public CompareResult CompareVersions(Upset package, DependencyDefinition dependencyDefinition) { VersionStruct packageVersion = ParseVersion(package); VersionStruct dependencyVersion = ParseVersion(dependencyDefinition); return(CompareVersions(packageVersion, dependencyVersion)); }
public void ListPackagesFromDirectoriesTest() { try { Directory.CreateDirectory(fr_path); string package_dir = Path.Combine(fr_path, "DirectoryA"); string no_package_dir = Path.Combine(fr_path, "DirectoryB"); Directory.CreateDirectory(package_dir); Directory.CreateDirectory(no_package_dir); string upset_path = Path.Combine(package_dir, "Upset.xml"); File.Create(upset_path).Dispose(); Upset test_package = new Upset() { PackageLicense = "foo", PackageName = "bar", PackageVersion = "baz" }; XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Upset)); using (FileStream file = new FileStream(upset_path, FileMode.Create)) { serializer.Serialize(file, test_package); } Upset[] result = fr.ListPackages(); Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Length); Assert.AreEqual("foo", result[0].PackageLicense); Assert.AreEqual("bar", result[0].PackageName); Assert.AreEqual("baz", result[0].PackageVersion); } finally { Directory.Delete(fr_path, true); } }
public void DownloadPackageFromDirectoryTest() { try { Directory.CreateDirectory(fr_path); string inside_dir = "InsideDirectory"; string inside_path = Path.Combine(fr_path, inside_dir); Directory.CreateDirectory(inside_path); Upset test_package = new Upset() { PackageLicense = "foo", PackageName = "bar", PackageVersion = "baz" }; test_package.MetaInformation.dirName = inside_dir; string file_dummy = "Testing.foobar"; File.Create(Path.Combine(inside_path, file_dummy)).Dispose(); TemporaryDirectory result = fr.DownloadPackage(test_package); Assert.IsTrue(Directory.Exists(result.Path)); CollectionAssert.Contains(Directory.GetFiles(result.Path).Select(Path.GetFileName).ToArray(), file_dummy); } finally { Directory.Delete(fr_path, true); } }
private void GenerateLockfile(LockfileSnapshot snapshot) { string result = "# UPFILE DEPENDENCIES\n"; foreach (DependencyDefinition def in snapshot.upfileDependencies) { result += string.Format("{0} ({1})\n", def.Name, def.Version); } result += "\n# SOLVED DEPENDENCIES\n"; foreach (PackageRepo pr in snapshot.installableDependencies) { Upset package = pr.Package; result += string.Format("{0} ({1})\n", package.PackageName, package.PackageVersion); if (package.Dependencies != null && package.Dependencies.Length != 0) { foreach (DependencyDefinition dependency in package.Dependencies) { result += string.Format("\t{0} ({1})\n", dependency.Name, dependency.Version); } } } using (StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(lockfilePath, false)) { file.WriteLine(result); } }
private void CheckGUIDConflicts(string sourceDirectory, Upset package) { foreach (string file in Uplift.Common.FileSystemUtil.RecursivelyListFiles(sourceDirectory)) { if (!file.EndsWith(".meta")) { continue; } string guid = LoadGUID(file); string guidPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(guidPath)) { if (File.Exists(guidPath) || Directory.Exists(guidPath)) { // the guid is cached and the associated file/directory exists Directory.Delete(sourceDirectory, true); throw new ApplicationException( string.Format( "The guid {0} is already used and tracks {1}. Uplift was trying to import a file with meta at {2} for package {3}. Uplift cannot install this package, please clean your project before trying again.", guid, guidPath, file, package.PackageName ) ); } // else, the guid is cached but there are no longer anything linked with it } } }
public void DownloadPackageFromUnityPackageTest() { try { Directory.CreateDirectory(fr_path); Upset test_package = new Upset() { PackageLicense = "foo", PackageName = "bar", PackageVersion = "baz" }; string package_name = "bar-baz.unitypackage"; test_package.MetaInformation.dirName = package_name; string package_path = Helper.GetLocalFilePath(new string[] { "TestData", "FileRepositoryTest", "testpackage.unitypackage" }); UnityEngine.Debug.Log(package_path); File.Copy(package_path, Path.Combine(fr_path, package_name)); TemporaryDirectory result = fr.DownloadPackage(test_package); Assert.IsTrue(Directory.Exists(result.Path)); string asset_path = Path.Combine(result.Path, "Assets"); Assert.IsTrue(Directory.Exists(asset_path)); CollectionAssert.Contains(Directory.GetFiles(asset_path), Path.Combine(asset_path, "TestScript.cs")); CollectionAssert.Contains(Directory.GetFiles(asset_path), Path.Combine(asset_path, "TestMat.mat")); } finally { Directory.Delete(fr_path, true); } }
