public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource) { // Echo some information aboue 'me' and why we were run Echo("Source=" + updateSource.ToString()); Echo("Me=" + Me.EntityId.ToString("X")); Echo(Me.CubeGrid.CustomName); if (!bInit) { InitMessageHandlers(); bInit = true; } // use if not setting callbacks for any of the desired channels // if (bInit) wicoIGC.ProcessIGCMessages(); if ((updateSource & UpdateType.IGC) > 0) { // we got a callback for an IGC message. // There might be multiple incoming IGC messages wicoIGC.ProcessIGCMessages(); } else if ((updateSource & utTriggers) > 0) { // if we got a 'trigger' source, send out the received argument IGC.SendBroadcastMessage(sBroadCastTag, argument); } else if ((updateSource & utUpdates) > 0) { // it was an automatic update } }
public static string GetLastVersion(UpdateType ut) { MySqlParameter[] param = new MySqlParameter[1]; param[0] = new MySqlParameter("_updDescription", ut.ToString()); DbAccessLayer.MySqlDbAccess db = new DbAccessLayer.MySqlDbAccess(ConnectionString(), DbAccessLayer.ConnectionStringSourceType.MySetting); System.Data.IDataReader reader = db.GetDataReaderFromProcedure("stpDad_updateSelLastVersion", param); string result = string.Empty; if (db.HasError) { throw db.ErrorException; } if (reader.Read()) { result = DbAccessLayer.MySqlDataHelper.GetString(reader, "updVersionName"); } reader.Close(); return(result); }
public void Print(System.IO.TextWriter output) { output.Write("Add:{"); output.Write("TargetField="); if (_targetField != null) { _targetField.Print(output); } else { output.Write("null"); } output.Write(",Evaluations="); if (_evaluator != null) { output.Write("["); for (int i = 0; i < _evaluator.Length; i++) { _evaluator[i].Print(output); if (i != _evaluator.Length - 1) { output.Write(","); } } output.Write("]"); } else { output.Write("null"); } output.Write(",Type=" + _type.ToString()); output.Write("}"); }
public static async Task <IReadOnlyCollection <IContainerGroup> > StartFleet(ILogger log, Cfg cfg, UpdateType optionUpdateType) { var sheets = (await ChannelSheets.MainChannels(cfg.App.Sheets, log)).ToList(); var evenBatchSize = (int)Math.Ceiling(sheets.Count / Math.Ceiling(sheets.Count / (double)cfg.App.ChannelsPerContainer)); var batches = sheets.Randomize().Batch(evenBatchSize).Select((b, i) => (batch: b.ToList(), name: $"{cfg.App.Container.Name}-fleet-{i}", i)).ToList(); var azure = GetAzure(cfg); // before starting feel. Ensure they are all not already running await batches.BlockAction(async b => await EnsureNotRunning(, azure, cfg.App.ResourceGroup), cfg.App.DefaultParallel); var fleet = await batches.BlockTransform(async b => { var(batch, fleetName, i) = b; var region = Regions[i % Regions.Length]; var args = new[] { "update", "-t", optionUpdateType.ToString(), "-c", batch.Join("|", c => c.Id) }; var group = await ContainerGroup(cfg, azure, fleetName, region, args.ToArray()); return(await group.CreateAsync()); }, cfg.App.DefaultParallel); log.Information("Started fleet containers: {Containers}", fleet.Join(", ", f => f.Name)); return(fleet); }
public static Nullable <int> GetLastVersionDownloaded(UpdateType ut) { MySqlParameter[] param = new MySqlParameter[1]; param[0] = new MySqlParameter("_updDescription", ut.ToString()); DbAccessLayer.MySqlDbAccess db = new DbAccessLayer.MySqlDbAccess(ConnectionString(), DbAccessLayer.ConnectionStringSourceType.MySetting); System.Data.IDataReader reader = db.GetDataReaderFromProcedure("stpDadupdateSelLastVerDownloaded", param); Nullable <int> result = null; if (db.HasError) { throw db.ErrorException; } if (reader.Read()) { result = DbAccessLayer.MySqlDataHelper.GetNullableInt(reader, "updVersion"); } reader.Close(); return(result); }
