Exemple #1
        protected override void ProcessRecord()
            UpdateBucketRequest request;

                request = new UpdateBucketRequest
                    NamespaceName       = NamespaceName,
                    BucketName          = BucketName,
                    UpdateBucketDetails = UpdateBucketDetails,
                    IfMatch             = IfMatch,
                    OpcClientRequestId  = OpcClientRequestId

                response = client.UpdateBucket(request).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                WriteOutput(response, response.Bucket);
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 设置Bucket的属性
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="requestParams">请求参数.</param>
        /// <returns>返回对象<see cref="UCloudSDK.Models.UpdateBucketResponse"/></returns>
        public UpdateBucketResponse UpdateBucket(UpdateBucketRequest requestParams)
            var request = new RestRequest(Method.GET);

            return(Execute <UpdateBucketResponse>(request));
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs a partial or full update of a bucket's user-defined metadata.
        /// Use UpdateBucket to move a bucket from one compartment to another within the same tenancy.
        /// Supply the compartmentID of the compartment that you want to move the bucket to.
        /// For more information about moving resources between compartments, see Moving Resources to a Different Compartment.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <UpdateBucketResponse> UpdateBucket(UpdateBucketRequest request)
            var uri = new Uri(GetEndPointNoneVersion(ObjectStorageServices.Bucket(request.NamespaceName, request.BucketName), this.Region));

            var httpRequestHeaderParam = new HttpRequestHeaderParam()
                IfMatch            = request.IfMatch,
                OpcClientRequestId = request.OpcClientRequestId
            var webResponse = await this.RestClientAsync.Post(uri, request.UpdateBucketDetails, httpRequestHeaderParam);

            using (var stream = webResponse.GetResponseStream())
                using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
                    var response = reader.ReadToEnd();

                    return(new UpdateBucketResponse()
                        Bucket = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <Bucket>(response),
                        ETag = webResponse.Headers.Get("ETag"),
                        OpcRequestId = webResponse.Headers.Get("opc-request-id"),
                        OpcClientRequestId = webResponse.Headers.Get("opc-client-request-id")
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Update an existing bucket.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bucketId">The buckete id to update.</param>
        /// <param name="bucketType">The bucket secuirty authorization type.</param>
        /// <exception cref="AuthenticationException">Thrown when authentication fails.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ApiException">Thrown when an error occurs during client operation.</exception>
        async Task <IApiResults <UpdateBucketResponse> > IStorageBuckets.UpdateAsync
            (string bucketId, BucketType bucketType)
            var request = new UpdateBucketRequest(AccountId, bucketId, bucketType);

            return(await _client.UpdateBucketAsync(request, _cancellationToken));
Exemple #5
        public void UpdateBucketTest()
            var entity = new UpdateBucketRequest(Config.Bucket);

            entity.Type = "public";
            var response = ufile.UpdateBucket(entity);

            Assert.AreEqual(response.RetCode, 0);
Exemple #6
        public static async Task MainOSBucketTagging()
            string compartmentId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("OCI_COMPARTMENT_ID");
            string bucketName    = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("BUCKET_NAME");
            string tagNamespace  = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TAG_NAMESPACE");
            string tagName       = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TAG_NAME");

            logger.Info("Starting example");
            // Create Object Storage Client
            var provider = new ConfigFileAuthenticationDetailsProvider("DEFAULT");
            var osClient = new ObjectStorageClient(provider, new ClientConfiguration());

            logger.Info("Object Storage client created.");

            GetNamespaceRequest getNamespaceRequest = new GetNamespaceRequest
                CompartmentId = compartmentId
            GetNamespaceResponse getNamespaceResponse = await osClient.GetNamespace(getNamespaceRequest);

            string nSpace = getNamespaceResponse.Value.Trim('"');

            logger.Info($"namespace is {nSpace}");

             * We can assign tags to a bucket at creation time. Like other taggable resources, we can
             * assign freeform and defined tags to a bucket. Freeform tags are a dictionary of
             * string-to-string, where the key is the tag name and the value is the tag value.
             * Defined tags are a dictionary where the key is the tag namespace (string) and the value is another dictionary. In
             * this second dictionary, the key is the tag name (string) and the value is the tag value. The tag names have to
             * correspond to the name of a tag within the specified namespace (and the namespace must exist).
                Dictionary <string, string> freeformTags = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { "free", "form" },
                    { "another", "item" }

                Dictionary <string, object> definedTagsMap = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { tagName, "original value" }

                Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, object> > definedTags = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, object> >()
                    { tagNamespace, definedTagsMap }

                CreateBucketDetails createBucketDetails = new CreateBucketDetails
                    Name                = bucketName,
                    CompartmentId       = compartmentId,
                    FreeformTags        = freeformTags,
                    DefinedTags         = definedTags,
                    ObjectEventsEnabled = false
                CreateBucketRequest createBucketRequest = new CreateBucketRequest
                    CreateBucketDetails = createBucketDetails,
                    NamespaceName       = nSpace
                CreateBucketResponse createBucketResponse = await osClient.CreateBucket(createBucketRequest);

                logger.Info($"Created a bucket with tags Bucket name: {createBucketResponse.Bucket.Name}");
                definedTags = createBucketResponse.Bucket.DefinedTags;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Dictionary <string, object> > kvp in definedTags)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> tags in kvp.Value)
                        logger.Info($"tag key name: {tags.Key} and tag value is {tags.Value}");

