Exemple #1
        public virtual void Reset(float lerpValue = 0f)
            float time = 0f;
            float minTime1 = 0f, minTime2 = 0f;
            float maxTime1 = 0f, maxTime2 = 0f;

            switch (MyType)
            case TimerType.CONST:
                CurrentTimeValue = Time1;

            case TimerType.LERP_TWO_CONSTANTS:
                CurrentTimeValue = Mathf.Lerp(Time1, Time2, lerpValue);

            case TimerType.RANDOM_TWO_CONSTANTS:
                CurrentTimeValue = Random.Range(Time1, Time2);

            case TimerType.LERP_RANDOM_FOUR_CONSTANTS:
                CurrentTimeValue = Random.Range(Mathf.Lerp(Time1, Time2, lerpValue), Mathf.Lerp(Time3, Time4, lerpValue));

            case TimerType.LERP_CURVE:
                CurrentTimeValue = Curve1.Evaluate(Mathf.Lerp(CurveMaxTime(ref Curve1), CurveMinTime(ref Curve1), lerpValue)) * ValueMultiplier;

            case TimerType.RANDOM_CURVE:
                CurrentTimeValue = Curve1.Evaluate(RandomCurveTime(ref Curve1)) * ValueMultiplier;

            case TimerType.LERP_RANDOM_TWO_CURVES:
                minTime1         = CurveMinTime(ref Curve1);
                maxTime1         = CurveMaxTime(ref Curve2);
                minTime2         = CurveMinTime(ref Curve2);
                maxTime2         = CurveMaxTime(ref Curve2);
                time             = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.Lerp(minTime1, maxTime1, lerpValue), minTime2, maxTime2);
                CurrentTimeValue = Random.Range(Curve1.Evaluate(time), Curve2.Evaluate(time)) * ValueMultiplier;

            case TimerType.RANDOM_TWO_CURVES:
                time             = RandomCurveTime(ref Curve1);
                minTime2         = CurveMinTime(ref Curve2);
                maxTime2         = CurveMaxTime(ref Curve2);
                time             = Mathf.Clamp(time, minTime2, maxTime2);
                CurrentTimeValue = Random.Range(Curve1.Evaluate(time), Curve2.Evaluate(time)) * ValueMultiplier;

                CurrentTimeValue = Time1;
            timer = 0f;
Exemple #2
        public float LerpedLocalRotation(float time)
            if (previous == null)
            float t = (this.time.time - time) / this.time.deltaTime;

            if (t < 0 || t > 1)
                UnityEngine.Debug.Log("t " + t);
            return(Mathf.Lerp(((Transform)previous).localRotation, localRotation, t));
Exemple #3
 public static float RangeLerp(this Vector2 vector2AsRange, float value)
     return(Mathf.Lerp(vector2AsRange.x, vector2AsRange.y, value));
        public static bool GeneratePathedStairs(ref ChiselBrushContainer brushContainer, ref ChiselPathedStairsDefinition definition)

            var shapeVertices       = new List <Vector2>();
            var shapeSegmentIndices = new List <int>();

            GetPathVertices(definition.shape, definition.curveSegments, shapeVertices, shapeSegmentIndices);

            var totalSubMeshCount = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < shapeVertices.Count; i++)
                if (i == 0 && !definition.shape.closed)

                var leftSide  = (!definition.shape.closed && i == 1) ? definition.stairs.leftSide  : StairsSideType.None;
                var rightSide = (!definition.shape.closed && i == shapeVertices.Count - 1) ? definition.stairs.rightSide : StairsSideType.None;

                totalSubMeshCount += BrushMeshFactory.GetLinearStairsSubMeshCount(definition.stairs, leftSide, rightSide);
            if (totalSubMeshCount == 0)

            //			var stairDirections = definition.shape.closed ? shapeVertices.Count : (shapeVertices.Count - 1);


            var depth  = definition.stairs.depth;
            var height = definition.stairs.height;

            var halfDepth  = depth * 0.5f;
            var halfHeight = height * 0.5f;

            int subMeshIndex = 0;

            for (int vi0 = shapeVertices.Count - 3, vi1 = shapeVertices.Count - 2, vi2 = shapeVertices.Count - 1, vi3 = 0; vi3 < shapeVertices.Count; vi0 = vi1, vi1 = vi2, vi2 = vi3, vi3++)
                if (vi2 == 0 && !definition.shape.closed)

                // TODO: optimize this, we're probably redoing a lot of stuff for every iteration
                var v0 = shapeVertices[vi0];
                var v1 = shapeVertices[vi1];
                var v2 = shapeVertices[vi2];
                var v3 = shapeVertices[vi3];

                var m0 = (v0 + v1) * 0.5f;
                var m1 = (v1 + v2) * 0.5f;
                var m2 = (v2 + v3) * 0.5f;

                var d0 = (v1 - v0);
                var d1 = (v2 - v1);
                var d2 = (v3 - v2);

                var maxWidth0  = d0.magnitude;
                var maxWidth1  = d1.magnitude;
                var maxWidth2  = d2.magnitude;
                var halfWidth1 = d1 * 0.5f;

                d0 /= maxWidth0;
                d1 /= maxWidth1;
                d2 /= maxWidth2;

                var depthVector = new Vector3(d1.y, 0, -d1.x);
                var lineCenter  = new Vector3(m1.x, halfHeight, m1.y) - (depthVector * halfDepth);

                var depthVector0 = new Vector2(d0.y, -d0.x) * depth;
                var depthVector1 = new Vector2(d1.y, -d1.x) * depth;
                var depthVector2 = new Vector2(d2.y, -d2.x) * depth;

                m0 -= depthVector0;
                m1 -= depthVector1;
                m2 -= depthVector2;

