public static string ConvertDocx2Html(string fileInput, string fileOutput, int margin) { var fileInfo = new FileInfo(fileInput); string fullFilePath = fileInfo.FullName; string htmlText = string.Empty; try { htmlText = ParseDOCX(fileInfo, margin); } catch (OpenXmlPackageException e) { if (e.ToString().Contains("Invalid Hyperlink")) { using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(fullFilePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) { UriFixer.FixInvalidUri(fs, brokenUri => FixUri(brokenUri)); } htmlText = ParseDOCX(fileInfo, margin); } } var writer = File.CreateText(fileOutput + ".html"); writer.WriteLine(htmlText.ToString()); writer.Dispose(); return(fileOutput); }
private async Task <IActionResult> ConvertDocxToHtmlWithImageAsync(string fileName, byte[] fileBytes) { try { var docFilePath = Path.Combine(_tempPath, fileName); System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(docFilePath, fileBytes); string htmlText = string.Empty; try { htmlText = ParseDOCX(docFilePath); } catch (OpenXmlPackageException e) { if (e.ToString().Contains("Invalid Hyperlink")) { using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(docFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { UriFixer.FixInvalidUri(fs, brokenUri => FixUri(brokenUri)); } htmlText = ParseDOCX(docFilePath); } } var outfile = Path.Combine(_tempPath, ("htmldata" + ".html")); var writer = System.IO.File.CreateText(outfile); writer.WriteLine(htmlText.ToString()); writer.Dispose(); System.IO.File.Delete(docFilePath); return(File(await System.IO.File.ReadAllBytesAsync(outfile), "application/octet-stream", (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName) + ".html"))); } catch (Exception ex) { return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError)); } }
/// <summary> /// Code obtained from CodeProject on GitHub /// /// </summary> /// <param name="fullFilePath"></param> /// <returns>html of document</returns> public string ConvertToHtml(string fullFilePath) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullFilePath) || Path.GetExtension(fullFilePath) != ".docx") { return("Unsupported format"); } FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(fullFilePath); string htmlText = string.Empty; try { htmlText = ParseDOCX(fileInfo); } catch (OpenXmlPackageException e) { if (e.ToString().Contains("Invalid Hyperlink")) { using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(fullFilePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) { UriFixer.FixInvalidUri(fs, brokenUri => FixUri(brokenUri)); } htmlText = ParseDOCX(fileInfo); } } return(htmlText); }
public static Dictionary <uint, string[]> GetTextOnSlides(string presentationFile) { var slides = new Dictionary <uint, string[]>(); try { using (PresentationDocument presentationDocument = PresentationDocument.Open(presentationFile, false)) { PresentationPart presentationPart = presentationDocument.PresentationPart; // Verify that the presentation part and presentation exist. if (presentationPart != null && presentationPart.Presentation != null) { // Get the Presentation object from the presentation part. Presentation presentation = presentationPart.Presentation; // Verify that the slide ID list exists. if (presentation.SlideIdList != null) { // Get the collection of slide IDs from the slide ID list. var slideIds = presentation.SlideIdList.ChildElements; foreach (SlideId sld in slideIds) { string slidePartRelationshipId = sld.RelationshipId; // Get the specified slide part from the relationship ID. SlidePart slidePart = (SlidePart)presentationPart.GetPartById(slidePartRelationshipId); // Pass the slide part to the next method, and // then return the array of strings that method // returns to the previous method. slides.Add(sld.Id, GetAllTextInSlide(slidePart) ?? new string[] { }); } } } } return(slides); } catch (OpenXmlPackageException e) { if (e.ToString().Contains("Invalid Hyperlink")) { using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(presentationFile, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) { UriFixer.FixInvalidUri(fs, brokenUri => FixUri(brokenUri)); } return(GetTextOnSlides(presentationFile)); } throw e; } }
