Exemple #1
    public void Normalize()
        Name     = "Normal";
        Symptoms = new string[] { "None" };

        color = UrineColor.Yellow;

        RelatedFoods = new string[] { };
        RelatedMeds  = new string[] { };

        UsedFood = "None";
        UsedMed  = "None";

        LeukValue = false;
        NitrValue = false;
        UrobValue = Random.Range(0.1f, 0.25f);
        ProtValue = Random.Range(100.0f / 300.0f, 0.57f);
        pHValue   = Random.Range(4.5f / 12.0f, 8.0f / 12.0f);
        HaemValue = Random.Range(0f, .1f);
        SpecValue = Random.Range(1.005f, 1.025f) / 2.05f;
        KetoValue = 0.0f;
        BiliValue = false;
        GlucValue = Random.Range(100.0f / 260.0f, 0.5f);

        RedBloodCells   = Random.Range(0, 2);
        WhiteBloodCells = Random.Range(0, 5);
        Crystals        = 0;
        Bacteria        = 0;
        Yeast           = 0;
Exemple #2
    public int        Yeast;           // Yeast infection

    public void init()
        Name     = "";
        Symptoms = new string[] {};

        color = UrineColor.Yellow;

        RelatedFoods = new string[] { };
        RelatedMeds  = new string[] { };

        LeukValue = false;
        NitrValue = false;
        UrobValue = 0.02f;
        ProtValue = 0.02f;
        pHValue   = 0.02f;
        HaemValue = 0.02f;
        SpecValue = 0.02f;
        KetoValue = 0.0f;
        BiliValue = false;
        GlucValue = 0.02f;

        RedBloodCells   = 2;
        WhiteBloodCells = 2;
        Crystals        = 0;
        Bacteria        = 0;
        Yeast           = 0;
Exemple #3
    public void WhiteDrug()
        Name     = "Drug";
        Symptoms = new string[] { "Discolored Urine" };

        color = UrineColor.White;

        RelatedMeds = new string[] { "Propofol" };
        UsedMed     = RelatedMeds[Random.Range(0, RelatedMeds.Length)];
Exemple #4
    public void BlueDrug()
        Name     = "Drug";
        Symptoms = new string[] { "Discolored Urine" };

        color = UrineColor.Blue;

        RelatedMeds = new string[] { "Methylene Blue", "Indomethacin", "Amitriptyline", "Triamterene", "Cimetidine", "Promethazine" };
        UsedMed     = RelatedMeds[Random.Range(0, RelatedMeds.Length)];
Exemple #5
    public void BrownDrug()
        Name     = "Drug";
        Symptoms = new string[] { "Discolored Urine" };

        color = UrineColor.Brown;

        RelatedFoods = new string[] { "Fava Beans" };
        RelatedMeds  = new string[] { "Levodopa", "Metronidazole", "Nitrofurantoin", "Primaquine", "Chloroquine", "Methocarbamol", "Senna" };
        UsedMed      = RelatedMeds[Random.Range(0, RelatedMeds.Length)];
Exemple #6
    public void GreenDrug()
        Name     = "Drug";
        Symptoms = new string[] { "Discolored Urine" };

        color = UrineColor.Green;

        RelatedFoods = new string[] { "Asparagus" };
        RelatedMeds  = new string[] { "Vitamin B", "Methylene Blue", "Propofol", "Amitriptyline" };
        UsedMed      = RelatedMeds[Random.Range(0, RelatedMeds.Length)];
Exemple #7
    public void OrangeDrug()
        Name     = "Drug";
        Symptoms = new string[] { "Discolored Urine" };

        color = UrineColor.Orange;

        RelatedFoods = new string[] { "Carrot", "Vitamin C" };
        RelatedMeds  = new string[] { "Rifampin", "Phenazopyridine" };
        UsedMed      = RelatedMeds[Random.Range(0, RelatedMeds.Length)];
Exemple #8
    public void RedDrug()
        Name     = "Drug";
        Symptoms = new string[] { "Discolored Urine" };

        color = UrineColor.Red;

        RelatedFoods = new string[] { "Beets", "Blackberries", "Rhubarb" };
        RelatedMeds  = new string[] { "Propofol", "Chlorpromazine", "Thioridazine", "Ex-lax" };
        UsedMed      = RelatedMeds[Random.Range(0, RelatedMeds.Length)];
Exemple #9
    // Urinary Tract Infection
    public void UTI()
        Name     = "Urinary Tract Infection";
        Symptoms = new string[] { "Strong and Persistent Urge to Urinate", "Burining Sensation when Urinating",
                                  "Frequent and Short Urination", "Cloudy Urine", "Discolored Urine", "Strong Smelling Urine",
                                  "Pelvic Pain", "Rectal Pain", "Fever", "Nausea", "Vomiting",
                                  "Blood in Urine" };
        // Red or Yellow Urine.
        color = Random.Range(0, 2) == 0 ? UrineColor.Yellow : UrineColor.Red;

        RedBloodCells = Random.Range(3, 10);
        Bacteria      = Random.Range(1, 5);

        HaemValue = RedBloodCells / 30.0f;
Exemple #10
    /* -------------- Micro Detection Diseases -------------- */

    public void KidneyInfection()
        Name     = "Kidney Infection";
        Symptoms = new string[] { "Fever", "Back Pain", "Groin Pain", "Abdominal Pain",
                                  "Frequent Urination", "Strong and Persistent Urge to Urinate",
                                  "Burning Sensation When Urinating", "Pus in Urine",
                                  "Blood in Urine", "Cloudy Urine", "Strong Smelling Urine" };

        // Red or Yellow Urine.
        color = Random.Range(0, 2) == 0 ? UrineColor.Yellow : UrineColor.Red;

        WhiteBloodCells = Random.Range(6, 10);
        RedBloodCells   = Random.Range(3, 10);

        HaemValue = RedBloodCells / 30.0f;
Exemple #11
    public void KidneyStones()
        Name     = "Kidney Stones";
        Symptoms = new string[] { "Severe Pain in Lower Side and Back", "Pain That Spreads to the Lower Abdomen and Groin",
                                  "Pain That Comes in Waves and Fluctuates in Intensity", "Painful Urination",
                                  "Discolored Urine", "Cloudy Urine", "Strong Smelling Urine", "Nausea", "Vomiting",
                                  "Persistent Need to Urinate", "Frequent Urination", "Short Urination Duration" };
        // Red or brown urine.
        int col = Random.Range(0, 3);

        if (col == 0)
            color = UrineColor.Yellow;
        else if (col == 1)
            color = UrineColor.Red;
            color = UrineColor.Brown;

        if (color == UrineColor.Red || color == UrineColor.Brown)
            RedBloodCells = Random.Range(3, 10);
            RedBloodCells = Random.Range(1, 4);

        HaemValue = RedBloodCells / 30.0f;

        Crystals = Random.Range(1, 10);