public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "ActorId,ActorFirstName,ActorLastName,Address,City,State,ZipCode,PhoneNumber,AgencyID,ActorPhoto,SpecialNotes,DateAdded,IsActive")] Actor actor, HttpPostedFileBase actorheadshot)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                #region Image Upload

                if (actorheadshot != null)
                    string imgName = actorheadshot.FileName;

                    string ext = imgName.Substring(imgName.LastIndexOf('.'));

                    string[] goodExts = { ".jpeg", ".jpg", ".gif", ".png" };

                    if (goodExts.Contains(ext.ToLower()) && (actorheadshot.ContentLength <= 4193404))
                        imgName = Guid.NewGuid() + ext.ToLower();

                        //commented this out and followed this other project file
                        //actorheadshot.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/Content/actorheadshots/" + imgName));

                        #region Resize Image
                        string savePath = Server.MapPath("~/Content/actorheadshots/");
                        //taking the contents of this file and creating a stream of bytes, http file base type is becoming a stream of bytes into a type of image. this conversion has to take place for us to be able to resize the image
                        Image convertedImage = Image.FromStream(actorheadshot.InputStream);
                        int   maxImageSize   = 500;
                        int   maxThumbSize   = 100;
                        //if you allowed image uploads for magazine and books - you would need to repeat that code - that's why the image service code is in an imageservice area
                        UploadUtility.ResizeImage(savePath, imgName, convertedImage, maxImageSize, maxThumbSize);

                        UploadUtility.Delete(savePath, actor.ActorPhoto);

                        actor.ActorPhoto = imgName;
                        //saves image onto server - but doesn't update db need to make sure to update what is stored in the db
                        imgName = "nouserimg.png";
                    actor.ActorPhoto = imgName;


                db.Entry(actor).State = EntityState.Modified;
            ViewBag.AgencyID = new SelectList(db.UserDetails, "UserID", "FirstName", actor.AgencyID);
Exemple #2
        public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "LessonID,LessonTitle,CourseID,Introduction,VideoURL,PdfFilename,IsActive")] Lesson lesson, HttpPostedFileBase lessonFile)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                #region File Upload
                if (lessonFile != null)
                    string   file     = lessonFile.FileName;
                    string[] goodExts = new string[] { ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".gif", ".pdf" };
                    //check that the uploaded file ext is in our list of good file extensions && check file size <= 4mb (max by default from ASP.NET)
                    if (goodExts.Contains(file.Substring(file.LastIndexOf("."))) && lessonFile.ContentLength <= 4194304)
                        if (lesson.PdfFilename != null && lesson.PdfFilename != "JustinLKennedyResume.pdf") //Delete the old file of the record that is being edited
                            string path = Server.MapPath("~/Content/images/lessons/");
                            UploadUtility.Delete(path, lesson.PdfFilename);
                        lessonFile.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/Content/images/lessons/" + file));
                    lesson.PdfFilename = file;

                db.Entry(lesson).State = EntityState.Modified;
            ViewBag.CourseID = new SelectList(db.Courses, "CourseID", "CourseName", lesson.CourseID);
        public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "OwnerAssetId,CarName,OwnerId,CarPhoto,SpecialNotes,IsActive,DateAdded")] Car car, HttpPostedFileBase CarPhoto)
            #region File Upload
            if (CarPhoto != null)//HttpPostedFileBase added to the action != null
                //Get image and assign to variable
                string imgName = CarPhoto.FileName;

                //Declare and assign ext value
                string ext = imgName.Substring(imgName.LastIndexOf('.'));

                //Declare a list of valid extensions.
                string[] goodExts = { ".jpeg", ".jpg", ".gif", ".png" };

                //Check the ext value (toLower()) against the valid list
                if (goodExts.Contains(ext.ToLower()) && (CarPhoto.ContentLength <= 4194304))//4MB max allowed by ASP.NET
                    //If it is in the list rename using a guid
                    imgName = Guid.NewGuid() + ext;

                    //Save to the webserver
                    CarPhoto.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/Content/assets/img/" + imgName));

                    //Create variables to resize image.
                    string savePath = Server.MapPath("~/Content/assets/img/");

                    Image convertedImage = Image.FromStream(CarPhoto.InputStream);

                    int maxImgSize   = 500;
                    int maxThumbSize = 100;

                    UploadUtility.ResizeImage(savePath, imgName, convertedImage, maxImgSize, maxThumbSize);

                    //Make sure you are not deleting your default image.
                    if (car.CarPhoto != null && car.CarPhoto != "GenericCar.jpg")
                        //Remove the original file
                        string path = Server.MapPath("~/Content/assets/img/");
                        UploadUtility.Delete(path, car.CarPhoto);

