost).HostWeb; } if (modelHost is FolderModelHost) { targetFolder = (modelHost as FolderModelHost).CurrentListFolder; web = (modelHost as FolderModelHost).HostWeb; } var definition = model.WithAssertAndCast <WebpartPresenceOnPageDefinition>("model", value => value.RequireNotNull()); var folder = targetFolder; var allItem = folder.ListItemAllFields; var context = folder.Context; context.Load(folder, f => f.ServerRelativeUrl); context.Load(allItem); context.ExecuteQuery(); var pageName = GetSafeWikiPageFileName(definition.PageFileName); var file = web.GetFileByServerRelativeUrl(UrlUtility.CombineUrl(folder.ServerRelativeUrl, pageName)); context.Load(file); context.ExecuteQueryWithTrace(); var serverUrl = web.Url; if (web.ServerRelativeUrl != "/") { serverUrl = serverUrl.Replace(web.ServerRelativeUrl, string.Empty); } var pageUrl = UrlUtility.CombineUrl(new[] { serverUrl, folder.ServerRelativeUrl, pageName }); var client = new WebClient(); client.UseDefaultCredentials = true; if (context.Credentials != null) { client.Headers.Add("X-FORMS_BASED_AUTH_ACCEPTED", "f"); client.Credentials = context.Credentials; } var userAgentString = "User-Agent"; var userAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2490.80 Safari/537.36"; client.Headers.Add(userAgentString, userAgent); var pageContent = client.DownloadString(new Uri(pageUrl)); ValidateHtmlPage( file, pageUrl, pageContent, definition); }
private bool PersistFile(Web web, ProvisioningTemplateCreationInformation creationInfo, PnPMonitoredScope scope, string serverRelativeUrl) { var success = false; if (creationInfo.PersistBrandingFiles) { if (creationInfo.FileConnector != null) { if (UrlUtility.IsIisVirtualDirectory(serverRelativeUrl)) { scope.LogWarning("File is not located in the content database. Not retrieving {0}", serverRelativeUrl); return(success); } try { var file = web.GetFileByServerRelativePath(ResourcePath.FromDecodedUrl(serverRelativeUrl)); string fileName = string.Empty; if (serverRelativeUrl.IndexOf("/") > -1) { fileName = serverRelativeUrl.Substring(serverRelativeUrl.LastIndexOf("/") + 1); } else { fileName = serverRelativeUrl; } web.Context.Load(file); web.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); ClientResult <Stream> stream = file.OpenBinaryStream(); web.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); file.EnsureProperty(f => f.ServerRelativePath); var baseUri = new Uri(web.Url); var fullUri = new Uri(baseUri, file.ServerRelativePath.DecodedUrl); var folderPath = Uri.UnescapeDataString(fullUri.Segments.Take(fullUri.Segments.Length - 1).ToArray().Aggregate((i, x) => i + x).TrimEnd('/')); // Configure the filename to use fileName = Uri.UnescapeDataString(fullUri.Segments[fullUri.Segments.Length - 1]); // Build up a site relative container URL...might end up empty as well String container = Uri.UnescapeDataString(folderPath.Replace(web.ServerRelativeUrl, "")).Trim('/').Replace("/", "\\"); using (Stream memStream = new MemoryStream()) { CopyStream(stream.Value, memStream); memStream.Position = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(container)) { creationInfo.FileConnector.SaveFileStream(fileName, container, memStream); } else { creationInfo.FileConnector.SaveFileStream(fileName, memStream); } } success = true; } catch (ServerException ex1) { // If we are referring a file from a location outside of the current web or at a location where we cannot retrieve the file an exception is thrown. We swallow this exception. if (ex1.ServerErrorCode != -2147024809) { throw; } else { scope.LogWarning("File is not necessarily located in the current web. Not retrieving {0}", serverRelativeUrl); } } } else { WriteMessage("No connector present to persist footer logo.", ProvisioningMessageType.Error); scope.LogError("No connector present to persist footer logo."); } } else { success = true; } return(success); }