private void UpdatePackage(Upset package, TemporaryDirectory td) { NukePackage(package.PackageName); DependencyDefinition definition = Upfile.Instance().Dependencies.First(dep => dep.Name == package.PackageName); InstallPackage(package, td, definition, true); }
public void OnGUI() { titleContent.text = "Export Utility"; for (int i = 0; i < packageInfos.Length; i++) { expanded[i] = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(expanded[i], packageInfos[i].path, true); if (expanded[i]) { packageInfos[i].selected = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Export?", packageInfos[i].selected); GUI.enabled = packageInfos[i].selected; packageInfos[i].name = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Package Name", packageInfos[i].name); packageInfos[i].version = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Package Version", packageInfos[i].version); packageInfos[i].license = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Package License", packageInfos[i].license); GUI.enabled = true; } EditorGUILayout.Space(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Export selected packages")) { foreach (PackageInfo pInfo in packageInfos) { if (!pInfo.selected) { continue; } string[] files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(pInfo.path, "*.*", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories); string name = string.Format(packageFormat,, pInfo.version); // Create Upset file for the package Upset file = new Upset() { UnityVersion = new VersionSpec() { Item = Application.unityVersion }, PackageName =, PackageLicense = pInfo.license, PackageVersion = pInfo.version }; XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Upset)); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(name + ".Upset.xml", FileMode.Create)) { using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)) { serializer.Serialize(sw, file); } } // Export .unitypackage AssetDatabase.ExportPackage(files, name + ".unitypackage", ExportPackageOptions.Default); } } }
public void UpdatePackage(Upset package, TemporaryDirectory td) { Upbring upbring = Upbring.Instance(); // Nuking previous version InstalledPackage installedPackage = upbring.GetInstalledPackage(package.PackageName); installedPackage.Nuke(); DependencyDefinition definition = Upfile.Instance().Dependencies.First(dep => dep.Name == package.PackageName); InstallPackage(package, td, definition); }
private void TryUpringAddGUID(Upbring upbring, string file, Upset package, InstallSpecType type, string destination) { if (file.EndsWith(".meta")) { return; } string metaPath = Path.Combine(destination, file + ".meta"); if (!File.Exists(metaPath)) { upbring.AddLocation(package, type, Path.Combine(destination, file)); return; } string guid = LoadGUID(metaPath); upbring.AddGUID(package, type, guid); }
private void UpdatePackage(Upset package, TemporaryDirectory td, bool updateLockfile) { NukePackage(package.PackageName); // First or default returns the first DependencyDefinition which satistfies dep.Name == package.PackageName // If no elements meets this condition a Default value for DependencyDefinition is returned which, for our implementation, is null. DependencyDefinition definition = Upfile.Instance().Dependencies.FirstOrDefault(dep => dep.Name == package.PackageName); if (definition == null) { definition = new DependencyDefinition() { Name = package.PackageName, Version = package.PackageVersion }; } InstallPackage(package, td, definition, updateLockfile); }
protected void WriteUpsetFile(string file) { var upset = new Upset() { UnityVersion = Application.unityVersion, PackageName = exportSpec.packageName, PackageLicense = exportSpec.license, PackageVersion = exportSpec.packageVersion }; XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Upset)); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Create)) { using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)) { serializer.Serialize(sw, upset); } } }
