// Token: 0x06002928 RID: 10536 RVA: 0x00157888 File Offset: 0x00155A88 public static void updateUpsellScreen() { if (Upsell.anm_progress != -1) { Upsell.anm_progress += 25; if (Upsell.anm_progress > 255) { Upsell.anm_progress = 255; } if (Upsell.anm_progress < -1) { Upsell.anm_progress += 25; if (Upsell.anm_progress > -50) { Upsell.anm_progress = -1; } } } if (Upsell.wasUpsell && !Guide.IsVisible && !XBOXLive.isTrial(true)) { Upsell.disposeUpsellScreen(); if (Upsell.buy_scr_work != null) { Upsell.buy_scr_work.result[0] = 0; AppMain.DmSndBgmPlayerPlayBgm(0); return; } AppMain.event_after_buy = true; AppMain.SyDecideEvtCase(1); AppMain.SyChangeNextEvt(); } }
// Token: 0x06002929 RID: 10537 RVA: 0x0015792C File Offset: 0x00155B2C public static void drawUpsellScreen() { if (!Upsell.showUpsell) { return; } SpriteBatch spriteBatch = LiveFeature.GAME.spriteBatch; spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.AlphaBlend); spriteBatch.Draw(Upsell.bg, Vector2.Zero, Color.White); spriteBatch.Draw(Upsell.hl_buttons[1] ? Upsell.button2hl : Upsell.button2, Upsell.rects[1], Color.White); spriteBatch.Draw(Upsell.hl_buttons[0] ? Upsell.button1hl : Upsell.button1, Upsell.rects[0], Color.White); spriteBatch.Draw(Upsell.cursor1, Upsell.rects[2], Color.White); spriteBatch.Draw(Upsell.cursor1, Upsell.rects[3], default(Rectangle?), Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally, 0f); spriteBatch.Draw(Upsell.screenshot, Upsell.rects[4], Color.White); int num = 5; num += LiveFeature._drawWrapText("Download full Game!", 335, num, 300, Color.White, true, LiveFeature.GAME.fnts[1], spriteBatch, 0.8f); num += LiveFeature._drawWrapText("- 17 diverse stages", 195, num, 300, Color.White, false, LiveFeature.GAME.fnts[0], spriteBatch, 0.8f); num += LiveFeature._drawWrapText("- Two exclusive stages!", 195, num, 300, Color.White, false, LiveFeature.GAME.fnts[0], spriteBatch, 0.8f); num += LiveFeature._drawWrapText("- 7 special stages with tilt control!", 195, num, 300, Color.White, false, LiveFeature.GAME.fnts[0], spriteBatch, 0.8f); num += LiveFeature._drawWrapText("- Collect all 7 Chaos Emeralds to Unlock Super Sonic!", 195, num, 300, Color.White, false, LiveFeature.GAME.fnts[0], spriteBatch, 0.8f); if (Upsell.anm_progress != -1) { int num2 = Math.Abs(Upsell.anm_progress); spriteBatch.Draw(Upsell.screenshot, Vector2.Zero, new Color(num2, num2, num2, num2)); } LiveFeature.GAME.spriteBatch.End(); Upsell.updateUpsellScreen(); }
// Token: 0x06002925 RID: 10533 RVA: 0x001573C3 File Offset: 0x001555C3 public static void launchUpsellScreen(AppMain.DMS_BUY_SCR_WORK buy_scr) { AppMain.DmSndBgmPlayerBgmStop(); Upsell.ss_num = 1; Upsell.buy_scr_work = buy_scr; Upsell.loadUpsellScreen(); }
protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { AppMain.lastGameTime = gameTime; if (!AppMain.g_ao_sys_global.is_show_ui) { if (Sonic4Ep1.inputDataRead) { Sonic4Ep1.inputDataRead = false; if (!LiveFeature.getInstance().InputOverride() && !Upsell.inputUpsellScreen() && AppMain.isForeground) { AppMain.onTouchEvents(); AppMain.amIPhoneAccelerate(ref this.accel); if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed) { AppMain.back_key_is_pressed = true; } } } } base.Update(gameTime); //catch (GameUpdateRequiredException ex) //{ // XBOXLive.HandleGameUpdateRequired(ex); //} }
public static void updateUpsellScreen() { if (Upsell.anm_progress != -1) { Upsell.anm_progress += 25; if (Upsell.anm_progress > (int)byte.MaxValue) { Upsell.anm_progress = (int)byte.MaxValue; } if (Upsell.anm_progress < -1) { Upsell.anm_progress += 25; if (Upsell.anm_progress > -50) { Upsell.anm_progress = -1; } } } if (!Upsell.wasUpsell || XBOXLive.isTrial(true)) { return; } Upsell.disposeUpsellScreen(); if (Upsell.buy_scr_work != null) { Upsell.buy_scr_work.result[0] = 0; AppMain.DmSndBgmPlayerPlayBgm(0); } else { AppMain.event_after_buy = true; AppMain.SyDecideEvtCase((short)1); AppMain.SyChangeNextEvt(); } }
public void SingleEndToEnd() { QuoteEntry.GoTo(); //YOUR POLICY DETAILS QuoteEntry.PolicyTypeLevelTerm(); QuoteEntry.PolicyTerm("28"); QuoteEntry.SumAssured("180000"); QuoteEntry.TitleMr(); QuoteEntry.App1FirstName("James"); QuoteEntry.App1Surname("Test"); QuoteEntry.App1DOBDD("01"); QuoteEntry.App1DOBMM("January"); QuoteEntry.App1DOBYY("1985"); QuoteEntry.Postcode("PO19 1JG"); QuoteEntry.Email("*****@*****.**"); QuoteEntry.Telephone("07777777777"); QuoteEntry.App1HeightFt("5"); QuoteEntry.App1HeightIns("10"); QuoteEntry.App1WeightStone("11"); QuoteEntry.App1WeightLbs("0"); //QUOTE+ SECTION 1 QuoteEntry.SmokingNever(); QuoteEntry.AlcoholUnits("0"); QuoteEntry.ClickNextButton(); //QUOTE+ SECTION 2 QuoteEntry.QuotePlusMedicalTreatmentNo(); QuoteEntry.QuotePlusMedicationNo(); QuoteEntry.QuotePlusFamilyNo(); QuoteEntry.ClickNextButton(); //QUOTE+ SECTION 3 QuoteEntry.QuotePlusChestPainNo(); QuoteEntry.QuotePlusKidneyFailureNo(); QuoteEntry.QuotePlusMedicalAdviceNo(); QuoteEntry.QuotePlusHIVNo(); QuoteEntry.ClickNextButton(); //QUOTE+ SECTION 4 QuoteEntry.QuotePlusActivitiesNo(); QuoteEntry.QuotePlusOccupationNo(); QuoteEntry.QuotePlusTravelNo(); QuoteEntry.QuotePlusDrivingNo(); QuoteEntry.QuotePlusDrugsNo(); QuoteEntry.QuotePlusAlcoholNo(); QuoteEntry.QuotePlusExistingCoverNo(); QuoteEntry.ClickNextButton(); QuoteEntry.ClickGetAQuoteButton(); //RESULTS SCREEN Utilities.Wait(); Results.ApplyRoyalLondon(); //UPSELL SCREEN Upsell.IndexationYes(); Upsell.ClickContinueButton(); //CHOSENQUOTE SCREEN ChosenQuote.ClickProceedButton(); }
protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { Sonic4Ep1.inputDataRead = true; OpenGL.drawPrimitives_Count = 0; OpenGL.drawVertexBuffer_Count = 0; this.appMain.AppMainLoop(); this.spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.Opaque); this.spriteBatch.End(); LiveFeature.getInstance().ShowOverride(); Upsell.drawUpsellScreen(); base.Draw(gameTime); }