protected override void ExecuteCmdlet() { if (Url.StartsWith("/")) { // prefix the url with the current web url Url = UrlUtility.Combine(ClientContext.Url, Url); } var method = new HttpMethod(Method.ToString()); var httpClient = PnPHttpClient.Instance.GetHttpClient(ClientContext); var requestUrl = Url; using (HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage(method, requestUrl)) { request.Headers.Add("accept", "application/json;odata=nometadata"); if (Method == HttpRequestMethod.Merge) { method = HttpMethod.Post; request.Headers.Add("X-HTTP-Method", "MERGE"); } if (Method == HttpRequestMethod.Merge || Method == HttpRequestMethod.Delete) { request.Headers.Add("IF-MATCH", "*"); } PnPHttpClient.AuthenticateRequestAsync(request, ClientContext).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); if (Method == HttpRequestMethod.Post) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ContentType)) { ContentType = "application/json"; } var contentString = Content is string?Content.ToString() : JsonSerializer.Serialize(Content); request.Content = new StringContent(contentString, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); request.Content.Headers.ContentType = MediaTypeHeaderValue.Parse(ContentType); } HttpResponseMessage response = httpClient.SendAsync(request, new System.Threading.CancellationToken()).Result; if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { var responseString = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); if (responseString != null) { var jsonElement = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <JsonElement>(responseString); if (jsonElement.TryGetProperty("value", out JsonElement valueProperty)) { WriteObject(ConvertToPSObject(valueProperty), true); } else { WriteObject(ConvertToPSObject(jsonElement), true); } } } else { // Something went wrong... throw new Exception(response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult()); } } }
private string GetServerRelativeUrl(string url) { var serverRelativeUrl = SelectedWeb.EnsureProperty(w => w.ServerRelativeUrl); return(UrlUtility.Combine(serverRelativeUrl, url)); }
public bool Validate(PnP.Framework.Provisioning.Model.FileCollection sourceFiles, Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext ctx) { int scount = 0; int tcount = 0; try { // Check if this is not a noscript site as we're not allowed to write to the web property bag is that one bool isNoScriptSite = ctx.Web.IsNoScriptSite(); foreach (var sf in sourceFiles) { scount++; string fileName = sf.Src; string folderName = sf.Folder; string fileUrl = UrlUtility.Combine(ctx.Web.ServerRelativeUrl, folderName + "/" + fileName); // Skip the files we skipped to provision (if any) if (ObjectFiles.SkipFile(isNoScriptSite, fileName, folderName)) { continue; } var file = ctx.Web.GetFileByServerRelativeUrl(UrlUtility.Combine(ctx.Web.ServerRelativeUrl, folderName + "/" + fileName)); ctx.Load(file, f => f.Exists, f => f.Length); ctx.ExecuteQueryRetry(); if (file.Exists) { tcount++; #region File - Security if (sf.Security != null) { ctx.Load(file, f => f.ListItemAllFields); ctx.ExecuteQueryRetry(); bool isSecurityMatch = ValidateSecurityCSOM(ctx, sf.Security, file.ListItemAllFields); if (!isSecurityMatch) { return(false); } } #endregion #region Overwrite validation if (sf.Overwrite == false) { // lookup the original added file size...should be different from the one we retrieved from SharePoint since we opted to NOT overwrite var files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(@".\framework\functional\templates"); foreach (var f in files) { if (f.Contains(sf.Src)) { if (new System.IO.FileInfo(f).Length == file.Length) { return(false); } } } } #endregion } else { return(false); } } } catch (Exception ex) { // Return false if we get an exception Console.WriteLine(ex.ToDetailedString(ctx)); return(false); } return(true); }
