public Universal[] Get(params Universal[] vbinds) { SnmpBER mess = new SnmpBER(SnmpType.Sequence, new Universal(0), // version-1 new Universal(agentCommunity), PDU(SnmpType.GetRequestPDU, vbinds)); MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(); mess.Send(m); byte[] bytes = m.ToArray(); udp.Send(bytes, bytes.Length, agent); IPEndPoint from = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); IAsyncResult result = udp.BeginReceive(null, this); result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(100, false); if (!result.IsCompleted) { return(null); } bytes = udp.EndReceive(result, ref from); m = new MemoryStream(bytes, false); mess = new SnmpBER(m); Universal pdu = mess[2]; Universal vbindlist = pdu[3]; return((Universal[])vbindlist.Value); }
//testing APIs public bool ReceiveFile(byte[] imageArray) { Image img = Universal.ByteArrayToImage(imageArray); Output.ShowImage(img); return(true); }
public static void Test() { double val = 123.456; Universal.printf($"{val} compounded monthly over 10 years at 4.5% per annum:"); Universal.printf(Convert.ToString( val.CompoundInterest(4.5, 10, Constants.CompoundFrequency.Monthly))); val = 100.00; Universal.printf($"{val} compounded annually over 10 years at 5% per annum:"); Universal.printf(Convert.ToString( val.CompoundInterest(5, 10, Constants.CompoundFrequency.Yearly))); Universal.printf($"{val} compounded monthly over 10 years at 5% per annum:"); Universal.printf(Convert.ToString( val.CompoundInterest(5, 10, Constants.CompoundFrequency.Monthly))); val = 100000.00; Universal.printf(Convert.ToString( val.CompoundInterest(0.018, 30, Constants.CompoundFrequency.Monthly))); Universal.printf(Convert.ToString( val.CompoundInterest(0.041, 30, Constants.CompoundFrequency.Monthly))); }
public static byte ToRawByte(Universal uOption) { if (BluetoothService.Instance.ActiveModel == Model.Buds) { foreach (int i in Enum.GetValues(typeof(OptionsBuds))) { String name = Enum.GetName(typeof(OptionsBuds), i); if (name == uOption.ToString()) { return((byte)i); } } } else { foreach (int i in Enum.GetValues(typeof(OptionsBudsPlus))) { String name = Enum.GetName(typeof(OptionsBudsPlus), i); if (name == uOption.ToString()) { return((byte)i); } } } Console.WriteLine("Warning: TouchOption not translatable"); return(0); }
public static long?SendContentedNuntias(Nuntias newNuntias) { JObject nuntiasJsonData = newNuntias.ToJson(); nuntiasJsonData["sender_mac_address"] = Universal.SystemMACAddress; long? nuntiasId = null; string filePath = LocalDataFileAccess.GetFilePathInLocalData(newNuntias.ContentFileId); if (filePath == null) { return(null); } byte[] fileByte = Universal.FileToByteArray(filePath); KeyValuePair <JObject, byte[]> nuntiasData = new KeyValuePair <JObject, byte[]>(nuntiasJsonData, fileByte); ServerHub.WorkingInstance.ServerHubProxy.Invoke <long>("SendContentedNuntias", nuntiasData).ContinueWith(task => { if (!task.IsFaulted) { nuntiasId = task.Result; } else { Console.WriteLine(task.IsFaulted); } }).Wait(); return(nuntiasId); }
public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Camera camera, bool isMain) { base.Draw(spriteBatch); Vector2 fontSize = Client.font.MeasureString(Nickname); spriteBatch.Draw(pixel.Texture, new Rectangle((int)(X + 13 - fontSize.X / 2), IntY + sprite.Texture.Height + 2, (int)(fontSize.X + 6), (int)(fontSize.Y)), new Rectangle(1, 1, 1, 1), PlayerTeam.TeamColor * 0.5f); //Universal.DrawRectangleOutline(spriteBatch, new Rectangle((int)(X + 13 - fontSize.X / 2), IntY + sprite.Texture.Height + 2, (int)(fontSize.X + 6), (int)(fontSize.Y)), PlayerTeam.TeamColor); spriteBatch.DrawString(Client.font, Nickname, new Vector2(X + 16 - fontSize.X / 2, Y + sprite.Texture.Height + 