Exemple #1
        public async Task Handle_ValidId_ShouldUpdatePersistedRuleItem()
            var command = new UpdateRuleItemCommand
                Id          = 1,
                Description = "Descriptions",
                Json        = "Jsons",
                Name        = "Names",
                SqlPart     = "Sqls",
                SqlStr      = "Sqlstrs",
                Template    = "Templates"

            var handler = new UpdateRuleItemCommand.UpdateRuleItemCommandHandler(dbContext, mapper);

            await handler.Handle(command, CancellationToken.None);

            var entity = dbContext.RuleName.Find(command.Id);

            Assert.Equal(command.Description, entity.Description);
            Assert.Equal(command.Json, entity.Json);
            Assert.Equal(command.Name, entity.Name);
            Assert.Equal(command.SqlPart, entity.SqlPart);
            Assert.Equal(command.SqlStr, entity.SqlStr);
            Assert.Equal(command.Template, entity.Template);
        public async Task <ActionResult> Update(int id, UpdateRuleItemCommand command)
            if (id != command.Id)

            await Mediator.Send(command);

Exemple #3
        public async Task Handle_InvalidId_ThrowsException()
            var command = new UpdateRuleItemCommand
                Id          = 65,
                Description = "Descriptions",
                Json        = "Jsons",
                Name        = "Names",
                SqlPart     = "Sqls",
                SqlStr      = "Sqlstrs",
                Template    = "Templates"

            var handler = new UpdateRuleItemCommand.UpdateRuleItemCommandHandler(dbContext, mapper);

            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <NotFoundException>(() =>
                                                         handler.Handle(command, CancellationToken.None));
Exemple #4
        public async Task GivenInvalidUpdateRuleItemCommand_ReturnsBadRequest()
            var client = await _factory.GetAuthenticatedClientAsync();

            var command = new UpdateRuleItemCommand
                Id          = 1,
                Description = "This String Will Exceed The Maximum Lenght. This String Will Exceed The Maximum Lenght. This String Will Exceed The Maximum Lenght.",
                Json        = "Json",
                Name        = "Name",
                SqlPart     = "Sql",
                SqlStr      = "Sqlstr",
                Template    = "Template"

            var content = IntegrationTestHelper.GetRequestContent(command);

            var response = await client.PutAsync($"/api/rule/{command.Id}", content);

            Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, response.StatusCode);
Exemple #5
        public async Task GivenValidUpdateRuleItemCommand_ReturnsSuccessStatusCode()
            var client = await _factory.GetAuthenticatedClientAsync();

            var command = new UpdateRuleItemCommand
                Id          = 1,
                Description = "Description",
                Json        = "Json",
                Name        = "Name",
                SqlPart     = "Sql",
                SqlStr      = "Sqlstr",
                Template    = "Template"

            var content = IntegrationTestHelper.GetRequestContent(command);

            var response = await client.PutAsync($"/api/rule/{command.Id}", content);