public DataTable techBaseTable = new DataTable(); // Cюда записана техническая база public bool Optimize() { try // код помещён в блок try, потому что возможно исключение типа OpenXmlPackageException - Invalid Hyperlink { using (SpreadsheetDocument spreadSheetDocument = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(techBasePath, true)) { techBaseTable = DataTableFromExcel.GetDataTableFromSpreadSheet(spreadSheetDocument); } } catch (OpenXmlPackageException e) { if (e.ToString().Contains("Invalid Hyperlink")) // если исключение сожержит "Invalid Hyperlink" { using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(techBasePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) { UriFixer.FixInvalidUri(fs, brokenUri => UriFixer.FixUri(brokenUri)); // чиним Uri } using (SpreadsheetDocument spreadSheetDocument = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(techBasePath, true)) { techBaseTable = DataTableFromExcel.GetDataTableFromSpreadSheet(spreadSheetDocument); } } } catch (Exception) { return(false); } foreach (DataRow row in techBaseTable.Rows) // Оптимизация тех. базы - убираем цифры { string product = System.Convert.ToString(row[1]); // Название продукта string productWithoutDigits = ""; for (int i = 0; i < product.Length; i++) // Убираем числа { if (!char.IsDigit(product[i])) { productWithoutDigits += product[i]; } } row[1] = productWithoutDigits; } return(true); }
static string[] stringSeparators = new string[] { ", " }; // разделитель строк, содержащих интересуюие продукты public static string Fill(ref List <ProductsOfInterest> products, List <string> sheets_names, List <ExcelFile> files, Report report) { products = new List <ProductsOfInterest>(); foreach (string sheetFromListBox in sheets_names) { foreach (ExcelFile file in files) { foreach (string sheetFromFile in file.Sheets) { if (sheetFromListBox.Equals(sheetFromFile)) { try // код помещён в блок try, потому что возможно исключение типа OpenXmlPackageException - Invalid Hyperlink { using (SpreadsheetDocument spreadSheetDocument = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(file.FilePath, true)) { HelpFill(spreadSheetDocument, sheetFromFile, file, ref products, report); } } catch (OpenXmlPackageException e) { if (e.ToString().Contains("Invalid Hyperlink")) // если исключение сожержит "Invalid Hyperlink" { using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(file.FilePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) { UriFixer.FixInvalidUri(fs, brokenUri => UriFixer.FixUri(brokenUri)); // чиним Uri } using (SpreadsheetDocument spreadSheetDocument = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(file.FilePath, true)) { HelpFill(spreadSheetDocument, sheetFromFile, file, ref products, report); } } } catch (Exception e) { return(file.FilePath); } } } } } return(null); }
public string ConvertToHTML(byte[] wordBytes, string fileName) { string htmlText = string.Empty; try { htmlText = ParseDOCX(wordBytes, fileName); } catch (OpenXmlPackageException e) { if (e.ToString().Contains("Invalid Hyperlink")) { using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(wordBytes)) { UriFixer.FixInvalidUri(ms, brokenUri => FixUri(brokenUri)); } htmlText = ParseDOCX(wordBytes, fileName); } } return(htmlText); }
public static string GetHtmlfromWord(string fileInput, int margin) { var fileInfo = new FileInfo(fileInput); string fullFilePath = fileInfo.FullName; string htmlText = string.Empty; try { htmlText = ParseDOCX(fileInfo, margin); } catch (OpenXmlPackageException e) { if (e.ToString().Contains("Invalid Hyperlink")) { using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(fullFilePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) { UriFixer.FixInvalidUri(fs, brokenUri => FixUri(brokenUri)); } htmlText = ParseDOCX(fileInfo, margin); } } return(htmlText); }
public static string ConvertDocx2Pdf(string fileInput, string fileOutput, int margin) { //Convert docx to html var fileInfo = new FileInfo(fileInput); string fullFilePath = fileInfo.FullName; string htmlText = string.Empty; try { htmlText = ParseDOCX(fileInfo, margin); } catch (OpenXmlPackageException e) { if (e.ToString().Contains("Invalid Hyperlink")) { using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(fullFilePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) { UriFixer.FixInvalidUri(fs, brokenUri => FixUri(brokenUri)); } htmlText = ParseDOCX(fileInfo, margin); } } var writer = File.CreateText(fileOutput + ".html"); writer.WriteLine(htmlText.ToString()); writer.Dispose(); // Convert html to pdf var doc = new HtmlToPdfDocument() { GlobalSettings = { DocumentTitle = "Business Document", ColorMode = DinkToPdf.ColorMode.Color, Orientation = DinkToPdf.Orientation.Portrait, PaperSize = PaperKind.A4, Out = fileOutput + ".pdf", Margins = { Top = 2, Bottom = 2, Right = 1.5, Left = 1, Unit = Unit.Centimeters } }, Objects = { new ObjectSettings() { PagesCount = true, HtmlContent = File.ReadAllText(fileOutput + ".html"), WebSettings = { DefaultEncoding = "utf-8" }, FooterSettings ={ FontSize =9, Center = "Trang [page] / [toPage]", Line = true } } } }; var converter = new BasicConverter(new PdfTools()); converter.Convert(doc); return(fileOutput); }
