This exception is raised if an operation call on a server raises an unknown exception. For example, for C++, this exception is raised if the server throws a C++ exception that is not directly or indirectly derived from Ice::LocalException or Ice::UserException.
Inheritance: LocalException
Exemple #1
        protected void OpenCallback(string projectToken, Gs2Exception e)
            if (projectToken == null && e == null)
                // 応答からプロジェクトトークンが取得できなかった場合
                // そのまま Idle 状態に遷移するので、 Open 失敗の後始末が必要な場合は派生クラスで対応が必要

                e = new UnknownException("No project token returned.");

            using (var scopedLock = new NonreentrantLock.ScopedLock(_lock))
                if (e == null)
                    ProjectToken = projectToken;
                    _state       = State.Available;

                    CompleteOpenTasks(new AsyncResult <OpenResult>(new OpenResult(), null));
                    // キャンセルがかけられていれば、実際の失敗の内容が何であれ、キャンセルによる失敗として扱う
                    if (_state == State.CancellingOpen)
                        e = new SessionNotOpenException("Cancelled.");

                    _state = State.Idle;

                    // TODO: Open と Close のコールバックの順番の保証
                    CompleteOpenTasks(new AsyncResult <OpenResult>(null, e));
Exemple #2
        public Gs2WebSocketResponse(string message) : base(message)
                var gs2Message = Gs2Message.FromDict(JsonMapper.ToObject(message));
                Body = gs2Message.body;

                var errorMessage = "";
                if (gs2Message.status != 200)
                    var error = GeneralError.FromDict(gs2Message.body);
                    if (error != null)
                        errorMessage = error.Message;
                        errorMessage = message;

                Error            = ExtractError(errorMessage, gs2Message.status ?? 0);
                Gs2SessionTaskId = new Gs2SessionTaskId(gs2Message.requestId);
            catch (System.Exception)
                Error            = new UnknownException("JSON parsing error: \n" + message);
                Gs2SessionTaskId = Gs2SessionTaskId.InvalidId;
        public bool TryHandle(
            Exception operationException,
            out Exception generatedException,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
            generatedException = null;
            ResponseError payload = null;

            switch (operationException)
            case OperationCanceledException operationCanceledException:
                generatedException = !cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested
                        ? (Exception) new ConnectionTimeoutException()
                        : operationCanceledException;


            case ConnectivityException connectivityException:
                generatedException = connectivityException;

            case HttpOperationException httpException:
                var context = _httpExceptionContextRetriever.RetrieveContext(httpException);
                if (TryHandleHttpExceptionByStatusCode(context, out generatedException))

                payload = context.ResponseError;
                if (payload != null)
                    if (TryHandleBusinessExceptionByPayload(payload, out generatedException))


            generatedException = new UnknownException(operationException, payload);
Exemple #4
        public override void Arrange()
            var actionGenerator =
                new DomainGenerator()
                .With <Action <IList <Exception> > >(
                    // repetition increases likelyhood
                    l => l.Add(null),
                    l => l.Add(null),
                    l => l.Add(null),
                    l => l.Add(null),
                    l =>
                Exception exception = new BusinessException();
                throw exception;
                    l =>
                Exception exception = new SecurityException();
                throw exception;
                    l =>
                Exception exception = new UnknownException();
                throw exception;
                    l =>
                Exception exception = new AnotherUnknownException();
                throw exception;

            input =
                new DomainGenerator()
                .With <ProcessOneWayRequestsInput>(
                    opt => opt.For(i => i.OneWayRequestsAndHandlers, new OneWayRequestsAndHandlers()))
                .With <ProcessOneWayRequestsInput>(
                    opt => opt.For(i => i.Actions, actionGenerator.Many <Action <IList <Exception> > >(3, 3).ToList()))
                .One <ProcessOneWayRequestsInput>();
        public override void Arrange()
            var actionGenerator =
                new DomainGenerator()
                        // repetition increases likelyhood
                    l => l.Add(null),
                    l => l.Add(null),
                    l => l.Add(null),
                    l => l.Add(null),
                    l =>
                            Exception exception = new BusinessException();
                            throw exception;
                    l =>
                            Exception exception = new SecurityException();
                            throw exception;
                    l =>
                            Exception exception = new UnknownException();
                            throw exception;
                    l =>
                            Exception exception = new AnotherUnknownException();
                            throw exception;

            input =
                new DomainGenerator()
                        opt => opt.For(i => i.OneWayRequestsAndHandlers, new OneWayRequestsAndHandlers()))
                        opt => opt.For(i => i.Actions, actionGenerator.Many<Action<IList<Exception>>>(3, 3).ToList()))
            public override void Callback(Gs2RestResponse gs2RestResponse)
                var    error       = gs2RestResponse.Error;
                string accessToken = null;

                if (error == null)
                        accessToken = LoginResult.FromDict(JsonMapper.ToObject(gs2RestResponse.Message)).access_token;
                    catch (System.Exception)
                        error = new UnknownException("JSON parsing error: \n" + gs2RestResponse.Message);