2), Color.White); if (HPBarInterval.IsRunning) { spriteBatch.Draw(pixel.Texture, new Rectangle(IntX + 16 - MaxHP / 2, IntY - 2, HP, 4), new Rectangle(1, 1, 1, 1), Color.LimeGreen * 0.75f); Universal.DrawRectangleOutline(spriteBatch, new Rectangle(IntX + 16 - MaxHP / 2, IntY - 2, MaxHP, 4), Color.DarkGreen); } if (FlagIndex == 1) { spriteBatch.Draw(redFlag.Texture, new Vector2(IntX, IntY - 24), Color.White); } else if (FlagIndex == 2) { spriteBatch.Draw(blueFlag.Texture, new Vector2(IntX, IntY - 24), Color.White); } if (chatInterval.IsRunning) { fontSize = Client.font.MeasureString(chatMessage); spriteBatch.Draw(pixel.Texture, new Rectangle((int)(X + 13 - fontSize.X / 2), IntY - 12, (int)(fontSize.X + 6), (int)(fontSize.Y)), new Rectangle(1, 1, 1, 1), Color.Black * 0.5f); spriteBatch.DrawString(Client.font, chatMessage, new Vector2(X + 16 - fontSize.X / 2, Y - 12), Color.White); } }
public static string ChangeProfileImage(Image gotImg) { using (Bitmap roundedBmp = new Bitmap(GraphicsStudio.ClipToCircle(gotImg), new Size(200, 200))) { JObject profileImgIdJson = null; byte[] imgByteArray = Universal.ImageToByteArray(roundedBmp, gotImg.RawFormat); ServerHub.WorkingInstance.ServerHubProxy.Invoke <JObject>("ChangeProfileImage", Consumer.LoggedIn.Id, imgByteArray).ContinueWith(task => { if (!task.IsFaulted) { profileImgIdJson = task.Result; } }).Wait(); if (profileImgIdJson == null) { return(null); } try { string oldProfileImgId = profileImgIdJson["old_image_id"].ToString(); if (oldProfileImgId != null && oldProfileImgId.Length > 5) { LocalDataFileAccess.EraseOldProfileImageFromLocalData(oldProfileImgId); } string newImgId = profileImgIdJson["new_image_id"].ToString(); LocalDataFileAccess.SaveProfileImageToLocal(roundedBmp, newImgId); return(newImgId); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error occured in ChangeProfileImage() => " + e.Message); return(null); } } }
public static bool DeleteNuntias(long ownerId, long nuntiasId, bool forBoth) { if (nuntiasId <= 0) { NuntiasRepository.Instance.DeleteTmpNuntias(nuntiasId); return(true); } JObject nuntiasDeleteRequestJson = new JObject(); nuntiasDeleteRequestJson["owner_id"] = ownerId; nuntiasDeleteRequestJson["nuntias_id"] = nuntiasId; nuntiasDeleteRequestJson["for_both"] = forBoth; bool?success = null; ServerHub.WorkingInstance.ServerHubProxy.Invoke <bool>("DeleteNuntias", nuntiasDeleteRequestJson).ContinueWith(task => { if (!task.IsFaulted) { success = task.Result; } }).Wait(); if (success == null) { Universal.ShowErrorMessage("Server connection failed", "Message deletion failed"); return(false); } if (!forBoth) { NuntiasRepository.Instance.Delete(nuntiasId); } return(true); }
private IType ConnectAllFreeVariables(IType type, Dictionary <SingleType, IType> context) { var freeVariables = new HashSet <SingleType>(); foreach (var expr in context.Keys) { var hs = GetFreeVariables(expr, new HashSet <SingleType>()); foreach (var v in hs) { freeVariables.Add(v); } } var typeFreeVariables = GetFreeVariables(type, new HashSet <SingleType>()); foreach (var fv in freeVariables) { typeFreeVariables.Remove(fv); } var result = type; foreach (var v in typeFreeVariables) { result = new Universal(v, result); } return(result); }
public VRCAPIClient(string username, string password) { Auth = new Auth(username, password); Avatars = new Avatars(); Config = new Config(); Friends = new Friends(); Moderations = new Moderations(); Users = new Users(); Worlds = new Worlds(); Favorites = new Favorites(); Universal = new Universal(); Notifications = new Notifications(); if (httpClient == null) { httpClient = new HttpClient(); httpClient.BaseAddress = new Uri(baseAddress); } string base64Auth = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes($"{Auth.Username}:{Auth.Password}")); var header = httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders; if (header.Contains("Authorization")) { header.Remove("Authorization"); } header.Add("Authorization", $"Basic {base64Auth}"); }
