Exemple #1
        public void AddTile(CanonicalTileId tileId, CacheItem item, bool update = false)
            string methodName = _className + "." + new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame().GetMethod().Name;
            UnityEngine.Debug.LogFormat("{0} {1} {2} update:{3}", methodName, _tileset, tileId, update);
                _sqlite.InsertOrReplace(new tiles
                    zoom_level  = tileId.Z,
                    tile_column = tileId.X,
                    tile_row    = tileId.Y,
                    tile_data   = item.Data,
                    timestamp   = (int)UnixTimestampUtils.To(DateTime.Now),
                    etag        = item.ETag
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.LogErrorFormat("Error inserting {0} {1} {2} ", _tileset, tileId, ex);

            // update counter only when new tile gets inserted
            if (!update)
            if (0 == _pruneCacheCounter % _pruneCacheDelta)
                _pruneCacheCounter = 0;
Exemple #2
        protected override void SetLocation()
            _currentLocation.Heading                  = _targetTransform.eulerAngles.y;
            _currentLocation.LatitudeLongitude        = LatitudeLongitude;
            _currentLocation.Accuracy                 = _accuracy;
            _currentLocation.Timestamp                = UnixTimestampUtils.To(DateTime.UtcNow);
            _currentLocation.IsLocationUpdated        = true;
            _currentLocation.IsHeadingUpdated         = true;
            _currentLocation.IsLocationServiceEnabled = true;

            if (sceneManager == null)
                if (sm == null)
                    sm = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("sceneManager");

                sceneManager = (SceneManager)sm.GetComponent(typeof(SceneManager));

            sceneManager.updateLocation(_currentLocation, isInitialLocation, _currentLocation.IsHeadingUpdated, _currentLocation.IsLocationUpdated);

            if (isInitialLocation == true)
                isInitialLocation = false;
        public void SetupMockHttp()
            var serverFactory = new HttpServerFactory();

            _mockApi = serverFactory.Get(new Uri(_mockBaseUrl)).WithNewContext();


            _mockApi.Stub(r => r.Get(_testUrl.simpleJson))
            .Return(@"{""name"":""first test""}")

            // test status code ('Unavailable For Legal Reasons') not available in .NET HttpStatusCode enum
            _mockApi.Stub(r => r.Get(_testUrl.customStatusCode)).WithStatus((HttpStatusCode)451);

            _mockApi.Stub(r => r.Get(_testUrl.rateLimitHit))

            Func <string> wait = delegate() { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); return(string.Empty); };

            _mockApi.Stub(r => r.Get(_testUrl.cancel))

            double unixTimestamp = UnixTimestampUtils.To(new DateTime(1981, 12, 2));

            _mockApi.Stub(r => r.Get(_testUrl.xrateheader))
            .AddHeader("X-Rate-Limit-Interval", "60")
            .AddHeader("X-Rate-Limit-Limit", "100000")
            .AddHeader("X-Rate-Limit-Reset", unixTimestamp.ToString())
Exemple #4
 protected override void SetLocation()
     _currentLocation.Heading           = _heading;
     _currentLocation.LatitudeLongitude = LatitudeLongitude;
     _currentLocation.Accuracy          = _accuracy;
     _currentLocation.Timestamp         = UnixTimestampUtils.To(DateTime.UtcNow);
     _currentLocation.IsLocationUpdated = true;
     _currentLocation.IsHeadingUpdated  = true;
 protected override void SetLocation()
     _currentLocation.Heading           = _targetTransform.eulerAngles.y;
     _currentLocation.LatitudeLongitude = _targetTransform.GetGeoPosition(_map.CenterMercator, _map.WorldRelativeScale);
     _currentLocation.Accuracy          = _accuracy;
     _currentLocation.Timestamp         = UnixTimestampUtils.To(DateTime.UtcNow);
     _currentLocation.IsLocationUpdated = true;
     _currentLocation.IsHeadingUpdated  = true;
 protected override void SetLocation()
     _currentLocation.UserHeading          = _heading;
     _currentLocation.LatitudeLongitude    = new Vector2d(33.3071747, -111.6769134);
     _currentLocation.Accuracy             = _accuracy;
     _currentLocation.Timestamp            = UnixTimestampUtils.To(DateTime.UtcNow);
     _currentLocation.IsLocationUpdated    = false;
     _currentLocation.IsUserHeadingUpdated = true;
 protected override void SetLocation()
     _currentLocation.UserHeading              = _targetTransform.eulerAngles.y;
     _currentLocation.LatitudeLongitude        = LatitudeLongitude;
     _currentLocation.Accuracy                 = _accuracy;
     _currentLocation.Timestamp                = UnixTimestampUtils.To(DateTime.UtcNow);
     _currentLocation.IsLocationUpdated        = true;
     _currentLocation.IsUserHeadingUpdated     = true;
     _currentLocation.IsLocationServiceEnabled = true;
        protected override void SetLocation()
            var _map = LocationProviderFactory.Instance.mapManager;