public void GetLatestPackageTest() { Mock <Repository> repo_mock = new Mock <Repository>(); Upset package_dummy_1 = new Upset(); package_dummy_1.PackageName = "package 1"; package_dummy_1.PackageVersion = "0.0.0"; Upset package_dummy_2 = new Upset(); package_dummy_2.PackageName = "package 1"; package_dummy_2.PackageVersion = "1.1.1"; Upset package_dummy_3 = new Upset(); package_dummy_3.PackageName = "not package 1"; package_dummy_3.PackageVersion = "2.0.0"; repo_mock.Setup(repo => repo.ListPackages()).Returns(new Upset[] { package_dummy_1, package_dummy_2, package_dummy_3 }); (pl as PackageListTester).SetPackages(new List <PackageRepo> { new PackageRepo { Package = package_dummy_1, Repository = repo_mock.Object }, new PackageRepo { Package = package_dummy_2, Repository = repo_mock.Object }, new PackageRepo { Package = package_dummy_3, Repository = repo_mock.Object } }); PackageRepo result = pl.GetLatestPackage("package 1"); Assert.AreEqual(new PackageRepo { Package = package_dummy_2, Repository = repo_mock.Object }, result); }
public void FilterTest() { CandidateSelectionStrategy css = new LatestSelectionStrategy(); Mock <Repository> repo_mock = new Mock <Repository>(); Upset package_A = new Upset(); package_A.PackageVersion = "0.0.0"; Upset package_B = new Upset(); package_B.PackageVersion = "1.1.1"; PackageRepo pr_A = new PackageRepo { Package = package_A, Repository = repo_mock.Object }; PackageRepo pr_B = new PackageRepo { Package = package_B, Repository = repo_mock.Object }; PackageRepo[] result = css.Filter(new PackageRepo[] { pr_A, pr_B }); Assert.AreEqual(result[0], pr_B); }
public void DownloadPackageFromBadFormatTest() { try { Directory.CreateDirectory(fr_path); Upset test_package = new Upset() { PackageLicense = "foo", PackageName = "bar", PackageVersion = "baz" }; test_package.MetaInformation.dirName = "Bad.format"; TemporaryDirectory result = fr.DownloadPackage(test_package); Assert.IsTrue(Directory.Exists(result.Path)); Assert.IsEmpty(Directory.GetFiles(result.Path)); } finally { Directory.Delete(fr_path, true); } }
public void LoadPackagesForceRefreshTest() { Mock <Repository> repo_mock_A = new Mock <Repository>(); Mock <Repository> repo_mock_B = new Mock <Repository>(); Mock <Upset> package_dummy_A1 = new Mock <Upset>(); Mock <Upset> package_dummy_A2 = new Mock <Upset>(); Mock <Upset> package_dummy_B = new Mock <Upset>(); PackageRepo pr_A1 = new PackageRepo { Package = package_dummy_A1.Object, Repository = repo_mock_A.Object }; PackageRepo pr_A2 = new PackageRepo { Package = package_dummy_A2.Object, Repository = repo_mock_A.Object }; PackageRepo pr_B = new PackageRepo { Package = package_dummy_B.Object, Repository = repo_mock_B.Object }; Upset[] test = new Upset[] { package_dummy_A1.Object, package_dummy_A2.Object }; repo_mock_A.Setup(repo => repo.ListPackages()).Returns(new Upset[] { package_dummy_A1.Object, package_dummy_A2.Object }); repo_mock_B.Setup(repo => repo.ListPackages()).Returns(new Upset[] { package_dummy_B.Object }); (pl as PackageListTester).SetPackages(new List <PackageRepo> { pr_B }); (pl as PackageListTester).SetRepositories(new Repository[] { repo_mock_B.Object }); pl.LoadPackages(new Repository[] { repo_mock_A.Object }, true); PackageRepo[] result = pl.GetAllPackages(); Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Length); CollectionAssert.Contains(result, pr_A1); CollectionAssert.Contains(result, pr_A2); CollectionAssert.DoesNotContain(result, pr_B); }
public void LoadDependencies(DependencyDefinition dependency, PackageList packageList, DependencyHelper.ConflictChecker checkConflict, out DependencyNode node) { node = new DependencyNode(dependency); if (Contains(dependency.Name)) { DependencyNode existing = FindByName(dependency.Name); checkConflict(ref existing, node); } else { nodeList.Add(node); Upset package = packageList.FindPackageAndRepository(dependency).Package; if (package == null) { throw new MissingDependencyException(string.Format(" depends on {0} ({1}) but it is not present in any of your specified repository", dependency.Name, dependency.Requirement)); } if (package.Dependencies != null) { DependencyNode child; foreach (DependencyDefinition packageDependency in package.Dependencies) { child = null; try { LoadDependencies(packageDependency, packageList, checkConflict, out child); AddDependency(node, child); } catch (MissingDependencyException e) { throw new MissingDependencyException(dependency.Name + e.Message); } } } } }