private void DrawTeamInfo(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Team currentTeam, List <Player> teamList, ref int entryCount, ref int lastTeamY) { spriteBatch.Draw(pixel, new Rectangle(camera.IntX - 280, lastTeamY, 560, (teamList.Count + 1) * 16), new Color(currentTeam.TeamColor, 64)); spriteBatch.Draw(pixel, new Rectangle(camera.IntX - 280, lastTeamY, 560, 1), Color.Black); spriteBatch.Draw(pixel, new Rectangle(camera.IntX - 105, lastTeamY, 1, (teamList.Count + 1) * 16), Color.Black); Universal.DrawStringMore(spriteBatch, font, "Kills", new Vector2(camera.IntX - 70, lastTeamY), Color.White, Align.Center, true); spriteBatch.Draw(pixel, new Rectangle(camera.IntX - 35, lastTeamY, 1, (teamList.Count + 1) * 16), Color.Black); Universal.DrawStringMore(spriteBatch, font, "Assists", new Vector2(camera.IntX, lastTeamY), Color.White, Align.Center, true); spriteBatch.Draw(pixel, new Rectangle(camera.IntX + 35, lastTeamY, 1, (teamList.Count + 1) * 16), Color.Black); Universal.DrawStringMore(spriteBatch, font, "Deaths", new Vector2(camera.IntX + 70, lastTeamY), Color.White, Align.Center, true); spriteBatch.Draw(pixel, new Rectangle(camera.IntX + 105, lastTeamY, 1, (teamList.Count + 1) * 16), Color.Black); spriteBatch.Draw(pixel, new Rectangle(camera.IntX + 240, lastTeamY, 1, (teamList.Count + 1) * 16), Color.Black); Universal.DrawStringMore(spriteBatch, font, "Ping", new Vector2(camera.IntX + 276, lastTeamY), Color.White, Align.Right, true); spriteBatch.Draw(pixel, new Rectangle(camera.IntX - 280, lastTeamY + 16, 560, 1), Color.Black); Universal.DrawStringMore(spriteBatch, font, currentTeam.Name, new Vector2(camera.IntX - 276, lastTeamY), Color.White, Align.Left, true); entryCount++; foreach (Player teamPlayer in teamList) { DrawPlayerInfo(spriteBatch, teamPlayer, entryCount); entryCount++; } lastTeamY += entryCount * 16; teamList.Clear(); }
public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, GameTime gameTime) { Client.arEvent.WaitOne(); foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Player> entry in playerIndex.ToArray()) { entry.Value.Draw(spriteBatch, camera, entry.Value == world.MainPlayer); } foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Mob> entry in mobIndex.ToArray()) { entry.Value.Draw(spriteBatch); } foreach (KeyValuePair <int, ItemDrop> entry in dropIndex.ToArray()) { entry.Value.Draw(spriteBatch, Client.font); } world.DrawObjects(spriteBatch); string timeString = String.Format("{0}:{1}", timeRemaining / 60, (timeRemaining % 60).ToString("00")); Universal.DrawStringMore(spriteBatch, Client.font, timeString, new Vector2(camera.CX + Universal.SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, camera.CY + 10), Color.White, 0, Vector2.Zero, new Vector2(2, 2), SpriteEffects.None, 0, Align.Center, true); if (world.ServerMode == GameMode.TeamDeathmatch || world.ServerMode == GameMode.CaptureTheFlag) { redTent.Draw(spriteBatch, Client.font); blueTent.Draw(spriteBatch, Client.font); Universal.DrawStringMore(spriteBatch, Client.font, Convert.ToString(redTickets), new Vector2(camera.CX + Universal.SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 - 100, camera.CY + 10), Color.Red, 0, Vector2.Zero, new Vector2(2, 2), SpriteEffects.None, 0, Align.Center, true); Universal.DrawStringMore(spriteBatch, Client.font, Convert.ToString(blueTickets), new Vector2(camera.CX + Universal.SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 + 100, camera.CY + 10), Color.Blue, 0, Vector2.Zero, new Vector2(2, 2), SpriteEffects.None, 0, Align.Center, true); } if (gameEnded) { Universal.DrawStringMore(spriteBatch, Client.font, gameEndMessage, new Vector2(camera.X, camera.Y - 36), Color.White, 0, Vector2.Zero, new Vector2(2, 2), SpriteEffects.None, 0, Align.Center, true); } chat.Draw(spriteBatch, camera, gameTime); Client.arEvent.Set(); }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id) { Universal universal = db.Universals.Find(id); db.Universals.Remove(universal); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