public ActionResult GenerateModuleInfo() { ModuleInfo moduleInfo = new ModuleInfo(); moduleInfo.ModuleName = ModuleAreaRegistration.ModuleName; moduleInfo.Version = ""; moduleInfo.KoobooCMSVersion = ""; moduleInfo.InstallingTemplate = UrlUtility.Combine("Views", "Shared", "_OnInstalling.cshtml"); moduleInfo.UninstallingTemplate = UrlUtility.Combine("Views", "Shared", "_OnUninstalling.cshtml"); moduleInfo.DefaultSettings = new ModuleSettings() { ThemeName = "Default", Entry = new Entry() { Controller = "News", Action = "Index", Name = "NewsList" } }; moduleInfo.EntryOptions = new EntryOption[] { new EntryOption() { Name = "NewsList", Entry = new Entry { Name = "NewsList", Controller = "News", Action = "Index" } }, new EntryOption() { Name = "NewsCategories", Entry = new Entry { Name = "NewsList", Controller = "News", Action = "Categories" } }, new EntryOption() { Name = "ArticleCategories", Entry = new Entry { Name = "NewsList", Controller = "Article", Action = "Categories" } }, new EntryOption() { Name = "ArticleList", Entry = new Entry { Name = "NewsList", Controller = "Article", Action = "List" } }, new EntryOption() { Name = "ArticleSearch", Entry = new Entry { Name = "NewsList", Controller = "Article", Action = "Search" } }, new EntryOption() { Name = "LastestNews", Entry = new Entry { Name = "NewsList", Controller = "News", Action = "LastestNews", LinkToEntryName = "NewsList" } } }; moduleInfo.DefaultSettings.CustomSettings = new Dictionary <string, string>(); moduleInfo.DefaultSettings.CustomSettings["Setting1"] = "Value1"; ModuleInfo.Save(moduleInfo); return(Content("The module configuration file has been generated.")); }
protected override void ExecuteCmdlet() { var serverRelativeWebUrl = SelectedWeb.EnsureProperty(w => w.ServerRelativeUrl); if (!ServerRelativePageUrl.ToLowerInvariant().StartsWith(serverRelativeWebUrl.ToLowerInvariant())) { ServerRelativePageUrl = UrlUtility.Combine(serverRelativeWebUrl, ServerRelativePageUrl); } Guid id = Guid.Empty; if (Identity.Id == Guid.Empty) { var wp = SelectedWeb.GetWebParts(ServerRelativePageUrl).FirstOrDefault(wps => wps.WebPart.Title == Identity.Title); if (wp != null) { id = wp.Id; } else { throw new Exception(string.Format("Web Part with title '{0}' cannot be found on page with URL {1}", Identity.Title, ServerRelativePageUrl)); } } else { id = Identity.Id; } var uri = new Uri(ClientContext.Url); var hostUri = uri.Host; var webUrl = string.Format("{0}://{1}{2}", uri.Scheme, uri.Host, SelectedWeb.ServerRelativeUrl); var pageUrl = string.Format("{0}://{1}{2}", uri.Scheme, uri.Host, ServerRelativePageUrl); var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(string.Format("{0}/_vti_bin/exportwp.aspx?pageurl={1}&guidstring={2}", webUrl, pageUrl, id.ToString())); if (SPOnlineConnection.CurrentConnection.ConnectionType == Enums.ConnectionType.O365) { var credentials = ClientContext.Credentials as SharePointOnlineCredentials; var authCookieValue = credentials.GetAuthenticationCookie(uri); Cookie fedAuth = new Cookie() { Name = "SPOIDCRL", Value = authCookieValue.TrimStart("SPOIDCRL=".ToCharArray()), Path = "/", Secure = true, HttpOnly = true, Domain = uri.Host }; request.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer(); request.CookieContainer.Add(fedAuth); } else { CredentialCache credentialCache = new CredentialCache(); credentialCache.Add(new Uri(webUrl), "NTLM", ClientContext.Credentials as NetworkCredential); request.Credentials = credentialCache; } var response = request.GetResponse(); using (Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream()) { StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.UTF8); string responseString = reader.ReadToEnd(); WriteObject(responseString); } }