public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource) { // Echo some information about 'me' and why we were run Echo("Source=" + updateSource.ToString()); Echo("Me=" + Me.EntityId.ToString("X")); Echo(Me.CubeGrid.CustomName); if (!_areWeInited) { InitMessageHandlers(); _areWeInited = true; } // always check for IGC messages in case some aren't using callbacks _wicoIGC.ProcessIGCMessages(); if ((updateSource & UpdateType.IGC) > 0) { // we got a callback for an IGC message. // but we already processed them. } else if ((updateSource & _utTriggers) > 0) { // if we got a 'trigger' source, send out the received argument IGC.SendBroadcastMessage(_broadCastTag, argument); Echo("Sending Message:\n" + argument); } else if ((updateSource & _utUpdates) > 0) { // it was an automatic update // this script doesn't have anything to do in this section } }
public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource) { _counter++; Echo(updateSource.ToString()); Echo(_counter.ToString()); // Check if run from Terminal. if ((updateSource & UpdateType.Terminal) != 0) { Setup(); } if ((updateSource & UpdateType.Update100) != 0) { foreach (LandingPadGroup group in _groupList) { group.CheckBlocks(); } } // Display information on main LCD panel. if (_mainPanels.Any()) { //ShowDataOnScreen(_mainPanels, _groupList); foreach (DisplayPanel panel in _mainPanels) { panel.UpdatePanel(); } } }
public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource) { try { Warnings.Clear(); ResolveOperation(); HandleArgs(argument); Governor(); CheckUpdateFrequency(); OperationGraphic.Selection = (UInt16)Operations.ToArrayIndex(Operation); StatusLCDs.WriteText(OperationGraphic.Render(), true); StatusLCDs.WriteText(RenderMaxImpulseAxis(), true); ConsoleLCDs.WriteText(RenderMaxImpulseAxis(), true); ConsoleLCDs.WriteText("Argument: " + (argument ?? "Null") + '\n', true); ConsoleLCDs.WriteText("UpdateType: " + updateSource.ToString() + '\n', true); } catch (BlockNullReferenceException BlockNull) { string ErrorMessageFormatted = "CRITICAL ERROR:\n" + BlockNull.Message; ConsoleLCDs.WriteText(ErrorMessageFormatted, false); StatusLCDs.WriteText(ErrorMessageFormatted, false); StatusLCDs.FlushText(); ConsoleLCDs.FlushText(); throw; } catch (KlangSafetyException KlangSafety) { Piston.Enabled = false; OutRiggerRelease(); Lock.Enabled = false; Foot.Enabled = true; Foot.AutoLock = true; Foot.Lock(); Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.None; string ErrorMessageFormatted = "CRITICAL ERROR:\n" + KlangSafety.Message; ConsoleLCDs.WriteText(ErrorMessageFormatted, false); StatusLCDs.WriteText(ErrorMessageFormatted, false); StatusLCDs.FlushText(); ConsoleLCDs.FlushText(); throw; } catch (Exception) { throw; } if (Warnings.Count > 0) { string WarningMessageFormatted = "|| WARNINGS ||:\n"; foreach (string Warning in Warnings) { WarningMessageFormatted += Warning + "\n"; } WarningMessageFormatted += "|| END OF WARNINGS ||\n\n"; ConsoleLCDs.WriteText(WarningMessageFormatted + ConsoleLCDs.GetText(), false); StatusLCDs.WriteText(WarningMessageFormatted + StatusLCDs.GetText(), false); } Echo(ConsoleLCDs.GetText()); StatusLCDs.FlushText(); ConsoleLCDs.FlushText(); }
public static string GetUpdateType(UpdateType updateType) { var type = typeof(UpdateType); var fieldInfoArr = type.GetFields(); var fieldInfo = fieldInfoArr.First(i => i.Name == updateType.ToString()); var attribute = (UpdateAttribute)fieldInfo.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(UpdateAttribute)); return(attribute.UpdateType); }