            _currentLocation.UserHeading          = _targetTransform.eulerAngles.y;
            _currentLocation.LatitudeLongitude    = _targetTransform.GetGeoPosition(_map.CenterMercator, _map.WorldRelativeScale);
            _currentLocation.Accuracy             = _accuracy;
            _currentLocation.Timestamp            = UnixTimestampUtils.To(DateTime.UtcNow);
            _currentLocation.IsLocationUpdated    = true;
            _currentLocation.IsUserHeadingUpdated = true;
        public void LocationReceived(string location)
            Vector2d latLon = Conversions.StringToLatLon(location);


            _currentLocation.UserHeading          = _userHeading;
            _currentLocation.LatitudeLongitude    = latLon;;
            _currentLocation.Accuracy             = 5;
            _currentLocation.Timestamp            = UnixTimestampUtils.To(DateTime.UtcNow);
            _currentLocation.IsLocationUpdated    = true;
            _currentLocation.IsUserHeadingUpdated = true;

Exemple #10
        public void AddTile(CanonicalTileId tileId, byte[] data)
            _sqlite.Insert(new tiles
                zoom_level  = tileId.Z,
                tile_column = tileId.X,
                tile_row    = tileId.Y,
                tile_data   = data,
                timestamp   = (int)UnixTimestampUtils.To(DateTime.Now)

            if (0 == _pruneCacheCounter % _pruneCacheDelta)
                _pruneCacheCounter = 0;
        //private void Update() {
        private IEnumerator locationRoutine()
            while (true)
                // couldn't get player activity, wait and retry
                if (null == _activityContext)
                    yield return(_wait60sec);

                // couldn't get gps plugin instance, wait and retry
                if (null == _gpsInstance)
                    yield return(_wait60sec);


                // update device orientation
                if (null != _sensorInstance)
                    _currentLocation.DeviceOrientation = _sensorInstance.Call <float>("getOrientation");

                bool locationServiceAvailable = _gpsInstance.Call <bool>("getIsLocationServiceAvailable");
                _currentLocation.IsLocationServiceEnabled = locationServiceAvailable;

                // app might have been started with location OFF but switched on after start
                // check from time to time
                if (!locationServiceAvailable)
                    _currentLocation.IsLocationServiceInitializing = true;
                    _currentLocation.Accuracy         = 0;
                    _currentLocation.HasGpsFix        = false;
                    _currentLocation.SatellitesInView = 0;
                    _currentLocation.SatellitesUsed   = 0;

                    yield return(_wait5sec);

                    _gpsInstance.Call("startLocationListeners", _updateDistanceInMeters, _updateTimeInMilliSeconds);
                    yield return(_wait1sec);


                // if we got till here it means location services are running
                _currentLocation.IsLocationServiceInitializing = false;

                    AndroidJavaObject locNetwork = _gpsInstance.Get <AndroidJavaObject>("lastKnownLocationNetwork");
                    AndroidJavaObject locGps     = _gpsInstance.Get <AndroidJavaObject>("lastKnownLocationGps");

                    // easy cases: neither or either gps location or network location available
                    if (null == locGps & null == locNetwork)
                    if (null != locGps && null == locNetwork)
                    if (null == locGps && null != locNetwork)

                    // gps- and network location available: figure out which one to use
                    if (null != locGps && null != locNetwork)
                        populateWithBetterLocation(locGps, locNetwork);