public override TokenParser ProvisionObjects(Web web, ProvisioningTemplate template, TokenParser parser, ProvisioningTemplateApplyingInformation applyingInformation) { using (var scope = new PnPMonitoredScope(this.Name)) { var context = web.Context as ClientContext; web.EnsureProperties(w => w.ServerRelativeUrl, w => w.RootFolder.WelcomePage); foreach (var page in template.Pages) { var url = parser.ParseString(page.Url); if (!url.ToLower().StartsWith(web.ServerRelativeUrl.ToLower())) { url = UrlUtility.Combine(web.ServerRelativeUrl, url); } var exists = true; Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File file = null; try { file = web.GetFileByServerRelativeUrl(url); web.Context.Load(file); web.Context.ExecuteQuery(); } catch (ServerException ex) { if (ex.ServerErrorTypeName == "System.IO.FileNotFoundException") { exists = false; } } if (exists) { if (page.Overwrite) { try { scope.LogDebug(CoreResources.Provisioning_ObjectHandlers_Pages_Overwriting_existing_page__0_, url); if (page.WelcomePage && url.Contains(web.RootFolder.WelcomePage)) { web.SetHomePage(string.Empty); } file.DeleteObject(); web.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); web.AddWikiPageByUrl(url); if (page.Layout == WikiPageLayout.Custom) { web.AddLayoutToWikiPage(WikiPageLayout.OneColumn, url); } else { web.AddLayoutToWikiPage(page.Layout, url); } } catch (Exception ex) { scope.LogError(CoreResources.Provisioning_ObjectHandlers_Pages_Overwriting_existing_page__0__failed___1_____2_, url, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } } } else { try { scope.LogDebug(CoreResources.Provisioning_ObjectHandlers_Pages_Creating_new_page__0_, url); web.AddWikiPageByUrl(url); web.AddLayoutToWikiPage(page.Layout, url); } catch (Exception ex) { scope.LogError(CoreResources.Provisioning_ObjectHandlers_Pages_Creating_new_page__0__failed___1_____2_, url, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } } if (page.WelcomePage) { web.RootFolder.EnsureProperty(p => p.ServerRelativeUrl); var rootFolderRelativeUrl = url.Substring(web.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl.Length); web.SetHomePage(rootFolderRelativeUrl); } if (page.WebParts != null & page.WebParts.Any()) { var existingWebParts = web.GetWebParts(url); foreach (var webpart in page.WebParts) { if (existingWebParts.FirstOrDefault(w => w.WebPart.Title == webpart.Title) == null) { WebPartEntity wpEntity = new WebPartEntity(); wpEntity.WebPartTitle = webpart.Title; wpEntity.WebPartXml = parser.ParseString(webpart.Contents.Trim(new[] { '\n', ' ' })); web.AddWebPartToWikiPage(url, wpEntity, (int)webpart.Row, (int)webpart.Column, false); } } var allWebParts = web.GetWebParts(url); foreach (var webpart in allWebParts) { parser.AddToken(new WebPartIdToken(web, webpart.WebPart.Title, webpart.Id)); } } file = web.GetFileByServerRelativeUrl(url); file.EnsureProperty(f => f.ListItemAllFields); if (page.Fields.Any()) { var item = file.ListItemAllFields; foreach (var fieldValue in page.Fields) { item[fieldValue.Key] = parser.ParseString(fieldValue.Value); } item.Update(); web.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } if (page.Security != null && page.Security.RoleAssignments.Count != 0) { web.Context.Load(file.ListItemAllFields); web.Context.ExecuteQuery(); file.ListItemAllFields.SetSecurity(parser, page.Security); } } } return(parser); }
private static void SetThemeToWebImplementation(this Web web, Web rootWeb, string themeName) { // Let's get instance to the composite look gallery List themeList = rootWeb.GetCatalog(124); rootWeb.Context.Load(themeList); rootWeb.Context.ExecuteQuery(); // Double checking that theme exists if (rootWeb.ThemeEntryExists(themeName, themeList)) { CamlQuery query = new CamlQuery(); string camlString = @" <View> <Query> <Where> <Eq> <FieldRef Name='Name' /> <Value Type='Text'>{0}</Value> </Eq> </Where> </Query> </View>"; // Let's update the theme name accordingly camlString = string.Format(camlString, themeName); query.ViewXml = camlString; var found = themeList.GetItems(query); rootWeb.Context.Load(found); rootWeb.Context.ExecuteQuery(); if (found.Count > 0) { ListItem themeEntry = found[0]; //Set the properties for applying custom theme which was jus uplaoded string spColorURL = null; if (themeEntry["ThemeUrl"] != null && themeEntry["ThemeUrl"].ToString().Length > 0) { spColorURL = UrlUtility.MakeRelativeUrl((themeEntry["ThemeUrl"] as FieldUrlValue).Url); } string spFontURL = null; if (themeEntry["FontSchemeUrl"] != null && themeEntry["FontSchemeUrl"].ToString().Length > 0) { spFontURL = UrlUtility.MakeRelativeUrl((themeEntry["FontSchemeUrl"] as FieldUrlValue).Url); } string backGroundImage = null; if (themeEntry["ImageUrl"] != null && themeEntry["ImageUrl"].ToString().Length > 0) { backGroundImage = UrlUtility.MakeRelativeUrl((themeEntry["ImageUrl"] as FieldUrlValue).Url); } // Set theme for demonstration web.ApplyTheme(spColorURL, spFontURL, backGroundImage, false); // Let's also update master page, if needed if (themeEntry["MasterPageUrl"] != null && themeEntry["MasterPageUrl"].ToString().Length > 0) { web.MasterUrl = UrlUtility.MakeRelativeUrl((themeEntry["MasterPageUrl"] as FieldUrlValue).Url);; } web.Context.ExecuteQuery(); } } }
protected override void ExecuteCmdlet() { if (ParameterSetName == ParameterSet_ASFILE) { if (!System.IO.Path.IsPathRooted(Path)) { Path = System.IO.Path.Combine(SessionState.Path.CurrentFileSystemLocation.Path, Path); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(NewFileName)) { FileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(Path); } else { FileName = NewFileName; } } var folder = EnsureFolder(); var fileUrl = UrlUtility.Combine(folder.ServerRelativeUrl, FileName); string targetContentTypeId = null; // Check to see if the Content Type exists. If it doesn't we are going to throw an exception and block this transaction right here. if (ContentType != null) { CurrentWeb.EnsureProperty(w => w.ServerRelativeUrl); var list = CurrentWeb.GetListByUrl(folder.ServerRelativeUrl.Substring(CurrentWeb.ServerRelativeUrl.TrimEnd('/').Length + 1)); if (list is null) { throw new PSArgumentException("The folder specified does not have a corresponding list", nameof(Folder)); } targetContentTypeId = ContentType?.GetIdOrThrow(nameof(ContentType), list); } // Check if the file exists if (Checkout) { try { var existingFile = CurrentWeb.GetFileByServerRelativePath(ResourcePath.FromDecodedUrl(fileUrl)); existingFile.EnsureProperty(f => f.Exists); if (existingFile.Exists) { CurrentWeb.CheckOutFile(fileUrl); } } catch { // Swallow exception, file does not exist } } Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File file; if (ParameterSetName == ParameterSet_ASFILE) { file = folder.UploadFile(FileName, Path, true); } else { file = folder.UploadFile(FileName, Stream, true); } bool updateRequired = false; var item = file.ListItemAllFields; if (Values != null) { ListItemHelper.SetFieldValues(item, Values, this); updateRequired = true; } if (ContentType != null) { item["ContentTypeId"] = targetContentTypeId; updateRequired = true; } if (updateRequired) { item.UpdateOverwriteVersion(); } if (Checkout) { CurrentWeb.CheckInFile(fileUrl, CheckinType.MajorCheckIn, CheckInComment); } if (Publish) { CurrentWeb.PublishFile(fileUrl, PublishComment); } if (Approve) { CurrentWeb.ApproveFile(fileUrl, ApproveComment); } ClientContext.Load(file); try { ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } catch (ServerException) { // Can happen when uploading a file to a location not residing inside a document library, such as to the _cts folder. Switch to fallback option so that the upload doesn't result in an error. ClientContext.Load(file, f => f.Length, f => f.Name, f => f.TimeCreated, f => f.TimeLastModified, f => f.Title); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } WriteObject(file); }
protected override void ExecuteCmdlet() { if (ParameterSetName == ParameterSet_ASFILE) { if (!System.IO.Path.IsPathRooted(Path)) { Path = System.IO.Path.Combine(SessionState.Path.CurrentFileSystemLocation.Path, Path); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(NewFileName)) { FileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(Path); } else { FileName = NewFileName; } } var folder = EnsureFolder(); var fileUrl = UrlUtility.Combine(folder.ServerRelativeUrl, FileName); ContentType targetContentType = null; // Check to see if the Content Type exists. If it doesn't we are going to throw an exception and block this transaction right