public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource) { Echo("Source=" + updateSource.ToString()); Echo("Me=" + Me.EntityId.ToString()); Echo(Me.CubeGrid.CustomName); //Echo($"{DateTime.Now.ToString()}"); drone.HandleCallback(argument); drone.Perform(); }
public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource) { IMyTerminalBlock block = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(nameLight); if (block is IMyInteriorLight) { blockLight = (IMyInteriorLight)block; } blockLight.Enabled = !blockLight.Enabled; Echo(updateSource.ToString()); }
private void RunUpdate(UpdateBase _runobj) { try { _runobj.RunDelgete(); } catch (System.Exception _erro) { DLog.LogError(string.Format("[{0}] [{1}]{2}", mUpdateType.ToString(), _runobj.Key, _erro.ToString())); _runobj.UnRegToOwner(); } }
/// <summary> /// 转译为对应数据库的查询语句 /// </summary> public static string ToQueryString(this UpdateType updateType) { switch (updateType) { case UpdateType.SetValue: return("="); case UpdateType.IncreaseByValue: return("+="); default: throw new NotImplementedException("未支持该类型的操作符" + updateType.ToString()); } }
public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource) { // The main entry point of the script, invoked every time // one of the programmable block's Run actions are invoked, // or the script updates itself. The updateSource argument // describes where the update came from. Be aware that the // updateSource is a bitfield and might contain more than // one update type. // // The method itself is required, but the arguments above // can be removed if not needed. Echo(updateSource.ToString()); }
public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource) { Echo(String.Format("UPDATE CALLED FROM {0}", updateSource.ToString())); // Get message from listener MyIGCMessage message = listener.AcceptMessage(); Dictionary <string, object> messageData = DecodeMessage((string)message.Data); long requestSource = message.Source; Echo(messageData["shipID"].ToString()); long shipID = (long)messageData["shipID"]; string request = messageData["request"].ToString().Trim(); Echo(string.Format("ID: {0}, request: {1}", shipID.ToString(), request)); Log(shipID, request); Hangar dock; bool accepted = false; switch (request) { case "DOCK": Echo(string.Format("DOCK REQUEST RECEIVED FROM SHIP: {0}", shipID.ToString("X"))); dock = GetAvailableDock(); if (dock != null) { dock.RunProgram("DOCK"); accepted = true; } TransmitMessage(requestSource, shipID, dock, "DOCK", accepted); break; case "UNDOCK": Echo(string.Format("UNDOCK REQUEST RECEIVED FROM SHIP: {0}", shipID.ToString("X"))); dock = GetDockOfShip(shipID); if (dock != null) { dock.RunProgram("UNDOCK"); accepted = true; } TransmitMessage(requestSource, shipID, dock, "UNDOCK", accepted); break; default: return; } }
public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource) { Echo(updateSource.ToString() + " arg:" + argument); if ((updateSource & UpdateType.IGC) > 0) { if (listener.HasPendingMessage) { MyIGCMessage message = listener.AcceptMessage(); if (message.Data is string) { Echo(message.Data.ToString()); } } } }
private static IEnumerator ConnectToServer(UpdateType type, Money field, int value = 0) { WWWForm form = new WWWForm(); form.AddField("dbname", dbname); form.AddField("table", table); form.AddField("uid", uid); form.AddField("field", field.moneyType.ToString()); form.AddField("type", type.ToString()); form.AddField("value", value); using (UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Post(URL_SaveLoadManagerPHP, form)) { yield return(www.SendWebRequest()); if (www.isNetworkError || www.isHttpError) { Debug.Log("ERROR: " + www.error); } else { if (type == UpdateType.Load) { if (www.downloadHandler.text != "") { //Debug.Log(www.downloadHandler.text); foreach (var item in { if (item.moneyType == field.moneyType) { value = Convert.ToInt32(www.downloadHandler.text); item.Value = value; //slm.StartCoroutine(ConnectToServer(UpdateType.Save, field, value)); } } } else { //Debug.Log("NULL"); } } else { //Debug.Log(www.downloadHandler.text); } } } }
