void UploadCallback(Uptred.VerifyFeedback feedback) { this.RunOnUiThread(() => { //Crashes if is not on main thread updatePercentage (feedback.LastByte, feedback.ContentSize); if (Settings.YouTubeInfo.LastByte >= feedback.LastByte) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("No bytes uploaded. Retries: {0}", _retries)); _retries++; if (_retries > 3) { try { var url = Settings.YouTubeHook.GetUploadSessionUrl(Settings.YouTubeInfo.Path); if (!Core.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(url)) { Settings.YouTubeInfo.Url = url; Settings.YouTubeInfo.LastByte = 0; _retries = 0; Settings.SaveInfos(); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Terminating because of too many retries."); Console.WriteLine(e.Message); paused = true; _retries = 0; return; } } } Settings.YouTubeInfo.LastByte = feedback.LastByte; if (feedback.LastByte >= feedback.ContentSize) { //Upload Completed. Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Upload completed. Video ID: {0}. Applying Metadata...", videoId)); FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.txtProgress).Text = "Applying Metadata..."; } _fraction = 0; Settings.SaveInfos(); }); }
void UploadCallback(Uptred.VerifyFeedback feedback) { this.RunOnUiThread(() => { updatePercentage(feedback.LastByte, feedback.ContentSize); if (Settings.VimeoInfo.LastByte >= feedback.LastByte) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("No bytes uploaded. Retries: {0}", _retries)); _retries++; if (_retries > 3) { try { var ticket = Settings.VimeoHook.GetTicket(); if (ticket != null) { Settings.VimeoInfo.Ticket = ticket; Settings.VimeoInfo.LastByte = 0; _retries = 0; Settings.SaveInfos(); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Terminating because of too many retries."); Console.WriteLine(e.Message); paused = true; _retries = 0; return; } } } Settings.VimeoInfo.LastByte = feedback.LastByte; if (Settings.VimeoInfo.VideoId != null && Settings.VimeoInfo.VideoId != "") { //Upload Completed. Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Upload completed. Video ID: {0}. Applying Metadata...", Settings.VimeoInfo.VideoId)); FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.txtProgress).Text = "Applying Metadata..."; } //_fraction = 0; Settings.SaveInfos(); }); }