public ScreenMap (ScreenController ctrl, Thing t) { this.ctrl = ctrl; this.engine = ctrl.Engine; this.thing = t; // OS specific details if (new Version (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.SystemVersion) >= new Version(7,0)) { // Code that uses features from Xamarin.iOS 7.0 this.EdgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdge.None; } // Create URLTileLayers osmLayer = UrlTileLayer.FromUrlConstructor ( (uint x, uint y, uint zoom) => { string url = String.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}.png", zoom, x, y); return NSUrl.FromString(url); } ); osmLayer.ZIndex = 0; ocmLayer = UrlTileLayer.FromUrlConstructor ( (uint x, uint y, uint zoom) => { string url = String.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}.png", zoom, x, y); return NSUrl.FromString(url); } ); ocmLayer.ZIndex = 0; }
public ScreenMap(ScreenController ctrl, Thing t) { this.ctrl = ctrl; this.engine = ctrl.Engine; this.thing = t; // OS specific details if (new Version(UIDevice.CurrentDevice.SystemVersion) >= new Version(7, 0)) { // Code that uses features from Xamarin.iOS 7.0 this.EdgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdge.None; } // Create URLTileLayers osmLayer = UrlTileLayer.FromUrlConstructor( (uint x, uint y, uint zoom) => { string url = String.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}.png", zoom, x, y); return(NSUrl.FromString(url)); } ); osmLayer.ZIndex = 0; ocmLayer = UrlTileLayer.FromUrlConstructor( (uint x, uint y, uint zoom) => { string url = String.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}.png", zoom, x, y); return(NSUrl.FromString(url)); } ); ocmLayer.ZIndex = 0; }
void DidChangeSwitcher(object sender = null, EventArgs e = null) { var title = switcher.TitleAt(switcher.SelectedSegment); var selectedFloor = Convert.ToInt32(title); if (floor != selectedFloor) { // Clear existing tileLayer, if any. if (tilelayer != null) { tilelayer.Map = null; } // Create a new TileLayer with the new floor choice. tilelayer = UrlTileLayer.FromUrlConstructor((x, y, zoom) => { var url = string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}.png", floor, zoom, x, y); return(new NSUrl(url)); }); tilelayer.Map = mapView; floor = selectedFloor; } }