                    _currentLocation.TimestampDevice = UnixTimestampUtils.To(DateTime.UtcNow);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Debug.LogErrorFormat("GPS plugin error: " + ex.ToString());
                yield return(_waitUpdateTime);
        /// <summary>
        /// Enable location and compass services.
        /// Sends continuous location and heading updates based on
        /// _desiredAccuracyInMeters and _updateDistanceInMeters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The location routine.</returns>
        IEnumerator PollLocationRoutine()
            while (!UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isRemoteConnected)
                // exit if we are not the selected location provider
                if (null != LocationProviderFactory.Instance && null != LocationProviderFactory.Instance.DefaultLocationProvider)
                    if (!this.Equals(LocationProviderFactory.Instance.DefaultLocationProvider))
                        yield break;

                Debug.LogWarning("Remote device not connected via 'Unity Remote'. Waiting ..." + Environment.NewLine + "If Unity seems to be stuck here make sure 'Unity Remote' is running and restart Unity with your device already connected.");
                yield return(_wait1sec);

            //request runtime fine location permission on Android if not yet allowed
            if (!_locationService.isEnabledByUser)
                //wait for user to allow or deny
                while (!_gotPermissionRequestResponse)
                    yield return(_wait1sec);

            if (!_locationService.isEnabledByUser)
                Debug.LogError("DeviceLocationProvider: Location is not enabled by user!");
                _currentLocation.IsLocationServiceEnabled = false;
                yield break;

            _currentLocation.IsLocationServiceInitializing = true;
            _locationService.Start(_desiredAccuracyInMeters, _updateDistanceInMeters);
            Input.compass.enabled = true;

            int maxWait = 20;
            while (_locationService.status == LocationServiceStatus.Initializing && maxWait > 0)
                yield return(_wait1sec);


            if (maxWait < 1)
                Debug.LogError("DeviceLocationProvider: " + "Timed out trying to initialize location services!");
                _currentLocation.IsLocationServiceInitializing = false;
                _currentLocation.IsLocationServiceEnabled      = false;
                yield break;

            if (_locationService.status == LocationServiceStatus.Failed)
                Debug.LogError("DeviceLocationProvider: " + "Failed to initialize location services!");
                _currentLocation.IsLocationServiceInitializing = false;
                _currentLocation.IsLocationServiceEnabled      = false;
                yield break;

            _currentLocation.IsLocationServiceInitializing = false;
            _currentLocation.IsLocationServiceEnabled      = true;

            // HACK: this is to prevent Android devices, connected through Unity Remote,
            // from reporting a location of (0, 0), initially.
            yield return(_wait1sec);

            System.Globalization.CultureInfo invariantCulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;

            while (true)
                var lastData  = _locationService.lastData;
                var timestamp = lastData.timestamp;

                // oh boy, Unity what are you doing???
                // on some devices it seems that
                // Input.location.status != LocationServiceStatus.Running
                // nevertheless new location is available
                //Debug.LogFormat("Input.location.status: {0}", Input.location.status);
                _currentLocation.IsLocationServiceEnabled =
                    _locationService.status == LocationServiceStatus.Running ||
                    timestamp > _lastLocationTimestamp;

                _currentLocation.IsUserHeadingUpdated = false;
                _currentLocation.IsLocationUpdated    = false;

                if (!_currentLocation.IsLocationServiceEnabled)
                    yield return(_waitUpdateTime);


                // device orientation, user heading get calculated below
                _currentLocation.DeviceOrientation = (float)_deviceOrientationSmoothing.Calculate();

                //_currentLocation.LatitudeLongitude = new Vector2d(lastData.latitude, lastData.longitude);
                // HACK to get back to double precision, does this even work?
                // https://forum.unity.com/threads/precision-of-location-longitude-is-worse-when-longitude-is-beyond-100-degrees.133192/#post-1835164
                double   latitude         = double.Parse(lastData.latitude.ToString("R", invariantCulture), invariantCulture);
                double   longitude        = double.Parse(lastData.longitude.ToString("R", invariantCulture), invariantCulture);
                Vector2d previousLocation = new Vector2d(_currentLocation.LatitudeLongitude.x, _currentLocation.LatitudeLongitude.y);
                _currentLocation.LatitudeLongitude = new Vector2d(latitude, longitude);