here. if (ContentType != null) { try { var list = SelectedWeb.GetListByUrl(Folder); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ContentType.Id)) { targetContentType = list.GetContentTypeById(ContentType.Id); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ContentType.Name)) { targetContentType = list.GetContentTypeByName(ContentType.Name); } else if (ContentType.ContentType != null) { targetContentType = ContentType.ContentType; } if (targetContentType == null) { ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(new ArgumentException($"Content Type Argument: {ContentType} does not exist in the list: {list.Title}"), "CONTENTTYPEDOESNOTEXIST", ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, this)); } } catch { ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(new ArgumentException($"The Folder specified ({folder.ServerRelativeUrl}) does not have a corresponding List, the -ContentType parameter is not valid."), "RELATIVEPATHNOTINLIBRARY", ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, this)); } } // Check if the file exists if (Checkout) { try { #if ONPREMISES var existingFile = SelectedWeb.GetFileByServerRelativeUrl(fileUrl); #else var existingFile = SelectedWeb.GetFileByServerRelativePath(ResourcePath.FromDecodedUrl(fileUrl)); #endif existingFile.EnsureProperty(f => f.Exists); if (existingFile.Exists) { SelectedWeb.CheckOutFile(fileUrl); } } catch { // Swallow exception, file does not exist } } Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File file; if (ParameterSetName == ParameterSet_ASFILE) { file = folder.UploadFile(FileName, Path, true); } else { file = folder.UploadFile(FileName, Stream, true); } if (Values != null) { var item = file.ListItemAllFields; ListItemHelper.UpdateListItem(item, Values, ListItemUpdateType.UpdateOverwriteVersion, (warning) => { WriteWarning(warning); }, (terminatingErrorMessage, terminatingErrorCode) => { ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(new Exception(terminatingErrorMessage), terminatingErrorCode, ErrorCategory.InvalidData, this)); }); } if (ContentType != null) { var item = file.ListItemAllFields; item["ContentTypeId"] = targetContentType.Id.StringValue; #if !ONPREMISES item.UpdateOverwriteVersion(); #else item.Update(); #endif ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } if (Checkout) { SelectedWeb.CheckInFile(fileUrl, CheckinType.MajorCheckIn, CheckInComment); } if (Publish) { SelectedWeb.PublishFile(fileUrl, PublishComment); } if (Approve) { SelectedWeb.ApproveFile(fileUrl, ApproveComment); } ClientContext.Load(file); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); WriteObject(file); }
public override TokenParser ProvisionObjects(Web web, ProvisioningTemplate template, TokenParser parser, ProvisioningTemplateApplyingInformation applyingInformation) { using (var scope = new PnPMonitoredScope(this.Name)) { web.EnsureProperties(w => w.ServerRelativeUrl); foreach (var clientSidePage in template.ClientSidePages) { // determine pages library string pagesLibrary = "SitePages"; string pageName = $"{System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(clientSidePage.PageName)}.aspx"; string url = $"{pagesLibrary}/{pageName}"; url = UrlUtility.Combine(web.ServerRelativeUrl, url); var exists = true; try { var file = web.GetFileByServerRelativeUrl(url); web.Context.Load(file); web.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } catch (ServerException ex) { if (ex.ServerErrorTypeName == "System.IO.FileNotFoundException") { exists = false; } } Pages.ClientSidePage page = null; if (exists) { if (clientSidePage.Overwrite) { // Get the existing page page = web.LoadClientSidePage(pageName); // Clear the page page.ClearPage(); } else { scope.LogWarning(CoreResources.Provisioning_ObjectHandlers_ClientSidePages_NoOverWrite, pageName); continue; } } else { // Create new client side page page = web.AddClientSidePage(pageName); } // Load existing available controls var componentsToAdd = page.AvailableClientSideComponents().ToList(); // if