public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource) { // Calculate and Output for informational purposes _runcount++; Echo(_runcount.ToString() + ":" + updateSource.ToString()); if ( (updateSource & (UpdateType.Trigger | UpdateType.Terminal)) > 0 || // run by a terminal action (updateSource & (UpdateType.Mod)) > 0 || // script run by a mod (updateSource & (UpdateType.Script)) > 0 // this pb run by another script (PB) ) { // script was run because of an action if (argument != "") { // if we are given an argument, send it out over our broadcast channel IGC.SendBroadcastMessage(_broadCastTag, argument); Echo("Sending message:\n" + argument); } } if ((updateSource & UpdateType.IGC) > 0) { // script was run because of incoming IGC message while (_myBroadcastListener.HasPendingMessage) { MyIGCMessage myIGCMessage = _myBroadcastListener.AcceptMessage(); if (myIGCMessage.Tag == _broadCastTag) { // This is our tag if (myIGCMessage.Data is string) { string str = myIGCMessage.Data.ToString(); Echo("Received IGC Public Message"); Echo("Tag=" + myIGCMessage.Tag); Echo("Data=" + myIGCMessage.Data.ToString()); Echo("Source=" + myIGCMessage.Source.ToString("X")); } else // if(msg.Data is XXX) { // handle other data types here... } } else { // handle other tags here } } } }
public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource) { Echo(updateSource.ToString() + " arg:" + argument); if ((updateSource & UpdateType.IGC) > 0) { if (listener.HasPendingMessage) { MyIGCMessage message = listener.AcceptMessage(); if (message.Data is string) { Echo(message.Data.ToString()); // отправляем ответное сообщение IGC.SendUnicastMessage <string>(message.Source, TAG, "result message"); } } } }
// 取文件路径 static public string GetResPath(UpdateType ut, string rn, string suf = "") { string resPath; var rns = rn.Split(new char[] { '/', '\\' }); var rrn = rns[rns.Length - 1]; CommonStringBuilder.Append(EZFunTools.CachePath, true); CommonStringBuilder.Append("/", false); CommonStringBuilder.Append(ut.ToString(), false); CommonStringBuilder.Append("/", false); CommonStringBuilder.Append(rrn, false); CommonStringBuilder.Append(".", false); CommonStringBuilder.Append(suf.Equals("") ? X2UpdateSys.UpdateFileSuffix[(int)ut] : suf, false); var ap = CommonStringBuilder.GetString(); if (File.Exists(ap)) { Debug.LogWarning("get res path:" + ap); resPath = ap; } else { if (ut == UpdateType.DLL) { CommonStringBuilder.Append(EZFunTools.StreamPath, true); CommonStringBuilder.Append(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, false); CommonStringBuilder.Append(rrn, false); CommonStringBuilder.Append(".", false); CommonStringBuilder.Append(X2UpdateSys.UpdateFileSuffix[(int)ut], false); resPath = CommonStringBuilder.GetString(); } else if (ut == UpdateType.MapFile) { string mapFilePath = EZFunTools.StreamPath + "/MapFile/"; resPath = mapFilePath + rn + ".mapFile"; } else { Debug.Log("get res path:" + rn); resPath = rn; } } // Debug.LogError("load res " + resPath); return(resPath); }