                // Tags come back when retrieving the bucket
                GetBucketRequest getBucketRequest = new GetBucketRequest
                    NamespaceName = nSpace,
                    BucketName    = bucketName
                GetBucketResponse getBucketResponse = await osClient.GetBucket(getBucketRequest);

                logger.Info($"Retrieved a bucket with tags Bucket name: {getBucketResponse.Bucket.Name}");
                definedTags = getBucketResponse.Bucket.DefinedTags;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Dictionary <string, object> > kvp in definedTags)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> tags in kvp.Value)
                        logger.Info($"tag key name: {tags.Key} and tag value is {tags.Value}");

                 * Unlike other resources (e.g. instances, VCNs, and block volumes), when listing buckets
                 * tags are not returned by default. Instead, you need to provide a value to the fields
                 * parameter when listing buckets in order to have those tags returned.
                 * Here we can see the result of providing and not providing that parameter.
                ListBucketsRequest listBucketsRequest = new ListBucketsRequest
                    CompartmentId = compartmentId,
                    NamespaceName = nSpace
                IEnumerable <BucketSummary> bucketSummaries = osClient.Paginators.ListBucketsRecordEnumerator(listBucketsRequest);
                foreach (BucketSummary bucketSummary in bucketSummaries)
                    if (bucketSummary.Name.Equals(bucketName))
                        logger.Info($"Bucket summary without tags: Bucket Name: {bucketSummary.Name}");
                        if (bucketSummary.DefinedTags != null)
                            logger.Error($"expected tags to be zero but got: {bucketSummary.DefinedTags.Count}");

                List <ListBucketsRequest.FieldsEnum> fields = new List <ListBucketsRequest.FieldsEnum>()

                listBucketsRequest = new ListBucketsRequest
                    CompartmentId = compartmentId,
                    NamespaceName = nSpace,
                    Fields        = fields
                bucketSummaries = osClient.Paginators.ListBucketsRecordEnumerator(listBucketsRequest);
                foreach (BucketSummary bucketSummary in bucketSummaries)
                    if (bucketSummary.Name.Equals(bucketName))
                        logger.Info($"Bucket summary with tags: Bucket Name: {bucketSummary.Name}");
                        definedTags = bucketSummary.DefinedTags;
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Dictionary <string, object> > kvp in definedTags)
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> tags in kvp.Value)
                                logger.Info($"tag key name: {tags.Key} and tag value is {tags.Value}");

                 * We can also update tags on a bucket. Note that this is a total replacement for any
                 * previously set freeform or defined tags.
                Dictionary <string, string> updateFreeformTags = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { "new", "freeform" }

                Dictionary <string, object> updateDefinedTagsMap = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { tagName, "replaced" }
                Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, object> > updateDefinedTags = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, object> >()
                    { tagNamespace, updateDefinedTagsMap }

                UpdateBucketDetails updateBucketDetails = new UpdateBucketDetails
                    Name         = bucketName,
                    FreeformTags = updateFreeformTags,
                    DefinedTags  = updateDefinedTags
                UpdateBucketRequest updateBucketRequest = new UpdateBucketRequest
                    NamespaceName       = nSpace,
                    BucketName          = bucketName,
                    UpdateBucketDetails = updateBucketDetails
                UpdateBucketResponse updateBucketResponse = await osClient.UpdateBucket(updateBucketRequest);

                logger.Info($"Updated the bucket with new tags Bucket name: {updateBucketResponse.Bucket.Name}");
                definedTags = updateBucketResponse.Bucket.DefinedTags;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Dictionary <string, object> > kvp in definedTags)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> tags in kvp.Value)
                        logger.Info($"tag key name: {tags.Key} and tag value is {tags.Value}");

                updateBucketDetails = new UpdateBucketDetails
                    Name         = bucketName,
                    FreeformTags = new Dictionary <string, string>(),
                    DefinedTags  = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, object> >()
                updateBucketRequest = new UpdateBucketRequest
                    NamespaceName       = nSpace,
                    BucketName          = bucketName,
                    UpdateBucketDetails = updateBucketDetails
                updateBucketResponse = await osClient.UpdateBucket(updateBucketRequest);

                logger.Info($"cleared the tags for the bucket: {updateBucketResponse.Bucket.Name}");

                // Clean up
                DeleteBucketRequest deleteBucketRequest = new DeleteBucketRequest
                    NamespaceName = nSpace,
                    BucketName    = bucketName
                await osClient.DeleteBucket(deleteBucketRequest);

                logger.Info("Deleted the bucket");
                logger.Info("Ending example.");
            catch (Exception e)
                logger.Error($"Failed Object Storage example: {e.Message}");
Exemple #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Update an existing bucket.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="request">The <see cref="UpdateBucketRequest"/> to send.</param>
 /// <exception cref="AuthenticationException">Thrown when authentication fails.</exception>
 /// <exception cref="ApiException">Thrown when an error occurs during client operation.</exception>
 async Task <IApiResults <UpdateBucketResponse> > IStorageBuckets.UpdateAsync
     (UpdateBucketRequest request)
     return(await _client.UpdateBucketAsync(request, _cancellationToken));