                _currentLocation.Accuracy = (float)Math.Floor(lastData.horizontalAccuracy);
                // sometimes Unity's timestamp doesn't seem to get updated, or even jump back in time
                // do an additional check if location has changed
                _currentLocation.IsLocationUpdated = timestamp > _lastLocationTimestamp || !_currentLocation.LatitudeLongitude.Equals(previousLocation);
                _currentLocation.Timestamp         = timestamp;
                _lastLocationTimestamp             = timestamp;

                if (_currentLocation.IsLocationUpdated)
                    if (_lastPositions.Count > 0)
                        // only add position if user has moved +1m since we added the previous position to the list
                        CheapRuler cheapRuler = new CheapRuler(_currentLocation.LatitudeLongitude.x, CheapRulerUnits.Meters);
                        Vector2d   p          = _currentLocation.LatitudeLongitude;
                        double     distance   = cheapRuler.Distance(
                            new double[] { p.y, p.x },
                            new double[] { _lastPositions[0].y, _lastPositions[0].x }
                        if (distance > 1.0)

                // if we have enough positions calculate user heading ourselves.
                // Unity does not provide bearing based on GPS locations, just
                // device orientation based on Compass.Heading.
                // nevertheless, use compass for intial UserHeading till we have
                // enough values to calculate ourselves.
                if (_lastPositions.Count < _maxLastPositions)
                    _currentLocation.UserHeading          = _currentLocation.DeviceOrientation;
                    _currentLocation.IsUserHeadingUpdated = true;
                    Vector2d   newestPos  = _lastPositions[0];
                    Vector2d   oldestPos  = _lastPositions[_maxLastPositions - 1];
                    CheapRuler cheapRuler = new CheapRuler(newestPos.x, CheapRulerUnits.Meters);
                    // distance between last and first position in our buffer
                    double distance = cheapRuler.Distance(
                        new double[] { newestPos.y, newestPos.x },
                        new double[] { oldestPos.y, oldestPos.x }
                    // positions are minimum required distance apart (user is moving), calculate user heading
                    if (distance >= _minDistanceOldestNewestPosition)
                        float[] lastHeadings = new float[_maxLastPositions - 1];

                        for (int i = 1; i < _maxLastPositions; i++)
                            // atan2 increases angle CCW, flip sign of latDiff to get CW
                            double latDiff = -(_lastPositions[i].x - _lastPositions[i - 1].x);
                            double lngDiff = _lastPositions[i].y - _lastPositions[i - 1].y;
                            // +90.0 to make top (north) 0°
                            double heading = (Math.Atan2(latDiff, lngDiff) * 180.0 / Math.PI) + 90.0f;
                            // stay within [0..360]° range
                            if (heading < 0)
                                heading += 360;
                            if (heading >= 360)
                                heading -= 360;
                            lastHeadings[i - 1] = (float)heading;

                        float finalHeading = (float)_userHeadingSmoothing.Calculate();

                        //fix heading to have 0° for north, 90° for east, 180° for south and 270° for west
                        finalHeading = finalHeading >= 180.0f ? finalHeading - 180.0f : finalHeading + 180.0f;

                        _currentLocation.UserHeading          = finalHeading;
                        _currentLocation.IsUserHeadingUpdated = true;

                _currentLocation.TimestampDevice = UnixTimestampUtils.To(DateTime.UtcNow);

                yield return(_waitUpdateTime);
        public void Add(string tilesetName, CanonicalTileId tileId, CacheItem item, bool forceInsert = false)
            string methodName = _className + "." + new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame().GetMethod().Name;
            UnityEngine.Debug.LogFormat("{0} {1} {2} forceInsert:{3}", methodName, tileset, tileId, forceInsert);
                // tile exists and we don't want to overwrite -> exit early
                if (
                    TileExists(tilesetName, tileId) &&

                int?tilesetId = null;
                lock (_lock)
                    tilesetId = getTilesetId(tilesetName);
                    if (!tilesetId.HasValue)
                        tilesetId = insertTileset(tilesetName);

                if (tilesetId < 0)
                    Debug.LogErrorFormat("could not get tilesetID for [{0}] tile: {1}", tilesetName, tileId);

                int rowsAffected = _sqlite.InsertOrReplace(new tiles
                    tile_set    = tilesetId.Value,
                    zoom_level  = tileId.Z,
                    tile_column = tileId.X,
                    tile_row    = tileId.Y,
                    tile_data   = item.Data,
                    timestamp   = (int)UnixTimestampUtils.To(DateTime.Now),
                    etag        = item.ETag
                if (1 != rowsAffected)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("tile [{0} / {1}] was not inserted, rows affected:{2}", tilesetName, tileId, rowsAffected));
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.LogErrorFormat("Error inserting {0} {1} {2} ", tilesetName, tileId, ex);