protected void WriteUpsetFile(string file) { XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Upset)); Upset template; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(exportSpec.templateUpsetFile)) { Debug.LogWarning("No template Upset specified, dependencies and configuration will not follow through"); template = new Upset(); } else { using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(exportSpec.templateUpsetFile, FileMode.Open)) { template = serializer.Deserialize(fs) as Upset; } } var upset = new Upset() { UnityVersion = Application.unityVersion, PackageName = exportSpec.packageName, PackageLicense = exportSpec.license, PackageVersion = exportSpec.packageVersion, Dependencies = template.Dependencies, Configuration = template.Configuration }; using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Create)) { using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)) { serializer.Serialize(sw, upset); } } }
//FIXME: This is super unsafe right now, as we can copy down into the FS. // This should be contained using kinds of destinations. private void InstallPackage(Upset package, TemporaryDirectory td, DependencyDefinition dependencyDefinition, bool updateLockfile = false) { GitIgnorer VCSHandler = new GitIgnorer(); using (LogAggregator LA = LogAggregator.InUnity( "Package {0} was successfully installed", "Package {0} was successfully installed but raised warnings", "An error occured while installing package {0}", package.PackageName )) { Upbring upbring = Upbring.Instance(); // Note: Full package is ALWAYS copied to the upackages directory right now string localPackagePath = GetRepositoryInstallPath(package); upbring.AddPackage(package); if (!Directory.Exists(localPackagePath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(localPackagePath); } Uplift.Common.FileSystemUtil.CopyDirectory(td.Path, localPackagePath); upbring.AddLocation(package, InstallSpecType.Root, localPackagePath); VCSHandler.HandleDirectory(upfile.GetPackagesRootPath()); InstallSpecPath[] specArray; if (package.Configuration == null) { // If there is no Configuration present we assume // that the whole package is wrapped in "InstallSpecType.Base" InstallSpecPath wrapSpec = new InstallSpecPath { Path = "", Type = InstallSpecType.Base }; specArray = new[] { wrapSpec }; } else { specArray = package.Configuration; } foreach (InstallSpecPath spec in specArray) { if (dependencyDefinition.SkipInstall != null && dependencyDefinition.SkipInstall.Any(skip => skip.Type == spec.Type)) { continue; } var sourcePath = Uplift.Common.FileSystemUtil.JoinPaths(td.Path, spec.Path); PathConfiguration PH = upfile.GetDestinationFor(spec); if (dependencyDefinition.OverrideDestination != null && dependencyDefinition.OverrideDestination.Any(over => over.Type == spec.Type)) { PH.Location = Uplift.Common.FileSystemUtil.MakePathOSFriendly(dependencyDefinition.OverrideDestination.First(over => over.Type == spec.Type).Location); } var packageStructurePrefix = PH.SkipPackageStructure ? "" : GetPackageDirectory(package); var destination = Path.Combine(PH.Location, packageStructurePrefix); // Working with single file if (File.Exists(sourcePath)) { // Working with singular file if (!Directory.Exists(destination)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(destination); VCSHandler.HandleFile(destination); } if (Directory.Exists(destination)) { // we are copying a file into a directory destination = System.IO.Path.Combine(destination, System.IO.Path.GetFileName(sourcePath)); } File.Copy(sourcePath, destination); Uplift.Common.FileSystemUtil.TryCopyMeta(sourcePath, destination); if (destination.StartsWith("Assets")) { TryUpringAddGUID(upbring, sourcePath, package, spec.Type, destination); } else { upbring.AddLocation(package, spec.Type, destination); } } // Working with directory if (Directory.Exists(sourcePath)) { // Working with directory Uplift.Common.FileSystemUtil.CopyDirectoryWithMeta(sourcePath, destination); if (!PH.SkipPackageStructure) { VCSHandler.HandleDirectory(destination); } bool useGuid = destination.StartsWith("Assets"); foreach (var file in Uplift.Common.FileSystemUtil.RecursivelyListFiles(sourcePath, true)) { if (useGuid) { TryUpringAddGUID(upbring, file, package, spec.Type, destination); } else { upbring.AddLocation(package, spec.Type, Path.Combine(destination, file)); } if (PH.SkipPackageStructure) { VCSHandler.HandleFile(Path.Combine(destination, file)); } } } } upbring.SaveFile(); if (updateLockfile) { LockfileSnapshot snapshot = LoadLockfile(); int index; bool found = false; for (index = 0; index < snapshot.installableDependencies.Length; index++) { if (snapshot.installableDependencies[index].Package.PackageName == package.PackageName) { found = true; break; } } if (found) { snapshot.installableDependencies[index].Package = package; } else { Array.Resize <PackageRepo>(ref snapshot.installableDependencies, snapshot.installableDependencies.Length + 1); snapshot.installableDependencies[snapshot.installableDependencies.Length] = new PackageRepo { Package = package }; } GenerateLockfile(snapshot); } td.Dispose(); UnityHacks.BuildSettingsEnforcer.EnforceAssetSave(); } }
public string GetRepositoryInstallPath(Upset package) { return(Path.Combine(upfile.GetPackagesRootPath(), GetPackageDirectory(package))); }
public string GetPackageDirectory(Upset package) { return(package.PackageName + "~" + package.PackageVersion); }
public VersionStruct ParseVersion(Upset package) { return(ParseVersion(package.PackageVersion)); }
public bool GreaterThan(Upset package, DependencyDefinition definition) { return(IsComparisonGreater(CompareVersions(package, definition))); }
//FIXME: This is super unsafe right now, as we can copy down into the FS. // This should be contained using kinds of destinations. public void InstallPackage(Upset package, TemporaryDirectory td, DependencyDefinition dependencyDefinition) { Upbring upbring = Upbring.Instance(); // Note: Full package is ALWAYS copied to the upackages directory right now string localPackagePath = GetRepositoryInstallPath(package); upbring.AddPackage(package); FileSystemUtil.CopyDirectory(td.Path, localPackagePath); upbring.AddLocation(package, InstallSpecType.Root, localPackagePath); InstallSpecPath[] specArray; if (package.Configuration == null) { // If there is no Configuration present we assume // that the whole package is wrapped in "InstallSpecType.Base" InstallSpecPath wrapSpec = new InstallSpecPath { Path = "", Type = InstallSpecType.Base }; specArray = new[] { wrapSpec }; } else { specArray = package.Configuration; } foreach (InstallSpecPath spec in specArray) { if (dependencyDefinition.SkipInstall != null && dependencyDefinition.SkipInstall.Any(skip => skip.Type == spec.Type)) { continue; } var sourcePath = Uplift.Common.FileSystemUtil.JoinPaths(td.Path, spec.Path); PathConfiguration PH = upfile.GetDestinationFor(spec); if (dependencyDefinition.OverrideDestination != null && dependencyDefinition.OverrideDestination.Any(over => over.Type == spec.Type)) { PH.Location = Uplift.Common.FileSystemUtil.MakePathOSFriendly(dependencyDefinition.OverrideDestination.First(over => over.Type == spec.Type).Location); } var packageStructurePrefix = PH.SkipPackageStructure ? "" : GetPackageDirectory(package); var destination = Path.Combine(PH.Location, packageStructurePrefix); // Working with single file if (File.Exists(sourcePath)) { // Working with singular file if (!Directory.Exists(destination)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(destination); } File.Copy(sourcePath, destination); FileSystemUtil.TryCopyMeta(sourcePath, destination); if (destination.StartsWith("Assets")) { TryUpringAddGUID(upbring, sourcePath, package, spec.Type, destination); } else { upbring.AddLocation(package, spec.Type, destination); } } // Working with directory if (Directory.Exists(sourcePath)) { // Working with directory Uplift.Common.FileSystemUtil.CopyDirectoryWithMeta(sourcePath, destination); if (destination.StartsWith("Assets")) { foreach (var file in Uplift.Common.FileSystemUtil.RecursivelyListFiles(sourcePath, true)) { TryUpringAddGUID(upbring, file, package, spec.Type, destination); } } else { foreach (var file in Uplift.Common.FileSystemUtil.RecursivelyListFiles(sourcePath, true)) { upbring.AddLocation(package, spec.Type, Path.Combine(destination, file)); } } } } upbring.SaveFile(); td.Dispose(); }