private void DrawPlayerInfo(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Player player, int entryCount) { Universal.DrawStringMore(spriteBatch, font, player.Nickname, new Vector2(camera.IntX - 276, camera.IntY + 16 - infoHeight / 2 + entryCount * 16), Color.White, Align.Left, true); Universal.DrawStringMore(spriteBatch, font, Convert.ToString(player.Kills), new Vector2(camera.IntX - 70, camera.IntY + 16 - infoHeight / 2 + entryCount * 16), Color.White, Align.Center, true); Universal.DrawStringMore(spriteBatch, font, Convert.ToString(player.Assists), new Vector2(camera.IntX, camera.IntY + 16 - infoHeight / 2 + entryCount * 16), Color.White, Align.Center, true); Universal.DrawStringMore(spriteBatch, font, Convert.ToString(player.Deaths), new Vector2(camera.IntX + 70, camera.IntY + 16 - infoHeight / 2 + entryCount * 16), Color.White, Align.Center, true); Universal.DrawStringMore(spriteBatch, font, Convert.ToString(player.Ping), new Vector2(camera.IntX + 276, camera.IntY + 16 - infoHeight / 2 + entryCount * 16), Color.White, Align.Right, true); }
public string AssignEmailVerificationCode(long userId, string purpose) { string generatedCode = Universal.RandomNumericString(6); string sql = " DELETE FROM Verification_Codes WHERE Times_Checked >= 5 OR DATEDIFF(minute, Assigned_Time, SYSDATETIME()) > 60; "; sql += " IF((SELECT COUNT(Verification_Code) FROM Verification_Codes WHERE user_Id = " + userId + " AND Purpose = '" + purpose + "') = 0) BEGIN INSERT INTO Verification_Codes (User_Id, Purpose, Verification_Code) VALUES (" + userId + ", '" + purpose + "', '" + generatedCode + "'); END \n"; sql += " SELECT Verification_Code FROM Verification_Codes WHERE user_Id = " + userId + ";"; return(this.ExecuteSqlScalar(sql)); }
/// <summary> /// Adds a timespan to this instance of DateTime /// </summary> /// <param name="timeSpan"></param> /// <returns></returns> public DateTime Add(TimeSpan timeSpan) { DateTime result = new DateTime(Universal.Add(timeSpan.ToSystemTimeSpan()), m_nanosecond, Type.TimeZone.UTC, true); result = result.AddMicrosecondsInternal(timeSpan.Microseconds); result = result.AddNanosecondsInternal(timeSpan.Nanoseconds); return(result.ToTimeZone(TimeZone)); }
public string convertDate(string oldDate) { string newDate = oldDate; if (oldDate != null) { newDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Universal.ConvertToUniversalDate(oldDate)).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss.00Z"); } return(newDate); }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "ID,Name,Description,UploadDate,Category,Status,UserID")] Universal universal) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(universal).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } ViewBag.UserID = new SelectList(db.Users, "ID", "Name", universal.UserID); return(View(universal)); }
public static ShipViewModel GetShip() { return(new ShipViewModel(new Position() { X = Universal.RandomInt(500), Y = Universal.RandomInt(500) }, Direction.Directions[0]) { ShipID = Universal.RandomInt(99).ToString(), Colour = Brushes.Black }); }
