private void Parse_ValidBasicConfigProperties_ShouldReturnBasicConfig() { var properties = new List <string>(); properties.AddRange(new[] { "class sockets", "{", "maxPacketSize = 1400;", "};", "adapter = -1;", "MaxMsgSend = 128;", "MinErrorToSend = 0.001;", "viewDistance = 2000;", "terrainGrid = 25;" }); var parser = new UniversalParser(); var basicConfig = parser.Parse <BasicConfig>(properties); Assert.NotNull(basicConfig); Assert.Equal(128, basicConfig.MaxMessagesSend); Assert.Equal(1400, basicConfig.MaxPacketSize); Assert.True(Math.Abs(0.001F - basicConfig.MinErrorToSend.Value) < 0.00001); Assert.True(Math.Abs(25F - basicConfig.TerrainGridViewDistance.Value) < 0.00001); Assert.Equal(2000, basicConfig.ObjectViewDistance); }
private void Parse_ValidArmaProfileProperties_ShouldReturnArmaProfile() { var properties = new List <string>(); properties.AddRange(new[] { "class DifficultyPresets", "{", "class CustomDifficulty", "{", "class Options", "{", "groupIndicators = 1", "};", "aiLevelPreset = 2;", "};", "class CustomAiLevel", "{", "skillAI = 0.5;", "precisionAI = 0.5;", "};", "};", "difficulty = \"recruit\";" }); var parser = new UniversalParser(); var armaProfile = parser.Parse <ArmaProfile>(properties); Assert.NotNull(armaProfile); Assert.Equal(1, armaProfile.GroupIndicationType); Assert.Equal(2, armaProfile.AiLevelPreset); Assert.True(Math.Abs(0.5F - armaProfile.AiSkill.Value) < 0.00001); Assert.True(Math.Abs(0.5F - armaProfile.AiPrecision.Value) < 0.00001); Assert.Equal("recruit", armaProfile.DefaultDifficulty.ToLowerInvariant()); }
private void ConvertToText_WrongType_ShouldThrowNotSupportedException() { var obj = new object(); var parser = new UniversalParser(); Assert.Throws <NotSupportedException>(() => parser.ConvertToText(obj)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string type = "pFD"; string idOfFile = "24"; //string type = args[0]; //type of process //string idOfFile = args[1]; //path to file switch (type) { case "pFD": { UniversalParser.StartParsingAllDoc(); } break; case "pFP": { UniversalParser.StartParsingAllWithoutDoc(); } break; case "tN": { UniversalParser.StartTraining(true); } break; //with saving S case "tO": { UniversalParser.StartTraining(false); } break; //without saving base case "pSD": { UniversalParser.SingleParsingWithDoc(idOfFile); } break; //parsing single document case "pSP": { UniversalParser.SingleParsingWithoutDoc(idOfFile); } break; default: { } break; } Console.ReadLine(); }
private void Parse_NullServerConfig_ShouldReturnServerConfig() { var parser = new UniversalParser(); var serverConfig = parser.Parse <ServerConfig>(null); Assert.NotNull(serverConfig); }
private void Parse_NullBasicConfig_ShouldReturnBasicConfig() { var parser = new UniversalParser(); var basicConfig = parser.Parse <BasicConfig>(null); Assert.NotNull(basicConfig); }
private void Parse_Null_ShouldReturnArmaProfile() { var parser = new UniversalParser(); var armaProfile = parser.Parse <ArmaProfile>(null); Assert.NotNull(armaProfile); }
private void ConvertToText_EmptyArmaProfile_ShouldReturnText() { IConfig armaProfile = new ArmaProfile(); var parser = new UniversalParser(); var text = parser.ConvertToText(armaProfile); Assert.True(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)); }
private void ConvertToText_EmptyServerConfig_ShouldReturnText() { IConfig serverConfig = new ServerConfig(); var parser = new UniversalParser(); var text = parser.ConvertToText(serverConfig); Assert.True(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)); }
private void Parse_EmptyServerConfigProperties_ShouldReturnServerConfig() { var properties = new List <string>(); var parser = new UniversalParser(); var serverConfig = parser.Parse <ServerConfig>(properties); Assert.NotNull(serverConfig); }
private void Parse_EmptyArmaProfileProperties_ShouldReturnArmaProfile() { var properties = new List <string>(); var parser = new UniversalParser(); var armaProfile = parser.Parse <ArmaProfile>(properties); Assert.NotNull(armaProfile); }
private void ConvertToText_ValidArmaProfile_ShouldReturnText() { IConfig armaProfile = new ArmaProfile { AiLevelPreset = 2, AreDeathMessagesShown = 1, DefaultDifficulty = "custom", TacticalPingType = 2 }; var parser = new UniversalParser(); var text = parser.ConvertToText(armaProfile); Assert.True(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)); }
private void ConvertToText_ValidServerConfig_ShouldReturnText() { IConfig serverConfig = new ServerConfig { AdminPassword = "******", IsPersistent = 1, FilePatchingMode = 2, MaximumPing = 200, IsDrawingOnMapAllowed = true }; var parser = new UniversalParser(); var text = parser.ConvertToText(serverConfig); Assert.True(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)); }
private void Parse_NonValidArmaProfileProperties_ShouldReturnArmaProfile() { var properties = new List <string>(); properties.AddRange(new[] { "groupIndicators = 1;", "wrongProperty = 321213512312213123;" }); var parser = new UniversalParser(); var armaProfile = parser.Parse <ArmaProfile>(properties); Assert.NotNull(armaProfile); Assert.Equal(1, armaProfile.GroupIndicationType); }
private void ConvertToText_ValidBasicConfig_ShouldReturnText() { IConfig basicConfig = new BasicConfig { MaxBandwidth = 12312, MinBandwidth = 21312, MaxCustomFileSize = 160, MaxMessagesSend = 321, MaxSizeGuaranteed = 554, MaxPacketSize = 321, MaxSizeNonguaranteed = 213, MinErrorToSend = 0.01F, MinErrorToSendNear = 0.1F, ObjectViewDistance = 2500, TerrainGridViewDistance = 25, FileLocation = "C:\\FilePath" }; var parser = new UniversalParser(); var text = parser.ConvertToText(basicConfig); Assert.True(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)); }
private void Parse_ValidServerConfigProperties_ShouldReturnServerConfig() { var properties = new List <string>(); properties.AddRange(new[] { "hostname = \"ыфвфывфыв\";", "loopback = true;", "maxPlayers = 23;", "allowedLoadFileExtensions[] = {", "\"hpp\"", ",\"sqs\"", ",\"sqf\"", "};" }); var parser = new UniversalParser(); var serverConfig = parser.Parse <ServerConfig>(properties); Assert.NotNull(serverConfig); Assert.Equal(23, serverConfig.MaximumAmountOfPlayers); Assert.True(serverConfig.IsLan); Assert.True(new[] { "hpp", "sqs", "sqf" }.SequenceEqual(serverConfig.LoadFileExtensionsWhitelist)); }
private void Parse_WrongObject_ShouldThrowNotSupportedException() { var parser = new UniversalParser(); Assert.Throws <NotSupportedException>(() => parser.Parse <object>(null)); }