public string GetBasicAPICall(string endpoint, UpdateType type, string httpBody = "") { DisableCertificateSecurity(); //Create URL to REST endpoint for tickets string url = Path.Combine(_currentConn.BaseUrl + _repositoryAPIPortAndAddress + endpoint); //Create the HTTP Request and add required headers and content in Xrfkey string Xrfkey = "0123456789xbcdef"; HttpWebRequest Request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url + "?xrfkey=" + Xrfkey); // Add the method to authentication the user Request.ClientCertificates.Add(_currentConn.Cert); Request.Method = type.ToString(); Request.Accept = "application/json"; Request.Headers.Add("X-Qlik-Xrfkey", Xrfkey); Request.Headers.Add("X-Qlik-User", "UserDirectory=INTERNAL; UserId=SA_ENGINE"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(httpBody)) { ASCIIEncoding encoder = new ASCIIEncoding(); byte[] data = encoder.GetBytes(httpBody); encoder = null; Request.ContentType = "application/json"; Request.Expect = "application/json"; Request.ContentLength = data.Length; Request.GetRequestStream().Write(data, 0, data.Length); } // make the web request and return the content HttpWebResponse Response = Response = (HttpWebResponse)Request.GetResponse(); Stream Stream = Response.GetResponseStream(); string json = new StreamReader(Stream).ReadToEnd(); var jsonObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json); return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonObj, Formatting.Indented)); }
public static string CheckFileHasDownloaded(UpdateType ut, int curversion) { MySqlParameter[] param = new MySqlParameter[2]; param[0] = new MySqlParameter("_updDescription", ut.ToString()); param[1] = new MySqlParameter("_curVersion", curversion); DbAccessLayer.MySqlDbAccess db = new DbAccessLayer.MySqlDbAccess(ConnectionString(), DbAccessLayer.ConnectionStringSourceType.MySetting); //db.ExecuteProcedure("stpDad_updateHasDownloadedBefore", param); string result = db.GetScalarFromProcedure("stpDad_updateHasDownloadedBefore", param).ToString(); if (db.HasError) { throw db.ErrorException; } return(result); }
public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource) { Echo("updateSource:" + updateSource.ToString()); Echo("argument:" + argument); if (pb != null && lcd != null) { if ((updateSource & UpdateType.Trigger) > 0) { // выполнение из кнопки if (CMD_START.Equals(argument)) { Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.Update100; // каждые 10 тиков counter = 0; } else if (CMD_STOP.Equals(argument)) { Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.None; Echo("status STOPPED"); } } else { // выполнение из терминала lcd.WriteText("count: " + counter); counter++; if ((updateSource & UpdateType.Terminal) > 0) { Echo("status TERMINAL"); } else { Echo("status WORKING"); } } } else { Echo("status ERROR"); } }
public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource) { Echo(string.Format("UPDATE CALLED FROM: {0}", updateSource.ToString())); if (argument == "DOCK_MESSAGE") { //script ran by anntenna receiving broadcast, with matching ID ensuring the broadcast is for this ship bool isAccepted = true; MyIGCMessage message = listener.AcceptMessage(); Echo("RECEIVED FOLLOWING TRANSMISSION: " + message.Data.ToString()); Dictionary <string, object> messageData = DecodeMessage((string)message.Data); Echo(string.Format("Is Accepted: {0}", messageData["accepted"].ToString())); isAccepted = (bool)messageData["accepted"]; SetPanel(messageData["action"].ToString(), isAccepted, messageData["message"].ToString()); return; } Echo("REQUESTING " + argument); SendMessage(argument); }
public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource) { Me.GetSurface(0).WriteText(string.Join("\n", new Random().NextDouble().ToString(), updateSource.ToString(), argument )); switch (updateSource) { case UpdateType.IGC: HandleMessage(); break; case UpdateType.Terminal: case UpdateType.Trigger: switch (argument) { case "init": Initalize(); break; } break; } }