private void UniversalCHeck_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (UniversalCHeck.Checked) { Universal.ReadOnly = false; } else { Universal.Clear(); Universal.ReadOnly = true; } }
private List <WFF> IdentityDecompose(Identity i, Universal f) { List <WFF> stuff = IdentityDecompose(i, f.scope); List <WFF> result = new List <WFF>(); foreach (WFF a in stuff) { result.Add(new Universal(f.variable, a)); } return(result); }
//Hit detection for the fireball private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision) { GameObject opponent = collision.gameObject; Universal opponentHealth = opponent.GetComponent <Universal>(); if ( == "Opponent") { opponentHealth.calculateCombo(opponentHealth.getHitStun(), onHit); opponentHealth.calculateDamage(damage); Destroy(gameObject); } }
public EnterPage() { Universal u = new Universal(); InitializeComponent(); LogInType.SelectedItem = "دانشجو"; //Master mst = Universal.instance.firstMst; ////Console.WriteLine([0].info.students.Count); }
public bool UniversalQuantifierRule(ref DerivationStep s) { List <Node> temp = s.GetFormulas().ToList(); foreach (var n in s.GetFormulas()) { if (n is Universal u) { Universal newUniversal = FunctionHelper.DeepClone <Universal>(u); if (newUniversal.ReplaceChecked() == true) { continue; } DerivationStep newStep = new DerivationStep(s.GetActiveVariables()); newUniversal.SetSubtitution(); foreach (var v in newStep.GetActiveVariables()) { Node addNode = FunctionHelper.DeepClone <Node>(newUniversal.RightNode); this.ChangeVarHelperUni(addNode, v); newStep.AddFormulas(addNode); } newStep.AddFormulas(newUniversal); newStep.Merge(temp); s.RightNode = newStep; this._branchingPoint.Push(s.RightNode); return(true); } else if (n is Negation && n.RightNode is Existential e) { Existential newExist = FunctionHelper.DeepClone <Existential>(e); if (newExist.ReplaceChecked() == true) { continue; } DerivationStep newStep = new DerivationStep(s.GetActiveVariables()); newExist.SetSubtitution(); foreach (var v in newStep.GetActiveVariables()) { Node addNode = FunctionHelper.DeepClone <Node>(newExist.RightNode); this.ChangeVarHelperUni(addNode, v); newStep.AddFormulas(new Negation("~", addNode)); } newStep.AddFormulas(new Negation("~", newExist)); newStep.Merge(temp); s.RightNode = newStep; this._branchingPoint.Push(s.RightNode); return(true); } } return(false); }
// GET: Universals/Details/5 public ActionResult Details(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } Universal universal = db.Universals.Find(id); if (universal == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(universal)); }
private void SendTypedNuntias() { string rawText = this.nuntiasTextBox.Text; BackgroundWorker loaderWorker = new BackgroundWorker(); Nuntias newNuntias = null; loaderWorker.DoWork += (s, e) => { try { string processedText = Universal.ProcessValidMessageText(rawText); if (processedText == null) { return; } if (this.TheConversation == null) { long?conversationId = ServerRequest.GetDuetConversationId(User.LoggedIn, this.receiver); if (conversationId == null) { MessageBox.Show("Server connection failed!\r\nPlease retry."); return; } this.TheConversation = new DuetConversation(Consumer.LoggedIn, this.receiver); this.TheConversation.ConversationID = (long)conversationId; } newNuntias = new Nuntias(processedText, User.LoggedIn.Id, Time.CurrentTime, this.theConversation.ConversationID); long?nuntiasTmpID = NuntiasRepository.Instance.StoreTmpNuntias(newNuntias); if (nuntiasTmpID == null) { return; } newNuntias.Id = nuntiasTmpID ?? 0; SyncAssets.NuntiasSortedList[(long)nuntiasTmpID] = newNuntias; this.Invoke(new Action(() => { this.nuntiasTextBox.Clear(); })); this.ShowNuntias(newNuntias, true); BackendManager.SendPendingNuntii(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Exception in SendTypedNuntias() => " + ex.Message); } }; loaderWorker.RunWorkerAsync(); loaderWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += (s, e) => { loaderWorker.Dispose(); }; if (ConversationListPanel.MyConversationListPanel != null) { ConversationListPanel.MyConversationListPanel.RefreshConversationList(); } }