// Token: 0x06002927 RID: 10535 RVA: 0x00157530 File Offset: 0x00155730 public static bool inputUpsellScreen() { if (!Upsell.showUpsell) { return(false); } Upsell.pressed_button = -1; bool flag = GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed; if (flag) { if (Upsell.anm_progress != -1) { Upsell.anm_progress = -1; return(true); } Upsell.disposeUpsellScreen(); if (Upsell.buy_scr_work != null) { Upsell.buy_scr_work.result[0] = 2; AppMain.DmSndBgmPlayerPlayBgm(0); } else { AppMain.SyDecideEvtCase(1); AppMain.SyChangeNextEvt(); } return(true); } else { TouchCollection state = TouchPanel.GetState(); if (state.Count == 0) { if (Upsell.px == 0 && Upsell.py == 0) { return(true); } Upsell.curState = 1; Upsell.cx = Upsell.px; Upsell.cy = Upsell.py; Upsell.px = 0; Upsell.py = 0; } else { TouchLocation touchLocation = state[0]; if (touchLocation.State == TouchLocationState.Pressed || touchLocation.State == TouchLocationState.Moved) { Upsell.curState = 0; Upsell.cx = (int)touchLocation.Position.X; Upsell.cy = (int)touchLocation.Position.Y; } if (touchLocation.State == TouchLocationState.Released || touchLocation.State == TouchLocationState.Invalid) { Upsell.curState = 1; Upsell.cx = Upsell.px; Upsell.cy = Upsell.py; Upsell.px = 0; Upsell.py = 0; } } Upsell.hl_buttons[0] = false; Upsell.hl_buttons[1] = false; if (Upsell.anm_progress > 100) { Upsell.anm_progress = -Upsell.anm_progress; Upsell.curState = 1; Upsell.cx = Upsell.px; Upsell.cy = Upsell.py; Upsell.px = 0; Upsell.py = 0; return(true); } if (Upsell.anm_progress != -1) { return(true); } for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (Upsell.rects[i].Contains(Upsell.cx, Upsell.cy)) { Upsell.pressed_button = i; break; } } switch (Upsell.pressed_button) { case 0: if (Upsell.curState == 0) { Upsell.hl_buttons[0] = true; } else { Upsell.disposeUpsellScreen(); if (Upsell.buy_scr_work != null) { Upsell.buy_scr_work.result[0] = 2; AppMain.DmSndBgmPlayerPlayBgm(0); } else { AppMain.SyDecideEvtCase(1); AppMain.SyChangeNextEvt(); } } break; case 1: if (Upsell.curState == 0) { Upsell.hl_buttons[1] = true; } else { Upsell.wasUpsell = true; XBOXLive.showGuide(); } break; case 2: if (Upsell.curState == 1) { Upsell.ss_num--; if (Upsell.ss_num < 1) { Upsell.ss_num = 5; } Upsell.screenshot.Dispose(); Upsell.screenshot = Texture2D.FromStream(LiveFeature.GAME.GraphicsDevice, TitleContainer.OpenStream("Content\\UPSELL\\s4us_ss_" + Upsell.ss_num + ".png")); } break; case 3: if (Upsell.curState == 1) { Upsell.ss_num++; if (Upsell.ss_num >= 5) { Upsell.ss_num = 1; } Upsell.screenshot.Dispose(); Upsell.screenshot = Texture2D.FromStream(LiveFeature.GAME.GraphicsDevice, TitleContainer.OpenStream("Content\\UPSELL\\s4us_ss_" + Upsell.ss_num + ".png")); } break; case 4: if (Upsell.curState == 0) { Upsell.anm_progress = 0; } break; } if (Upsell.curState == 0) { Upsell.px = Upsell.cx; Upsell.py = Upsell.cy; } else { Upsell.curState = -1; } return(true); } }