                _gs2RestSession.OpenCallback(accessToken, error);
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public Exception CreateException(short code)
            if (_exceptions == null)
                Exception e = new InvalidOperationException("An exception was attempted to be created, but the known list of error codes was null.");
                throw e;

            if (!_exceptions.ContainsKey(code))
                Exception e = new UnknownException(code);
                throw e;

            Type exceptionType = _exceptions[code];

            if (exceptionType == null)
                Exception e = new InvalidOperationException("An exception was attempted to be created, but the targeted type was null.");
                throw e;

            object?exception = Activator.CreateInstance(exceptionType);

            if (exception == null)
                Exception e = new InvalidOperationException("An exception was attempted to be created, but the class couldn't be activated.");
                throw e;

Exemple #8
 private void exception(Current current)
     if (current.Operation.Equals("ice_ids"))
         throw new TestIntfUserException();
     else if (current.Operation.Equals("requestFailedException"))
         throw new ObjectNotExistException();
     else if (current.Operation.Equals("unknownUserException"))
         var ex = new UnknownUserException();
         ex.Unknown = "reason";
         throw ex;
     else if (current.Operation.Equals("unknownLocalException"))
         var ex = new UnknownLocalException();
         ex.Unknown = "reason";
         throw ex;
     else if (current.Operation.Equals("unknownException"))
         var ex = new UnknownException();
         ex.Unknown = "reason";
         throw ex;
     else if (current.Operation.Equals("userException"))
         throw new TestIntfUserException();
     else if (current.Operation.Equals("localException"))
         var ex = new SocketException();
         ex.Error = 0;
         throw ex;
     else if (current.Operation.Equals("csException"))
         throw new System.Exception("message");
     else if (current.Operation.Equals("unknownExceptionWithServantException"))
         throw new UnknownException("reason");
     else if (current.Operation.Equals("impossibleException"))
         throw new TestIntfUserException(); // Yes, it really is meant to be TestIntfException.
     else if (current.Operation.Equals("intfUserException"))
         throw new TestImpossibleException(); // Yes, it really is meant to be TestImpossibleException.
     else if (current.Operation.Equals("asyncResponse"))
         throw new TestImpossibleException();
     else if (current.Operation.Equals("asyncException"))
         throw new TestImpossibleException();
        /// <summary>
        /// This method translates an exception from the service layer to an exception for the presentation layer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="faultException">The fault exception from the service layer</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the exception for the service fault</returns>            
        protected WebExceptionBase GetWebExceptionFromServiceFault(System.ServiceModel.FaultException faultException)
            int errorCodeInInt;
            WebExceptionBase webException = null;

            if (int.TryParse(faultException.Code.Name, out errorCodeInInt))
                ExceptionErrorCode errorCode = (ExceptionErrorCode)errorCodeInInt;
                if (errorCode != ExceptionErrorCode.UnknownException)
                    webException = new VKeCRM.Framework.Web.Exceptions.BusinessException(errorCode);
                    webException = new UnknownException();
                webException = new UnknownException(faultException);

            return webException;
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the proper string to be displayed in the presentation layer when an exception occurs. 
        /// This should be used for all called to the controller where a potential error can occur.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="messageToDisplay">Default message to display in presentation layer</param>
        /// <param name="ex">Exception to process</param>
        /// <param name="logger">The specific application logger passing from the inheriting contoller base class</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the message to display</returns>
        //public abstract string ProcessException(string messageToDisplay, System.Exception ex);
        public string ProcessException(string messageToDisplay, Exception ex, Logger logger)
            Exception currentException = ex;

            if (!(currentException is BusinessException))
                if (!(currentException is WebExceptionBase))
                    if (currentException is System.Security.SecurityException)
                        currentException = new ServiceCommunicationException(ExceptionErrorCode.SecurityException, currentException);
                    else if (currentException is System.ServiceModel.CommunicationObjectFaultedException)
                        currentException = new ServiceCommunicationException(ExceptionErrorCode.CommunicationObjectFaultedException, currentException);
                    else if (currentException is System.ServiceModel.Security.MessageSecurityException)
                        currentException = new ServiceCommunicationException(ExceptionErrorCode.MessageSecurityException, currentException);
                    else if (currentException is System.TimeoutException)
                        currentException = new ServiceCommunicationException(ExceptionErrorCode.TimeoutException, currentException);
                    else if (currentException is System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException)
                        currentException = new ServiceCommunicationException(ExceptionErrorCode.CommunicationException, currentException);
                    else if (currentException is System.ObjectDisposedException)
                        currentException = new ServiceCommunicationException(ExceptionErrorCode.ObjectDisposedException, currentException);
                        currentException = new UnknownException(currentException);


            //Add error code to DisplayMessage
            messageToDisplay = string.Concat(messageToDisplay, string.Format(" (ErrorCode: {0})", (int)((WebExceptionBase)currentException).ErrorCode));

            return messageToDisplay;
Exemple #11
 public static new bool Equals(object a, object b)
     throw UnknownException.Instantiate();