private object GetData(PagerQuery <PagerInfo, CriteriaNuclearButton, IEnumerable <NuclearButtonListModel> > pagerQuery = null) { var pageInfo = new PagerInfo(this.HttpContext); if (pagerQuery == null) { pagerQuery = new PagerQuery <PagerInfo, CriteriaNuclearButton, IEnumerable <NuclearButtonListModel> >(pageInfo, new CriteriaNuclearButton(), null); pagerQuery.Search.WayOutStartTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-6).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); pagerQuery.Search.WayOutEndTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } else { int recordCount = 0; int TotalPages = 0; var resultMsg = string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pagerQuery.Search.CustomerName) && this.CurrentUser.Userid != "0505") { pagerQuery.Search.CustomerName = this.CurrentUser.Userid; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pagerQuery.Search.WayOutStartTime)) { pagerQuery.Search.WayOutStartTime += " 00:00:00"; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pagerQuery.Search.WayOutEndTime)) { pagerQuery.Search.WayOutEndTime += " 23:59:59"; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pagerQuery.Search.CargoType)) { pagerQuery.Search.CargoTypeTest = Universal.GetStatusName(_Dictionary.CargoType, pagerQuery.Search.CargoType); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pagerQuery.Search.ApprovalStatus)) { decimal status = Convert.ToDecimal(pagerQuery.Search.ApprovalStatus); pagerQuery.Search.ApprovalStatus = ((int)status).ToString(); } var data = this.facadeVHk.QueryV_HKListPager(out resultMsg, out recordCount, out TotalPages, pagerQuery.Search, pageInfo.PageSize, pageInfo.CurrentPageIndex).ToList <NuclearButtonListModel>(); pageInfo.RecordCount = recordCount; pagerQuery.Pager = pageInfo; pagerQuery.Pager.TotalPages = TotalPages; pagerQuery.DataList = data; } pagerQuery.Search.CargoTypeList = DropDownListFor.GetCargoTypeSelect(null, true); pagerQuery.Search.CustomerNameList = DropDownListFor.GetCustomerNameSelect(this.CurrentUser.Userid, pagerQuery.Search.CargoType, null, true); pagerQuery.Search.WayOutList = DropDownListFor.GetWayOutSelect(null, true); pagerQuery.Search.LockStatusList = DropDownListFor.GetLockingStatusSelect(null, false); pagerQuery.Search.ApprovalStatusList = DropDownListFor.GetApprovalStatusSelect(null, true); return(pagerQuery); }
// GET: Universals/Edit/5 public ActionResult Edit(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } Universal universal = db.Universals.Find(id); if (universal == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } ViewBag.UserID = new SelectList(db.Users, "ID", "Name", universal.UserID); return(View(universal)); }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "ID,Name,Description,UploadDate,Category,Status,UserID")] Universal universal) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { universal.UploadDate = DateTime.Now; universal.UserID = db.Users.First(u => u.Name == "buronahodok").ID; db.Universals.Add(universal); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } ViewBag.UserID = new SelectList(db.Users, "ID", "Name", universal.UserID); return(View(universal)); }
private Decomposition DecomposeWFF(Universal f) { List <WFF> dec = new List <WFF>(); if (terms.Count == 0) { terms.Add(new FreeConstant()); } foreach (Term t in terms) { dec.Add(f.scope.Rename(f.variable, t)); } return(new Decomposition(f, dec)); }