no section specified then add a default single column section if (!clientSidePage.Sections.Any()) { clientSidePage.Sections.Add(new CanvasSection() { Type = CanvasSectionType.OneColumn, Order = 10 }); } int sectionCount = -1; // Apply the "layout" and content foreach (var section in clientSidePage.Sections) { sectionCount++; switch (section.Type) { case CanvasSectionType.OneColumn: page.AddSection(Pages.CanvasSectionTemplate.OneColumn, section.Order); break; case CanvasSectionType.OneColumnFullWidth: page.AddSection(Pages.CanvasSectionTemplate.OneColumnFullWidth, section.Order); break; case CanvasSectionType.TwoColumn: page.AddSection(Pages.CanvasSectionTemplate.TwoColumn, section.Order); break; case CanvasSectionType.ThreeColumn: page.AddSection(Pages.CanvasSectionTemplate.ThreeColumn, section.Order); break; case CanvasSectionType.TwoColumnLeft: page.AddSection(Pages.CanvasSectionTemplate.TwoColumnLeft, section.Order); break; case CanvasSectionType.TwoColumnRight: page.AddSection(Pages.CanvasSectionTemplate.TwoColumnRight, section.Order); break; default: page.AddSection(Pages.CanvasSectionTemplate.OneColumn, section.Order); break; } // Add controls to the section if (section.Controls.Any()) { // Safety measure: reset column order to 1 for columns marked with 0 or lower foreach (var control in section.Controls.Where(p => p.Column <= 0).ToList()) { control.Column = 1; } foreach (CanvasControl control in section.Controls) { Pages.ClientSideComponent baseControl = null; // Is it a text control? if (control.Type == WebPartType.Text) { Pages.ClientSideText textControl = new Pages.ClientSideText(); if (control.ControlProperties.Any()) { var textProperty = control.ControlProperties.First(); textControl.Text = parser.ParseString(textProperty.Value); // Reduce column number by 1 due 0 start indexing page.AddControl(textControl, page.Sections[sectionCount].Columns[control.Column - 1], control.Order); } } // It is a web part else { // apply token parsing on the web part properties control.JsonControlData = parser.ParseString(control.JsonControlData); // perform processing of web part properties (e.g. include listid property based list title property) var webPartPostProcessor = CanvasControlPostProcessorFactory.Resolve(control); webPartPostProcessor.Process(control, page); // Is a custom developed client side web part (3rd party) if (control.Type == WebPartType.Custom) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(control.CustomWebPartName)) { baseControl = componentsToAdd.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name.Equals(control.CustomWebPartName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); } else if (control.ControlId != Guid.Empty) { baseControl = componentsToAdd.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id.Equals($"{{{control.ControlId.ToString()}}}", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)); } } // Is an OOB client side web part (1st party) else { string webPartName = ""; switch (control.Type) { case WebPartType.Image: webPartName = Pages.ClientSidePage.ClientSideWebPartEnumToName(Pages.DefaultClientSideWebParts.Image); break; case WebPartType.BingMap: webPartName = Pages.ClientSidePage.ClientSideWebPartEnumToName(Pages.DefaultClientSideWebParts.BingMap); break; case WebPartType.ContentEmbed: webPartName = Pages.ClientSidePage.ClientSideWebPartEnumToName(Pages.DefaultClientSideWebParts.ContentEmbed); break; case WebPartType.ContentRollup: webPartName = Pages.ClientSidePage.ClientSideWebPartEnumToName(Pages.DefaultClientSideWebParts.ContentRollup); break; case WebPartType.DocumentEmbed: webPartName = Pages.ClientSidePage.ClientSideWebPartEnumToName(Pages.DefaultClientSideWebParts.DocumentEmbed); break; case WebPartType.Events: webPartName = Pages.ClientSidePage.ClientSideWebPartEnumToName(Pages.DefaultClientSideWebParts.Events); break; case WebPartType.GroupCalendar: webPartName = Pages.ClientSidePage.ClientSideWebPartEnumToName(Pages.DefaultClientSideWebParts.GroupCalendar); break; case