private void AddIncommingRequest(int uuid, UnityMessageHandlerImpl handler) { lock (this.stateLock) { this.receivedRequests[uuid] = handler; } }
private bool RemoveIncommingRequest(int uuid, out UnityMessageHandlerImpl handler) { lock (this.stateLock) { if (this.receivedRequests.TryGetValue(uuid, out handler)) { return(this.receivedRequests.Remove(uuid)); } return(false); } }
private void onRNMessage(string message) { try { if (!message.StartsWith(MessagePrefix)) { Debug.unityLogger.LogWarning("messaging", $"Invalid message format."); return; } message = message.Substring(MessagePrefix.Length); Subscription[] subscriptionList; UnityMessage unityMessage = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <UnityMessage>(message); if (unityMessage.IsRequestCompletion) { // Handle as request response/error/cancellation this.TryResolveOutboundRequest(unityMessage); } else if (unityMessage.IsCancel) { // Handle as request cancellation this.TryCancelRequest(unityMessage); } else { lock (this.stateLock) { var args = new UnityMessageHandlerImpl(unityMessage, message); try { // Handle as incomming message or request if (this.subscriptions.TryGetValue(, out subscriptionList) && subscriptionList.Length > 0) { if (unityMessage.IsRequest) { // Remember request for incomming cancelation handling this.AddIncommingRequest(unityMessage.uuid.Value, args); } try { foreach (Subscription s in subscriptionList) { s.handler.Invoke(args); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.unityLogger.LogError("messaging", $"Failed to handle incoming message:\n{e}", this); if (args.IsRequest && !args.IsDeferred && !args.ResponseSent) { args.SendError(e); } } } else { if (args.IsRequest) { args.SendError(new ArgumentException("Invalid message ID.", nameof(; } Debug.unityLogger.LogError("messaging", $"Unknown message id: {}.", this); } } finally { if (!args.IsDeferred) { args.Dispose(); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.unityLogger.LogError("messaging", $"Failed to parse incoming message:\n{e}", this); } }