Exemple #1
        void SetupLevels(string formatText = null)
            // Create a new list
            int numScenes = UnityEditor.EditorBuildSettings.scenes.Length;
            List <SceneInfo> newLevels = new List <SceneInfo>();

            // Go through each level
            for (int index = 0; index < numScenes; ++index)
                // Grab the scene
                UnityEditor.EditorBuildSettingsScene scene = UnityEditor.EditorBuildSettings.scenes[index];

                // Get the scene name
                string sceneName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(scene.path);

                // Make sure the scene doesn't have the same name as the splash, main menu or the credits
                if ((string.Equals(sceneName, splash.SceneName) == false) &&
                    (string.Equals(sceneName, mainMenu.SceneName) == false) &&
                    (string.Equals(sceneName, credits.SceneName) == false))
                    // Get the display name
                    string displayName = GetDisplayName((newLevels.Count + 1), sceneName, formatText);

                    // Create a new level
                    int ordinal = newLevels.Count;
                    newLevels.Add(new SceneInfo(sceneName, displayName, levelRevertsTimeScaleTemplate, levelLockModeTemplate, ordinal));

            // Setup the levels array
            levels = newLevels.ToArray();
        public static void GenerateSceneList(bool debug)
            ProjectSettings projectSettings = GetProjectSettings(); //Get the suite list

            projectSettings.suiteList.Clear();                      // Clear suites list
            Suite[] foundSuites = Resources.LoadAll <Suite>("");    // Load all Suite scriptable objects into array
            for (int i = 0; i < foundSuites.Length; i++)
                if (debug && foundSuites[i].isDebugSuite || !debug && !foundSuites[i].isDebugSuite)
            UnityEditor.EditorUtility.SetDirty(projectSettings);                                                                 // Set dirty
            List <UnityEditor.EditorBuildSettingsScene> buildSettingsScenes = new List <UnityEditor.EditorBuildSettingsScene>(); // Create new build settings scene list

            AddManualMasterScene(buildSettingsScenes);                                                                           // Add manual master TODO - Switch this for full automation
            for (int su = 0; su < projectSettings.suiteList.Count; su++)                                                         // Iterate scriptable object list
                for (int gr = 0; gr < projectSettings.suiteList[su].groups.Count; gr++)                                          // Iterate groups on the suite
                    for (int te = 0; te < projectSettings.suiteList[su].groups[gr].tests.Count; te++)                            // Iterate tests on the group
                        projectSettings.suiteList[su].groups[gr].tests[te].scenePath = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(projectSettings.suiteList[su].groups[gr].tests[te].scene);
                        UnityEditor.EditorBuildSettingsScene scene = new UnityEditor.EditorBuildSettingsScene(projectSettings.suiteList[su].groups[gr].tests[te].scenePath, true); // Create new build settings scene from asset path
                        if (!FindDuplicateScene(buildSettingsScenes, projectSettings.suiteList[su].groups[gr].tests[te].scenePath))                                                // If no duplicate scene found
                            buildSettingsScenes.Add(scene);                                                                                                                        // Add to build settings scenes list
            UnityEditor.EditorBuildSettings.scenes = buildSettingsScenes.ToArray(); // Set build settings scene list
        public void SetupLevels(string displayNameTemplate, bool fillInSceneName, bool defaultRevertTimeScale, CursorLockMode defaultCursorLockMode, bool appendLevels)
            // To prevent conflicts, collect all the scenes we already have listed
            HashSet <string> usedPaths = new HashSet <string>();


            // Create a new list
            int index = 0;
            List <SceneInfo> newLevels = new List <SceneInfo>();

            // If we're appending, add all the scene info from before
            if (appendLevels == true)
                for (index = 0; index < levels.Length; ++index)

            // Go through each level
            int numScenes = UnityEditor.EditorBuildSettings.scenes.Length;

            for (index = 0; index < numScenes; ++index)
                // Grab the scene
                UnityEditor.EditorBuildSettingsScene scene = UnityEditor.EditorBuildSettings.scenes[index];

                // Make sure the scene doesn't have the same name as the splash, main menu or the credits
                if ((scene.enabled == true) && (usedPaths.Contains(scene.path) == false))
                    // Get the display name
                    int    ordinal     = newLevels.Count;
                    string displayName = displayNameTemplate;
                    if (fillInSceneName == true)
                        displayName = string.Format(displayNameTemplate, System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(scene.path));
                        displayName = string.Format(displayNameTemplate, (ordinal + 1));

                    // Create a new level
                    newLevels.Add(new SceneInfo(scene.path, displayName, defaultRevertTimeScale, defaultCursorLockMode, ordinal));

                    // Add this path to avoid adding this scene twice

            // Setup the levels array
            levels = newLevels.ToArray();
Exemple #4
        private static bool IsVaildSceneResource(string fileName)
            bool ret = false;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))

            string localFileName = GetLocalPath(fileName);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(localFileName))

            var scenes = UnityEditor.EditorBuildSettings.scenes;
            if (scenes == null)
            var iter = scenes.GetEnumerator();
            while (iter.MoveNext())
                UnityEditor.EditorBuildSettingsScene scene = iter.Current as UnityEditor.EditorBuildSettingsScene;
                if ((scene != null) && scene.enabled)
                    if (string.Compare(scene.path, localFileName, true) == 0)
                        ret = true;
        private IEnumerator _LoadCoroutine(string path, LoaderMode loaderMode, string package,
                                           LoadSceneMode loadSceneMode)
            string scenePath = ResourceModuleConfig.GameResourcesDir + "/" + path;
            object getAsset  = null;

            if (ResManager.IsEdiotrMode && Application.isEditor)
                var allScenes = UnityEditor.EditorBuildSettings.scenes;
                UnityEditor.EditorBuildSettingsScene buildScene = null;
                foreach (var scene in allScenes)
                    if (scene.path == scenePath)
                        buildScene = scene;

                if (buildScene == null || !buildScene.enabled)
                    Debug.LogError("EditorMode must add scene to build settings and active:" + path);
                    yield break;

                //if (loaderMode == LoaderMode.Async)
                //    yield return new WaitForSecondsRealtime(ResManager.EditorModeLoadDelay);
                Debug.LogErrorFormat("`IsEditorLoadAsset` is Unity Editor only");
                DateTime beginTime  = DateTime.Now;
                string   bundlePath = string.IsNullOrEmpty(package) ? path : package;
                _bundleLoader =
                    AssetBundleLoader.Load(bundlePath + ResourceModuleConfig.AssetBundleExt, null, loaderMode);

                while (!_bundleLoader.IsCompleted)
                    if (IsReadyDisposed) // 中途释放
                        yield break;

                    this.Progress = _bundleLoader.Progress / 2f;
                    yield return(null);

                if (!_bundleLoader.IsSuccess || !_bundleLoader.Bundle.isStreamedSceneAssetBundle)
                    Debug.LogErrorFormat("[AssetFileLoader]Load BundleLoader Failed(Error) when Finished: {0}", path);
                    yield break;

                ResManager.LogLoadTime("AssetFileBridge", loaderMode, path, beginTime);

            this.Progress = 0.5f;
            if (loaderMode == LoaderMode.Async)
                var asyncOp = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(scenePath, loadSceneMode);
                while (!asyncOp.isDone)
                    this.Progress = 0.5f + asyncOp.progress / 2f;
                    yield return(null);
                SceneManager.LoadScene(scenePath, loadSceneMode);

            this.Progress = 1f;
            getAsset      = true;