public void WriteToXml(XmlTextWriter xml) { xml.WriteStartElement("controller"); xml.WriteAttributeString("name", Name); xml.WriteAttributeString("index", Index.ToString()); xml.WriteAttributeString("id", Id.ToString()); xml.WriteAttributeString("alias", Alias); xml.WriteAttributeString("update", UpdateType.ToString()); xml.WriteAttributeString("updateInterval", ReadingStateInterval.ToString()); xml.WriteStartElement("buttons"); if (Variables != null) { // posortowanie zmiennych Array.Sort(Variables); foreach (InputVariable iv in Variables) { if (iv.InputType == InputType.Button || iv.InputType == InputType.HATSwitch) { iv.WriteToXml(xml); } } } xml.WriteEndElement(); xml.WriteStartElement("axes"); if (Variables != null) { foreach (InputVariable iv in Variables) { if (iv.InputType == InputType.Axis) { iv.WriteToXml(xml); } } } xml.WriteEndElement(); xml.WriteEndElement(); }
public void Main(string argumentText, UpdateType updateSource) { Echo(new Random().NextDouble().ToString()); Echo(updateSource.ToString()); Echo(argumentText); if (updateSource.HasFlag(UpdateType.Update10)) { Tick(); } if (updateSource.HasFlag(UpdateType.Update100)) { Tick100(); } if (updateSource.HasFlag(UpdateType.IGC)) { IGCTick(); } var arguments = argumentText.Split(' '); if (arguments.Length < 1) { return; } switch (arguments[0]) { case "init": Initalize(); break; case "save": Save(); break; case "command": commander.HandleCommands(arguments.Skip(1).ToArray()); break; } }
public static bool IsNewVersionAccesible(UpdateType versionType, int curversion, String connection) { MySqlParameter[] param = new MySqlParameter[2]; param[0] = new MySqlParameter("_updVersion", curversion); param[1] = new MySqlParameter("_updDescription", versionType.ToString()); DbAccessLayer.MySqlDbAccess db = new MySqlDbAccess(connection, ConnectionStringSourceType.MySetting); long version = (long)db.GetScalarFromProcedure("stpDad_updateUtiIsExistNewVer", param); if (db.HasError) { throw db.ErrorException; } if (version > 0) { return(true); } return(false); }
int runcount = 0; // used to show running multiple times public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource) { // Echo some information aboue 'me' and why we were run Echo(updateSource.ToString()); Echo("Me=" + Me.EntityId.ToString()); Echo(Me.CubeGrid.CustomName); runcount++; Echo("Runs=" + runcount.ToString()); // if there is a message pending, process it if (_bListener.HasPendingMessage || _uListener.HasPendingMessage) { if (!HandleMessages()) { return; } } else { // if we were run when there's not a pending message, send out a broadcast message Echo("Sending Broadcast Message"); IGC.SendBroadcastMessage <string>(BroadcastTag, "Me=" + Me.EntityId.ToString() + ":" + Me.CubeGrid.CustomName + "\n" + argument, TransmissionDistance.AntennaRelay); } }
private void SendUpdateClientStatusResponse(Guid clientID, UpdateType type, string response) { ServiceResponse serviceResponse = new ServiceResponse(); serviceResponse.Type = "UPDATECLIENTSTATUS-" + type.ToString().ToUpper(); serviceResponse.Message = response; SendResponse(clientID, serviceResponse); }
public UpdateTypeButton(UpdateType updateType) { UpdateType = updateType; UpdateTypeName = UpdateType.ToString(); }
private void SendUpdateClientStatusResponse(Guid clientID, UpdateType type, string responseMessage, bool telnetMessage = false) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(responseMessage) || (clientID == m_remoteCommandClientID && !telnetMessage)) return; ServiceResponse response = new ServiceResponse(); response.Type = "UPDATECLIENTSTATUS-" + type.ToString().ToUpper(); response.Message = CurtailMessageLength(responseMessage); SendResponse(clientID, response); OnUpdatedStatus(clientID, response.Message, type); }