protected void btnUpdateP_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { LabelPr.Visible = true; try { string name = UpdatePName.Text.ToString(); int stock = Int32.Parse(UpdateStock.Text.ToString()); int price = Int32.Parse(UpdatePrice.Text.ToString()); string errorMsg = ""; bool success = UpdateProductController.validateUpdate(name, stock, price, out errorMsg); if (!success) { LabelPr.Text = errorMsg; } else { if (success) { LabelPr.Text = newID.ToString(); UpdateProductController.updateProduct(newID, name, price, stock); Response.Redirect("UpdateProduct.aspx"); } else { LabelPr.Text = errorMsg; } } } catch { LabelPr.Text = "Cannot be empty!"; } }
protected void BtnUpdateProduct_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String ProductID = Request.QueryString["id"]; String Name = BoxProductName.Text.ToString(); int Stock = 0; int Price = 0; if (int.TryParse(BoxProductStock.Text.ToString(), out Stock) == true) { Stock = int.Parse(BoxProductStock.Text.ToString()); } if (int.TryParse(BoxProductPrice.Text.ToString(), out Price) == true) { Price = int.Parse(BoxProductPrice.Text.ToString()); } Response response = UpdateProductController.UpdateItem(ProductID, Name, Price, Stock); if (response.successStatus == false) { labelUpdateProduct.Text = response.message; } else { Response.Redirect("ViewProduct.aspx"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["LoginSession"] == null) { Response.Redirect("../HomeView/Home.aspx"); } else { String ID = Session["LoginSession"].ToString(); MsUser user = HomeController.FetchDataForHome(ID); if (user.RoleID != "RL1") { Response.Redirect("../HomeView/Home.aspx"); } else { if (Request.QueryString["id"] == null) { Response.Redirect("../HomeView/Home.aspx"); } else { if (!IsPostBack) { String ProductID = Request.QueryString["id"]; MsProduct product = UpdateProductController.GetProductByID(ProductID); BoxProductName.Text = product.ProductName.ToString(); BoxProductPrice.Text = product.ProductPrice.ToString(); BoxProductStock.Text = product.ProductStock.ToString(); } } } } }
private Boolean DataValidation(string name, string stock, string price) { string errorMessage = ""; if (UpdateProductController.UpdateProductValidation(name, stock, price, out errorMessage) == false) { return(HandleWrongFormat(errorMessage)); } return(true); }
private void SetProductData() { productId = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["productId"]); if (!Page.IsPostBack) { Product currData = UpdateProductController.GetProductController(productId); TxtNewName.Text = currData.Name; TxtNewStock.Text = currData.Stock.ToString(); TxtNewPrice.Text = currData.Price.ToString(); } }
protected void UpdateData(object sender, EventArgs e) { string newName = TxtNewName.Text.ToString(); string newStock = TxtNewStock.Text.ToString(); string newPrice = TxtNewPrice.Text.ToString(); if (DataValidation(newName, newStock, newPrice) == true) { UpdateProductController.GetUpdateProductController(newName, Int32.Parse(newStock), Int32.Parse(newPrice), productId); Response.Redirect("ViewProduct.aspx"); } }
protected void updateBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool stat = true; int id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["Id"]); string name = nameBox.Text; int price = Convert.ToInt32(priceBox.Text); int stock = Convert.ToInt32(stockBox.Text); string productType = typeDD.SelectedValue; if (!UpdateProductController.isBoxFilled(name)) { nameValidate.Text = "Name must be filled!"; stat = false; } if (!UpdateProductController.isBoxFilled(priceBox.Text)) { priceValidate.Text = "Price must be filled!"; stat = false; } if (!UpdateProductController.isBoxFilled(stockBox.Text)) { stockValidate.Text = "Stock must be filled!"; stat = false; } if (!UpdateProductController.isBoxFilled(productType)) { typeValidate.Text = "Type must be chosen!"; stat = false; } if (stat) { if (!UpdateProductController.isValid(id, name, price, stock, productType)) { if (!UpdateProductController.PriceMeetRequirement(price)) { warningLbl.Text = "Price is not valid."; } else if (!UpdateProductController.StockMeetRequirement(stock)) { warningLbl.Text = "Stock is not valid."; } } else { Response.Redirect("./ViewProduct.aspx"); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (UpdateProductController.isUserLoggedIn()) { if (UpdateProductController.isUserAnAdmin(Request.Cookies["user_email"].Value)) { if (!IsPostBack) { int id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["Id"]); vProduct currentProduct = UpdateProductController.getProductObject(id); typeDD.DataSource = UpdateProductController.getProductType(); typeDD.DataBind(); nameBox.Text = currentProduct.Name; stockBox.Text = currentProduct.Stock.ToString(); priceBox.Text = currentProduct.Price.ToString(); typeDD.SelectedValue = currentProduct.Type; } } else { userWarnLbl.Text = "403. You're not an admin."; nameBox.Enabled = false; priceBox.Enabled = false; stockBox.Enabled = false; updateBtn.Visible = false; } } else { userWarnLbl.Text = "403. You're not logged in"; nameBox.Enabled = false; priceBox.Enabled = false; stockBox.Enabled = false; updateBtn.Visible = false; logoutBtn.Visible = false; } }
private void update_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { UpdateProductController.updateProduct(updatedProductValueLabels, bindingNavigator_Products, this, productId); }