public void ValidateHitShouldFailIncorrectEventValue()
            IEventTracker            realEventTracker = new EventTracker();
            IUniversalAnalyticsEvent analyticsEvent   = new UniversalAnalyticsEventFactory().MakeUniversalAnalyticsEvent("DummyClientId", "Dummy Category", "Dummy Action", "DummyLabel");

            realEventTracker.AddToCustomPayload("qt", "12313123123123123"); //parameter value for queue time is way above accepted values
            TrackingResult res = realEventTracker.ValidateHit(analyticsEvent);

             * Expected output from GA
             * {
             * "hitParsingResult": [ {
             *      "valid": false,
             *      "parserMessage": [ {
             *          "messageType": "ERROR",
             *          "description": "The value provided for parameter 'qt' is out of bounds. Please see for details.",
             *          "messageCode": "VALUE_OUT_OF_BOUNDS",
             *          "parameter": "qt"
             *      } ],
             *  "hit": "/debug/collect?v=1\u0026cid=sdf\u0026tid=UA-12323423-2\u0026t=event\u0026ec=123\u0026el=123\u0026ev=1\u0026qt=12313123123123123"
             *  } ],
             *  "parserMessage": [ {
             *  "messageType": "INFO",
             *  "description": "Found 1 hit in the request."
             *  } ]
             * }

            Assert.IsTrue(!res.ValidationStatus, "Validation should fail here as parameter value for queue time is way above accepted values");
        public void SampleCodeForGitHubReadMeUsingFactoryToGetEventObject()
            // Use your favorite dependency injection framework for the tracker and factory. Singletons preferred.
            IEventTracker eventTracker = new EventTracker();
            // The factory pulls your tracking ID from the .config so you don't have to.
            IUniversalAnalyticsEventFactory eventFactory = new UniversalAnalyticsEventFactory();

            var analyticsEvent = eventFactory.MakeUniversalAnalyticsEvent(
                // Required if no user id.
                // See for details.
                // Required. The event category for the event.
                // See for details.
                "test category",
                // Required. The event action for the event.
                //See for details.
                "test action",
                // Optional. The event label for the event.
                // See for details.
                "test label",
                // Optional. The event value for the event.
                // See for details.
                // Required if no client id.
                // See for details.

            // Exceptions are contained in the result object and not thrown for stability reasons.
            var trackingResult = eventTracker.TrackEvent(analyticsEvent);

 public void SetUp()
     configurationManagerMock = MockRepository.GenerateMock <IConfigurationManager>();
     factory            = new UniversalAnalyticsEventFactory(configurationManagerMock);
     clientIdFromGuid   = new ClientId(cidGuid);
     clientIdFromString = new ClientId(clientId);
     userIdFromString   = new UserId(userId);
        public void SetUp()
            configurationManagerMock = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IConfigurationManager>();
            appSettingsMock = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IAppSettings>();

            configurationManagerMock.Expect(mock => mock.AppSettings)

             factory = new UniversalAnalyticsEventFactory(configurationManagerMock);
        public void SetUp()
            configurationManagerMock = MockRepository.GenerateMock <IConfigurationManager>();
            appSettingsMock          = MockRepository.GenerateMock <IAppSettings>();

            configurationManagerMock.Expect(mock => mock.AppSettings)

            factory = new UniversalAnalyticsEventFactory(configurationManagerMock);
        public void ValidateHitShouldPass()
            IEventTracker            realEventTracker = new EventTracker();
            IUniversalAnalyticsEvent analyticsEvent   = new UniversalAnalyticsEventFactory().MakeUniversalAnalyticsEvent("DummyClientId", "Dummy Category", "Dummy Action", "DummyLabel");

            TrackingResult res = realEventTracker.ValidateHit(analyticsEvent);

            Assert.IsTrue(!res.Failed, "Test analytics event object (_analyticsEvent) must be valid for this test method to work");

            Assert.IsTrue(res.ValidationStatus, "Analytics event validation has failed. Need to reconfigure test analytics event");
        public void SampleCodeForGitHubReadMeAddingcustomPayload()
            IEventTracker eventTracker = new EventTracker();

            //This is a simple pass-thru of other (not yet supported) Measurement Protocol fields which are not directly related to the Event tracking but might come handy
            // Using custom payload you can send to GA event contextual information such as page or screen where event happened, Custom Dimensions, Custom Metrics
            // GA Measurement Protocol parameters reference:
            //Please see below some commonly used parameters

            //Document Location - full uri to the page url
            eventTracker.AddToCustomPayload("dl", "");

            //Document title - page title, if you want GA to know page/screen title where event has happened
            eventTracker.AddToCustomPayload("dt", "My test title");

            //Screen Name - name of the screen where event has happened
            eventTracker.AddToCustomPayload("cd", "My screen name");

            //Data source. You can use your app name here
            eventTracker.AddToCustomPayload("ds", "App Name");

            //Custom Dimension. You need to create it first in your GA admin interface
            eventTracker.AddToCustomPayload("cd1", "Custom Dimension 1 value");

            //Custom Metric. You need to create it first in your GA admin interface
            eventTracker.AddToCustomPayload("cm1", "100");

            //Queue Time. We can modify event time by suppliyng queue time for the hit up to 4 hours in milliseconds
            eventTracker.AddToCustomPayload("qt", "560");

            IUniversalAnalyticsEventFactory eventFactory = new UniversalAnalyticsEventFactory();

            var analyticsEvent = eventFactory.MakeUniversalAnalyticsEvent(
                // Required if no user id.
                // See for details.
                // Required. The event category for the event.
                // See for details.
                "test category",
                // Required. The event action for the event.
                //See for details.
                "test action",
                // Optional. The event label for the event.
                // See for details.
                "test label",
                // Optional. The event value for the event.
                // See for details.
                // Required if no client id.
                // See for details.

            var result = eventTracker.TrackEvent(analyticsEvent);