                Vector2 output;
                var     leftShear  = Intersect(m1, d1, m0, d0, out output) ?  Vector2.Dot(d1, (output - (m1 - halfWidth1))) : 0;
                var     rightShear = Intersect(m1, d1, m2, d2, out output) ? -Vector2.Dot(d1, (output - (m1 + halfWidth1))) : 0;

                var transform = Matrix4x4.TRS(lineCenter,                                       // move to center of line
                                              Quaternion.LookRotation(depthVector, Vector3.up), // rotate to align with line

                // set the width to the width of the line
                definition.stairs.width       = maxWidth1;
                definition.stairs.nosingWidth = 0;

                var leftSide     = (!definition.shape.closed && vi2 == 1) ? definition.stairs.leftSide  : StairsSideType.None;
                var rightSide    = (!definition.shape.closed && vi2 == shapeVertices.Count - 1) ? definition.stairs.rightSide : StairsSideType.None;
                var subMeshCount = BrushMeshFactory.GetLinearStairsSubMeshCount(definition.stairs, leftSide, rightSide);
                if (subMeshCount == 0)

                if (!BrushMeshFactory.GenerateLinearStairsSubMeshes(ref brushContainer, definition.stairs, leftSide, rightSide, subMeshIndex))

                var halfWidth = maxWidth1 * 0.5f;
                for (int m = 0; m < subMeshCount; m++)
                    var vertices = brushContainer.brushMeshes[subMeshIndex + m].vertices;
                    for (int v = 0; v < vertices.Length; v++)
                        // TODO: is it possible to put all of this in a single matrix?
                        // lerp the stairs to go from less wide to wider depending on the depth of the vertex
                        var depthFactor = 1.0f - ((vertices[v].z / definition.stairs.depth) + 0.5f);
                        var wideFactor  = (vertices[v].x / halfWidth) + 0.5f;
                        var scale       = (vertices[v].x / halfWidth);

                        // lerp the stairs width depending on if it's on the left or right side of the stairs
                        vertices[v].x = Mathf.Lerp(scale * (halfWidth - (rightShear * depthFactor)),
                                                   scale * (halfWidth - (leftShear * depthFactor)),
                        vertices[v] = transform.MultiplyPoint(vertices[v]);

                subMeshIndex += subMeshCount;
        internal static void Interpolate(JToken a, JToken b, float linearT, ref JToken mix, CubicBezier easing)
            var easedT = easing.Sample(linearT);

            // compound types
            if (a.Type == JTokenType.Object)
                JObject A   = (JObject)a;
                JObject B   = (JObject)b;
                JObject Mix = (JObject)mix;

                if (A.ContainsKey("x") && A.ContainsKey("y"))
                    if (A.ContainsKey("z"))
                        // quaternion
                        if (A.ContainsKey("w"))
                            tempA.Set(A.ForceFloat("x"), A.ForceFloat("y"), A.ForceFloat("z"), A.ForceFloat("w"));
                            tempB.Set(B.ForceFloat("x"), B.ForceFloat("y"), B.ForceFloat("z"), B.ForceFloat("w"));
                            tempMix = Quaternion.Slerp(tempA, tempB, easedT);
                            Mix.SetOrAdd("x", tempMix.x);
                            Mix.SetOrAdd("y", tempMix.y);
                            Mix.SetOrAdd("z", tempMix.z);
                            Mix.SetOrAdd("w", tempMix.w);
                        // Vector3
                            Mix.SetOrAdd("x", UnityMath.Lerp(A.ForceFloat("x"), B.ForceFloat("x"), easedT));
                            Mix.SetOrAdd("y", UnityMath.Lerp(A.ForceFloat("y"), B.ForceFloat("y"), easedT));
                            Mix.SetOrAdd("z", UnityMath.Lerp(A.ForceFloat("z"), B.ForceFloat("z"), easedT));
                    // Vector2
                        Mix.SetOrAdd("x", UnityMath.Lerp(A.ForceFloat("x"), B.ForceFloat("x"), easedT));
                        Mix.SetOrAdd("y", UnityMath.Lerp(A.ForceFloat("y"), B.ForceFloat("y"), easedT));
                // TODO: other compound types (color3, color4)
            // simple types
                JValue A   = (JValue)a;
                JValue B   = (JValue)b;
                JValue Mix = (JValue)mix;

                // numeric types
                if (a.Type == JTokenType.Float || a.Type == JTokenType.Integer)
                    Mix.Value = UnityMath.Lerp(A.ForceFloat(), B.ForceFloat(), easedT);
                // no interpolation available, just use A
                    Mix.Value = A.Value;