WebPartType.Hero: webPartName = Pages.ClientSidePage.ClientSideWebPartEnumToName(Pages.DefaultClientSideWebParts.Hero); break; case WebPartType.ImageGallery: webPartName = Pages.ClientSidePage.ClientSideWebPartEnumToName(Pages.DefaultClientSideWebParts.ImageGallery); break; case WebPartType.LinkPreview: webPartName = Pages.ClientSidePage.ClientSideWebPartEnumToName(Pages.DefaultClientSideWebParts.LinkPreview); break; case WebPartType.List: webPartName = Pages.ClientSidePage.ClientSideWebPartEnumToName(Pages.DefaultClientSideWebParts.List); break; case WebPartType.NewsFeed: webPartName = Pages.ClientSidePage.ClientSideWebPartEnumToName(Pages.DefaultClientSideWebParts.NewsFeed); break; case WebPartType.NewsReel: webPartName = Pages.ClientSidePage.ClientSideWebPartEnumToName(Pages.DefaultClientSideWebParts.NewsReel); break; case WebPartType.PageTitle: webPartName = Pages.ClientSidePage.ClientSideWebPartEnumToName(Pages.DefaultClientSideWebParts.PageTitle); break; case WebPartType.People: webPartName = Pages.ClientSidePage.ClientSideWebPartEnumToName(Pages.DefaultClientSideWebParts.People); break; case WebPartType.PowerBIReportEmbed: webPartName = Pages.ClientSidePage.ClientSideWebPartEnumToName(Pages.DefaultClientSideWebParts.PowerBIReportEmbed); break; case WebPartType.QuickChart: webPartName = Pages.ClientSidePage.ClientSideWebPartEnumToName(Pages.DefaultClientSideWebParts.QuickChart); break; case WebPartType.QuickLinks: webPartName = Pages.ClientSidePage.ClientSideWebPartEnumToName(Pages.DefaultClientSideWebParts.QuickLinks); break; case WebPartType.SiteActivity: webPartName = Pages.ClientSidePage.ClientSideWebPartEnumToName(Pages.DefaultClientSideWebParts.SiteActivity); break; case WebPartType.VideoEmbed: webPartName = Pages.ClientSidePage.ClientSideWebPartEnumToName(Pages.DefaultClientSideWebParts.VideoEmbed); break; case WebPartType.YammerEmbed: webPartName = Pages.ClientSidePage.ClientSideWebPartEnumToName(Pages.DefaultClientSideWebParts.YammerEmbed); break; } baseControl = componentsToAdd.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name.Equals(webPartName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); } if (baseControl != null) { Pages.ClientSideWebPart myWebPart = new Pages.ClientSideWebPart(baseControl) { Order = control.Order }; // Reduce column number by 1 due 0 start indexing page.AddControl(myWebPart, page.Sections[sectionCount].Columns[control.Column - 1], control.Order); // set properties using json string if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(control.JsonControlData)) { myWebPart.PropertiesJson = control.JsonControlData; } // set using property collection if (control.ControlProperties.Any()) { // grab the "default" properties so we can deduct their types, needed to correctly apply the set properties var controlManifest = JObject.Parse(baseControl.Manifest); JToken controlProperties = null; if (controlManifest != null) { controlProperties = controlManifest.SelectToken("preconfiguredEntries[0].properties"); } foreach (var property in control.ControlProperties) { Type propertyType = typeof(string); if (controlProperties != null) { var defaultProperty = controlProperties.SelectToken(property.Key, false); if (defaultProperty != null) { propertyType = Type.GetType($"System.{defaultProperty.Type.ToString()}"); if (propertyType == null) { if (defaultProperty.Type.ToString().Equals("integer", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { propertyType = typeof(int); } } } } myWebPart.Properties[property.Key] = JToken.FromObject(Convert.ChangeType(parser.ParseString(property.Value), propertyType)); } } } else { scope.LogWarning(CoreResources.Provisioning_ObjectHandlers_ClientSidePages_BaseControlNotFound, control.ControlId, control.CustomWebPartName); } } } } } // Persist the page page.Save(pageName); // Make it a news page if requested if (clientSidePage.PromoteAsNewsArticle) { page.PromoteAsNewsArticle(); } } } return(parser); }