                    //Only save if image meets criteria imageName to the object.
                    car.CarPhoto = imgName;
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                db.Entry(car).State = EntityState.Modified;
            ViewBag.OwnerId = new SelectList(db.UserDetails, "UserId", "FirstName", car.OwnerId);
Exemple #4
        public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "HomeId,HomeName,Address,City,State,ZipCode,OwnderId,HomePhoto,SpecialNotes,IsActive,DateAdded")] Homes homes, HttpPostedFileBase homePhoto)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                #region File Upload

                if (homePhoto != null)
                    string file = homePhoto.FileName;
                    //we need to make sure they are actually uploading an appropriate file type
                    string   ext      = file.Substring(file.LastIndexOf('.'));
                    string[] goodExts = { ".jpeg", ".jpg", ".png", ".gif" };
                    //check that the uploaded file is in our list of good file extensions
                    if (goodExts.Contains(ext))
                        //if valid ext, check file size <= 4mb (max by default from
                        if (homePhoto.ContentLength <= 52428800) // specifying in bytes how big file can be
                            //create a new file name using a guid - a lot of users probably have images with the same names so we change it from what the user had to a guid Globally Unique Identifier
                            file = Guid.NewGuid() + ext;

                            #region Resize Image
                            string savePath = Server.MapPath("~/Content/assets/img/Uploads/");

                            //taking the contents of this file and creatign a stream of bytes, http file base type is becmonig a stream of bytes into a type of image. this conversion has to take place for us to be able to resize the image
                            Image convertedImage = Image.FromStream(homePhoto.InputStream);

                            int maxImageSize = 500;

                            int maxThumbSize = 100;
                            //if you allowed image uploads for magazine and books - you would need to repeat that code - that's why the image service code is in an imageservice area

                            UploadUtility.ResizeImage(savePath, file, convertedImage, maxImageSize, maxThumbSize);
                            //saves image onto server - but doesn't update db need to make sure to update what is stored in the db
                            if (homes.HomePhoto != null && homes.HomePhoto != "noimage.png")
                                string path = Server.MapPath("~/Content/assets/img/Uploads/");
                                UploadUtility.Delete(path, homes.HomePhoto);

                    homes.HomePhoto = file;

                db.Entry(homes).State = EntityState.Modified;
            ViewBag.OwnderId = new SelectList(db.UserDetails, "UserId", "CompanyName", homes.OwnderId);
        public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(string id)
            UserDetail userDetail = db.UserDetails.Find(id);

            if (userDetail.UserPhoto != null && userDetail.UserPhoto != "nouserimg.png")
                UploadUtility.Delete(Server.MapPath("~/Content/agencylogo/"), userDetail.UserPhoto);
Exemple #6
        public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id)
            Lesson lesson = db.Lessons.Find(id);

            //Delete the file of the record that is being removed
            if (lesson.PdfFilename != null)
                string path = Server.MapPath("~/Content/images/lessons/");
                UploadUtility.Delete(path, lesson.PdfFilename);
        public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id)
            Course course = db.Courses.Find(id);

            //Delete the image file of the record that is being removed
            if (course.CourseImage != null && course.CourseImage != "NoImage.png")
                string path = Server.MapPath("~/Content/images/courses/");
                UploadUtility.Delete(path, course.CourseImage);
        public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id)
            Car car = db.Cars.Find(id);

            if (car.CarPhoto != null && car.CarPhoto != "GenericCar.jpg")
                //Remove the original file from the edit view.
                string path = Server.MapPath("~/Content/assets/img/");
                UploadUtility.Delete(path, car.CarPhoto);

        public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id)
            Actor actor = db.Actors.Find(id);

            #region Image utility
            if (actor.ActorPhoto != null && actor.ActorPhoto != "nouserimg.png")
                UploadUtility.Delete(Server.MapPath("~/Content/actorheadshots/"), actor.ActorPhoto);

Exemple #10
        public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id)
            AuditionLocation auditionLocation = db.AuditionLocations.Find(id);

            #region Image utility
            if (auditionLocation.AuditionPhoto != null && auditionLocation.AuditionPhoto != "nouserimg.png")
                UploadUtility.Delete(Server.MapPath("~/Content/auditionlocations/"), auditionLocation.AuditionPhoto);


        public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "CourseID,CourseName,CourseDescription,CourseImage,IsActive")] Course course, HttpPostedFileBase courseImage)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                #region File Upload
                if (courseImage != null)
                    string   file     = courseImage.FileName;
                    string   ext      = file.Substring(file.LastIndexOf('.'));
                    string[] goodExts = { ".jpeg", ".jpg", ".png", ".gif" };
                    //check that the uploaded file ext is in our list of good file extensions
                    if (goodExts.Contains(ext))
                        //if valid ext, check file size <= 4mb (max by default from ASP.NET)
                        if (courseImage.ContentLength <= 4194304)
                            //create a new file name using a guid
                            //file = Guid.NewGuid() + ext;

                            #region Resize Image
                            string savePath       = Server.MapPath("~/Content/images/courses/");
                            Image  convertedImage = Image.FromStream(courseImage.InputStream);
                            int    maxImageSize   = 800;
                            int    maxThumbSize   = 350;
                            UploadUtility.ResizeImage(savePath, file, convertedImage, maxImageSize, maxThumbSize);

                            if (course.CourseImage != null && course.CourseImage != "NoImage.png")
                                string path = Server.MapPath("~/Content/images/courses/");
                                UploadUtility.Delete(path, course.CourseImage);
                    course.CourseImage = file;

                db.Entry(course).State = EntityState.Modified;