            // update counter only when new tile gets inserted
            if (!forceInsert)
            if (0 == _pruneCacheCounter % _pruneCacheDelta)
                _pruneCacheCounter = 0;
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns 'Location' objects from the data passed in. Loops through the data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>'Location' objects and loops through the data.</returns>
        public IEnumerator <Location> GetLocations()
            while (true)
                string line = string.Empty;

                while (1 == 1)
                    line = _textReader.ReadLine();
                    // rewind if end of log (or last empty line) reached
                    if (null == line || string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
                        ((StreamReader)_textReader).BaseStream.Position = 0;

                    // skip comments
                    if (line.StartsWith("#"))

                string[] tokens = line.Split(Delimiter.ToCharArray());
                //simple safety net: check if number of columns matches
                if (tokens.Length != HeaderNames.Length)
                    Debug.LogError("unsupported log file");
                    yield return(new Location());

                Location location = new Location();

                location.IsLocationServiceEnabled      = bool.Parse(tokens[(int)LogfileColumns.LocationServiceEnabled]);
                location.IsLocationServiceInitializing = bool.Parse(tokens[(int)LogfileColumns.LocationServiceInitializing]);
                location.IsLocationUpdated             = bool.Parse(tokens[(int)LogfileColumns.LocationUpdated]);
                location.IsUserHeadingUpdated          = bool.Parse(tokens[(int)LogfileColumns.UserHeadingUpdated]);
                location.Provider      = tokens[(int)LogfileColumns.LocationProvider];
                location.ProviderClass = tokens[(int)LogfileColumns.LocationProviderClass];

                DateTime dtDevice;
                string   dtDeviceTxt = tokens[(int)LogfileColumns.UtcTimeDevice];
                if (DateTime.TryParseExact(dtDeviceTxt, "yyyyMMdd-HHmmss.fff", _invariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal, out dtDevice))
                    location.TimestampDevice = UnixTimestampUtils.To(dtDevice);

                DateTime dtLocation;
                string   dtLocationTxt = tokens[(int)LogfileColumns.UtcTimeOfLocation];
                if (DateTime.TryParseExact(dtLocationTxt, "yyyyMMdd-HHmmss.fff", _invariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal, out dtLocation))
                    location.Timestamp = UnixTimestampUtils.To(dtLocation);

                double lat;
                string latTxt = tokens[(int)LogfileColumns.Latitude];
                double lng;
                string lngTxt = tokens[(int)LogfileColumns.Longitude];
                if (
                    !double.TryParse(latTxt, NumberStyles.Any, _invariantCulture, out lat) ||
                    !double.TryParse(lngTxt, NumberStyles.Any, _invariantCulture, out lng)
                    location.LatitudeLongitude = Vector2d.zero;
                    location.LatitudeLongitude = new Vector2d(lat, lng);

                float accuracy;
                location.Accuracy = float.TryParse(tokens[(int)LogfileColumns.Accuracy], NumberStyles.Any, _invariantCulture, out accuracy) ? accuracy : 0;
                float userHeading;
                location.UserHeading = float.TryParse(tokens[(int)LogfileColumns.UserHeading], NumberStyles.Any, _invariantCulture, out userHeading) ? userHeading : 0;
                float deviceOrientation;
                location.DeviceOrientation = float.TryParse(tokens[(int)LogfileColumns.DeviceOrientation], NumberStyles.Any, _invariantCulture, out deviceOrientation) ? deviceOrientation : 0;
                float speed;
                location.SpeedMetersPerSecond = float.TryParse(tokens[(int)LogfileColumns.Speed], NumberStyles.Any, _invariantCulture, out speed) ? speed / 3.6f : (float?)null;
                bool hasGpsFix;
                location.HasGpsFix = bool.TryParse(tokens[(int)LogfileColumns.HasGpsFix], out hasGpsFix) ? hasGpsFix : (bool?)null;
                int satellitesUsed;
                location.SatellitesUsed = int.TryParse(tokens[(int)LogfileColumns.SatellitesUsed], out satellitesUsed) ? satellitesUsed : (int?)null;
                int satellitesInView;
                location.SatellitesInView = int.TryParse(tokens[(int)LogfileColumns.SatellitesInView], out satellitesInView) ? satellitesInView : (int?)null;

                yield return(location);