/// <summary> /// プロパティを読み込みます /// </summary> /// <param name="filePath"></param> /// <param name="propertiesTable"></param> /// <returns>取得したプロパティ一覧</returns> public Dictionary <string, string> ReadProperties(ClsFilePropertyList list, string fileType, string str_exception) // 20171011 修正(ファイル読込時のエラー理由を保存) { Dictionary <string, string> retTable = new Dictionary <string, string>(); System.IO.FileInfo fi = new System.IO.FileInfo(list.filePath); if (fi.Length == 0) { // ファイルサイズがゼロの場合プロパティが存在しないのでエラー // 20171011 追加 (読取専用、ファイ存在しない以外のエラー) //error_reason = ListForm.LIST_VIEW_NA; return(retTable); } SpreadsheetDocument excel = null; WordprocessingDocument word = null; PresentationDocument ppt = null; CoreFilePropertiesPart coreFileProperties; // 20171011 修正(xlsxとdocxのみファイルを開いている状態でファイルアクセスするとエラーになる為の回避対応) try { // ファイルのプロパティ領域を開く switch (fileType) { case "Excel": // エクセルの場合 excel = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(list.filePath, false); coreFileProperties = excel.CoreFilePropertiesPart; break; case "Word": // ワードの場合 word = WordprocessingDocument.Open(list.filePath, false); coreFileProperties = word.CoreFilePropertiesPart; break; case "PowerPoint": // パワポの場合 ppt = PresentationDocument.Open(list.filePath, false); coreFileProperties = ppt.CoreFilePropertiesPart; break; default: // 異常なファイル // 20171228 追加(エラー理由保存) //error_reason = ListForm.LIST_VIEW_NA; return(retTable); } NameTable nt = new NameTable(); XmlNamespaceManager nsManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(nt); nsManager.AddNamespace(PropertiesKeyList.STR_TAG_CP, PropertiesSchemaList.CorePropertiesSchema); nsManager.AddNamespace(PropertiesKeyList.STR_TAG_DC, PropertiesSchemaList.DcPropertiesSchema); nsManager.AddNamespace(PropertiesKeyList.STR_TAG_DCTRMS, PropertiesSchemaList.DctermsPropertiesSchema); nsManager.AddNamespace(PropertiesKeyList.STR_TAG_DCMITYPE, PropertiesSchemaList.DcmitypePropertiesSchema); nsManager.AddNamespace(PropertiesKeyList.STR_TAG_XSI, PropertiesSchemaList.XsiPropertiesSchema); XmlDocument xdoc = new XmlDocument(); xdoc.Load(coreFileProperties.GetStream()); // プロパティのキーリストを作成 List <string> propertieslist = PropertiesKeyList.getPropertiesKeyList(); // 全キーリストを見て存在するデータを取得 foreach (string key in propertieslist) { // 書き込み先のキーワードを指定 string searchString = string.Format(PropertiesKeyList.STR_CORE_PROPERTIES + "{0}", key); // 書き込み先を検索 XmlNode xNode = xdoc.SelectSingleNode(searchString, nsManager); if (xNode != null) { // 読み込む retTable.Add(key, xNode.InnerText); } } // ファイルのプロパティ領域を閉じる if (excel != null) { excel.Close(); } if (word != null) { word.Close(); } if (ppt != null) { ppt.Close(); } // プロパティ取得 string[] propertyData = null; if (retTable.ContainsKey(PropertiesKeyList.STR_KEYWORDS) != false) { propertyData = retTable[PropertiesKeyList.STR_KEYWORDS].Split(';'); } if (propertyData != null) { list.fileSecrecy = propertyData[0].TrimEnd(); // 機密区分が登録されているか判定 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(list.fileSecrecy)) { // 登録あり if (propertyData.Count() >= 1) { list.fileClassification = propertyData[1].TrimEnd(); } if (propertyData.Count() >= 2) { list.fileOfficeCode = propertyData[2].TrimEnd(); } // 他事務所ファイル判定 if (Globals.ThisAddIn.clsCommonSettings.strOfficeCode != list.fileOfficeCode.Trim()) { // 他事務所ファイルの場合、登録なし扱にする list.fileSecrecy = ""; } } } else { list.fileSecrecy = "Notting"; } } #if false #region HyperLink修復 // ■ ADD TSE Kitada // HyperLinkが破損している場合に、そのリンクを書き直して正常にOPEN出来るようにする。 // 但し、ドキュメントの中身を直接書き換える処理のため、見送る。 catch (OpenXmlPackageException ope) { if (ope.ToString().Contains("Invalid Hyperlink")) { // HyperLinkの破損が原因なので、内部のリンクを修正する using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) { UriFixer.FixInvalidUri(fs, brokenUri => FixUri(brokenUri)); } if (count >= 1) { // 2回実行してダメだったので終了 error_reason = ListForm.LIST_VIEW_NA; } else { // もう一度トライ retTable = ReadProperties(filePath, filetype, ref error_reason, ref str_exception, 1); } } if (excel != null) { excel.Close(); } if (word != null) { word.Close(); } if (ppt != null) { ppt.Close(); } } #endregion #endif catch (Exception e) { str_exception += "file : " + list.filePath + "\r\n\r\n"; str_exception += "error : " + e.ToString(); // xlsxとdocxのみファイルを開いている状態でファイルアクセスした場合 // ファイルが開かれている場合のエラー //error_reason = ListForm.LIST_VIEW_NA; if (excel != null) { excel.Close(); } if (word != null) { word.Close(); } if (ppt != null) { ppt.Close(); } return(retTable); } return(retTable); }